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Kids Run Away from Home and Learn Life Lessons! | Dhar Mann

May 12, 2024
cell phone. If you want to use it, it's okay to be honest. I feel bad about yesterday no, it's okay, I would rather talk to you guys, is this the same Sarah from yesterday? What changed? Let's just say I noticed some things right in that note. I talked to your dad last night and I realized something. Also, I shouldn't have asked you, it seemed like you really needed it, so here's the $40, really, mhm, actually, it's okay mom, I don't need it anymore. Well, I've never seen you turn down money. Wow, okay, I'm so proud. Honey, well let's eat, oh yeah, melted waffles, hey, what are you doing here?
kids run away from home and learn life lessons dhar mann
I came to give you this, but I thought you lost all your money, yeah, but um, I returned something I bought. I appreciate it, but I can't take your money. Please I insist so you can come


take it thank you but I don't know I'm a little nervous and if my parents don't want me back are you kidding come on it's your parents of course they do Not a second goes by that they don't miss you. I'm sure you really think that, so maybe you're right. Thank you so much. I will never forget. You're welcome, good luck, Sasha, honey, come quickly, Sasha is here.
kids run away from home and learn life lessons dhar mann

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kids run away from home and learn life lessons dhar mann...

You are so much daddy wow my biry girl look who's here look oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh god oh oh my god let me look at you let me look at you oh my god maybe our prayers have been answered please no no leave us like this again, it's okay, don't worry, I never will oh God oh oh my God oh my baby
kids run away from home and learn life lessons dhar mann

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