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Joining Random People's Minecraft Servers...

May 22, 2024
Hey wait what the hell, oh my gosh you're probably a little confused as to why I'm being attacked by two kids in full, well I don't actually know but what I do know is that I got out of there when as quickly as possible, you'll see every time I press this button on mine, um, I get sent to a completely


person's Minecraft server and today my goal is to screw, I mean, join as many


as possible, okay , let's do this first. The server I joined seems to be a normal smp server until oh my gosh I don't know if they are talking to me.
joining random people s minecraft servers
What did I do? Hey, hey, oh my gosh, I just joined what I think my goal is to kill this person. I think it would be really funny no, ah oh, I have another idea, okay, this might be a really dumb idea, but perfect, my first plan was to make a rock trap for them to fall into, but things didn't go as planned. , Oh my God. oh man I'm so scared right now oh my god oh shoot it's the person oh my god oh my god oh my god no it's okay try two damn it's okay it's okay oh my god , he's looking at me oh oh no, no, let's go.
joining random people s minecraft servers

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joining random people s minecraft servers...

Oh my god, okay, I feel bad here, here, there, go, well, next server, next server looks like a normal survival smp, but with the spawn until I found this complete, wow, apparently, if I get to the top of this parkour, I will. be casting to the server, but I realize it's going to be a lot harder than I thought, so I had to come up with another plan. See this addon has a glitch where the blocks you place at spawn time appear for a split second meaning you can use a small amount of time to jump to the block when you're literally climbing holes oh okay no I can let no one see me doing that no, oh brother, you're a snitch, oh, but even after I got kicked, I just joined in and did it again.
joining random people s minecraft servers
Who's like looking at me? Oh, that guy, not again, please, they can't catch me. It's okay, he's not looking at what just happened. as soon as we join we teleport to the jail cells is this what is this like a don't let me out can you let me out no discord hello so what's your disk well you know what I have nothing to lose so what do you think um uh what do you think of the entrance um to the server let's go free let's go oh that's so hidden okay what's up hello yeah it looks like a great server someone broke the tree with the beehive why did I do it ?
joining random people s minecraft servers
Don't do it, that's the tree that no one breaks, so wait, why is the tree so sacred? Because there is a beehive on it and it is the only tree on the top of this hill. Did any of you break it? I didn't break it. No I don't even know where it is after my friend broke the tree the owner blamed another kid for it so we wanted to see how far we could take this yeah that's the big one because the tree is supposed to still be . broken oh come on I just died okay now bro just sleep tight man oh man beautiful new day who broke the tree what the hell yeah I know that's why I'm asking because someone uh oh doesn't care about that just because it's not It's not So.
I was putting it back because someone keeps breaking it. I'm in spectator mode and I'm watching what you're watching right now. I was checking to see if anyone would try to go after the tree. That's why. I was in spectator mode, I swear to God if anyone touches that tree again I will if you want to make a raid so early it will be difficult, but I think with so many


it shouldn't be like that. I don't know, yes, I think so. My friend and I staged the raid as a distraction just so we could go back and break the tree again.
Oh wait, why did you say right at the top? Did I really do it? Don't wait, guys, guys, we need, we need help on the rate, come to this court 180 180 do we really need help on the raid? Yeah yeah, fruits really needed a nerf. The tree at the top of the hill lost its things. He lost the base again and then, yeah, what's up, buddy, is this the tree? oh that was the tree oh my god i just got banned bro they were literally about to end their friendship with that kid on a tree next server oh free stuff oh wait did i just take his stuff ? oh oh my god, oh my god, what are you waiting for? wait, what's up, huh, this person isn't even online, what that's really annoying, bro, bro, oh, this is the song, the guy who's been killing me with this, literally hit him, It's literally creative, there they are, wait, oh what, oh my god.
I don't know how to use this thing oh god go go oh my god oh my god okay next server hello what a babe get out of here kid how old are you next server? five four why what I'm going to give you okay sure let's do it come on I did it we're diamonds oh yeah okay I just took the diamond and dipped it hello hello hello oh my gosh yeah you just joined, can you leave? thanks, well they're going to kick it for spam, very good, hello, let's do this, so do you really want to wait a minute?
Something sucks about this guy, I don't think he's cheating, I just have a feeling and then you know reaching, reaching is is weird in this version, I guess I don't know how, at least, like he's aiming, it's perfect, never mind Wherever I am, he's hitting me perfectly, okay, okay, wait there, oh my god, I knew it, I can't do it. I had a feeling I knew bro there he is he's dead bro are these guys it's just a hacker server oh bro bro that's how you are this bad guy oh oh okay bro we get it come on oh what Didn't you just say that while you fly there's no way, it's fine, whatever the next server is.
Hi, what is this lifesteal thing after finding a fake lifesteal server? I gathered my friend so we could try to take control. What the hell is this? If I. We will try to kill him, but we quickly realized how difficult it would be, since the owner already had a lot of hope. Oh, that's right, my God, wait, how come he's not dying? How much help does he have? Wait I'm hitting him. Wait wait. he's not actually dying, wait, wait, that's right, right, he actually has so much health, what the hell, so we knew we had to get a lot more hearts if we wanted to surpass the owner, wait, oh, I can kill them, no, he's Well, I killed some normals. she hasn't, actually I'm coming, you don't know how life works, basically, every time you kill a player, you gain a heart and every time you die, you lose one, it's a wooden sword, okay, I has, she closed the door, what?
I'm going to do it, I'm going to put a chest here, oh geez, he just walked past me, actually, relax buddy, kill him good, don't try to kill him too anytime, yeah, yeah, that's me, that It's me, I'm cooking food, another accident, what? what just happened what i just got i just got banned why wait i was the one who spawned wait and after the owner banned my friend for no known reason i felt even more motivated to kill him okay i think you get it now this, come on oh oh Sorry and boom he will be like you omg almost 20 hearts oh it's someone else hello what is the server and after reaching 21 hearts it was time to fight the owner ?
He is spamming, just take your time to get good reviews. you should build oh skeleton oh that was so good that was good come on, it has to be good, how is he not dead? I'm so confused, oh my god, the way he slowly looks back, oh he won't, he won't. He does it, although he does it, no, yes, he does, yes, yes, yes, oh my God, it's his friend. The asteroid planetarium is much better. This lady, I'm really killing my archenemy right now on the asteroid planet. Yes, let's go, oh my God. I have so many things right now, this is how you take care of a lifesteal smp, okay next server I'm out of here, how is this?
Who what is that? Okay, actually, this is pretty active. What the hell? The server was on 100% maps so I knew my resources were limited, oh my god what is giving me so much stuff other than that? Although this server was quite toxic and they were killing me again and again, but everything changed later. this happened oh this guy is an iron ax wait i'm going to try it oh my god there's a giant cave here dude this is crazy look at this should it be okay? I'm going to save most of this oh my god I'm like so high right now ender chest oh my god I still have these okay we're okay we're okay okay and after a little while I had a group of


who helped me.
Are there so many people here? So it was time. to start letting go of the dripping poop stuff wait wait wait wait wait oh oh oh my god wait this is so op please please this actually works oh oh my god wait i got it no way oh my god this guy is looking at me funny squeeze oh it moved oh my god okay I think that's enough terrorizing the


for today by the way if you're going to try this challenge here's the ip and get ready for a lot of this this and that , what is this?
Thanks for watching, bye. Guys, look at me, I'm playing Scooby-Doo. Imagine that the planet simply flies.

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