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KICKED OUT but... Win This Spy Ninjas Challenge Battle To Get Back In

Jun 04, 2024
the ninja weapons experts club I'm regina ow I'm more of a hacker type I'm Melvin and I'm nervous I'm Daniel the gadget guy Daniel Melvin you have to prove yourself to be able to get


to the safe house just let us in now it's really cold


reverse come on okay chad pretend to do something


wards even talk backwards come on now you're taking pictures of me what the hell okay let's look at that backwards right now oh wow if I run I'm planning a climbing trick oh tree place at home comment down chad and then from number one to ten how do I do it right daniel we have to do it right so we can get back to the safe house I'm up for it it'll be good one guys I don't know what I said but yeah I don't know that's weird , he stole it, how do you think they did things?
kicked out but win this spy ninjas challenge battle to get back in
They will return to the safe house, I mean, they did it very well, it was very creative. I want them back, right, don't you miss them? Maybe Melvin, yes, but I don't know about Daniel. It's a little weird why, well, we haven't talked since the last thing that happened between us. Guys, comment below. melvin daniel 1 to 10. that was pretty good, but mine is going to be better look at


, okay regina go, it's like those things fly into your hands oh, you're a magician, you know, i got myself like out a wizard and then things came to my hands i was trying to say a leviosa guardian spine and just vote under regina and then your score for her way of speaking isn't really my best skill i can barely speak forward so How do I say I'm angry? the other way around here I'll send you a Snapchat saying I'm mad yeah you're not sure about that I'm not sure ready yeah I think Chad won


whole thing he's the best sorry guys there are other great things about be a ninja I can do better than you, boy, everyone has a unique ninja device, but who is the best?
kicked out but win this spy ninjas challenge battle to get back in

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kicked out but win this spy ninjas challenge battle to get back in...

Can you break this board? I had never broken the bar with my nunchucks before. Hold the board. Daniel, you want me to smash it in your face. Daniel Dale is. This really is your idea, yeah, what, because this isn't your flavor, Daniel, buddy, I've got a little trick up my sleeve, you'll see, you'll see, Hey Daniel, right now before me, I'm feeling a little bored, Anything that could happen, there is no electricity. I needed to be able opportunity both both let me see that again hey oh daniel why are you touching me and kissing me so much lately kissing you I never oh oh what are you what daniel oh no way ah I was wearing Regina's hoodie and her hair and I looked exactly like her since Chad was so good at using his ninja device let's see if mine works with a spy ninja action star ready oh yeah this is supposed to be non lethal electricity it doesn't work on wood oh I have a voice transformer, is that it? a melvin gun i smell good that was awesome buddy i'm going to poop in the bathroom tonight let me go back to the safe house where you've been pooping this isn't a bucket you know maybe me and daniel don't have to team up yet can you guys let me in with one or the other we don't have to let them both in it could be daniel it could be you no no it doesn't have to be both or I have to see honey let's stop with all the love stuff oh my god I don't want to talk about it anymore yeah , actually a whole thing between you and Chad oh no that's all my fault it wasn't actually just me and Chad yeah wow good job Regina thanks Danny yeah.
kicked out but win this spy ninjas challenge battle to get back in
I'm the five smallest with the bondage, let's get up, I'm the little spy with the little extendable point, you broke it into several pieces, it flew away that time, it was really wow, four pieces, I'm more than three


, comment v10, thank you. Wait, hey, well, Daniels has a chance to beat this, but gadget guy ain't gone yet oh, that's me, that's you, the guy, I'm the guest, my gadget guy, I'm gonna use my handy dandy daniel gizmo drone daniel, that's not going to work, it's going to work Melvin, it's going to work ready, okay, you know what nasal power, don't kiss me, oh, I guess it worked, why are you like that?
kicked out but win this spy ninjas challenge battle to get back in
Yeah, he kissed me across the board on the cheek, Chad, I didn't mean to do that, ah. really daniel, he's my husband, i didn't mean to, okay, maybe you're right, yeah, i think maybe melvin should be the only one still with daniel, daniel, yeah, he should sleep in the dumpster, grasshopper , grasshopper, what is that?, maybe, come on. you can do it v if you can prove that you are the fastest spy ninja they will let you go back to the safe house let's see who can grab this grasshopper first then this is actually a cockroach it's a cockroach well it's a bath the day grasshopper ninja alone Come on, come on Okay, Daniel, are you ready?
When I say grasshopper, grab it. Alright. Look, when I was a child I liked to play in the grass and I jumped like a grasshopper. She doesn't listen to me. when I talk every time I tell an amazing sweet story Regina is like what oh I was distracted by the purpose you better not have what we're thinking let me erase everyone's minds what happened today yeah it's okay, I won the first round, okay, no, no, it's because I was going against it, it's still a little awkward between us, I wasn't ready for the second round just one more time, okay, one more time, one more time , sorry, okay, the last time I went to the bathroom I felt a little sick to my stomach because I stopped for lunch.
I ate a grasshopper, yeah, yeah, I thought there was no way I was going to make it that obvious, but you did, damn, that's not a three best out of five, okay, okay, it all comes down to this, well , Daniel will be in the safe house with his boy Melvin, yeah that thing isn't even a grasshopper, Chad, just do it, that thing isn't even a grasshopper, she's completely fooled. I'm going to play the arcade tonight, maybe that means she has to live in the dumpster now, yeah, you can use my bucket, thanks chad, let me hold the camera, watch your face in slow motion, regina, right at me while you grab it right, when you hear the word grasshopper you're joking ok the spy


are an awesome group of mates, v's light color is regina's pink is yellow and melvin's is green you did it intentionally You were going to say grasshopper and you saw that I already grabbed him no, you changed it to green revenge I didn't say revenge on the ground uh I love this time of year Christmas time Santa Claus is coming to town, yes, grasshopper, one by one, everything is reduce, yes you haven't, there's no reason for you to win this v other than ego entitlement, but for me and daniel, it's actually our health, oh, let's say it's really cold, okay, it's cold, it's cold.
Okay, ready, okay, here we go, I won't look. Cows love to eat grass. Sometimes I roll around in the grass. The grass itches. Here in the desert there is not much grass, but there is one thing, although it is a small insect that balances. around it's not yellow it's green it's called a grasshopper oh wait I mean I didn't do it yeah I didn't get it oh hey he did it you were disappointed yeah team dan mel gets the point so you want us Let's meet at the house now okay, thanks yeah, uh, you let me win, I'm not going to touch that, oh, if we use our outside hands, this heavyweight didn't have to slow me down, the amazing ninja spy covert communicator that's a walkie-talkie . and a ninja star shooter oh yeah i love ninja day where can you get it?
You can ask the spy, so the other night he was hanging out with honey, we were dancing in this lobby and then we grabbed him, I'll give you another chance. Regina, it's really hard to concentrate and I showed honey pictures of the backyard and she said, you guys need a pasture. No, I didn't take it. I said grass cutter, cutter because it was long grass. In your hand, boy, it's in your hands, but once I heard the chi, I put it back, maybe Virginia will understand that point, yeah, then, after, after, uh, then, after, after, after that , so, then, then, next, let's do an instant replay.
Did he really say grasshopper? Yeah, it doesn't really matter, we live in the safe house, oh yeah, oh yeah, we already live here. It's time to do a ninja pose, come on five, six, seven eight, wow, we're all such good ninjas, yeah, look. that our poses are so cool, quite incredible, fantastic, did we do it, did we let them come back? What do you think? I mean, they tried really hard. They have been here sleeping in the dumpster and in the store for so many days. Too bad for them, we should let them back in, yes, they are very good ninjas, yes, after all, it is international ninja day, they should sleep inside, they should keep their heads on straight, good news guys, but also bad news, okay, but also good news, okay, but actually. just good news, okay, thank you so much, we did it, melvin, good job today, yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, come on, man, I can't believe it, melvin, we did it, we finally did it, man, to the safe house Come on, let's go into the safe house. together, yes, come on, I'm not wanted, Melvin, it will do.
It's good to be safe house guys again, front line of business, Melvin, I want to find a new place to sleep, yeah, it's a new era in the safe house, yeah, maybe I will. go to that corner over there super tent or uh, I have a bean bag something has to change I'm going to call the bathroom that's smart you can't sleep in the bathroom I love that place come on guys we have to crown the best overall ninja oh Oh, it's well, sure, okay, you're the best, so welcome back, Daniel and Melvin, I think you should be crowned the two best ninjas today.
I did amazing, yeah wait, did you hear that? Oh, that was just me clapping. No no no no no. There are millions of them, when they put their minds together, they can achieve anything. It comes from this lock. We've been trying to get into this secret room that we didn't even know was in our house, but it's locked. Now the lock speaks and what language is that, guys? And if you understand, be sure to comment below what the code is to enter. Well, I hope we can get to that door very soon. Thank you very much for participating in International Ninja Day.
A ninja kicks a bomb hmm

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