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Kids shred BERM PEAK

Jun 06, 2021
Hello what's going on? I'm Eric Porter, this is my son Milo and Owen. Hello, we are here at Burn Peak. We have been driving across the country in an RV arriving in Bentonville, Louisville, Kentucky where I grew up and now we finally made it. here, so our goal for today is to see how many features


can use in Burn Peak. They have been watching all the videos. They are also big fans of the channel and have been dreaming of setting up all this stuff. today we can put the video in reality, yes that's for sure, it's bigger than you thought, yes it's a lot bigger than you think it is in the videos, so we have them quite padded and they also have their sanitary pads set.
kids shred berm peak
We'll be wearing full face helmets and having a good time and seeing what we can ride, so we'll start with some downhill trails, warm up and build up as the video goes on. go ahead and hopefully end up in the air pocket, that's sweet, yeah that's what this trail feels like. uh, you should do it more downhill. You want to do a steeper one next, yeah, okay, how about going right next to Elmer Fudd, so you want to ride a steeper downhill line? Owen wants me to be right here to catch him if he can't slow down enough, yeah buddy, yeah buddy, that was a sick drift into the tree.
kids shred berm peak

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kids shred berm peak...

Thanks, how was that fun? However, I saw your face and you are determined, you are kind. it was awesome yeah mate oh man what do you think about the climb back to Owen? It's treacherous that the scariest part of Burn Peak now let's check out the snake pit. Have you ever been this skinny this long before? It never seems like it's a little. slippery, so we're going to have to be a little careful when braking, this one has quite a tight camber and it's not the easiest first one. When you're driving a skinny, you don't want to look directly at your front wheel, which makes it difficult to keep it straight, we also want it to look down in front a little bit too, yeah, so they can see where the skinny is going.
kids shred berm peak
Do you think they understood it? Yes, yes, milo, how was that on the skinny? so funny how you feel good good what's the scariest part the split will probably be the scariest let's do it that wasn't that hard it's pretty hard tho I can high five harder without gloves yeah buddy that's cute owen him I got scared with a little skid right here on the bend skinny guy that was sick I have to move my face away from there those scary high fives, how does Owen feel? They got thinner and thinner, I know, and then thinner, it's a good feeling.
kids shred berm peak
However, conquering something, yeah, I think if we start right there on that landing, that might be a good way to harness Grandpa's strength and the gap in the driveway, so the Owen line is to the right of that rock and to the left of this hump right here and then. You bunny, jump, that's the lip over there, you wanna show it to him, Milo, yeah, okay, aim for the sky, cowboy, grandpa, strength doesn't seem to be a problem for Milo, which is cool, uh, he's been jumping a lot more recently. Do you think about this Owen?
Yeah, okay, we're going to get a sheet of plywood, we're going to put it on there and then there's no stress. Owen can see how he feels and then we can take out the plywood. Sounds good. Yes, there is no plywood in the combustion


at this time. so I have to do something with some boards to make this throw safe and test it yeah it's good you feel good about this yeah you ready owen nice owen what happened milo I tested my gap and flattened my tie, I cleaned both perfectly as soon as I heard Milo's kind of pinch masturbating on the lip.
I'm like shoot once we fix my we're going to fly. I'm going to hit it a few more times and maybe we can get the draw. Look, there's a hole right there too. Yes, you pinch. slide your tire real good, I said yes, so in Milo they covered the edge of the driveway, which is a hard concrete edge, what happens is the tire goes down like that and if it hits hard enough it will actually slide It punctures and makes a hole in the tire. right there and right there, so now we have to take the tire off the rim, patch these holes from the back.
I'm going to use some Gorilla tape for that and then we're going to put an inner tube in and then we should It's ready to go, so it's a little hard to get out of Milo, it's a loud pop like that. You remove the bead completely so you can lift it up and then push down, okay, and then you don't need tire levers. so we still have sealant in there, so we're going to have to throw it away, we're going to put a tube in and we need to remove the sealant from the area that we're going to patch, so that's what we're going to do.
Fixing it right there, so push that down so it's flat and then put some gorilla tape on. The gorilla tape is nice and thick and also has things inside to keep it from stretching. That one is going to be a little tougher, what do you think, Milo, do you think it will hold up, yes? There's only one way to know. You see, this tire has a channel, it's lower in the middle and higher on the sides when it pops up on the sides, that's what holds the bead. If you can put the tire in the channel, then it does it.
It's easier to put the tire on without using levers, so I'll help you hold this in the channel. You can increase the clearance this way and then you should be able to put the tire back on without levers. Good milo, that trick works very well. It is not like this? Yes, always align your logo with your valve stem so you can quickly find your valve gym. You want it to activate, but you want to make sure nothing sticks out so that the loud pop is the seat of the tire on it. tire, good job, you fixed your own tire, we're ready to


one in two, that time I sprayed it a little, you sprayed it, what does that mean?
Can you take one more from me now that I was sick? He made the hole in the driveway. Now you have to grab my rope to solve it. It's great to see Milo's brotherly aspect too, which really helped him get through it. I am very proud of you and Milo. also because you figured it out pretty quickly now let's work on some scarier features, what do you guys want to work on in the next rock garden canyon? So now we are in the rock garden area. I don't think this will be a problem for them, they come down a lot at home in Deer Valley and love rock gardens.
The only difference here guys is that this rock garden is a little wet and mossy because we're on the east coast, yeah. So the main thing is that you set your speed early, you can't really brake much in the rock garden because if you hit the brakes in the rock garden your wheels will slide and you'll lose control, so what do you want? what you have to do is pick your line and stay loose and just run a monster truck over it then you basically look across the rock garden to your exit and then hit that rock catch


to get out and what comes after the rock garden swing cannon is ok so this swing cannon, the biggest problem I could see is that it is made for an adult to ride so they weight the rockers so they drop at the right time so It might fall a little late, so I'm going to stop. next door and I can help them and all they have to do is keep going up until it goes down and then come out the other side, so it's actually not that bad, it's just a little scary because you're six. feet off the ground, yeah, do you want me to hit this first so you can see how it works and when it sinks and everything safe?
Oh yeah, it'll come down when it's here, wait here so I can help get this down. If they are not heavy enough to make it work, then this is their first wobble, so they are a little nervous. You've never hit a wobbler, but you've definitely eaten a wobbler tater, that's true. Oh, that's great, save one of the biggest ones. The important thing about teaching


to ride in new roles is teaching them how to save themselves when things go wrong and that was a perfect example of how he did it and achieved it, being able to get out of bad situations is what keeps you from getting hurt when pedaling. . keep pedaling, there you go, you did it right, it was perfect, you want to try it, yeah all you have to do is keep pedaling and it will sink the further you get from that pivot point in the middle the easier it will be. down, okay, I'm going to get up to trail speed, keep pedaling and then trust that everything is okay, yeah, that's the bounce at the bottom that was a little bit harder, right?
Yes, I waited to download it to see if you could. do it on your own and it was the rebound that got you, right? Yes, you're okay, yes, it was so scary, yes, keep pedaling, I did it, there you go, it's hard, good job Owen, how did it feel really good and easy? fun, yeah it was scary to climb higher but I ended up doing it, where should we head next guys? um airbag airbag airbag I don't even know if we need to ride this thing that they're having too much fun with as it is We have to figure out the ventilation situation because when it's too soft, like something I discovered last year, you can sink and then you It will catch and throw you over the bars, so we don't want that to happen.
I'm going to talk about the long low before the airbag. If you get past this perfect, you'll have enough speed for that. This jump prepares you perfectly for that, so when you eliminate this, just roll straight, without pauses, without pedals, and you will do it correctly. over the airbag I'm going to roll hit this and hit the airbag the kids can roll behind me so they hit this too but then they'll stop before they hit the airbag so you can feel what it's like to hit this and roll it up to the edge of the air bag and look at it without hitting it.
I'm not going to lie, the airbag is going to be a little scary, yes, yes, the main reason why the airbag is so scary is because you are totally blind when entering it. I'll follow you through this one, you'll get through it. You want to see Milo beat him up and see how he does. Yeah, I'm going to take like five pedal cranks, probably because there aren't five pedal cranks and you're going to land here. the weed like seth did the first time he did it, okay let's go up and milo will follow me out of this and we'll see how it goes are you ready you got this friend yeah milo how was that fun? how high was that ellen pretty tall, you're like four or five feet tall, i felt like he was taller than you, you probably were, i just crossed him, that's amazing, i'm so proud of him, are you ready to hit him again, now I'm less scared, I think I've got it stuck.
Down so you can see what I see, yeah I need to get to his level, yeah so you see the white in the middle of the lip, yeah that's where you go, how you feel Owen, nervous, you got this, though yeah, confident, confident I got this, Milo, yeah, the first time I cleared it up perfect, now I need to leave my tip, yeah, do you want to do it again? Good job, yes it was amazing, yes, oh and I can see the smile on your face, why I hate it. You feel so good, all I saw was the blue going up and down, I can't believe I hit it, you're ready to hit it again, yeah it's the best feeling in the world or what, yeah it's so soft, how fun That's it, guys. funny, yeah I'm just getting out of there, that's the biggest stubble I've ever heard in my life, yeah that's a big jump if I can reach it, I can reach the Milo line next year, you can reach the mile line on Next year, oh that.
I was going to finish off that one that was good, we called it that, it was ridiculous, these guys killed it today. I had a lot of fun helping them. I was scared half the day because they were setting up new, bigger, crazier things, but we. We talked about it and they did an amazing job and we got it done safely. A couple of small glitches, no big problems, right, it's just called sending it. Everyone says we'll just ship it online. There is usually a lot of preparation involved in submitting it. don't show up or talk about some people, just send it, but they're more likely to hurt you that way too.
Thank you so much for watching, we had a great time, make sure you subscribe to the channel so you don't. Don't miss any more videos like this, check out the rest of the videos in this amazing series of road trips we've been doing all over the country. Thank you so much to Seth for having us and, you know, wish him a speedy recovery, where were you? Hi, just laying down, I think that's the most fun jump I've ever had in my life.

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