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Kevin Hart Changes A Single Mother's Life With $25,000 Scholarship

May 30, 2021
- As we celebrate the holidays, we want to shine a light on the millions of moms who make Christmas happen on their own. Kevin and I were raised by



s, we both know first hand that it's not easy, but somehow these super women make miracles happen for their families. That includes my next guest, she's a


mom from Kevin's hometown, Philadelphia actually, please welcome Andrea. (applause) Tell us a little about yourself. - I'm just like Kevin, I'm from North Philadelphia. I am a 25 year old single


of two amazing children. My oldest son, his name is Taylin, he is six years old.
kevin hart changes a single mother s life with 25 000 scholarship
He's my little bodyguard. My youngest son's name is Mozzie, he is autistic and has special needs. He has many sensory issues, so he requires a lot of attention and care. Right now, you know, the three of us share a single room in my parents' house. There are a lot of people, it is very difficult to study there, but you know. - Yes, aren't you too? You're studying to be a nurse, right? - I am, I'm at school. - How do you do that? - I don't know, I just get up every day and, you know, try to keep my head up, be positive and do what I have to do.
kevin hart changes a single mother s life with 25 000 scholarship

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kevin hart changes a single mother s life with 25 000 scholarship...

It is very hard. - So you've had a setback, what happened? - I found out that my financial aid would not cover my last year of nursing school. - And is it your last year? - Yes, my last year, so I'm sorry. - Okay, my God, wait. You see? I cry so many times when they leave me this, see? - Thank you, you know, right now, you know, I've been desperate, I talked to the school, I tried to apply for


s. I don't have the best credit, so I can't apply for personal loans. So, you know, now I have to drop out of nursing school and I only have one more year left.
kevin hart changes a single mother s life with 25 000 scholarship
You know I've been really depressed about it, a few days ago I had to go into my closet and cry because it makes me feel like a failure as a mother because - Oh my God, okay, first of all, what? You are not a failure as a mother, I have cried in my bathroom with a bottle and a glass of wine. You are not a failure. We all went through it, it doesn't matter, dad went through it. All parents go through that. You want the best


for your child, you try so hard, and some days it just doesn't work.
kevin hart changes a single mother s life with 25 000 scholarship
Well, as I mentioned before, both Kevin and I were raised by single mothers. We know the holidays can be difficult. So Kevin, what's something Andrea really needs to understand? - I think the best thing you should know is that you have done very well so far. You know, you're talking about two kids that you're raising, that you're supporting, and that you're multitasking, from work to school. You've already done a lot. You've already checked a lot of positive boxes and I think sometimes it's important to acknowledge and realize what happened before focusing on what we feel didn't happen.
I'm not the most spiritual person, but I believe God gives the toughest battles to some of his strongest soldiers. So nothing you can't handle is not what you're going through, as if this is all part of a plan. Who the plan is, I don't know, but it's supposed to happen for a reason, and it only makes you stronger. It's only making you better. And the better you are, the better those kids will be later in


, but you need to check those positive boxes, not the negative ones. That's the first tip. - Man, well said. I need that advice in my life, Kevin.
I'm on a couch right now, I'm in therapy. Single mothers perform miracles for their children, and I have no doubt that Andrea would perform a miracle for hers, but since it's the season of miracles, let's help her. Andrea, Kevin and I want your Christmas to be the size of Jumanji. ♪ Jumanji the size of my Christmas ♪ Yes. - Jumanji size. - We have a lot of gifts for your children. We have lots of gifts for your kids, including Jurassic Park. We heard your oldest son loves dinosaurs, so he's all set. - Thank you. - Oh my god, no, thank you for being such an inspiring mom.
You are showing us that people work hard. Well, people, we're off to a good start, but I said Jumanji-sized, so let's take things to the next level, right Kevin? - That's not big enough, we can make it bigger. That's the beginning. What I'm going to do, smile man. (laughs) Oh my God. - Merry christmas. - That was it, that elf had the deepest voice I have ever heard in my life. - He said Merry Christmas. -He just growled at me, Merry Christmas. Merry christmas. - So this one comes directly from Kevin. Kevin, tell him. - Well, let me tell you, first of all, when I have partners, I feel like my partners have to be a representation of me.
And Tommy John is a partner of mine that I've worked with for quite some time and we believe in quality and comfort. And we wanted to provide you and your home with plenty of quality and comfort, from loungewear to underwear, socks, you name it, we put it there. But when we were talking, I thought, that's just part of it. I thought, looking good and feeling good, and a family environment where they feel comfortable, that's one side, but one of the best things that can make you feel more comfortable is eliminating stress. So I said, "Let's go to the next level." So, my Tommy John partners, we took out $25,000 to take care of you and your tuition.
So, like I said, like I said, (applause) - Thank you. - I want people to really understand something, okay? You never know what blessing awaits you. You never know what tomorrow will hold and what it will bring. All you can do is be prepared for the best. And right now, hearing yourself speak as you spoke today and mustering the energy to tell your story and try to contain the emotions, you are more than deserving of this moment and you are more prepared to finish. your task and become one of the best nurses you can be. I'm about to go broke, you have to stop it, because you're really affecting my positive speech.
Basically what I'm saying is we need better nurses and I think we just got one. So go and finish doing what you have to do. (applause) - Alright, everyone in the audience will also receive Tommy John clothing. - I gave it to all of you, I gave it to all of you. - How do you feel? - Amazing. - This has to simply be a burden we just lifted, right? - Yes, I didn't expect anything. I always say that expectations bring disappointment, so I didn't expect anything. This is amazing, thank you very much. - Let's turn that around, wait, expectations bring disappointments, no.
Expectations, expect what you want and desire and it will find its way to you. - There you go, there you go Kelly. (applause) - Right now I'm going to show you the room that my two children and I share inside my parents' house. In total 10 people live here. I also live in my trunk because there isn't enough space in my room. Enters. Very tight here, shoes, clothes. I just try to use as much space as I can. I have things under the bed. I made this little library right here for my children, they really like it when I read to them.
Here is my study area. I keep shoes under my desk because I have no other place to store them. It's really hard to study here when my kids are right behind me in bed. Like I said, there are a lot of people here. I'm just trying to do the best I can to make it work. You know I have to do what I have to do. - I'm back with Kevin Hart and Andrea, an aspiring nurse and single mother. That was a tour of the room she shares with her two children. She now lives in a house with 10 other people.
Before the break, Kevin and Jumanji brightened up their Christmas with toys and a


to finish nursing school. Well, we said we'd make his Christmas Jumanji-sized, right Kevin? - We said that. - Have we done that? - I don't think we've fully sized your Christmas for Jumanji, Jumanji is a great movie. That's a really great movie. - Exactly, I feel like we are definitely below the bar at this point. - I think we can go, there is another level that can be reached, you could definitely reach another level. - Alright, let's take this Jumanji-sized Christmas up a notch, let's do it.
Well, all of our friends at Xfinity also heard Andrea's story and wanted to help. Xfinity is providing her and her children with a newly remodeled and furnished two-bedroom apartment, all free to them, for a full year. Xfinity knows that the Internet has the incredible power to keep us all connected and has become vital to living and working these days. Because of this, Xfinity also makes sure that Andrea and her kids stay connected to free internet service for a year, which is super helpful for studying, I know. And we have Miguel Martinez-Valle from our Philadelphia affiliate, NBC 10, waiting for a great tour of Andrea's new house.
Look at that monitor and take a look at your new home. - Hi, hi Andrea, hi Kelly, hi Kevin. I am very excited to show you your new home. I'm going to give you a little tour around here, Andrea, it's beautiful here. Let's take a look around us. So when you walk in the front door, the first place you'll see is your kids' bedroom. The kids have their own room, you know they have bunk beds right there, you can watch the How to Train Your Dragon theme here. It's beautiful and comes complete right next to your room, which has its own space.
I mean we were talking about space earlier. Look, get your own beautiful bed and check out that desk. I know you're finishing up your nursing studies, that's a great study spot just for you, Andrea. And right here, this is the family space. Then you get the kitchen, new stainless steel appliances, new granite countertops and everything right off the living room. So, you've got that new TV from our friends at Xfinity and take a look behind me, because it's the holiday season, a beautifully decorated Christmas tree and gifts for the whole family. So this beautiful space is right next to where you currently live, just a few blocks away.
The children can stay in their own school, it is very close to where you are now, but this is yours. So, I don't know, Andrea, how are you feeling? - Oh my gosh, just blessed and grateful. I didn't expect this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. - Do you think your boys will like it? - Oh, they'll love it, they'll love it. - Well, that's right, Miguel, don't you have some special visitors there with you? - Yes, yes, I have special guests, so guys, come here, Taylin and Mozzie are here, they will see it for the first time too.
Hey guys, come in here, come in here. Why don't you say hi to your mom real quick? She will be there. - Your boys can hear you. (applause) - Guys, look around, this space is yours. These gifts are for you this Christmas. - Hurrah. - How do you feel now? - Good. - Do you feel very well? -Yes.-Alright, guys, do you want to see her bedroom? Alright, let's run back, let's go straight over here, you'll see all the How to Train Your Dragon, they'll go take a look at their room. - Oh! -Look, she got very excited. - Look at those bunk beds. - Do you feel excited?
Do you like bunk beds? Do you both have your own bed? - Yes, I like this one up there. - The oldest always goes, I stay on top. - Why don't you blow a kiss to your mom, Kelly and Kevin? - Well. (applause) - I love you. - Well. - Tell them you love them. - I love you. - Well, we love you. We hope you like all your news and that you have the most incredible Christmas ever, guys, goodbye.

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