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Kai Cenat Reacts to MrBeast $1 vs $250,000,000 Private Island!

Apr 20, 2024
endangered and they are on this


because Richard Branson's owner brought them all here to prevent them from becoming extinct, but the most endangered animals on this


were the mermaids who served us sushi sushi, these are luxury mermaids Do you want sushi? I wanted to say no, it's cannibalism, yes, there are mermaids. It's like a family reunion, come here, honestly there's so much on this island that we can't even film. We played tennis, we played basketball, we explored another mansion. I did my first.coal drop you get the idea that there's so much to do on this island it's really overwhelming this one is actually pretty intense I'm afraid you want to know what else is intense what's the last island I'll see you there okay?
kai cenat reacts to mrbeast 1 vs 250 000 000 private island
It literally can't get better than this, right Chad, it literally can't get better than this, you're telling me it's going to be better than this, it literally can't get better than this and you're telling me it's going to be better than this. be better than this impossible show me oh why are we still here and on the way to the $250 million island we stopped in shark infested waters because I have to pay for this video and now that I'm surrounded by sharks and what feels like my La worst nightmare I'm going to tell you about St guys oh you're so close oh my god and the worst part is I'm not coming out until I'm done with this stumble guys I mean free to play mobile stumble.
kai cenat reacts to mrbeast 1 vs 250 000 000 private island

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kai cenat reacts to mrbeast 1 vs 250 000 000 private island...

Guys, you sponsor me once, stumble, guys, you sponsored me once, it was a beautiful experience. Do you remember that brother? That was really funny. I am not going to lie. We are 32 people competing for the crown. You have to be an absolute maniac to do this. Not even stumbling guys could pay me to do this. Why are they all? Here the sharks, oh oh, they're so close, they're so close and for their new season they tried their best, but they make Mr B Skins animations and no, oh, it's coming right at me, bro, this is wow, I want to make sure May there be enough sharks for Jimmy.
kai cenat reacts to mrbeast 1 vs 250 000 000 private island
They also added a whole new level where you have to follow a pattern as long as possible to stay alive and the longer you live the harder it gets oh the sharks are hitting me I think the sharks are hitting the cage no they are It's swinging, oh, this is scary. I've also just released my new toolset so you can build your own Mr Beast level. This is one of the best seasons in history. You must try my new Mr Beast level and create your own. I want to see what you guys come up with, oh.
kai cenat reacts to mrbeast 1 vs 250 000 000 private island
The sharks keep hitting the cage, so I'm getting out of here. Make sure you download Stumble Guys for free so you don't have to go back to the shark cage. Are you alive. Let's do more things that have nothing to do with each other. What to do with sharks please, and now that I have paid off the debt I incurred for this video, let's visit the $25 million island. This is a $250 million


island. This is a country. What is a 250? This is a country, brother, brother. What a million


islands, this extraordinary island has a complete amusement park with over a dozen water slides, it also has its own hot air balloon and almost every activity you can imagine and we have them all to ourselves.
There are no other guests here, but of all the features you've seen on these islands so far, this one stands head and shoulders above the rest, in the middle of the island there is a huge water slide, although literally 8 year olds go on it that slide. Check it out because I'm afraid of heights, but before we go on the water slide we check out the other features, like there are over 100 jet skis on this island, it's a little excessive and not to mention there's a literal zip line that stretches the entire length. length of man. -beaches done, I imagine it's your birthday and you have to do it and you could invite a thousand people and celebrate this for a week straight it's just on 247 like what's the helmet for?
Why am I going to fall to the ground, brother? sometimes people fall off all your friends, family, all the cars, you're a little bit behind, this is amazing, actually, this isn't that crazy and if you own this island, you can house over 13,000 of your friends in any of these five G thousand this. I just said 13,000 genu and pool, oh, this kind of looks like it was made in Minecraft, which has 13,000 friends, and it's so fun to see my two friends in it. Nolan seems like a little Speck for $250 million, limit, I don't have 13,000. friends, no, I'm not fine, you see, I'm about to say that I have 8.8 million friends, but again, I don't want the social situation to get worse, okay, because if I call all of you my literal friends , it will be at least. 15 in this chat who is really going to believe that and really like the word you and you my dog ​​CH 100% but we are not going to say it out loud because in the back they feel this to me.
The island, of course, has exotic animals, it is a peacock, sir. I need to take him for interrogation, sir, and even all the games I can imagine. I wish there were the 13,000 people that are normally here to see how bad it is with corn. Is that soccer pool? The island has things I didn't even know existed, but one thing I noticed is that there were too many lifeguards on this island for just the four of us. How many lifeguards are there on this island? More than 100 actually, with so many lifeguards you'd have to try. drown, so I thought it would be fun if we gave them the whole day off.
Has anyone ever rented this island before? Wow, this is the first guy you lean back on. You look too relaxed and after all the 100 lifeguards went down they decided Cheer me and the boys up for our turn to go down the slide, Chad No Cap No Cap, we're going to the amusement park and we're all packed in, no caps, but It's super organized, brother, no cap, look, look, look, I'm not going to wear a cap, brother, no cap. super organized, super lit, right, no cap, I think the second part is good, here we go bro, give me a break, give me a break, okay, no cap, chat with yachi and I about making anx concrete like a park of amusements, the day of the illuminated ass, that low profile will be illuminated. right, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, oh my gosh, that would be hard.
I'm going to see the chat. That's actually your Banger and I like it it's just going to be hard oh my gosh guys you want to know what's even scarier. That? Why is it so scary? So scary. We can skip it. It is over 135 feet tall. This is the tallest water slide in all of North America. I don't even know what I'm looking at. It's like a cry from heaven, but I'm afraid, Daredevil's Peak, what a relaxing name, very attractive, we are so high that I'm getting scared. Well, we reached the top. You guys are waiting for us up here, yeah, listen to how intense the wind is here.
Don't look down, look how crazy the island looks, oh my gosh, okay Carl, no, oh, noan, oh, would you say the nose goes is executable, the nose goes is that way here we go hey, the last one guard said you have to go Nolan, I love you, mom? I'll see you on the other side, okay, go, oh my God, oh my God, I got hit by a truck, let's do this, you better come down after me, okay, oh God, why is it so fast? Is it really that scary? I'm going to do this. for your entertainment even though the giant ride scared me here we go here we go so fast and even though I was basically drowning the whole time from the water slide I have to say this whole island was amazing oh yeah and one more thing for sure You use this QR code to download Stumble Guys and you can win $10,000.
Use this QR code to download Stumble Guys and you could win $110,000. I need that F you're talking about.

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