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John Witherspoon Tells Funny Richard Pryor Stories | Joe Rogan

Apr 13, 2024
the Joe Rogan experience, you know what you were around when Pryor was at his peak, oh yeah, that must have been something, oh yeah, we, uh, so you were in '74 when you just got there before with that was him . It was him, oh, he was already, he was on top, big time, oh yeah, you know, big time and, um, what was that like? He would do it, you know, when he was around a communist or I was basically the host of the comment when I, MCS, you know, I go to the door if they have a problem.
john witherspoon tells funny richard pryor stories joe rogan
I go to the door and solve the problem. All this just Mitzi, once she knew that she would do it honestly, then there were no fights and I'm. he was just polite and stuff, and Richard would come in and look at the back, surprise in the back, I didn't hear him, I knew Paul Mooney Mooney was and David saves all this every time you have all these guys in the store of comics. rich you want to do another nudge so what happened is Richard the first time I saw Richard in the bag I said you are spooning I just came to see how you are I said good I am doing with you I never go out to Look how I am, he is just saying this to prepare him , wants to work on his act, listen to the new album, so I sent everything, fans, do you want to drink or smoke.
john witherspoon tells funny richard pryor stories joe rogan

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john witherspoon tells funny richard pryor stories joe rogan...

I'll finally be one of those days, no, no, just come. Come on in and see how you're doing, how you're doing, a little bit higher up, so I'll go, I know I have to go and come back and serve him, you buy whatever you want to drink daily, I want to drink now, look at the clothes, he'd have some of the red drink. Like waiting for all that cherry and that kind of stuff, so I know I'm leaving, I'm going with them they told me in Michigan it makes you crazy, it makes you crazy, it comes back, we're just going to make you crazy, so I'm leaving, it makes you crazy, everything a fan of you you know anything else you'd like someone to go Stacey knows yeah come on I just say oh hey hey Bahama spoon real loud so when I leave and come back to Richard I do two minutes so people said Richard Pryor passed by the cop and he said, sure. going up didn't make me, he said every time I go on, I see what happens just above, this guy, get off of you, I put you right now and he grew up, they do 2 and 2 hours, then his sin, he call, he will make his secretary me call the next day and say thank you for helping me get on stage, helping me on girls' day, I knew they had to push him on stage, that's very strange, yes, it's amazing, but more like, Williams, me running, Richard would like it. two hours without about half an hour, kind of normal, uh, who's album you know he got?
john witherspoon tells funny richard pryor stories joe rogan
Yeah, then he had the writers of him in the morning back, I'd bet they were writing it, give him guidance on things to say that you know and things that he had, all that. and then he would have three weeks in the original room where he worked every night, he would come every night. Wow, I didn't like some kind of you know, hide, he can't come back, he'll be better every night and Then Missy put me on the show with him, so I'd open this show in 45 minutes and they'd get to it. He wouldn't have done it, hmm and then we moved to the main room after about three of a month in the original room. you moved to the main room, that is a man and he drew, so the young lady would earn so much money, he would draw so many people, the old holes have not been on the street, fur collars, the first layer of fur coat synthetic in pink and yellow and him.
john witherspoon tells funny richard pryor stories joe rogan
I would have in the main room I would have, oh my God, I had Mick Jagger, what's his name, he was born, uh, it was his name Willie Nelson. I thought Willie doesn't go on stage and sing a song and he's in the room. really, yeah, really, you had a good time, yeah, I got it, that's good, you cook this, sing a song, I love Willie Nelson, he was so good, he's still around them, maybe I'm afraid to do it, I'm so nervous, he's the people, he's gone. crazy when his son boy that was that wasn't that was a thrill for me so we moved on to the main movie but now I would kill every night in the audience so I'll get a standing ovation because I would do Mathis and I learned from Detroit and Nat King Cole in it .
I would do Matt Johnny Mathis at my last moment and I would do L Greene right before that and I saw Al Green throw roses at the ladies once, how's that? Yes, what is it? In this theater he would throw roses anyway and hand them to the ladies, so when I was working at The Comedy Store and I was in front of him, I would take the lines down and hand them to the ladies and then to the lump sum lady . He did exactly what he wanted to say, he said Al Green, give us roses, I said, boy, you're lucky they're not plastic and they don't die, I ain't got no money.
I'm going home and taking care of you so I can get back to you and I did it by being gloomy. Johnny, math, this is just impressions and I add it to my act because a lot of women love that and I got it, women through the Roses, at my feet. I said damn, this is great and Richard told me like Richard. Everyone said you should take the tour with you when you go on tour. You know I love you, but you're too much of a fun angle. I can't have you on the road with me.
He said it was too much fun for him. Wow. and he took the best, you know, the best, he reached the shore, the best would be awesome, this day wasn't so precious, so he took it down a path, he told you you were too


, he swung you too


, I love you , but you're too funny, open up. For me, I don't want to have had to be worked so hard, that was a great compliment, but I have the poster of the stolen communist, richer, crying, John with a spoon. Whoa, hey, someone, my phone, yeah, you think mom posted it and then I think I posted again.
I helped you repost it on your IG story and then the Comedy Store took a screenshot and posted it. Yeah, they did, they did it a month or two ago, their own TV show. You know, it's on NBC at 8 o'clock. watch and he was something, boy, I knew we were going to last, that's all, we only have four shows, they were afraid of 22, richer was too tall, what was high on cocaine in good things, you know, but I didn't I had money? I probably got myself something if I had some money hey, I'm doing this look for dollars for the dollars you give me for this week, he said, you guys aren't making the money, but I'm making $250,000.
Show's over, damn it. Wow. he's making a lot you know Richard Pryor and John Witherspoon Wow Jenni yeah I wish I had the year there probably 70 that's amazing 77 but I know Richard please go to his house every Sunday please , baby sounds every Sunday and he had a barbecue. People, he, look, you have a gym, a boxing gym where you box, a tennis court, a swimming pool, he goes about four acres from there and I realize where his own party was. Nia, yeah, the house that was on sale recently for like four million, but I don't know.
I think people realize that they predate living it, they don't want to do that thing called, it caught fire there, remember the time they caught you, you know that house was in the house over there, yeah, I would love to own that that. unlike Northridge or something, it's part, yeah, yeah, it's part Dean and we're making more juice, he's right down the street, I'm not sorry, yeah, yeah, we finish every Sunday. Imagine owning Richard Pryor's old house, it's gotta be cool, that spirit could give me a high five. Running past the pool, you know he didn't come.
The days must have been crazy, oh man, and the amazing thing about it is that it's so cold, boy, when it came on the radio that Richard Pryor is in the hospital in critical condition, he got burned from burns. a pipe that blew up his family went and then he stole all his people that he probably had never seen in years jumped that damn fence, you had his huge fence and you stole all his watches and stuff, get him out of his house and then they say is going to survive they jump over the fence to give it back what they jump over the fence with their stuff they give it back yes, they give it back to this Richard Pryor to steal his stuff, they even lend it to you for 20 years Now I was saying you would steal his watch, that's it crazy yeah it's hard to believe we had so much fun there and Sammy Davis jr.
I'd go there every Sunday in a limo and a tuxedo at Kelly's, we had shorts, you know, your ratty shorts, you can find an old t-shirt, we play basketball, send me, come to the mine, hey Sammy, put on some shorts Was he Sammy then? Yeah, oh, I bet he wove this was 76, so it must have been when he was young because his father was about 61 62 63, he must have been about 50, forties or fifties, tuxedo, tuxedo and a limo, Picture me on the wall, but Sammy Davis. jr. He pulls up in a tuxedo oh man a limo we all said it wasn't just basketball we too uh we also stink ragged and we don't play ball Oh Sammy wrong house one day I'm going to play some ball with a semi but we look at that look at the bell bottoms oh yeah Wow, play tennis Danny yeah, you play tennis, yeah, and basketball, we play ball, he checks me out, grabs my dick, funny man.

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