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Junk Journal~Using Up Book Pages Ep 61 Embellished Paper Strips!The Paper Outpost :)

Feb 18, 2020
decent, you don't have to pay much for pinking shears, but if they are going to be better, those little Fisks are things for a wedding


. cut if you're just cutting yeah and those won't cut the fabric at all so yeah forget about whistling Dixie before that happens okay there we have it and now you can leave it like that you don't have to. more than that, this can go on the side of your page and look absolutely wonderful, you know, depending on the type of page you want to put it side up, something like that, you know, hey, that looks great, right? go ahead and do that so I'll sew it up and come right back so basically we made one of these let me give you a closer look okay and it's just on


nothing more than what people do sometimes . things called shard scrolls which are very similar to this except this is just a section of a shard I guess that's what you call it and often the shard rulers are made on cloth but they can also be made on paper or any thing, but this is just a very simple strip of paper, an extra strip of paper with pieces of fabric. sewn on the front and you can see how the stitching adds a little accent, it's not required but if I could encourage any of you to go out and get a small sewing machine, maybe at your thrift store for about 20 Dollars. or you can borrow one from your Aunt Sally just for an afternoon and swear that you know maybe you'll get your own needle or something, it can really add a lot to your crafting, it just opens up a world. so I would say don't rule it out even if you're not a sewing person because I wasn't a sewing person at all zero interest I always thought you had to be boring with the sewing gene and if you weren't if you didn't grow up in a family where no one sat down and taught you how to sew, you know, that's it, the ship had sailed, it was never going to happen, wasn't it, today we have YouTube and you can learn anything on YouTube and Really, with crafting of paper you don't need to learn a lot of fancy things, you need to learn how to do a straight stitch and a zigzag stitch and then you have so many possibilities right there, the ideas are endless at that point, so If you could figure out how to thread the bobbin and thread the machine and straighten the zig-zag stitch, you'll have amazing possibilities and you'll probably learn a little bit more even beyond that, but you know what's so easy and I really encourage you to do it and I'm off my soapbox, okay, what do we have more?
junk journal using up book pages ep 61 embellished paper strips the paper outpost
Okay, that's it, oh, I have to end it here because our time is not going to disappear before our eyes, so I'm just going to put our donations here, which we did without tarnishing everyone so you can see them again. Sample time examples and I hope you like it. I hope it was fun. I didn't have time to make the paper tape, but there are many examples. Besides that, I think Natasha's treasure


s are really nice and
junk journal using up book pages ep 61 embellished paper strips the paper outpost

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