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Kids With The Dumbest Parents

Jun 03, 2024


look so young and they are having fun. Oh, they just fell flat on their faces. What parent would let them do that alone? Today we're reacting to


with the



, and hopefully none of these


are yours. This guy is trying to continue. a kid slides, okay, I've definitely done it, I'm not saying I'm a dumb parent, but oh yeah, I'm pretty sure he was way over the weight limit with that thing, okay, mom is telling him letting a hose spray that poor. kid, why is the mom just filming and not stopping it?
kids with the dumbest parents
You know, he probably wanted to go viral on Tik Tok, sorry kid, that's a lot of that kid who just made a mess. This dad said yes, you can bake something on your own and he came. This is their fault, no, he's so messy and that kid is standing on the table like he sat him down, he's going to fall. I'm stressed just watching this as a parent, oh look, this is a mom doing a Tik Tok with her daughter, okay? I see that fan Z, family, do you think that fan is going to fail? This is stressing me out right now.
kids with the dumbest parents

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kids with the dumbest parents...

They are doing the tick. St., mom is like everyone is in bed. The fan hit her. Okay, that could have been a lot. Worse yet, mom definitely wasn't the smartest, but I honestly think she could have helped Tik Tok. What does dad think? This is a good idea. You two clearly have two different weights. I feel like he's going to throw himself away. Oh, he has this thing. Oh, she hit. him where the sun don't shine, okay, but honestly, it was his fault, not the kids, okay, I've done this, I've done this before, oh no, no, but I didn't take my son out even once with Z .I was on a slide going really fast and I was worried that we wouldn't land on the carpet, we would overshoot it, so I leaned over to make sure she stayed on the map, but it was so embarrassing, not showing a clip of that. thank you so much, okay, this kid is going to say goodbye to this kid at school, this seems nice, this doesn't look like a dumb mom, oh oh, you gotta tell your kid to turn around, zie, everyone almost always They come across things that I have to tell. his look where are you going that poor kid is just trying to be sweet to his mom and his mom totally dirty him literally i think he has dirt all over his clothes now ok what is this dad doing flipping is it a pancake or something like that ? flipping it with this daughter right there oh it's pancakes oh all the kids are involved come on how is this dad going to be dumb?
kids with the dumbest parents
Broke up with your kids, hopefully the pan wasn't hot, they literally didn't show the kid's reaction and have a feeling that it didn't end well, okay, you're making your kid slide, nothing to worry about, everything will be well oh no whatever comes next would probably do the same thing okay you know how hard it is to parent like we're not perfect. clearly making mistakes with these tik toks looks like they're going to get worse oh the dad waves on a bike oh no oh no what is this dad doing? He seems overconfident in that pool, he's not paying attention, that's totally a Matt thing.
kids with the dumbest parents
He would comment below if you agree. Okay, what is this dad doing? He is thinking about something that he gave chocolate to his son in the car. Okay, that's just a dumb dad. You can't leave chocolate unsupervised with a child. They love chocolate. What the child does not do honestly. that would be me as a kid oh no the dad is trying out a hoverboard Matt tried one out during a live stream and it was like yeah yeah that's why he doesn't ride the hoverboard. I don't even try it, it's just not worth it. I'm definitely going to crash.
I can't even skate. Accidentally locking oh no, she locked the baby in there. Mom is probably very embarrassed, but she looks at least she found them. That poor baby. Okay, the baby is out. Okay, everyone, the baby. Okay, yeah, mom was pretty dumb for a second, but she fixed it here. The dad wants his daughter to jump from rock to rock in a river. Okay, that wasn't smart at all, but dad caught it good, so dad. I still get some points oh oh no this costume this poor little robot I think his head is lower than his eyes I don't see the eyes through the hole like he doesn't look so tall oh okay the mom is spinning around I feel like everyone These things could happen to me so I don't want to criticize the parents because I also make a lot of mistakes oh no, the mother, the mother is so dizzy oh no, she fell, she got so dizzy.
I'm spinning with zie because she likes me to spin her and then when I'm done I think I have to take a second to focus but I've never gotten so dizzy before, maybe I'll do a couple spins instead of 20, instantly you regret having filled your son's. snowy room why would you want to make a mess that you know you will have to clean up if you surprise them with snow? Hello, this is a disaster. I bet they still find snow to this day, okay? I have never seen a parent do this if your parents have filled your room with snow let me know at least in a room that is empty so it isn't so hard to clean up.
Okay, this mom is carrying a suitcase. Oh, new parents, you don't have to swap. each responsibility the suitcase was too heavy for her Matt helps me with my suitcases and if I had to carry mine I would do it too because I pack a lot. Honestly, though the Z suitcases are as full as mine, so yeah, they're nice. heavy, dad, okay, can we ban adults from trying to use children's toys? It never ends well, we always fall over and go over the weight limit, but yeah, I've ridden Z's toys a couple of times. Game. Turn the child over and take him out. tell her to run she fell on her face that's not a fun game they're trying to be funny but that poor girl says she didn't have a chance of course she didn't have a chance he didn't even make her stand up. let her go before her feet hit the ground my daughter carved pictures on my car with a screwdriver oh no no why would you give your daughter a screwdriver?
I would be so mad if Zadee did that to my pink chep. No way, she looks, she wants to try. to be sweet she thinks it's cute oh no if that happened to max tesla he wouldn't be happy at all what not to do to a baby why would you roll your baby's stroller up a ramp are you trying to do tricks with your baby's stroller baby let's not make him do trick shots with babies that dad was pretty dumb father of the year oh he missed it and hit his son that's so sad dad that poor kid just got knocked out by his own father and his father didn't even notice, okay?
Be the worst one yet when you're trying to impress your kid and it backfires oh no I feel like the lid might fall off or something oh he spat at him okay yeah that's gross have you ever heard of germs that poor boy? He's scarred for life he likes it even though he laughs it's okay, it's okay, not the baby, the baby shouldn't have a suction cup and be running around oh this is stressing me out it's not a good idea this couldn't end well she's like you I won't take my lollipop off, good luck getting them from her.
I didn't realize she wasn't enjoying this until she played the video. This is very accurate, although sometimes you assume that the kids are going to have fun because that's who you are. funny if i was doing it she looks terrified even though that's a giant candle oh my god that's a lot of candles that poor birthday girl just fell to the ground you're a dumb parent if you think that wouldn't surprise anyone why you're playing with fire. What if she took out the cake and knocked it down? Everything could disappear. Honestly, that flower is cool though.
I would like one for my birthday. Wait for her. Oh, what's wrong with this? It seems fun. Oh no, the girl dropped it. the weight was too heavy that's funny at least she's okay even though she laughs she's older those things happen I don't blame the dad I don't think he's stupid this didn't work for mom oh she's trying to do the TRX I have one of those I need to use it more actually i think this might not be good if someone opens the door oh yeah, I was going to say it's a little silly to put it on a door, especially if that door opens and you're sitting behind a small child. from sleeping parents no, you can't sleep on a plane if you have a toddler, that toddler is going to cause chaos, you know what, Zadee won't even let me sleep when I try to sleep, she's going to wake up mom, that's actually nice . little boy those parents really fall asleep I wish I could sleep the screen the door knocked the kid down and the mom just laughs oh my god I used to hate it when my parents laughed at me I'd be so mad look at them look he's as mad as he gets the mom is supposed to be there, are you okay?, not like haha, but it was kind of funny, ooh pancakes, why is this dad dumb?, oh, because the little kids aren't quite there with chairs , as if they didn't understand it, as if it wasn't a 360 backwards and yes, they fall.
I have to look at Z very carefully right now Zam, which of these parents do you think he was the


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