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Khachapuri (Georgian Cheese Bread) - Food Wishes

Apr 15, 2024
Hello, I'm chef john, from


, you want calm with


, that's right, I have Georgia in mind, the country, not the state, and that's because of this amazing egg-finished


stuffed with


and not just the center is full of


, but also what appears to be too much


on the outside is actually too much cheese, so yes, we are talking about stuffed dough, which you will see a little later, but first things first and the first step in The way to trap a prairie is to make a very simple dough. which starts with a little bit of warm milk and a little bit of warm water, as well as a small spoonful of sugar and a packet of active dry yeast which we'll go ahead and sprinkle on top and then, as tradition dictates, we'll wait a couple of minutes to make sure . our yeast is alive and then what are we going to do once we know our yeast is reproducing and burpee and carbon dioxide?
khachapuri georgian cheese bread   food wishes
We're going to drizzle a little bit of olive oil followed by a little bit of all-purpose flour and then last but not least a little bit of salt and then what we're going to do is take a wooden spoon and mix this together until it forms a very, very, very wet and very sticky dough. Okay, this is like a borderline dough, but that's okay because once we have something that looks like this, Go ahead and transfer it to a floured surface and we'll press and knead more flour until we've achieved the desired texture and the reason why.
khachapuri georgian cheese bread   food wishes

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khachapuri georgian cheese bread food wishes...

I want you to use this technique even if it is a little more difficult it is because there is much less chance of you doing it. We're going to add too much flour, okay, if you just pour the entire amount into the bowl and mix it into a ball of dough, it may or may not be too much and you'll never be able to get flour out of a dough, you can always add more, so we'll continue. and we will knead this for about three minutes adding more flour as we see fit until we can manipulate the dough without it sticking to everything.
khachapuri georgian cheese bread   food wishes
It's okay, it will still be extremely soft, but you should still be able to manipulate it and shape it. into a ball like this, so right here I was getting really close, but I decided not to eat a little bit more flour, so I sprinkled a little bit more underneath and then once we have the shape of a ball, we're going to go ahead and transfer it to a bowl with a little olive oil, at which point we can cover it and let it rise in a warm place for about an hour to an hour and a half or until it doubles in size and what will we do while we wait.
khachapuri georgian cheese bread   food wishes
I mean, let's move on to making our Georgia cheese blend and for the record, it won't contain real Georgian cheese unless you have connections that I don't, but what I like to use is one part smooth, creamy Monterey Jack plus one part low-moisture mozzarella and Of course, in the business low-moisture is a euphemism for cheap mozzarella from the supermarket and then we'll end up with two parts feta cheese, which means shredding it into about three pieces this size and then what I would do is mix it until it's well blended and because we're going to do some cheese math later, keep in mind that this is a pound of cheese total, but anyway, like I said, we're going to give it a mix and we'll just refrigerate it until needed and then come back to check. over our dough and as you can see it's fully inflated but not for long because what we're going to do is deflate it and then we're going to move it onto a floured surface and give it a little dust and press until it's pressed into some kind of uniform shape that we can cut pretty evenly, which I'll do with my trusty bench scraper, by the way, they should have a tool in every kitchen and then what we'll do as usual is press this into a rectangular shape so we can start rolling it, but This time we're not going to do it on the table, we're actually going to transfer it to a piece of parchment paper dusted with flour and then we can grab a rolling pin and we're going to try to roll this out into something resembling a 1/8 to 1/4 inch rectangle. thick and the nice thing about working with parchment paper is that it makes it very easy to rotate the dough and as you'll see, this allows us to transfer this very, very smooth dough to our pan with a minimal amount of danger, so we're going to go ahead and roll it out in a sort of generally rectangular shape and we'll finish the rectangular shape by pulling the corners and then once we're happy with the size and shape, it's time to apply the cheese and there are two ways to do it: you can cover the entire surface and then roll it and shape it or you can use the stuffed crust method and stack the cheese two rows per inch. or two from each edge like I'm doing here.
Oh, and by the way, we have a pound of cheese for two of these, which means we each get eight ounces of four ounces that go into the crust and the other half goes into the center, so what I mean is that, in theory, each of these rows should have two ounces of cheese and then once our dough has been cheesed, it's going to be folding the dough like this and then rolling it toward the center. Well, let's go. do this on both sides leaving about a three inch gap in the center and as I do this I'm pulling and stretching the dough back a little bit as I roll it so we really have that cheese trapped. in the center of that crust and once we have both sides rolled we will also need to seal the ends, which you can do by pressing, folding and twisting or a combination of all of the above, as long as they are somehow sealed and If you feel that Somehow you have a lot of excess dough on the end, you can pinch a little off, but be careful, don't take out too much.
We'll need that to dip into the center later and like all big things, don't do it. Don't get obsessed with getting this absolutely symmetrical, that's fine, as you'll see once it comes out of the oven, they will look amazing and they're also called cut your Puri, not cut, you're perfect, so get it semi-symmetrical, that's it. we ask and then once we're happy with how our sides are rolled up and our ends are sealed, we're going to take some scissors and cut it all the way around and then use that parchment to easily transfer it to our baking sheet.
Well, if you just form this on the table because the dough is so soft and these things are so ridiculously filled, you might ruin the shape trying to transfer it so the parchment makes this step very easy, plus we're baking it on parchment. anyway and then what we'll do once they're both formed and separated is we'll go ahead and place the rest of our cheese mixture in the middle, which, going back to our cheese math, will be exactly four ounces in the center of each. own I should mention that if you want you can brush them with a beaten egg before they bake, but I'm not going to do that.
I think they look fine without it, but if you want to brush them a little, go ahead, I mean yes. After all this, Curry from your contr pergi, you actually know what I should have chosen with Ayesha's curry since she is the chef of the family, but anyway, once we are satisfied with the way They are cheese, they are ready to transfer them to the center of an extremely hot 475 degree oven for about 15 minutes or until they look like this and yes one had a small leak but I can't even pretend to be worried because look at this but wait, it gets better because what we do.
What we're going to do is take a spoon to make sure that we have a nice hole that we're going to put a large egg in and then what we're going to do once we're done is we're going to put them back in our 475 oven for about three or four minutes. or until the eggs are half cooked, you'll see that movement, that's exactly how we want them because they end up with a couple of slices of butter along with a little bit of cayenne shake and the reason we don't want the eggs to be completely cooked is because by the time they are buttered and seasoned and we have transferred one to a plate to eat because of all the residual heat, the egg will be perfect and by perfect I mean still perfectly runny and we'll talk a little bit about egg timing. in the blog post, but for now let me go ahead and show you how to eat one of these, although I bet you can probably figure it out, but anyway what we're supposed to do is rip off one of the ends and we'll go ahead and break that egg right in the yolk and we're going to go ahead and stir all that melted butter into our runny egg and that, my friends, is just an amazing bite of


and by the way, I was so distracted by how beautiful this I forgot to We were supposed to sprinkle a little salt on top too, so I did that and then moved on to the first phase of eating this, which is dipping the ends without the cheese filling in the center into that cheesy, buttery, eggy goodness, and as far as the bread itself goes, it's kind of a cross between a bagel and a pizza dough, just very interesting and delicious in both flavor and texture, so that's phase one of enjoying this and then doing it.
What will we do once we arrive? the ends of our ends let's continue doing the same thing just using the rest of the cheese-filled crust which I'm cutting in half so you can see what's happening and what's happening is a ridiculous amount of cheese stuffed into that crust look at that take that pizza franchise chain that stole this idea and if you thought those smooth ends were nice and wet in the center, wait until you start working with this part of the crust, I mean it's almost too much, actually not almost , it's too much. I mean, this is probably enough for two people, unless it's really late, I just got back from the club and they're probably fine, but anyway, that might cause controversy, I'm getting a little trendy and I'm pretty sure that in 10 years you will do it.
See them on every brunch and breakfast menu in the country because why wouldn't they be? In the meantime, I really hope you try this soon, so head on over to Food Whooshes for all the ingredient quantities and more information, as usual. and as always enjoy yourself

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