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Julia Tries ALL Of The Most Popular Ice Cream From Good Humor | Delish

Jun 04, 2021
- Today there is no lactaide in the world for this. We'll just send everything and pray and whatever happens, happens. We met here today to try all the Buen Humor ice


s that are for sale. We have the super, super classics and we have some of the new limited edition releases. I am tenderly, caressing and looking at the Viennetta. This is possibly the worst session we could do for someone who is lactose intolerant, but I really don't give a (bleep). Because all of this is going to be pure childhood nostalgia, not only for me, but for all of you.
julia tries all of the most popular ice cream from good humor delish
I mean, this is like an after-school ice


truck, walking home from school with some quarters in your pocket and buying a bunch of these. I hope that the Good Humor ice cream from my childhood that I think of very fondly still holds up today, because those are precious memories, they are priceless. We start with Vienna. This has been in the UK for a long time and was discontinued in the US until this year. It was 30 years without ice cream cake, which is really sad. He says he is made to share and it seems like he has like me, a husband, a mom, a dad.
julia tries all of the most popular ice cream from good humor delish

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julia tries all of the most popular ice cream from good humor delish...

When in reality it's like, me, later at night me. I mean, it comes on a serving tray and just by looking at it, it looks like a cold, frozen whip. I've never had this one. I must say that it is a very soft ice cream. It really reminds me of if you've ever frozen a fresh whip and eaten it. That is coherence. It looks very airy. Oh, wow. Hey? It's so crispy, light and fluffy. Can I have one more bite? I thought they would be chocolate wafers, like more cakey, but it's more like a chocolate shell in the layers.
julia tries all of the most popular ice cream from good humor delish
So it's hardened chocolate shells and then like a cold whip. How many brain freezes will I have today? Four? Five? Okay, so this one just evaporates in your mouth. It seems like it didn't even happen. Like my stomach didn't even register that they put something in it. I don't know if the fuss is worth it. Although I like that it is a softer ice cream. That's really nice. If you wore this to a party, everyone would say, I mean, you could probably tell someone you made it yourself. You could fake it, although everyone knows what this is, so.
julia tries all of the most popular ice cream from good humor delish
I don't know if this will be my favorite, it lacks another texture, it needs more chocolate or it needs another flavor. But this is a


start. It's a


start. Next we have the chocolate eclair which has the signature cake topping. And this was my favorite. Like I just ate the topping, I didn't even care about the ice cream. The coating. Oh God. - Brain freeze and frozen teeth is the topic of the day. - Oooh. I don't bite the ice cream. I refuse to bite the ice cream. My teeth are very sensitive and they are expensive.
My parents spend a lot of money on my teeth. So you have that chocolate ice cream inside but I wouldn't even call it ice cream. It really is a frozen dairy. It's chocolate Tootsie roll. Did you know? Tootsie roll chocolate isn't quite real chocolate, is it? It's not even milk chocolate, that's what it is. So it's like watered down chocolate. Watery and frozen chocolate. The crumb, however, (bleep sound) amazing. I'll eat the crumb all day. Oh Lord. If they don't sell the crumbs of this in a small container, they are missing out. Which one is this?
Well. (gasp) (evil laughs) It's a pop tart. Cinnamon and Brown Sugar Pop-Tart, Good Humor Bar. It looks like it's just pieces of jaggery. And the white part looks like the crust of a Pop-Tart. Honestly, this is probably one of the best crossovers, Pop-Tarts and ice cream. This is eerily accurate for Pop-Tart. It tastes just like the Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tart that we all love but that I taste tested last summer. Wow. - That's like a warm hug from your grandmother. - I wish we had this when we were kids. I don't want to give it a 10 out of 10, but very close to a 10 out of 10.
Creamsicle is one of the


classic and original flavors you can get at Good Humor. But before getting into the matter, I have to tell you a curious fact and that is that Good Humor was the first company to invent ice cream on a stick. Now you know Popsicle, which was the other brand trying to do the same thing, at a very similar time. But theirs is like a fruit-flavored sorbet, where it's milk ice cream on a stick. They started selling them and when they sold them they started using a truck, an ice cream truck. They were the first to put something on a stick and the first to have an ice cream truck.
But when they made the ice cream truck, they turned it into this big white vehicle and made sure that all the men, only the men, could serve Buen Humor ice cream until 1967. All the men wore these really clean, crisp white uniforms. pretty . And they waved to the men and tipped their hat to the women because they were trying to make this something clean and classy even though it was ice cold. It is a very delicate orange flavor with vanilla. And it's such a fine orange peel. Once you get into it, you get that smooth, creamy vanilla flavor, which is my favorite.
When I used to be really irresponsible with my drinking habits, my favorite thing to do was cream shots. Did you ever do it? When you take shaken vodka and orange juice and mix it together, you just drink it. You can also turn it into a real drink. - Oh God. -My only complaint about these popsicles is that they are such a soft ice cream that they do this. They just separate. Which is great because when you're eating it it's very easy to like to bite into it. It doesn't hurt your teeth because it's not difficult to do.
But you have to eat it quickly. This one is toasted almond and you might have a hard time finding this one, depending on the time of year, because it's very special but it's also one of them, I think it's one of their original flavors. I love that you can see little almond flakes in there. Little layer, few crumbs. I don't like anything almond flavored. So this is not going to turn out the way we want. It's on par. It tastes like a non-alcoholic amaretto shot, if that makes sense. Super sweet, super similar, love the crunch. - This is an adult flavor. - Yes, he is an adult, I can't imagine a small child eating that and enjoying it.
What I do have to say about all the ice cream bars is how easy they are right out of the freezer. You can bite into them and they are already soft. And that's some weird science they did. I don't want to know how they do it. We have Dale Jr. He seems pretty accurate. I want to know how they did it and they have a signature here. That if you were trying to impersonate him, now you have him from the ice cream sandwich. Yes. It's like a vanilla cookie. I'm delighted to have this one. This chocolate ice cream is better than the chocolate we had in the chocolate eclair.
I don't know if they are exactly the same, but this one feels more like ice cream and less like frozen chocolate. The cookie is like those really cheap ice cream sandwiches sold in grocery stores. You know it's good when it sticks to your finger like that. It really is like a soggy cookie, at best. It's sticking to my teeth. Yuck. I wish there was a way to sell cookies like this, where they were very, very moist cookies. That's surprising though. I love the cookie it has. No complains. We have our WWE Superstars on our cookie sandwiches and in the back we have John Cena, who has a face with a hole in it (bleep).
In the other he did it too. Why do they keep putting holes in John Cena's face? He looks like Jason Momoa. So I'm going to eat next to him because he is my ultimate crush. I would do anything for him. It's so simple. It's just that he doesn't have sparks. It's literally vanilla. I still love the cookie. There are a lot of great cookies happening here. This is a very soft sandwich. Blandwich, that's what I'll call it. Fun fact about Good Humor: it started during the great depression and did extremely well. I think they sold more, it's 14 million dollars or 14 million products.
We'll put something here to tell me which one it was. So, they did very, very well during the great depression because it was a cheap dessert. And when you're in really terrible times, like we are now, what do you want? You want something that's super comforting and won't break the bank. You won't be able to go out to dinner and enjoy a really delicious dessert. So you have these really easy and inexpensive desserts. You know, you can walk down the street with it. He did it very, very well. Look, cookie. It's moist and sticky, which I like.
It's a soggy cookie, right? Because it reminds me of Chips Ahoy cookies, where the actual chocolate chips are very small and there really aren't that many. They make it look like there are a lot of them, but very closely spaced. I love the chocolate chips on the outside. However, I have had much better cookies. I would say I would give this a 5 out of 10 if I rated them. I think it's the cookie, honestly. The ice cream, chocolate chips are great. Look, it was done with the same rhythm and animosity. This ice cream, again, has that cold, icy whip taste.
It has no taste, not really, it tastes like a cold, frozen whip. The texture is super malleable and soft. (beeping sound) What is Good Humor ice cream? - What is it? - Okay, what? Hmm. Hmm. I don't know, maybe we need to investigate more. If anyone knows what type of ice cream they use in the Good Humor cones and sandwiches that makes it so light, airy and smooth. Please let us know in the comments below. Of all the ones we've tried so far, one really hits the spot. You have that cone, you have the chocolate, you have the peanuts, you have the ice cream.
It is simply a well-balanced dessert. I was going to call it a meal, but a well-balanced dessert, but it could always have more chocolate. I think that's true for anything in life, always add more chocolate. In 1929, the setting was a dark and stormy night in Chicago. Good Humor had its second plant in Chicago. In 1929, they opened their doors and said, "Let's make ice cream." Not so fast, the Chicago mob came in and said, "$5,000 for protection ice cream or whatever." And then Good Humor said, "No." Then the crowd said, "Okay." And then the mob came in and burned down the (bleep) Good Humor Supply Factory in Chicago.
It was national news and everyone said: "(bleep) that, the mafia." Anyway, it was great news and is actually a big part of Good Humor history. When you eat Buen Humor ice cream, think about the mafia and think about how they stood up to them and refused to pay the $5,000. Which today is 70,000 dollars. This is also one of their original bars, their ice cream bars. I think this is


people's favorite, right? The color looks like Waba. It looks really beautiful, bright pink, like a farmyard. Oh, and it has that creamy flavor. It's a super fake strawberry, but it's like freeze-dried fake strawberries with a little bit of vanilla.
This is much better than the chocolate eclair. And I'm usually a chocolate girl. This one is simply incomparable. I love every part of this. This can't go wrong. We have Reese's ice cream bar. Oh man. - Guide me. - There is nothing to guide you by. Oh man. It's a peanut butter mousse. That is what it is. It is very delicate and light to the touch. And this was in the freezer and it melted instantly and was very mousse-like. Well. I have an idea for them. Good mood, if you're looking. Make a Vienna ice cream cake with the peanut butter one. - Is this a 10 out of 10? - It's the closest you can get, but this is like a 9.8.
This one definitely. Wow. Incredible. We've got the Good Humor Oreo Ice Cream Bar, loaded with real Oreo cookie pieces. Well. That's, yeah, that's Oreo madness up there. Wow. That's the chocolate shell. I don't expect that. Well. This is an Oreo McFlurry, but the McFlurry is so airy and light that it is very similar to this one. It tastes just like McFlurry's when the ice cream machine is running at McDonald's. I think I like the Oreo one better than the peanut butter one. I don't know. What bothers me the most is when I buy cookies and cream ice cream, and it has like a little cookie speck in it.
And you're sitting there like this is just vanilla ice cream with a dollar markup because you said it had cookies in it. This is completely packed in there. Outside, inside, the work is already done. - Are you happy to have done these last two? - Very happy. (beep sound) I am very happy. There was a moment of doubt I had, that this was going to go downhill because I wasn't very happy with some of them. But this. Keep them, never discontinue them. If you stop this, I'm going to fight. That's all I have to say about it.

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