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Kate Middleton Reveals Cancer Diagnosis | The View

May 09, 2024
Well, after months of relentless public scrutiny and conspiracy theories, Princess Kate Middleton broke her silence on Friday. Check it out. In January I underwent major abdominal surgery in London and at the time my condition was thought to be non-


ous, the surgery was successful however the test. After the operation discovered


, my medical team recommended that I undergo a course of preventive chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment. This, of course, was a big shock and, most importantly, it has taken us time. Explaining everything to George Charlotte and Louie in a way that is appropriate for them and reassuring them that I will be okay with William by my side is also a great source of comfort and reassurance, as is the love, support and kindness that they have given me Many of you have shown me that it means a lot to us.
kate middleton reveals cancer diagnosis the view
We hope you understand that as a family we now need some time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment. So when you heard that, what was your response. True, I felt terrible, to be honest, who I was. I'm guilty of having fun with where Kate is and thinking it's funny and sharing the memes and playing with it and forgetting something fundamental that we all know. Is every person, whether a princess, someone in a privileged position, or just the person next to you, dealing with personal struggles that we don't know about? I send you my love and strength because I'm sure the palace was totally mismanaged. the public relations of it, but the public handled it badly, we didn't give it a lick of no, we, you did it, a lot of other people did it.
kate middleton reveals cancer diagnosis the view

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I didn't think there's anything more serious here that she's dealing with and I feel really bad about that. It's just a reminder because we all are to a lesser degree, but in the public eye we see the casual, meaningless cruelty and meanness and I think as a society we're very quick to jump on that and join the bandwagon and think it's funny. . and forget that these are real human beings going through something good and the


is just heartbreaking. I was sitting with my best friend who had breast cancer when she was 30 and has two daughters, so watching her is like reliving her own moment.
kate middleton reveals cancer diagnosis the view
It was tragic and now when the conspiracy theories started I thought we shouldn't worry. The part that got me was the way the palace handled it because when they released that photo and then everyone had to issue a murder because it wasn't trustworthy and then another source that made me think, oh my god, what the hell is wrong here, but I think you talk about the most important part, which is that you never know what someone is going through, and I hope that now I've always questioned the way the royal family handles women because, whether it's Princess Diana, Fergie or Megan Marle, I wasn't blaming Kate for what was going on, I was really upset with the way it was handled, whether it should have been my business or It can't be debated, um, but now I hope for a speedy recovery and she would assure you everyone that you are receiving the best care and I know that it is very important for your children to know that they are in good hands.
kate middleton reveals cancer diagnosis the view
For me, it was a a a teaching moment a teaching moment and the lesson that I learned was when Goldberg's scream tells me to mind my own damn business I'll mind my own damn business uh from now on um look you know , I almost never know what's going on in pop culture, so It was very strange for me too the joy of falling down this rabbit hole, but it was everywhere, there was an international frenzy that you couldn't avoid, it was actually in reputable news outlets, not just the tabloids, it was in the New York Times. it was on CNN, it was everywhere and, yeah, I felt depressed because I think that doctored photo opened a can of worms and we've all learned that there are a lot of Internet sleuths that can notice every little thing and come out. with conspiracy theories, I feel bad that I fell down the rabbit hole, um, you know, fell into speculation, we had a family talk about it, but, you know, I think part of the reason why that too happened is because I think she's very loved and respected and valued and treasured in England, but I think we all like her because you know she's like a bright spot in what's been a very dysfunctional royal family for decades and decades and she just It has that appearance.
As a great wife and mother, I feel like we all know her, so she asked for privacy. This Nicaraguan is going to give it to you. I'm going to keep my mouth shut about her and just wish her the best. Pray for her hope. She and her family overcome this process. Several of us on this channel have had a cancer


in our family and we know that it touches you to the core, it's as scary as it can be and it takes a long time to process and digest. and I can even imagine how much harder it is to have to explain it to young children, so she wants privacy.
If the same. I mean, I am deeply sorry for allowing Sarah Haynes to drag me down. I have receipts, we have text messages. chains, you can see who L is. I think I might have guided you guys, sorry guys, so I'm fine. I blame, I blame Brian. I'm deeply sorry, you know, that Alyssa took me down the rabbit hole too because I usually don't care that much. about the royals that he was very involved with and how Megan Markle um uh says that she was treated and that it almost led to her, you know, death by suicide, so that's a part of the Family Dynamics that I was. , she was pretty I got interested and I read about it and I saw the inter


that uh uh Prince Haran and Megan had with Oprah um, but other than that, I never cared much and I researched the brick, the photos, the photos because I fell into this Rabbit crazy.
Hole, thanks to my co-host and myself. I have to take the blame for that because I also didn't listen to Goldberg's scream, who told me to stop and I didn't, so here I am. Can I also quickly mention that? Hmm, that's an important reminder: You can be young in the health landscape and be fighting something, so you should get screened. I have two friends right now who have different cancer diagnoses and you would never think it to look at them. I don't think so, looking at K, the last three cancer diagnoses, the last three cancer diagnoses that I've seen around have all been people in their 30s, yeah, so it's a great reminder to make sure that yeah, we don't.
You are, no, we want your words. of wisdom now you're not going to say I told you very well no, I'm not because you know listen, like I said, once you've had this experience, it can scare you, yes, it can scare you because you know the Once those things start to happen , everyone joins in and there is no way to stop it, yes, people don't want to hear the truth, they just know that they are doing their thing, that's why I always think about the children, yes, because children, they, you know, hear it from the outside , they hear it at school, even their kids, yeah, at school, they're at school with normal kids, you know, so you know, which is part of the reason why I wanted to celebrate it so the kids would have a rest, yes, so that they could spend time with him and not be subject to this, but yes, listen, you are the voice of wisdom in this, you are international. well-known star uh and and uh and yeah, you know, you know what it's like to be discussed and speculated on, we've heard you and we didn't get it right, you know, maybe you'll do it next time.
I don't put money into it, no. she won't won't hold her breath girl no, never, but I always will if I think there's an advantage, I'll always say listen, please, you know, think about this because what you don't know is what we say here, you don't stay here, yeah, it goes across the pond, it goes to the Internet, it goes and people, as you know, manipulate things, manipulate what you say, so sometimes you get a phone call saying, what's going on? Yes, you say no. it's just nothing happening, what's going on with you, yeah, you know, and then someone will say, well, could you maybe manipulate it a little bit?
It's okay, I'll do my best, not always, but sometimes you manipulated him, well, no, not enough. I tried, I tried because I don't want people to misunderstand you all. I don't want them to think you're making fun of someone because they're sick because that's what people will say, yeah you know it is. No, that was never the intention, but that was never the intention, so I always, always hope that if I hear something that can help us improve, that's Captain, keep writing this, yeah, because we're sorry, we're almost gone, we went very far. You say I said Captain, write the ship, yeah, because I don't even know what that means, but it means almost no, we're a bunch of icebergs, that's what it means, yeah, I'm not going to tell you what I thought. because it won't help

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