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Kardashian Family Feuds: Storm Off Edition | KUWTK | E!

May 30, 2021
If you need to get so wet then understand we're both trying to move on, that's what we've all been saying, so I'm trying to do everything I can to not think about her getting into a


. trip, don't you think it's not enough? You can do whatever you want on vacation, don't you think it's inappropriate? disrespectful disrespectful towards who towards me towards your kids and towards my whole


everything she wants to do she just keeps going I'm moving on I'm trying to get over it it's nothing about mommy but every night you sleep with our kids and I have to sleeping alone sad and miserable that's my life you should be with us in the house we have organized I'm not strong enough to do that, all this reminds me of a life we ​​used to have, stop playing the victim, you had your chance, I thought we would spend our whole lives together and I've done everything I can, okay I have to get back to a different lifestyle so you shouldn't come on our family vacation if you can't go four days without bringing some random girl, just don't okay, so let me do that and I won't have to do it like this, you can.
kardashian family feuds storm off edition kuwtk e
I'm not going for four days, no, it sucks, if you need to get that wet, then get what I was wearing, a baby blue shirt, get wet and go, oh boy, that was for Dubai, you know what I? I'm not mad because you deserve it, think about it, I guess you know what I want to do, I want to have a vacation like before, we didn't have dogs, look she's reading it, she's not, you're you. you're reading doing your buddies and your emails I'm allowed to communicate with people I'm going to communicate don't be here I'm getting really tired of everyone going like this all day and no one talks I want to hang out with you ridiculous I wouldn't talk if I had this or not she comes into the house immediately goes to a computer don't you think it's strange that she doesn't like to enjoy that I'm checking my I don't I don't plan vacation emails.
kardashian family feuds storm off edition kuwtk e

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kardashian family feuds storm off edition kuwtk e...

I'd rather not be here. I'm sick. I don't want to be cold. I wouldn't have come here if it was my choice. I'm already late, honey, so I wouldn't have done it. Come on, I didn't want to come in the cold. I had to fly to the city. I'm tired. I would really like to have this wonderful family vacation. Yes, I planned it and I think I want Kim to be present in the moment with the family. texting I was thinking you might like to have a good time no I love going back in time or we could just take these little things and maybe throw them in the trash and if you break them you're missing out okay?
kardashian family feuds storm off edition kuwtk e
I'm furious, I mean I literally want to kill her. Kim, come here, doll, let me see it, I swear, I didn't mean, where's your bag? You will see your phone go to the bathroom, do it with others as you would. have others do you kim is very sure kim it's my task kim's fun task let's see if yours works it's what she deserves okay then I'm not going to go so chloe and I'm just going to pick up the slide for you guys two already I said you're going, yes, but you're supposed to work. You also know that you took two months off to take care of the baby.
kardashian family feuds storm off edition kuwtk e
Like you're going to wait until she's 20 before you go back to work. I would love to talk to Chloe and I can't. keep working for you, well I think you work, she's been pregnant for four years, I swear don't get involved, I won't get involved, but she's right, I feel like you haven't been working for years, no offense. jonathan wants to live inside kim this is sister business i'm sorry you literally like eating kim's berries like that's all you like why would you like that jonathan yeah why what do I have to do with it just because no you've been working for four years and kim and chloe like to do all the work for you your whole job is literally following kim wherever she is i don't know what kim is in los angeles you're in los angeles what is she talking about what You tell me all the time oh what Oh, don't do that, that's a disaster, that's great.
Courtney has always been ruthless and Jonathan will say anything. They have always argued now. She's getting a little more extreme. They push you so far into Kim's ass. She is like a judge. You are like that. a loser at least my job isn't to collect Kim's money when it falls out of her ass. Kim is like without Kim you would be nothing. All you'd be doing is chasing Scott around the nightclubs every night. I don't know who told you that. You're the queen of this castle and you don't need to work because you need to, she's been working, I know since I'm on her ass all day, she's been working 365 days for the last four years while you were pregnant and doing nothing. why do I even listen to you why are you oh you're delusional you're a psychopath and you're a why don't you leave you don't have your own place god will never marry your court oh god oh my god get your friend out of here.
That was crazy. What are they doing? I thought they were going to the beach. What's happening? Dog, Kim wasn't supposed to take you. No, she hurt her foot or her ankle. She hurt her foot while she was running. you kimchi, she sent a dog, she tripped over a dog, a dog, I hope she's not lying to these girls, you know, I've seen her do this before and it's not right for these girls to admire her so much. Why don't we do something? Why not? Oh, you said that with so much enthusiasm, come on, let's have a little more excitement, that's better, yeah, I thought about it.
Okay, it sucks that we couldn't go to the beach. Uh, I agree, but if Kim, you know, she's not feeling well, I can't blame her for that, you have the flowers ready, yeah, okay, my sweet girls have flowers from Kimberly, okay, come on, you have the flowers, there There's Kim Cam, Kim, hey guys, what happened? your leg I really thought you guys would be more offended if I said I forgot about Kim, you could have told us the truth, you know, enjoy her flowers, girls, let's go to the car, we don't want to stay here anymore.
I mean, that's a little dramatic. Let someone be at home, yes, yes, in no one's house. Bruce Jenner lives here guys, no, yeah, 1976. I will, bro, watch out, they're awesome, they're ghosts, hey, what the hell are you guys doing? It's three o'clock in the morning guys guys yeah gross she's not a party house giggle and kylie are sleeping I'm sleeping your mom is sleeping and you guys are down here acting like two year olds look at the mess on the floor clean it up you could disappear in a second you don't even pay the rent clean it up I swear I'm going to catch this kid and throw him out of our house.
I'm sick and tired of you babysitting this little boy, maybe he's 22 years old and graduated from college. He can go out and get his own place. I don't need it in the house.

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