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Julian Assange's hidden family revealed: top secrets inside the Embassy | 60 Minutes Australia

Jun 05, 2021
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has made a name for himself and many enemies by publishing military and other highly sensitive


from multiple governments around the world, as a result of which he currently calls a maximum security prison in England home while waging a war. bitter battle with the Trump administration, which wants to extradite him to the United States before prison, the controversial and now very fragile Australian spent seven years imprisoned in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and it is there where Assange helped conceive his own two children with his until now Equally reserved fiancée Stella Morris Stella.
julian assange s hidden family revealed top secrets inside the embassy 60 minutes australia
You have been Julian Assange's big secret, perhaps his best surprise, but yes, it is something that the most watched people on the planet managed to create a space for a


and a couple, it was not easy, but if you are with someone you love , you can do it. You can make impossible situations possible, Stella Morris, 37, and Julian Assange, 48, consider their love story an act of rebellion that at a time when Julian was confined to the Ecuadorian


in London after seeking asylum there , when he was denied almost all other freedoms. They still found each other, it was tolerable because we were able to create a refuge, a private oasis and create life and with life there is hope, what are we going to do and this is the life that they created, Gabriel of three years and maximum of 14 months.
julian assange s hidden family revealed top secrets inside the embassy 60 minutes australia

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julian assange s hidden family revealed top secrets inside the embassy 60 minutes australia...

We have these two little boys who are wonderful and you know there is a future for our united


until the covert hit Stella would take her son to see her father in prison. Hello, we are filming for the last 10 weeks. His only contact has been. been on the phone when Julian manages to call like he does now honey daddy wants to say hello it's an adorable connection between father and son in April last year Julian Assange's 7 year odyssey in the Ecuadorian


came to a shocking end Assange is a politician asylum was revoked and in a move unprecedented at any embassy anywhere in London, the police were invited to arrest him.
julian assange s hidden family revealed top secrets inside the embassy 60 minutes australia
We knew he was coming, but I never thought he would be as brutal and brazen as that. I'm still processing it. None of this is normal. For everyone, what very few knew was that with his eviction and arrest, Julian Assange left behind two young children and a long-time loving partner. When I met him, I felt very lucky to be able to meet this person who had truly changed the world. with WikiLeaks, if you get this material, give it to us without asking questions and you will help change history in 2010, close it, close it, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks made headlines with the publication of three quarters of a million highly classified military documents and videos Roque was a bloodbath around every corner not long after a star appeared Stiller joined the team Assange changed the rules of the game and anything was possible Stella was an accomplished illegal investigator who obtained her UN credentials the long fight for justice for me and for others continues a year Later, Assange sought and was granted political asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
julian assange s hidden family revealed top secrets inside the embassy 60 minutes australia
He could receive visitors, but they would arrest him if he went outside. My work will not be intimidated. Maybe it was an unlikely love nest, but in 2015 Julien and Stella were in love and by 2017, they got secretly engaged, which took you from friendship to lovers, we became closer and you know, we became friends and We watched movies together and I loved spending time with him, he was very romantic, cautious and very sweet If you could choose who you love and how you love him, is this a choice you would have made? Yes, would I change anything?
Yes, of course, we would have the freedoms that everyone else has: romantic dinners in a restaurant and walks on the beach, but you can still have a lot of that in a small room at the embassy it's romantic anyway who is this beautiful thing Gabriel He is blissfully unaware of his father's terrible situation. Assange is being held in a maximum security prison in London fighting extradition to the US. If he loses and is found guilty of all 17 espionage charges brought against him, he could be sentenced to 175 years in prison studying and you and the game, it must have been a big decision to bring children into this risky and terrifying existence, yes, but you know that love conquers all and you know it to begin with.
It would be wonderful to start a family, but obviously we can't have that, but then we thought actually you know what we should start a family because it made sense that we loved each other and we wanted to start a family and all these other circumstances would change. but that was a certainty, so I got pregnant and we were delighted. It was an extraordinarily well-kept secret given the small size of the embassy and the prying eyes within its walls. Now I have to ask you a deeply personal question, Stella. But how can you get pregnant in an embassy where you keep your relationship a secret from the very people who are watching you?
Julian had some private spaces, his bedroom was private and his office was private, so there were no cameras there. I got pregnant twice. while he was at the embassy and I guess, you know, he piled up in layers and complained about getting fat, but yeah, he had his private spaces and that's all one needs to have a relationship, did he put a lot of pressure on you too? Have you ever felt like you were being watched all the time? Yeah, but you learn to deal with these things, so when I got pregnant the first time, you know there were microphones everywhere, so I had to write it down on a piece of paper to tell it.
He, apart from his love, there was nothing conventional about their relationship. Stella never lived at the embassy, ​​so childbirth and parenting were largely a solitary affair. By falling in love with Julian, you took on many burdens. I mean, you're a person who had his babies without him by your side, I mean, you did it on your own, you took on so much, did you know that's what you'd face? Julian was next to me on the phone when I had Max and Gabriel and that was an incredible solution even through childbirth. I think it was the strongest painkiller but of course you know I've been deprived of him holding my hand while I was giving birth when you decided to start a family, did you consider that when doing so?
She can lead an existence in which Julian does not see his children grow up. I don't want our lives to be determined by incredible injustice. I am certain of his love and he is certain of my love and we have an incredibly strong bond. and we have two children who love his father and that is what matters to many, although it is not so clear. We issued an arrest warrant for Julian Assange when Assange sought asylum at the embassy in 2012, he was out on bail and wanted for questioning. in Sweden over allegations of sexual misconduct, allegations that even his supporters, such as independent federal MP Andrew Wilkie, admit tarnished his reputation, it is fair to say that his efforts not to be extradited to Sweden have influenced some people's perception of him. of him, which is completely understandable, please understand that he was never charged, he was never convicted, the Swedish authorities dropped the matter and now we have read cables that clearly show that British officials knew that Sweden always tried to take him to the United States .
Assange has always maintained that he is innocent of the sexual accusations. He has now served his 12-month sentence for breaching bail, but he remains behind bars on remand while he fights extradition. A man affected by his situation. He is very sick and I am very worried about his ability to survive this. He is now in the worst prison in the UK. Belmarsh prison, nicknamed Britain's rampant Mo Bay, is a high security prison, one in five prisoners is a murderer, he shouldn't be there, he's not, he's not a criminal, he's not a dangerous person, he is a kind intellectual, a thinker and a journalist, and so on.
The people are not the people who should be in prison. It was primarily a safety concern. The dead decoy. Hi, I'm Stephen Julianne and I still used these instructions that came from the United States to fool the CIA. He's almost too crazy to be real. how the ghosts brought back Gabriele was the target to steal his DNA what follows in 60


Stella Morris is a woman in love with her two young sons, Gabriel and Max, and her father, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, behind bars in an east London maximum security prison as he fights extradition to the US.
The isolation made even more chronic by the covert pandemic Hi Joey, you're doing story time. I saw him on Sunday before lockdown started and we have been able to talk every day, but I am very worried if you are separated from your family and are alone in a room, a small dark room for 23 hours a day, with no control over your environment . I think people can imagine what that's like. I think most people would say they probably go crazy on that. The situation is that what you fear, well, I think anyone would get very depressed and he is very depressed.
This is a desperate plea to help Julian made by a woman who refuses to expose herself or her children to the public for the past five years. The love of her. The affair with Julian has been a secret born of fear, why was it so important to keep it a secret? But the real problem was that I thought our family would be the target of the same people who were trying to harm Julian in an elaborate cover-up. and Stella recruited her close friend, British actor Stephen, who in what could be considered his most important role yet, Stephen played the role of doting father on his many visits to Julian at the embassy, ​​but the child he brought with him It was Gabriel and Julian's baby, not Stephen. his father was primarily a security concern and that is why we took extreme measures to try not to expose my pregnancy by bringing Gabriel to the embassy with a friend who would pose as the father just so Julian could see the his son regularly.
You don't take these steps lightly, you only do it if you believe there is a very serious security risk in hiding that she was the baby's mother. Stella would arrive and leave the embassy separately for Stephen, even so, the security personnel would be Julius to unmask the suspect. Cunning investigated Stephen and put together a file of his findings. They also concocted what Stella considers a reprehensible plan. Our major Gabriel was attacked by the security company at the embassy. They were instructed to steal his DNA to establish that Julian was his father. In an attempt to harm Julia, whistleblowers from the embassy security firm warned Stella that they had been ordered to steal Gabriel's DNA by collecting his diaper and pacifier, they approached and spoke to our lawyers and exposed what had been happening there because they had participated in it and they said that what their boss had been telling them was that they were working for the CIA and that those instructions on how to get Gabriel's DNA that came from the other side of the Atlantic, these instructions came from the United States . this guy is a sleazy traitor named Julian Assange should actually be killed but the manhunt and persecution of Julian Assange got even dirtier according to star cameras recorded on both video and audio if the allegation is that the CIA was spying on Assange while was in the embassy an accusation that is currently before the Spanish High Court was heard that recordings of Assange such as privileged conversations with his lawyers and even his doctors were being sent back to the United States to strengthen his pending extradition case against Assange, worse according to the security firm, the complaints that were being considered as plots. removing Assange by force and having him killed reads like a truly terrible spy novel. plots to kidnap plots to possibly poison Julian Assange while he was at the embassy is almost too crazy to be real and it is real, it's hard for people to understand that Such anarchy is possible, which is why incredible criminality has been going on to collect information about Julian's lawyers, his family and the journalists who visited him.
I mean, it's shocking and I'm so scared. I have been in a permanent state of fear. for years and now it is slowly getting closer to him. I think a lot of help from famous friends then was Pamela Anderson, part of your cover words. A prison here with the birthday boy. Oh, there are a lot of things about Julian that people don't know. and a simple plea for him is a nightmare and it has to end. I need Julian when he needs me, that's next on 60 Minutes. Julian Assange returns to the UK courts in early September where he continues his extradition trial and his supporters will no doubt join him.
The stakes are high, if he loses the case he could eventually face trial in what is commonly known as the Espionage Court in the US. It is a military court where no one accused of similar crimes has ever emerged from a paralyzing prospect. of terror to Julien's fiancée, Stella Morris, if Australia does not intervene. Havevery afraid that this error will not be practically corrected, what would you like? Australia doing what Australia can do is a nightmare and it has to stop not because it has to be treated differently but because it has to be treated the same as everyone else, it has rights.
I hope a lot of people agree when an Australian finishes. experienced in conflict, the Australian government has at least a moral obligation to come to their aid, whereas in this case the Australian government has basically hanged Julian Assange and is more interested, I think, in worrying about Washington, as is the case with the British. The Iraqi government does not pose a serious enough security threat to the United States. one of the stupidest and most dangerous American presidents in living memory, independent federal MP Andrew Wilkie is a former military intelligence officer turned whistleblower stone wall is bad policy gun policy Mr Wilkie is paying dearly price for speaking better than most, he knows what. eshe likes to be vilified as a traitor to be considered a rat in the ranks for him Assange is a hero, not a villain, obviously the United States argues that this is a crime that Julian Assange violated espionage laws and that is what he must face . justice, the accusation of espionage is complete and utter nonsense, the underlying issue is that Julian Assange


compelling evidence of American war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, of the inhumane treatment given to detainees in Guantanamo Bay, that is the background theme.
Image of this, you know, we have one. A lone Australian sitting in his cell filming our high security prison facing the power of Military Intelligence and the legal systems of the United States. There's nothing fair about that when everything he did was right. Do you think doing what he describes is the right thing to do? The thing is that Julian Assange made mistakes and put people's lives at risk. It is alleged that he threw a large amount of material and endangered people. The fact is that there is no evidence that anyone was hurt. Julian Assange has attracted many high-profile supporters, including actress-turned-activist Pamela Anderson visited Julian many times at the embassy and, while there, it is alleged that her mobile phone password was stolen and her meetings were recorded. with Assange, becoming an unwitting participant in the espionage game the United States was playing against Assange.
Of all her friends, the glamorous Anderson probably caused the biggest stir in part because of her own flirtation with the media. I feel very close to him and I feel closer to him. I think a lot of people approached him then. He confides in me. Nothing physical. It's a friendship and if I wasn't at the embassy who else at the same time of this talk with Liam in 2018 Julian and Stella had formed their secret family was Pamela Anderson part of your cover I wouldn't say it like that Julian and she are good friends and she has been an incredible supporter of Julian and I am very grateful and I imagine it gave them some coverage.
I mean, you know, while the tabloids are going crazy over Pamela Anderson, the real love story continues without them. knowing, yes, I think it was a shock to many, but there are a lot of things about Julian that people don't know. I'm just here with the birthday boy. Hey honey, what did you get back at Julian behind bars? Stella is determined to have her boys. They would know and love her father if she had candles, but Stella truly hopes that these precious morsels of her everyday life will sustain Julian Assange and allow him to survive what she fears she won't.
I want people to understand that we are being punished as a family. Not only are they in prison, it is the children who are being deprived of their father, it is I who is being deprived. I need Julian, you know, and he needs me and I'd like to ask Scott Morrison to do everything he can to make him drool again. His family asked the Prime Minister about Stella's plea for help, but he, the Foreign Minister and the Attorney General did not want to be interviewed in a statement. The government says our High Commission in London wrote to Julian Assange several times offering consular assistance, but he is one author it has so far ignored.
You can read the full statement on our website. Hi, I'm Tara Brown. Thanks for watching to stay up to date with the latest news from 60 Minutes Australia. Make sure to subscribe to our channel. You can also download 9 now. app for full episodes and other exclusive 60 minute content

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