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Khloé Kardashian's New Mom Beauty Routine | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

Jun 02, 2021
Hi everyone, I'm Khloe Kardashian and this is Princess True Thompson, say hello and we'll show you my makeup


and some of my skincare


. I'll leave you so I can do this, okay, say goodbye, kiss. This is a witch hazel rose petal toner. I really think what sold me was the packaging to be honest that's how I started but I love the way it smells I love how light it is so tone our in my T zone because I'm so. Oily I love this skincare from Elta MD. I know Courtney uses it, so I put it on my face, my hands, my neck, my chest because this is where we all show our age.
khlo kardashian s new mom beauty routine beauty secrets vogue
I like to let it sit for a second and then I like to moisturize. I love the drunk elephant and it's whipped and I love how whipped it is and it's very light oh thank you is that for me no it's not good so what I like to do when I just want light makeup I take my moisturizer and I like it too to put a little foundation with it, like creating my own bb cream. I love this bar. It is a base without a trace of Tom Ford. I love this brush. It's a Mac Kabuki brush and they don't make it anymore.
khlo kardashian s new mom beauty routine beauty secrets vogue

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khlo kardashian s new mom beauty routine beauty secrets vogue...

All good things are always. discontinued since I became a mom this is literally what I do but I literally locked the front door or my bedroom door so she can't get out so she's kind of trapped and I usually let her have freedom because I have baby gates because then I chase her so if I'm doing this and I hear if she's silent for a long time or I don't know if I don't hear her for a long time of course then you run after her so I had to learn to put on makeup really quickly and don't do too many wet things because once it's wet, if I have to run after her, it'll get really weird and then I'll look really smudged and then you always lower it for your chest area, I think that's what many people forget.
khlo kardashian s new mom beauty routine beauty secrets vogue
I have always been super good at taking care of my skin. My mom, I think, instilled in me that all of us, from a very young age, have always had a skincare routine. I just apply more oils at night than normal because I'm very conscious of fine lines and wrinkles and just hydration, and I think after having a baby, the hydration depletes and also the lack of sleep that you're not getting . take care of yourself as much as you used to it's more about the baby after i use my kabuki brush i come in with a wet sponge drizzle she has to go take her nap now um but she definitely does it she's my makeup assistant she loves handing me brushes she eats my sponges, right, you love pink q-tips, okay, thank you, I love you, can I give you a kiss, give mom a kiss, oh my god, I think it's time for nap, say goodbye, say goodbye, I really love Kkw concealer, I'm always red around my nose?
khlo kardashian s new mom beauty routine beauty secrets vogue
I don't know why I hate it, so I always get in the nose and like to go. I like these weird, dark areas, so I like to try to erase them. Who does not? The funny thing is that I think we all definitely have our own different techniques and routines. um, I think I'm more like I'm in awe of all of her techniques, like every time Kylie does a makeup tutorial, I watch it and I'm like, how do you do that? I'm so enthralled that she and Kim even come with body makeup or this and like that it's an art and it takes a lot of work, Kendall is like wow you're so naturally pretty, no one feels bad for you so what's your technique ? a little bit of mascara on, I don't know, she's too cute and Courtney, I think she's too natural for me, like with all her products, sometimes I want to feel a little sting in my night care solution, so I know something is up and I need to make sure it really gets into my pores, but I like to find a happy balance so two each are their own so I love the Kylie Cosmetics loose powders, the soft pink and the translucent one.
I'm going to mix the two and put them together. this at the sharpest point, I don't know why girls always do that, like tucking their upper lip down, but it works, so now I just have translucent powder and I like it. This is where the brush comes in. I'm going to leave it below. my eyes now contour um this is a Mac palette I don't know how long I've had this I swear I've had this for can I say 10 years because I think it's maybe not the most hygienic but I haven't died? however, I'm going to use this one and mix it a little bit with this dark one for my jaw, especially after the baby, when you've had a baby, you're working on losing weight and you're still not losing that much weight on your face you feel so big this I swear it's like a magic eraser I'm just praying and I literally sit here and say please go, come back another day please or just don't come like you can leave and I'll just Go on, my dad paid for Kim and Courtney to take a makeup class when they turned 16 or 18, something like that and Kim always used to do a three, so she would take like bronzer or contour at that time, I think it was bronzer.
I didn't really know about contouring and she would go here here this is your cheekbone and here it's a three and you do it on each side of your face and you mirror it and no one paid me to have a makeup class yeah I can't tell but anyway I would follow my sisters tips and tricks and I always remember Kim said just do a three so one of my favorite things is nose contouring but this stresses me out a little bit because I do it in person and how. the cameras reflect and illuminate everything looks different, so sometimes I contour my nose and in real life I think I look great and then in some photos I look crazy.
This is basically like a nose contour for dummies, so take my color now if you want. go from your eyebrows like that's where the bridge of your nose would start so just follow that line on your face it's basically like a paint by numbers if you follow all the lines. It's so funny that Kim loves to play this game where she guesses. Who did my makeup that day? Because everyone has their own technique and I know some people make my face look different. I think that's really cool. I mean, it doesn't offend me. I just think that's what makeup is supposed to do.
I'm going to use my Kylie Cosmetics Coco collaboration that I did with her. It's very pretty and pink. I love the pink. It is not noticeable. I'm going to use this eyeshadow color called True's Mom and I'm going to match it to the contour of my nose. It was and where you see that bow I'm going to put all this in my fold this is our third collaboration actually and the first one was just lips and it was so fun to work with her, we both respect each other in the business world and I choose all the names and the nuances and it's amazing, so all of these were basically focused on true, all of these names because she is the star of my life, the true name came from my grandfather and my great-grandfather, her first name was true, my middle name Grandpa was that's right, but I didn't know that because he passed away when my mom was 16, so one night at dinner when I was saying I was looking for baby names, my grandma said you should name the real baby and I was, Oh my God.
I actually love that name, um, and I love that there's a family history, there's a story behind it and so the real birth of Thompson, I need a coffee break, this is a lot of work. I'm going to line more like a blurry cat eye. It's not perfect, I'm going to choose what color this real dwarf is, I'm going to choose that dwarf's nickname, drizzle dwarf, Scott actually gave him the nickname, Scott is where everyone gets their nicknames from, I don't know why, but I want to get it out. with my eyes like this, I'm going to go halfway and I like things with a red tone because it really brings out the color of my eyes.
I'm going to put some color in my inner corners. I'm going to start with the yellow and then move on. Other than that, what I'm going to use has to be true, it's a really pretty gloss, just a little pop, like right where my tear duct is, so I'm going to take a little bit. I'm going to use my finger for this. I like to use my ring or my pinky and use my ring finger very lightly, just slide it on, okay, so now I'm going to start with my eyes. I'm going to use Trusseldorf again.
I always have long nails. I've had long nails for 100 years um I'm a long nail type girl everyone told me oh when you have a baby you have to have short nails this is disgusting you can't take care of your child if I could just wipe my ass , I could get wet. girl's ass, I mean, I'm actually looking at her so it's a lot easier, but anyway, this is a sarot eyelash curler and I only bought it because everyone else had it, but let me tell you, it makes a big difference. Lancome Hypnose Doll Lash Lancome did it. something there is the only thing I won't leave the house without is mascara I go to the gym with mascara it's mascara so obviously without mascara and I love the difference I try to only wear false eyelashes if it's a photo shoot or a red carpet or something special , but day to day I only use my own lashes, so now I'm going to remove all the loose powder that's been baking.
We film about six days a week and I put on makeup almost every day, but when I don't, my makeup can literally take 20 minutes. I think we feel very comfortable doing makeup knowing that in this family things come up all the time, so you always want to be cute and prepared even in a trauma or tragedy. we want to look good, I'm going to do my eyebrows, honestly the pink packaging makes me very happy, so I always start from the middle of the eyebrow down. I've never had a thin brow moment in the 90s, but I think it's because I learned from my sister's mistakes so I love brow gel again.
I don't know why I do it, just because everyone else does it. I mean, I know it keeps your eyebrows in place, but where do they really go? Now I'm going to use my bronzer. This is a gold powder bronzing tom and I'm going to put it just on my forehead to tan but also to give me a little highlight so it looks more natural. I have very big cheeks, I have like these balls. my cheeks my mom says people pay for them but I don't know if my mom is supposed to say that because she's my mom so I go to the dance and I go up and I always apply a second coat of top mascara oh almost .
I forgot to remove these specs now that everything has dried, take a spoolie brush of any brand, disposable ones don't matter, clean, obviously, I'm going to go to my lid, where all those specks are, just remove them and now go back to my moles yes I have this one that one this is a lancome like an eyebrow pencil this one is at number three it's a light brown and I just go over it people get upset if I don't show my moles I don't know why People care about the lip liner it's my jam I'm going to use kkw today also on peach, then I'm going to take my cocoa colab and I'm just going to take a little bit with my finger and I'm going to take the lighter. one that he's allergic to and I'm going to put this right in the center.
Well, last but not least, I'm going to do some highlighter. Now I'm usually not allowed to rely on highlighter because I'll put it anywhere because who wouldn't? I don't like glitter and shiny things and they literally hide imperfections. If I go out in a swimsuit, you can use cellulite, put some gloss on it, do contour, blush, highlighter, think about it in three sections, always blow on the brush, I'm not sure. if that's a technique or out of habit and then I don't know why, but this makes me very happy, I think it's very sexy when you have this gloss, so for the end, just a light gloss again, I'm going to just apply it on the middle oh my god kayla is not going to know who did my makeup today she will never guess so i bought this house from justin bieber and before that wall there was a wall of sneakers and they were just cubicles behind the ones he put the trainers. sneaker after sneaker and then I said, hey, okay, that's a man's dream.
I'm sure I have a wall of sneakers. A little girl's dream would be to have a beautiful makeup vanity in her own bathroom. Thank you all for watching me do my makeup every day. Now I'm going to shoot to keep up and meet my sisters.

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