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Keynote Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther: "Wer nichts unternimmt, verliert seine Lebendigkeit"

Mar 11, 2024
yes, I have a special problem, I can't sleep well in new beds in hotel rooms, so I spent a very awake night and then I had a lot of time to deal with all the problems in the world, as usual and The climate crisis and extinction of species and environmental pollution and it all went through my head and then I also found out yesterday that I was actually here for 20 minutes and that's all I had in mind. The heart is to solve everything. these problems and then I get into an internal turmoil and then I have a way of dealing with it and then I always sing this wonderful song to myself.
keynote prof dr gerald h ther wer nichts unternimmt verliert seine lebendigkeit
Tomorrow you will all be worried, you will have slept very well, well, then everything will be fine. Sure, it sounds completely different and that is the result of modern brain research because neurobiologists and biologists in general are beginning to understand that all living systems strive for a state in which everything fits, that is, they strive for a state which we call coherence and that is the state in which everything fits very well in the brain, for example back and forth and right and left and what was previously stored


e has to do with what is happening at that moment and think, feel and acting should also sum it all up nicely. and then of course you should also feel at home in such a wonderful community here and then maybe you have


e there is also this cosmic fit with nature anyway and if everything fits correctly then a system uses the least amount of energy, that's what it's all about, it's about saving energy, so yes, if set correctly, the system uses the least amount of energy, so in concrete terms, that means that the moment I do something, for example, my eyes too often, there are some nerve cells back there that they just got used to. the fact that it was so dark and now they get impulses and now they have to do something that costs too much energy and then send the signal to someone else who also does something and this way everything is processed up there and adapts that in the end a state where again less energy is used, then we learn about coherent states in the course of our lives to transform coherently that is what it is about, it is not about what we have always told ourselves in the past, peace, joy, pancakes or paradise and kingdom of the heavens where everything fits, no, that works while I'm alive, not a state where everything fits up there when I just die yes, but then it's too late and before that, life is nothing more than learning to do it fit over and over again, that's all, we don't have prefabricated programs in our brain, we are always looking for solutions and the solutions we find are anchored because there.
keynote prof dr gerald h ther wer nichts unternimmt verliert seine lebendigkeit

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keynote prof dr gerald h ther wer nichts unternimmt verliert seine lebendigkeit...

It becomes an incoherent state in which something does not fit into a solution and, for example, you can miss singing this wonderful song with worries in a state in which it fits better this way and then that. In the first state, In a coherent state, a lot of energy is wasted there and then I sing the song and then less energy is released, so to speak, and it's used to activate these areas in the midbrain that brain researchers call the reward center. and then these nervous activities come into play that lead to the release of certain messenger substances, endorphins, catecholamines, a bit like cocaine and heroin at the same time, or you have a completely different feeling not because of the messenger substances, I have to say.
keynote prof dr gerald h ther wer nichts unternimmt verliert seine lebendigkeit
At this point, but because these messenger substances activate other networks that in turn are responsible for the regulation of physical processes that are so good for us, it is not the messenger substance that makes us happy, but the activation of networks that They give us a physical feeling of what is good for us and at the same time these messenger substances do something else, that is, in the brain, these nerve pathways that I just used where I found my solution after that terrible night in this hotel in this strange bed that then sings good morning dear, that is anchored to the Lord, that is why I will never forget the song in my life, I sing it every time it is crap and then I always bring this incoherent state to a coherent one and now you realize .
keynote prof dr gerald h ther wer nichts unternimmt verliert seine lebendigkeit
What life is about, it's about not being happy throughout your life having everything you want, but becoming someone who is always able to restore a state where you fit in a little better in the world, so say it, and you are at peace. with yourself and this is more of a type of feeling that I develop throughout my life and that is called coherence. The feeling of competition in manufacturing is crazy when you have to use those terms to describe something so banal, so it's a sign that I've landed in completely new territory in science. There are no terms for it yet, like the feeling of competence in manufacturing means nothing more than thanks for coming, I'll be done with you, that's a feeling you have.
And now you can see the feeling. Of course, I can only develop it if I have enough problems. How am I supposed to develop a sense of competence that restores coherence if that's what we say I want? To go with you now I want to show you that we are completely wrong with our thought patterns. What we want is not what is good for us. We have become so far from ourselves that we no longer understand what it is. It's about truth, let's take an example of our belief in science. I think it's great that science exists, but it may also be a solution for a long time that we say that everything has to be scientifically proven because otherwise everyone would have said so. us that it was possible But if you now ask science what is important in life, no matter what discipline you adopt, in the end there is no right answer, so of course they will give your answer.
They can only give one answer to what. It's important in life if you have something you can measure, so what can you measure now that's important in life? These are two things: first, what someone has achieved by accumulating what he has built, so to speak, and made it his own or brought it into the world. For me, for example, there are 153 original peer-reviewed publications in English on experimental research. That's my life, so to speak, that I've proven scientifically and the second thing, that. It's even more general, is that you can't really measure life scientifically other than how long it lasts and if you approach it that way then you believe that what matters in life is doing as much as you can and staying at it for as long as possible. as much as possible, then it could be that that's wrong, it could be that it's not about how long you live and how much you think, it could be that it's more about that.
It's about how long you stay alive in a world that tends to be like that. , but which we have also created ourselves, which we maintain and which is now a world that tends to put us all in situations in which we do not develop this sense of coherence, of recovery of competences, but rather we prefer to give in to the need for the second law of thermodynamics and activate the energy saving program in the Lord sitting on the couch and waiting for everything to be fine again running after the people who want to tell us that they know how it works and what else there is to do can adopt such strange strategies and It may be that we have reached a turning point, as our Federal Chancellor said about the changing of times, but probably in a different changing of times than he thought and still thinks. it could be that we have reached a point where we realize that we are no longer separate existences from life, but that life is part of us, so to speak, and we divide it into life on this planet, which we cannot use life for our own purposes We can rightly offer it to our ideas and rightly see how we can use it well, but whenever we use life in this way according to our ideas, we also make it an object for us in the same way and always.
I lose more and I see two trends and it would be nice if we could see it in the remaining minutes, don't rush, one thing is that we have created a world where we try to divide everything into smaller things and smaller pieces, there are two needs. We are born as human beings, one thing is the need for connection that we bring with us from the womb, there is no other way because we have been connected all the time and everyone out there expects everything they want. lives that will find people with them will be able to stay connected again where it feels good, where you don't have to try hard, where you don't have to constantly be how others want you to be, but where you can truly be who you are, that is the need for connection and the Another need is what already comes from the mother's womb, that is, according to one's own creative possibilities.
It sounds very strange, but of course such a child has already existed before. he is born and tries everything possible. It is not a passive state where it is easy. That is the only way to grow, but this world opens before you are born and in the process you learn that you can learn more and more, announce more. and even more so this coherence, it restores the feeling of competition and then it emerges and of course you want to create something out there. Every person is an entrepreneur. At first like that and then you just experience that you grow up in a world where adults. , for reasons that you now have to look at more closely, we cannot do that today or perhaps later in the discussion, then you experience that you grow into a world where adults no longer have this connection and you can no longer pass. continues, you experience that the thought, the feeling and the action that were always coherent from the beginning for each child and for all of you and were always together, that is why children are like that.
With your whole body in motion, you have to experience that you have to separate yourself in order to survive in this current world, it has to go so far and it is so normal that you don't even think about it anymore when a father passes through Berlin with his son he goes and then leaves. sits in the church somewhere on the church steps at the beggar and then everyone knows what is happening so the son looks at the beggar and then the dad looks at him he wants to know from dad what he should do he has a feeling that it is not right that he sits there and waits for help from his dad and well, he sees that now is not the right time for dad to look somewhere else and then move like that and then we think he's a particularly good father if he then turns the next corner and then walks away.
He bends down and explains to his little Fritz why they didn't give the beggar anything. The child gets a cognitive explanation for an empathic impulse, yes, and we all do it that way, even if you. do it in childhood, you learned it that way and later in life you are constantly shown it and every night on TV, instead of the empathic reaction, you get my cognitive explanation of why it is that way, what is happening, so the empathy it surpasses you. In terms of your brain, it means I can cope with such a condition. I don't have to live my empathic feeling, I have to set in motion the networks in the brain that produce this empathy, this compassion, I have to put them into operation. until it is no longer there, so I put the chicken shape of the cognitive explanation on top of it and at some point there are inhibitory circuits so well developed that I can explain everything cognitively and no longer feel anything and then we have arrived at our current world, no wonder we are ruining it, it is no longer close to us, we are no longer connected to this world, we are no longer connected to our vitality at all, we only care about what can be measured, that is how long we will remain alive and what we have achieved along the way, but what a crazy world this has become, yes and yes, sometimes I get lost in it.
Language if you condense it a lot, so we have broken down the really connected world that we are in. are part and in which everything that lives is connected to each other for various reasons that you can then think of yourself in many pieces and it has something to do with the fact that you can then use it and control it better if you take it apart. Caesar already knew this and the second thing we did was we were there, so to speak, and each of you also feels that when you grow up in this world you cannot give in to your joy of discovery and... pursue your desire to create as you really do.
He would like to do it, as a small child comes into this world with all this joy of discovery and creativity, no later than when, at the age of four, he has completely cleaned his mother's kitchen. for the third time and he manages to build this pirate ship. Somehow he made it clear that this is not optimal, he wants something else and wants to please. I would rather go to his room and do that there or I have no idea; In other words, that's what we've all been through. We have all experienced failure with our desire to explore and create.
I often do surveys and ask adults. What is the most vital need you have now. As adults, at your age, there are a combination of things you can no longer live with and three-quarters say I would like to be in control of my own life again. I would like to create something, I don't want to function on a hamster wheel all the time I just want to regain my autonomy, I want to be the designer of my own life and then ask and when did you have to do it. repress it? When was the first time you had to suppress your own joy in creating?
I thoughtwas to come to school. At their parents' house they arrive at school already tangled, they have already had their joy of discovery and creativity and the little ones have to be repressed and wrapped and inhibited at home until they are gone a little and that is why they can stay awake all day in first grade Sitting in the chair, nothing moves anymore and then they fit there and that's why the school doesn't destroy it, the school just continues what most parents started at home. Now, thank God, another generation of parents is growing up and I am very happy about that, if the children who are not so prepared go back to school. , then these kids will blow up the school.
This is how you change school and not by constantly playing with the school, but by strengthening the children to finish school. Pippi Longstocking asks you. Before Pippi Longstocking, everyone would be. Pippi Longstocking in the first class, there they would give up the ghost, that would not work at all and that is where it has to go, that this undertaking where you find your way back to the ability to create and what I have described These are basically the complications in the ones we get into as we grow up in this world, dismantle everything, then come up with the craziest ideas and suppress our life needs until they are so far gone that we function almost like a calculating machine, which is the hallmark of digital devices. that they have no needs and when we lose our needs and lose touch with ourselves so much that we no longer feel what keeps us alive, so to speak, this eroticism, this physicality, this joy of discovery and creation, if I no longer feel that, so we will always be our most similar calculators and that's why everything we do is about one thing and nothing more and I hope that all companies and everyone who wants to start something here and we want something to always work.
Think about whether what they are doing can help people in today's world find a way out of the messes they have gotten themselves into and then modern entrepreneurship would be a development aid strategy. Thank you all, the best.

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