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Kidnapped by Cyber-Terrorists

May 07, 2024
okay no, it won't close 3 2 1 a tall okay, it's not appropriate hold my foot it's too big okay, you know what they say about guys with big feet that don't fit in the microwave, watch this on camera, never I have heard of microwave torture. guys, you're some creative people, it's okay to think about a microwave, that's genius level torture, right there, okay, I think you guys are in the scattered school, sure, okay, you're a dentist, you have a boss, what's that? b senior dentist, okay, yes, I am. regretting my choices, but okay, so yeah, it's like a dentist, the boss, except they have guns and they're really angry, oh yeah, because you guys need to clean my teeth, remove tartar and all that.
kidnapped by cyber terrorists
I'm going to do that as soon as you tell me how you've been following us, how you know about our hideout in the tunnels, oh tunnels, yes, you remember the tunnels, yes, tunnels, yes, so how do you know how do you know about the tunnels, yes, the tunnel? I think I kicked too much mom kick mom kick mom okay back off scottish come back SC come back come on come on I'm SC SC back way back there are boxes in the way okay, you know enough about this game I I I can't look I I can't see blood, but I'll do it without looking.
kidnapped by cyber terrorists

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kidnapped by cyber terrorists...

Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, you've tortured me enough. You don't need to see blood. I'm going to look away, make sure the knife is in the right place. I have to draw blood or else they won't think we really tortured them. No, no, they think you tortured me. Believe me, what are you saying about the blood? I thought you said you were afraid of blood. You don't like blood. I thought, I guess if I look away and sink into your chest, okay, yeah, just look, look away, yeah, look away, look away, look away, look away, yeah, go ahead and wait, hey, look, none of these games, okay, okay, here we go and that's my jacket, okay, you need to concentrate, let's concentrate, okay, and you, he's talking to you inside about you, tell me what I want to know, okay, very soon, yes, of course, okay, yes, and you know what really doesn't matter, in turn, nothing matters.
kidnapped by cyber terrorists
Yeah, because I'm going to knock you out with my favorite weapon, the fire extinguisher, oh yeah, well I see you were tied up, so how is that going to happen? oh, I don't need to do it, someone else is going to do it. who him, yeah, yeah, Rio, okay, cut me off first, come on, Rio, okay, Chad, okay, oh guys, okay, okay, yeah, we gotta get out of here quick. They were just trying to torture me because they're torturing you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, hey, you guys have axes. that's right oh, they locked it up, let's open it up, open it up, come on, come on, look here, look, they're bringing Rio to the torture room, oh no, there he goes.
kidnapped by cyber terrorists
That's the room he was in, we have to get out. Here, hit your shoe, yeah, okay, we have to find a way to get out of here. A lockpick. I can use a gun to break this glass. Oh, an alarm might sound, although there are no shifts. We are not baking at the moment. Okay, they're closing. torturing him we have to hurry B lock, oh my God B you need to lock the door, okay, but what can you use and TR, grab me something, what is this, you lock with this, what is even this, oh yo, can you use the lock with key? these oh yeah, okay, yeah, okay, turn, here, actually, I can probably just stick it in there, damn, he's a lot, just back up, back up, one more thing, one flat, yeah, of what's the use?
Okay, come on, you can do this. I've seen you pick locks on so many doors, yeah it's very similar to a credit card, you're like a lock picking expert, wait for a credit card, you know you have to like it, swipe it, it's like swiping a credit card , hurry up, they are torturing him. okay, wait, I just have to turn it around, hurry up, reverse it, you did it, yes, yes, I did it, oh my god, come on, come on, this is where they brought Rio Chad, why is there a double? Oh my God, it's Rio's blood, oh my God. between shifts, look at that, don't touch it, don't touch it, even if you don't touch it, look at the rope, they had tied me up with that rope too and there's blood on it, in fact, I'm going to call 911 right now.
I hope R is okay, don't call anyone. Hey, wo, you're looking for your friend Rio, we'll take care of him. What did you take care of Rio? Where is the? Don't worry. Okay, get the dog out of here. Us, our dog. Hey, that's ours. dog hey that's our dog give us our dog Mo he's got a lock pick this not CH this is a digit lock I'm an analog lock pick I can probably get through here yeah buddy that guy with that club on his shirt wait , come on. We gotta get this up, come on, oh, it just slows us down, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, ,,, get out of here, you have permission, go, I'm going. handle these guys our dog our dog our dog is there our dog was there hey man, you took our dog, where did you take our dog?
He has a gun, be careful, okay, be careful, in turn, where did you take our dog? man, back to where he belongs and where would that be in a place you'll never find what yeah, take it Chad, yeah, I got you now. Let's do a facial reveal, let's see who you are.

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