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Kids TV and Stories | Peppa Pig Visits Madame Gazelle's House! | Peppa Pig Full Episodes

Jun 28, 2024
floated and made a lot of money. Hey, good idea. Peter, hands up, who do you think your mom or dad would like to skydive? My mom, my dad, you just need a pepper and George have returned home, Mom, the school roof is leaking again, right, honey? yes mrs


says she needs a lot of money to repair yes yes I'm sure she did she asked if someone's mom or dad would jump out of a plane oh I hope you didn't say dad would do it


you know he doesn't like them heights but you don't mind heights, mom, I'm fine with heights, well, oh, thank you pig mom for agreeing to jump out of a plane, but I've never done it before, you'll be fine, remember it's for the


, oh, In that case, of course.
kids tv and stories peppa pig visits madame gazelle s house peppa pig full episodes
I will do that. It's Mama Pig's skydive day. I'm still not sure I want to do this. Everything is on the right track. Mama Pig, but I don't know how to jump out of a plane. Do not do it. Worry, you will receive a lot of training first. Hello mommy pig. Mr. Rabbit is the parachute trainer. This is a parachute that will help you float in the air after jumping. Should I practice that? Practice what to jump? Why not? You are a natural, yes, you are now


y trained on board. I'm still a little worried about this jump, daddy pig, okay, mommy pig, I'll get on the plane with you, good luck, mommy don.
kids tv and stories peppa pig visits madame gazelle s house peppa pig full episodes

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Don't worry mommy pig remember that you have a parachute yes daddy pig oh we are very far from the ground oh dear daddy pig has fallen from the plane here he goes no wait that's daddy pig wait for me daddy pig mommy pig has jumped she is going to rescue daddy pig oh she's got it my mom to the rescue thank you for saving me mommy pig oh bear pig you're starting to slip mister bull just finished repairing the school roof beautiful work will last for years I can't hold on ah daddy it's daddy pig okay oh oh I'm okay because you're going to have to do that skydive again to raise the money to fix this new hole in the school roof oh okay it is a beautiful sunny day pepper and george are playing george is still learning to ride a scooter he's a little worried george come on, what's wrong george, should I teach you how to ride a skateboard? okay, hold on to the handlebars like this with both hands, now stand on the scooter, oh no, george, stand on the scooter with one foot, okay, now push with the other foot like this, george, that's enough riding the scooter for now, It's time to go to our playgroup, we just started riding scooters.
kids tv and stories peppa pig visits madame gazelle s house peppa pig full episodes
Can we ride our scooters to playgroup daddy good idea we could use the exercise hooray ready ready go wait for me see you later mommy pig see you later


and george go on their scooters to the playgroup not so fast bye bye daddy bye bye oh now me I'm going to have to walk back home what I need are some wheels that hang off I have wheels this is fun daddy pig likes to ride a skateboard daddy pig are you riding Peppa's scooter yes riding a skateboard is very fun you should try it sometime peppa and george They are painting pictures in the modern


playgroup we came to school on our scooters today very good peppa and george let's all paint pictures of how we got to school today on my bike very good I walked here how nice to have the fresh air in your lungs that my grandfather brought me in his truck green broom lovely brain it's time for mommy and daddy pig to pick up the


from playgroup do you have the keys to the car daddy pig I don't think we should take the car mommy pig but it's a long walk to walk to playgroup we don't have to walk I made that mistake this morning we can run his race are you sure it's okay mommy and daddy pig are skateboarding to playgroup to pick up pepper and george that was cool I told you what We don't have to walk, mommy, daddy, you brought us scooters, ah yeah, that seems to leave us without scooters for the ride home, daddy, pig, you said we wouldn't have to walk, we won't have to walk, but we'll have to run, race, hey . wait for me this is fun peppa george oh wait money and daddy peppa and george love riding a scooter everyone loves riding a scooter we're making nursery rhymes who has a favorite nursery rhyme? my favorite is mary had a little lamb oh yes, mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamb mary had a little lamb her fleece was white as snow and wherever she went mary went mary went mary and wherever mary went I liked that one she had a sheep that was beautiful pepper thank you who else has a favorite nursery rhyme I like little boo peep and can you sing little boo peep?
kids tv and stories peppa pig visits madame gazelle s house peppa pig full episodes
Yes and he says this little boy just got sheep and he doesn't know where to find them. I don't like that one. These are sheep that are lost. It is very sad. Yes Does anyone know a nursery rhyme that isn't about sheep yo yeah bubble peter black sheep oh sorry know one about a cat oh splendid candy can you share it with us and the plate ran away with the spoons, did he run away with the spoons and the cows? jumping on moons crazy things who's next I know a rhyme about a mouse alright freddy hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up to the clock the clock struck one the mouse ran down hickory dickory dock oh that one makes a lot more sense I like running around by


gazelle i know a rhyme that has numbers excellent wendy please share it with the class one two three four five once i caught a live fish six seven eight nine ten then i let it go again why did you let it go because i bit my finger oh the poor little fish was scared it was nice to throw it back lady gazelle yes peter I like robin hood it's okay and robin hood has a rhyme yes robin hood lived in a forest he was very good at jumping in the mud very good peter, I invented it myself, Lady Gazelle, I know a rhyme about marching, we gotta go outside, oh, York's granddaughter, he had ten thousand men, he marked them to the top of the hill when they made them down again, that was good exercise, Lady Gazelle. do you have a favorite nursery rhyme but of course pedro would you like to sing it with me yes please everyone hold hands peppa loves nursery rhymes everyone loves nursery rhymes soft play it's morning peppa and her family are having breakfast oh there's a letter here for george It's an invitation to Richard Rabbit's party.
It sounds like fun. I'll take George to the party as long as it's not at that horrible soft play center. He says soft play dad doesn't like the soft play center last time he stayed. stuck and was rescued by a helicopter, a fire truck and a crane it wasn't exactly like that pepper it was just a helicopter I think soft play sounds lovely I'll go with you George it's time for Richard Rabbit's party hello I'll be back to pick you up more You can stay late if you want. It's a soft game, right? I don't want to stay, no, I will stay.
We adults can have a nice quiet chat while the kids play. Oh okay, this is the soft play center where everything is soft so the kids can bounce on the swing. It's fantastic, the children are having a great time. fun yes I just hope we can get them out at the end the little kids have been playing all day at home kids that was a lovely party wasn't it? Yes, did everyone have fun? Yeah, are you guys ready to go home now? No, my God. Oh my God, we'll never get them out. There is only one thing.
I will have to leave. Good luck. Oh do not worry. I'm going in. I'm almost there. Oh no, I'm stuck too. Help, hello sir. elephant has come to pick up eggman elephant Mr. elephant help we are trapped no problem ladies I will get you out no, don't get stuck it's a trap I'm trapped daddy pig peppa and susie have come to pick up george what good children you are where your parents are oh oh we're trapped oh that usually happens to me that's going to happen to me isn't it? I'm going to go in there and get stuck me and Susie can go in there ourselves.
They're smaller, that's nice of them, but it's my job as an adult, I have to do this, but dad, don't worry, Peppa, if I get stuck, I'll call the rescue services, oh yeah, I'm stuck, Fortunately. I've got my phone hello rescue service oh you're here too yeah I'm a little tied up right now so there's no one to rescue us we're here daddy we'll rescue the adults hey thanks pepper and susie for rescuing us hip hop now we can let's all go home the little ones are back inside peppa can you take the little ones out now yes dad but maybe we have to play a little first peppa and susie love the soft play center everyone loves soft play? super dad center today Mr.
Papa has come to Peppa's playgroup children Mr. Papa is here to talk to you today about eating fruits and vegetables I'm going to show you a movie called super papa papa ah they blew my hat off help me super papa for the power about the vegetables I'm here thanks super dad remember that children always eat your five a day fruits and vegetables keep us alive always remember to eat your five and now we have a very special guest can you guess who it is? Isn't he my dad? No, he's not my dad, no, he's not anyone's dad, is he my mom? so no, she is not related to anyone here this special guest who comes to see you today is super papa, he is coming but before he does we must call him super papa papa. very good I'll go see if he's outside keep yelling super dad super dad for the power of vegetables I'm here wonderful now who has a question you would like to ask him super dad ask me anything you want about fruits and vegetables anything What is the biggest building How high have you jumped?
What's that? Why do I like carrots so much? I'll tell you why, because they are so tasty, can you outrun a train? What vegetable makes you run faster? That's a good question I would have asked to say a brussels sprout, have you ever had a potato? um fruits and vegetables keep us alive, always remember to eat your five doctors now recommend that you eat seven a day. Always remember to eat your seven correctly, let's all give a big round of applause to the super potato. coming to see us today thank you thank you and remember that children eat fruit and vegetables super dad has left the building oh dear, I missed him yes, it was brilliant well, it was a pleasure to see you all, but I better go too, bye , come About the children, let's hope, Mr.
Potato, goodbye, oh dear, Mr. Potato's car won't start. Oh, I can't go out. Mr. Potato is stuck, help me, let me out, what do we call? I think he might be too busy to come, I really, really don't think so. This time it will work, no, lady gazelle, you just have to shout at us, okay, help us, super dads, it didn't work there. I think that's it in heaven. It is a bird? It is a plane? No, it's a potato by the power of. vegetables I am here super dad has come to the rescue using my super vegetable vision I can see that my friend here is in trouble yes you have to get him out I will use my fruit force to lift this roof super dad has rescued Mr.
Dad And remember, children, when they arise problems, eat your fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables keep us alive. Always remember to eat your five seven. Always remember to eat your seven.

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