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Julia Louis-Dreyfus Steals Tina Fey’s Emmy | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

Jun 15, 2024
Saw you at the Emmys, congratulations, you were nominated for The New Adventures of Old Christine, thank you, yeah, it must be exciting to be nominated, it was absolutely exciting, I didn't win, but that's okay, it was nice to be nominated, sure, yeah, yeah , Yeah. Well, Tina Fey won, yes, but she said: Tina Fey, I thought she said something very interesting and we actually have a clip here. This is Tina winning the Emmy you were nominated for, but she says something good about you, let's take a look. Okay, thank you and it's a great honor to be in the same category: these beautiful, talented women Chris


and Mary Louise and in America and Julia, sometimes on the set of 30 Rock, when I don't really know how to play a scene, my husband will do it. just remind me that he'll say just try to act like Julia Louie Dreyfus, so thank you Julia, that's really working for me woman, you know, because she won the Emmy and then he says I won the Emmy because I'm channeling.
julia louis dreyfus steals tina fey s emmy late night with conan o brien
Julia Louie Dreyfus yeah, yeah, I mean, it was very, very kind of her and generous, but yeah, she said she was copying me and then she said channeling she got the trophy, yeah, yeah, that was good for her, yeah, yeah, which is weird, you know, because I actually thought at that moment that I had a weird feeling like she said that. I almost thought she would come down and she would give you the Emmy. Did you think for a second that she was going to give me the Emmy? I heard myself for half a second, but you know.
julia louis dreyfus steals tina fey s emmy late night with conan o brien

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julia louis dreyfus steals tina fey s emmy late night with conan o brien...

It would be ridiculous of course, anyway, you know what it was, I'm so glad she got that and I've won two Emmys, yeah, yeah, I got one for Elaine Seinfeld and then I got one for I Meet Tina from time to time I know he has five, well that's good, yes, many joys, but it means that yes, it's more than two, yes, yes, anyway, now he has more because you know he's channeling you, so It works well. her, yeah, yeah, yeah, there must be, you know, it's funny because I see a lot here because they would film this is 30 rock, we film this our show on 30 rock and they film their show 30 rock right above, oh, they film it here.
julia louis dreyfus steals tina fey s emmy late night with conan o brien
Film it here, well, they don't see all the scenes, but they film a lot of scenes right here in the building because this is 30 Rock, yeah, she's right up there, hit, yeah, yeah, uh, her dressing room is right up there . Wow, and you know what's weird. I saw the Emmy that she won she's upstairs it's the enemy upstairs she's setting the commissioner and I went to see the commissioner the other day and I passed by and she was there and I was chatting with her an Emmy is sitting right in her dressing room upstairs room Wow, yeah , should we go there and do what I don't know do you want to take it do you want to take her I mean I have to tell you something she said she was copying me I mean she's five I'm two I mean what the hell do you want to attack me right now ?
julia louis dreyfus steals tina fey s emmy late night with conan o brien
I don't know, come on, it's this way, come on, this way, donk ball, gosh, I hope this is good, I think it's a good idea, how are you? It's good to see you relax guys, everything will be fine, so wait a minute. She's right here. It's just that they film a lot of things around here in the dressing rooms. Listen, what if we were this? You're not going to chase anyone. There's no one up here. Are you filming what? Yeah, they're not actually filming right now, so it should be fun, but listen, Connie, you think it's a good idea, good idea, she's got five, you've got two, okay, the gap between the haves, what Miss Faye's things do.
You understand me, this is my mother. Very pretty. She was cute. You went to Africa. Yes. You see a lot of different things. Try it. Good. Hello. Keep it honestly. Save it. She belongs to you. Oh, you should keep it. I just came to look for what Conan stole from my dressing room, we are worried about a lot of people, Tina Fey and the talented Julia Louie Dreyfus.

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