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May 29, 2021
oh no guys I'm in trouble if you don't click on that like play in two seconds I think I'm going to die two one oh I just


ed to a different place that's exactly what we're doing today in Minecraft every time we


. We


every time we hit, we teleport now. I forgot to wear my jelly shirt from this video, so make sure you wear it. Joey shirt, comm, go get your own good merch. Guys, store just


loser, yeah, just jump. What are you doing? What do you mean? Wait, so every time you jump you teleport.
jump teleport to random location minecraft
Wait, maybe it's Jenny Crane, come Jim, the bus only has one way to find out. Hey kid, so you're ready. Yeah, let me go, right? Oh my God, we're both stuck. in this hole so I thought, wait, thanks but where are we now? I'm in a hole guys, I was trying to get wood, please, oh my god, I did it without realizing it, okay, I'm sorry, we can all catch it in the same tree now, right? This is perfect, okay, don't jump, don't jump, nobody jump, just get the word and it'll be good, okay, stop, are you about to get back to it?
jump teleport to random location minecraft

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jump teleport to random location minecraft...

I was used to that too, okay, it's all over, okay, wait, this is perfect, we mine it, that's really smart genius Craner is a genius, okay, come on, let's go over a tree, I only have four, I know where, let's say I have one more, nice, I'm going to blow up your Lynch, it's over here, hey Jilly, sorry, come on. I'm building a craft. it's been done oh cool that's really our car oops i jumped wait i just made a crafting bench we're the boss he said which way which direction wait yes i see we could teleport miles away wait where's your girlfriend we don't even know Lo sorry, sorry, sorry, this is going to be bad, a new crafting bench and then we'll be at the crafting table and then we'll have some tools, thanks, don't jump guys, why do we have to do it now?
jump teleport to random location minecraft
Nobody jump, okay? I'm just going, I said I was making one, y'all, I said I was where you guys are the worst, okay, I got a pickaxe, okay, give me a sweet bone, why can't I crack? How do you think we got high? Josh like a stone place, okay, I don't know, I'm going to get high, here we go, are you okay, Julie, are you freaking out or something? Oh yeah, so I'm working on a trade, wait, I can't do it either, it won't shoot for me. I don't want you guys talking about maybe teleportation is having some weird effects on things again oh you guys oh yeah maybe it's fake oh wait.
jump teleport to random location minecraft
I can run back. I know where the crafting tables are. We teleported like a hundred blocks. What a pity, no one jumped, please, yes, no one jumped now, I have to try again, everything is fine, it works now, it's okay, something almost happened, so every time something bad happens we just jump guys. Sorry, we're back, we're back, wait if my sticks. Wow, yeah, I think they were removed because I had some in my crafting, all my stones are gone too, no, it's all your fault, hey, hey, Josh, here you go, Josh, pick these up, save your own sticks, guys, I'm the dumbest one here.
I made a ladder to go down to my mind that oh wait, I can't open myself in any way. I'll make some for you. I'll make some stairs. Oh thanks Tillie, why? Oh, hating people does that too. Oh. around you guys stop where I don't know where we've gone well guys stop please please please okay look guys can we be a little bit more? oh wait, there's a boundary crossed there, okay, guys, guys, guys, guys, oh wait, I have nice stairs. work, solve the problem, cow, okay, you guys have some equipment, no, I have a lot of wood and ladders.
I mean, that's what we need. I think it's time to go out and try to find a mine or something. Yes, we will survive in an environment. guys yeah well we can't jump so wait I have a great idea how we can find a mine right yeah okay it was an animal where I stopped a peg okay sorry jelly guys , why do we get into mine? and see if we can jump from one mine to another right away. Look, that could be very dangerous here too. Genie alert alarms go off here. Do a little more jumping, but literally one jump at a time.
Craner, that wasn't me, of course, it was me. I don't see any of you, sorry, mine, so I washed, that wasn't me, that shouldn't be like that, we have to go in one direction, okay, please, yes, you drive the teleport train, There we go, okay, one, yeah, we're back where we are. They were, oh, you're twerking when Josh is doing it, wait, hey, we're going to fry, you saw water, keep her away from Italy, we're back, we're here, oh, wait, there's one of mine, guys, look, cool, mine, yes, I mean, we. I have some old stuff so this really worked for a good wait be careful with that job remember there are stairs where you just break down grabbing this call well stairs stairs you better ok wait this is a mine really cool, I actually need to talk to your friend. get out of here Jenny was going to die teleport us out of the mine again it's a good way to save myself from death I write all that even in we're back oh we're back I'm so good for any door we aim is where a teleporter Oh, not that one It was me, so yeah, it's


, but I like it, I don't think it's running, so I pointed in the other direction and jumped on this, this is right, I think we have.
Be careful with the skeleton down there and don't jump away from it. Hey, wait, no, no, I think if it hits us, it teleports, wait, what happens to the gelatin can be scary. I jumped, man, I jumped, no, guys, free, you hit me. Hit me guys, you're so dumb, oh, I think it's good, you can't be mad at me, okay, Creina successfully failed, yeah, I did, that's what I do, okay, that's all the iron, there's a turtle up here, guys, okay, cook, okay, this is great, doston. please don't break the block under me it's okay, no, we're okay, we're okay, it's okay, I'm going down, oh wait, don't jump jelly, I'm okay if you're in the water, yeah, you don't want anything, wait, That's good, jump, okay, I just lost some serious weight. hit Johnny, keep waiting in the area, time Brina, if we keep one of your times, wait, you know, jelly, okay, just in case, jelly, okay, that's a no, of course, no, of course , and there we go okay, okay, give me a bite, did you just take it all?
Hey, relax, you understand me, you understand me, okay, take someone's jelly, no, I want the iron jaws for you. I don't trust, don't trust, okay, no, he I put on a suit, I put a finger together, I jumped up angry, okay, everyone calm down, okay, they almost killed us all, hopefully teleporting to heaven wouldn't have killed Josh because he has armor, now you know he could have done it. He landed on my head, what does it matter now? Craner, any of you, a pickaxe that has inside me, hey Jenny, I have one here for you, yeah, Jill, you just have this here, look great, no, it's an ingot, that's cool, what am I? well you want me to make a shovel then yeah earth wait he put you there let's keep it in mind guys we're getting distracted okay there's a lot going on joe look at it be careful pirate ship oh nevermind , can.
We don't swim guys otherwise we teleport okay so we're basically stuck now just in an infinite loop of John yeah I think that's okay let's try not to be too safe underwater no this is your control underwater right now we just have to get up and land without pressing space oh don't worry we need your lap wait where we're going oh here we go yay okay okay now do you mind if we try to look for them just go to the pointers jump hard okay more green Oh guys, was that was jelly definitely not, that wasn't me, okay, we announced our teleports.
I'm going to teleport once now to move forward. Okay, here we go. It's a tree, much better if we tell ourselves so. Okay, I'll do it now. Oh no, Jenny. that mine was there much better because I told you well, it is here, it is here, I think it is here, I saw that this is the biggest mine that has ever existed, this is the most beautiful mind that I have seen in my entire life , okay, stop complaining, life is really bad, it's really bad, my Josh, we've been teleporting to a different place, the teleportation works, Josh, yeah, we're in a completely different biome, yeah, where are we going now?
Trying to go in one direction, I feel like it's not always like that guys, it just stops. like it's so confusing again I'd just think straight guys seriously let's get some coal and dig down I think that's the best we can do right now alright started guys yeah this not at all , were they kind to the iron pickaxe? It's not going to be much slower than the point. Sorry, die when you fall into the lava. Wait. I'm actually scared. Hey, at least I'll die first when there's lava. Know? Wait. I could get my own pickaxe, but we don't.
I don't have time for that, uh, and we're going to find a mine in your Salem and hire a teleport here. Does that teleport us to a cave? Maybe we'll try it, you see one, let's try it. Well, now they didn't work, it was Craner's idea. Wasn't that pretty to see, he agreed to do it right here, guys, how's that useful? because we have an eye wash, come down, come on, okay, come down, the gelatin is not setting well, as long as you care about me, Adam, really wait. be careful, make sure you build we have stairs, guys, stairs, days, that's what we have, listen, follow this down and hopefully this will take us from left to right like a big cave, right, careful, careful, It's too far down, wait, lower the torch, okay, water, we can. use the water to go back to space, yeah, there's no tobacco, you'll know what's bad, what's bad, what days, a little Prentiss, let's go down here, there's nothing down here, great, now, this way, This way it gets deeper, we have to go back up.
OMG, somehow, could you get rid of the water? Please, there you go, yes, you're okay, it's okay, why did you follow me, jelly? Hey, because you know if you phone the diamonds, I wanted to steal it, my God, you've got to be kidding me. Ladder, okay, okay, keep going, keep going. There you go, you fell carefully, don't jump, okay, yeah, Carol just found a cave, we don't want to ruin it now, okay guys, are we sure you want to go down and stay alert? Okay, don't let him hit us because then that's going to be bad yeah, he can't get up fortunately okay, that's good, it's done, there's a puny human Jenny, my now, if I hit you, you revel in it now Yes, sure, no, jello, stop until you make a fire, yes, diamonds, no way, okay, we do it.
I don't want it there, okay, maybe I shouldn't use the, make sure it doesn't go anywhere, okay, guys, you're ready. I'm going to stop mining, okay guys, it will be mine. There's no way you hit me, mist, which means you stood in front. Of me, I'm the only one without a diamond, guys, I mean, that works for me, yeah, I'm rich now. I have a diamond, right, I stole it from Josh. I am a happy child if you want to be happy. Guy too, so make sure you click on the next video, right click here, you have two seconds of this video that will end 2 1

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