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Johnny vs. Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64 & DS)

Jun 07, 2021
it's a good time Super Mario 64 yes like ocarina of time this is another title that continually haunted me throughout the life cycle of the n64 it's like the console was so close they actively taught me to be safe that's why I didn't have a job In 1996 you insensitive idiot the last time I paid any attention to Mario I was fixing the games that made the Italian plumber the icon of video games to use today, now we will do it again only in 3D, so are you ready to another Mario marathon? I guess you can say it started inadvertently with the Super Mario RPG review, but once again it's Mario's time to shine, here we go.
johnny vs super mario 64 nintendo 64 ds
Super Mario 64, the 64 is figurative or the console and not the 64th game in the series. The first 3D Mario game in a launch title. from the Nintendo 64, one of the best-received games on the system originating from its initial library now, I did hear that before Mario was on a roll at the time, right? I heard it everywhere what Super Mario Brothers did. for the 2D side-scrolling platformer, Super Mario 64 did exactly the same for the 3D platformer due to my late arrival to the console. I don't have many memories of what you could call Mario 64, in fact it was the first 2D Mario game I played. was the next game we'll see after this video, Super Mario Sunshine, but that can wait, oh, it can wait, okay, booting up the game, everything is fine and we get a 3D model of Mario's head, you know, to clarify the fact.
johnny vs super mario 64 nintendo 64 ds

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johnny vs super mario 64 nintendo 64 ds...

Since Nintendo made the transition, you could have Mario's face for a while with the analog stick and buttons, although you can only do so much with one hand, right? Mario, you would throw a little piece of cardboard, you know, you would even go a little. lazy for a man with his friend, that's so cute, we were also created by Mario's new voice provided by Charles Martin. Surprisingly, this is not his debut as the jumper, although that was in the basics of Mario, a PC game released a year before Mario. 64 which no one probably heard of until someone made a documentary about it, please give me this Luigi idea of ​​a floating Mario, hey, which will strangely be revisited in the future, perhaps more infamously, and Mario teaches Let's type, hey, are you ready?
johnny vs super mario 64 nintendo 64 ds
Mario time. Oh, God, Mario. he doesn't talk much despite the new voice, it's mostly grunts hello oz and woo-hoos - the whole game and only occasionally blurting out a few phrases when you complete the objective falls asleep at work Charles Martinez artists are something so absorbing in my It should be said that I can't imagine anyone else on the list and it's not because I think the acting is out of this world, it's just that this man has been voicing Mario for almost 20 years if for some reason Charles He will leave his role as Mario. The next guy will probably do his best to simulate Martinez's voice.
johnny vs super mario 64 nintendo 64 ds
Okay, I almost forgot. I was watching a video game. I'm sorry. Let's look at that plot. Bowser kidnaps Princess Peach. Mario must go save himself. Well, that didn't take long. I did it. I'll let it slide this time, as I imagine they wanted to keep things simple for the 3D jump. That's probably why the first piece of music you hear when you turn on the game is a remix of the overworld theme from Super Mario Brothers - you have to keep things familiar so fans feel comfortable. The entire game is set in Peach's castle. Bowser has stolen the castle's power stars.
These little magical baubles that I assume supply power to the castle. I don't know, it never will be. Of course what these things do besides allowing you to access more levels throughout the adventure and that is the name of the game here within the castle walls there are 15 fields where Bowser has settled with his minions when you jump into a painting you are given the objective of your mission, which is usually a hint of what you need to do to get that specific power star. The courses tend to vary, but nothing gets too extravagant here, everything is pretty straightforward for a Mario game and it's just in the second half we'll jump in that giant clock room or start hitchhiking on rainbows.
Mario 64's open world design may be one of the first things you take note of when you start playing. You have a certain mission to finish, but there is nothing. It really prevents you from grabbing another powerful star in this scenario out of the intended order. There are a handful of exceptions, like racing Koopa the Fast, who won't appear unless you specifically select his mission on the screen when you start, but almost all the others. It's time you can go wherever you want, yes, I don't want to scalp the mountain and face King Babar yet. I want to let the Chain Chomp go and pick up the Power Star he just revealed behind bars.
I could go to the top and bite. block off the walls, but with a well-placed wall jump here, you could score this unrelated Power Star there and call it a day. This is where many of the gameplay steps in Mario 64 3 not only get the Power Star, but also how and when to get them. Each mission has Mario start in the same location and the world layout is generally never altered to make a Power Star available. The castle acts as the central world of the game when you are not on a field where you are wandering around the castle walls. searching for optional power stars and hidden rooms or locating the next door that will lead to a completely new course, a certain number of stars are needed to open the doors to new stages or beat King Bowser and, although each course has up to seven powers To recover stars, you don't necessarily need to collect the model's moves in the next castle area, as a man who generally doesn't enjoy the presence of hub worlds, that is, in 3D Sonic games, I don't mind Peach's Castle, it is not.
The very large entrances in the level are never too far apart and there are things you can do here that will help you increase your star count, whether it's a secret slide that you can get two stars from if you finish it quickly enough or a hidden slide. underwater section containing an easy to get star, the castle challenges you in ways that still make you feel like you're playing a Mario game and if you give me that level of consistency then we're all good, similar to Ocarina of Time Super The Change biggest thing about Mario 64 was switching to 3D, all of Mario's familiar enemies are here, there are boxes to smash your head into, coins to collect, you know all that, but with the added dimension and from Super Mario World, the man himself He has exercised more between games.
The analog stick is used to move Mario and the more you tilt it, the faster Mario will go, so this eliminates the need for the run button we've been using since the first game. Mario can jump like he is famous for, but when he lands you can do it. Press the jump button at just the right time to perform an even higher jump and once again after that to perform the triple jump, a maneuver that can allow Mario to reach heights he hasn't seen before and that don't come from a brother. with cape Crouch and crawl on the ground, which I think I only used the grand total once, but if you jump while crouched and still, you can do a backflip to make enemies turn around if you crouch while running and then press the jump button. after that you can do a long jump and move.
I love using it because you can do something really fancy with it and it makes Mario move faster to boot but that's just the beginning if you start running and then move the analog stick back while pressing the jump button you can do The somersault is like the backflip, only you can do it on a whim. Mario can hug a wall and jump off it by pressing the jump button. If you do this repeatedly, you will be able to scale walls and avoid dangers. If you can angle it correctly, you can launch yourself from a running position that may or may not help you with a tight jump.
There is this combination of one or two hits for enemies in case you don't feel like jumping on them, the ground hit was introduced. in Yoshi's Island and this breakdance they do a move so disgustingly short ranged that it's completely useless, but I won't lie and say it's not funny watching Mario do a move, damn it's a lot to take in, but trust me. It's not as complicated as it seems, many of these new moves are things that you will learn naturally and if not, the castle has a lot of signs everywhere, I will tell you directly how to perform these skills in case you couldn't get it on your own.
I want to be surprised. A handful of these new abilities come from Donkey Kong 94, an expanded remake of the original 1983 game that has plenty of levels and new Mario moves to use like the handstand triple jump and a backflip, yet he dies if he falls too far, so I still considered it an embarrassing imitation, but Mario, I know I could fall from any height and be perfectly nice, the computer you have here, can I have it? Peaches Castle has a total of 120 power stars, but you only need 70 of them to reach Bowser's final battle, which also means that if you decide to have all the power stars at your disposal as soon as you can , there are some courses you can ignore completely. in the second half of the adventure, but where's the fun?
I mean, it's not like getting all the godforsaken power stars, it's so slow, oh yeah, let's be a little more explicit here, I absolutely despise the 100 coin star. Missions is as simple as it gets, take 100 coins on the mission and then grab the star that magically appears above your head, rinse and lather, repeat for all 15 levels in a game where 85% of the time the mission gets a Power Star is simply moving from one place to another and grabbing the star at the end of the path, these serve as a massive contrast that slows down the game.
Super Mario 64 doesn't really have a checkpoint system with a few exceptions when it comes to a longer time. than the normal level or with certain boss fights, if you die you are kicked out of the painting where you have to re-enter and try again normally, this doesn't bother me, the areas are wide open and I usually go back to where I went wrong in less of a minute with Mario's new maneuverability, getting a large amount of these power stars is not only comfortable but also quite fun and then there are these, no amount of vitamin D could contain the rage I generate when I almost reach a hundred coins . and then all that at the end with the inappropriate jump or whatever other shenanigans happen.
I'm breaking out of painting and have to do that whole collection again. This is just man, it's not always a painful process, but a lot of it Sucks a lot because the coins are so far apart from each other or because they are so scarce that you have to kill those enemies to get those coins, but you have to get them before that they become too dispersed and these blue coins disappear. They are worth five normal coins each, but you must collect them all before they disappear into oblivion and you only have one. There was an area there.
I forgot to look for an enemy. I skipped that place now since I have so many coins and nothing is coming. Get up after looking around to see if there is anything physical and try not to collect that last coin in a very dangerous area or in a place that is almost impossible to backtrack towards the star that will appear right above Mario's head, regardless whatever your current situation is, so I hope you manage to do it. Save that last coin for somewhere relatively safe, damn, like a big pizza pie, that's more when Annie threw it.
I mean, at the end of the day, I guess I only have myself to blame for a tip and they took all the Power Stars, but that's it. doesn't mean I can't talk about the design of some of them and how technical issues only make it worse. Curiously, many of Mario's power-ups are conspicuously absent. Mario now has a health meter instead of taking an extra hit from a mushroom. but hey, I like the health meter much more and the fact that you can fill it by collecting coins or breathing air, just the icing on the cake, the closest thing we have are these special caps that Mario can unlock by pressing these special keys. switches that look similar to those in Super Mario World, some of these are necessary to obtain a select number of power stars, but they still manage to be some of the most situational power-ups I've used in a Mario game.
The wing cap allows Mario to take to the sky after a triple jump and you can glide if you know how to properly increase your speed, they are not what I would call the most ideal gliding mechanics and when you have to collect red coins or fly to through special loops, I think it's safe to say they'd be screaming at the end if we could fly and manipulate our altitude at will with, say, a shorter time limit to compensate for better control. I think it would have been a better experience. This blue box here contains thedisappearance cap. the Primeau from the limited edition caps you only use for a total of four stars and is terribly limited anywhere else where you are invulnerable to enemy contact and can walk through specially marked walls, nothing less and nothing more, and this is extends to the final power-up of the game, the metal cabin, is a little more useful than the advantageous cap in terms of the number of stars you can get with it, but it comes down to the fact that the relevant enemies can't touch you, you can't jump so far and you can walk underwater. for the two or three times it was needed, the chrome texture was cool to look at, at least so cool that Metal Mario became its own entity.
It seems like in other Mario games he's a separate character. It's only when you get close to the end of the game. When you start to feel the era of Mario 64's controls and downright archaic camera, what was once revolutionary is now a bit lazy and at times downright stubborn, moving and jumping at precise angles and speeds can be a stressful experience. and the smaller the platform, the worse it gets when I have Mario slowly walking towards a collectible on a narrow platform that Mario can't seem to decide how he wants to move when I push back on the analog stick, or do a full 180 degrees as I expected or decides to perform a walking arc to look in the other direction, well, that makes me fall completely or make me react prematurely. and falls over as a result of the camera being mapped to the C buttons on the controller and you can rotate it by pressing the appropriate direction when things start to narrow, the thing is almost incompetent at getting stuck in walls and obscuring Mario from view of the players.
You can switch between the normal camera or Mario's camera to get a better view, but the amount of times it gives you an inappropriate angle for a piggy jump is a little more than I'm comfortable with, in fact, I'm not comfortable with it. I feel comfortable with that. At all, I don't know why the camera is unable to rotate a full 360 degrees in any scenario other than a Bowser scenario. These places catch the camera correctly, so why can't the other levels? I know it was. 1996 and Super Mario 64 was one of the first to really attempt a manual camera feature, but I can only overlook it when it starts to restrict my enjoyment of the game, however minor, and be spoiled by later games that support a best The camera system is something I can't help you with, just don't get used to an old mechanic with the snap of a finger, adjust until the camera may be a little difficult for me, but my eyes and ears have used your time going back when It comes with a graphic and sound presentation.
It's a very simple looking game and isn't as lively as, say, Crash Bandicoot, but I don't expect a Van Gogh painting when the theme is Mario. Things are easy to classify. Draw distance can allow you to see the danger. forward easily and the quality of the model is quite excellent, except for the swamps. I mean what they say and Bowser, who I think this is the worst looking version of King Koopa since his beginnings in the first Mario game, might be the face he looks like. bloated with this shrunken Mohawk and squinting eyes, this may seem a little strange to you, but I always liked how Mario's model degrades into polygons the further away he gets from the camera, as if he understood why it happens that memory castrates and everything except my eyes are always glued together. directly into Mario when it happens, the music took a little while to sink in, but the most famous underwater theme associated with the Dire Dire Docks stage is my favorite aquatic theme in the entire franchise.
It's so good that the theme that plays before you get to Bowser is great, the slide music is perfect for those really athletic sections, and the credits roll when you finish the game is fantastic, but you know, that's it. I can't be bothered to remember anything else because I can't hum it or it's too atmospheric, yeah. that includes what is considered the main theme of the game Bob on the battlefield, that's fine, but I've heard better interpretations, like the ones by the big band of rogues, that's something I can play. Have you seen Luigi? I guess he was stuck in the shower. the day the contract was signed, but yeah, Luigi is nowhere to be found, no matter what the internet rumors say, that is until Super Mario 64 DS was released in 2004 as a launch title again, this time for Nintendo DS, you don't start out as Mario.
This time, but rather Yoshi, originally someone you can only see in the n64 game collecting the 120 stars and entering the castle roof, a little boring, frankly, I think you would have made a great power-up once again, but I guess than the 100 lives and the shine. The triple jump is good enough, I guess Mario Luigi and Wario of all people are invited to the castle anyway, but after enough time passes they are nowhere to be seen. Yoshi not only has to deal with rescuing the princess but also rescuing the missing Mario brothers and Wario sees that it is necessary to get Mario back since he is the only one who can face Bowser making the game start with you oh she always was confusing to me, maybe they wanted the player to see that, look, Yoshi has his flutter jump and can put it on. enemies in his mouth you know what it means to get me interested in the character, but if one of the main selling points of the DS version of the game was that I could play with four characters instead of one, I was going to experiment with the other. the players finally anyway Mario is the only one who has not seen any changes, he has everything he had before and, curiously, he is the only one of the four who can jump the wall, no, not even Luigi can do it, who instead He has this amazing spinning jump. can be started when he does a backflip, making some energy storms very easy.
As expected, Wario has the least amount of athleticism, but he makes up for it with raw power, which doesn't really mean anything, if they mess up we can take care of the enemies just fine, so now I'll dig Wario, the black brick. All characters must at some point reach particular power stars because each one has a different ability to break through level barriers or a power-up that they can use with these special power flower boxes that effectively replace banishment and metal. In a sense, character-specific power-ups are no less situational than before because only certain characters can use them at very infrequent times, at least there's something different to look at.
Thirty new power stars have been added to the total making a whopping 150 stars to get 100% and you have extra characters, new tricks like collecting silver stars and Gusev loves to thank you for that, the graphics have had a tremendous wash on face, as you can no doubt see, but I don't know, I like the original, a little safer, Bowser looks a lot better than before, but everything looks jagir and pixelated compared to the sharper n64 models, the samples voiceovers definitely had an impact on the quality, which I find a bit distracting, but the music remains relatively intact, the castle is full of these rabbits that you can catch to unlock mini-games in the castle's arcade.
I don't spend much time here, but several games can be good times, like the selection of warrior minigames, or they can be a complete waste of time. Time like Yoshi's petal picking, certainly Super Mario 64 in DES offers more to do and has extra feeds to make it the


ior version, but then I remember the one thing that for me personally gets in the way of all that, the damn Nintendo directional pad. DS does not have an analog stick, it only has the traditional plus sign on the left side of the device, since we can no longer freely adjust Mario's walking and running speed with tilt, they added a run button to compensate for precision and the mine, not this.
I'm not even close to the precision I can get on the n64 and that's what the problems I had with the original control scheme in mind, the diagonal movements feel so unnatural in the 3D plane when using the d-pad and the Precise movement is simply a pipe dream. There is a second option in the form of a touch screen, but I think even worse is a flat surface with no physical feedback and they expect you to treat it like an analog stick. I don't think so, adding a run button does that too. aqua for me to perform something like long jumps because the game now asks my right hand to do three things in quick succession, unlike the original we were performing tricks that didn't feel as invasive.
I can praise the DS version for having a better camera and the fact that the L button resets everything behind the character is a feature I wholeheartedly adore, but this control scheme could have been much better when playing it in 3DS with the results. of the circular shot and things feel a little better, but the accuracy. It's still a long way from the n64's analog stick. I think they rushed this one if they waited to release it on the Nintendo 3ds. I could deal with Ocarina of Time and Starfox 64. I'm sure I'd be singing. It's a different tune here, but because they really wanted to prove that the Nintendo DS was capable of 3D action, they took the only game that excelled with analog control and, in my opinion, neutered it.
No amount of additional content and features will make me feel comfortable with a D-pad on a three-dimensional plane in a Mario game and that's my conclusion for the original game on the n64, but I still consider it a good time, the best game on Mario of all time, no, but I admire a lot of design choices here. hub will complement the design of the game, that's something I can really appreciate and having the option to search for a large number of energy stores at your leisure makes repeat adventures as memorable as the previous ones. You know, it's too late, it's Mario through and through.
In the end the game knows what Mario can do and takes advantage of it and doesn't try to force him to do anything else except the winged cat. Mario's not a good glider, you fat bastard, but that was it. Mario personally only had one. platformer on the Nintendo 64 and it wasn't until six years later on the Nintendo GameCube that the next 3D game in a Super Mario Sunshine lineup was released. It's been 10 years since I last played these 10 long years, well then I guess I will see you in the next video. Yes, I certainly will.

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