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Joel Turner SHOT IQ Coaching at ElkShape Camp

Jun 07, 2021
Here's another warning: Don't be offended by anything I'm going to say today, you're shaking like a dog on taxes right now, but I mean, think about how you have more muscle tension now that these people are looking at you. a bug, are you more or less in tension? you personally because everyone will be different, so tell me because you've killed a lot of things with your bows, so it depends on the situation, okay, some things are automatic, okay, some things depend, like you get it. Seeing a bull enter somehow makes you more or less nervous. I'm definitely less nervous when I see an animal, but the quick opportunities are like, oh right, okay, there's a big difference between those two different situations, let me know.
joel turner shot iq coaching at elkshape camp
Shoot again here, brother, and try to get close to the middle, since he will bear you. Okay, then don't contribute again, brother. I've seen enough, how did you do it? No, it didn't feel very good, why not? I don't know, I felt forceful, it was the following. Whatever you want to say to John Dudley right now is coming loose. No, I could call him Nick. Why did you buy that release? Mmm-hmm I wanted to practice pulling my


more than with my wrist, okay? It starts with the index finger trigger and then you got a little forceful with it or what, yeah, and something about that, yeah, so now you're getting forceful with it, what are we going to do, what are we going to do, buy more releases, no, we.
joel turner shot iq coaching at elkshape camp

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joel turner shot iq coaching at elkshape camp...

Let's fix your head so you can shoot whatever you want, show us all how slow you can go with this trigger at the same speed, pull back, let it fly, okay, pull up, let it fly, okey-dokey, let's see this. medium action yeah wow next that's a lot of head shaking Rhys what are you doing there come on mate ah worse than the first one? The difference in what you were thinking in those two takes of the first second was different mentally or not, um, immensely not. it was a little shaky err second as far as pin uh yeah okay yeah so what made you shoot that


joel turner shot iq coaching at elkshape camp
I felt like that was the best I was going to get time as far as aiming, yeah, okay, but no one made you shoot, no, okay. subconscious gremlin did you good, now do your job, so guys see how Travis is fighting the site? He comes from below and correct me if I'm wrong, brother, he comes from below and our heads fall. He goes off and then he falls and then there's a final jump and a punch, right, yeah, that's not the way to kill bulls, guys, the eyes used to do it. I used to have to aim five six feet above the top of a bowl and then I just drop my bone and pull the trigger, it's a nightmare waiting to happen, it's not the way to kill the daring, so We're going to completely change what you guys are thinking, who's next, what's your plan here, my man, inconvenient, aha, find the target. point, good, anchor point, good, burn a hole in the target and pull the trigger, you are going to burn a hole in the target, for what purpose?
joel turner shot iq coaching at elkshape camp
Make sure I stay stable. Do you want to burn a hole in the target? Make sure you are firm. No, so where did you hear the burning in the hole in the target theory? This is something I tried to learn when I started shooting. That's okay, because in the world of traditional archery it's a big deal, right? You're supposed to burn a hole. aiming and letting some mystical forces fire the shot for you usually doesn't work come on man let's chharia ah once you burn a hole in the top right give me a concession. I was so cool, look now, oh, good job, buddy. you say who's that who's that she's shooting a hinge uh yes sir so why do we why do we shoot the hinge?
So the hinges don't actually fire with the rear tension button. People call it rear tension release. True, the hinge is not a rear tension release. I don't know of any professional archers who shoot a back tension hinge. It is not the most accurate way to shoot. useful with a spring tension, you're talking about Rachel, you're saying that the pretension triggers as a back tension release, yes this is a hinge, but you can trigger it with back tension, but ultimately what it does that the release is activated is the rotation of the release has a click yes, well, then what does the click mean to you?
It's almost there, so I basically turn it by hand, it doesn't click, and then I know what it is. at that point I start using more on my back, okay, to finish the show, great, let's do it, which one do you want me here, let's go to the top right, how was the back tension on that one? Not so good, then, you went to release the hinge because I started pressing the trigger with my index finger, yeah, okay, ish ish, so give me some ish, so I had the ability to hit it or squeeze it mm-hmm, but I can tell when I'm trying to rip it off with this more than I can. with the index, okay, do you find yourself more precise with that version?
I find myself more consistent as I will with the index. Sometimes I can get a smaller group, but sometimes the heat of a fire. Okay with this, it's a bigger group overall, but they're all in the group, okay, I have to film this one just for documentation because what he's saying is one thing and he was actually doing something completely different, you know. , perfect, go ahead, man, I love it, I love it, so work it to the point. your mind, so what he said is that he moved the trigger to the click with a hand twist to the right, which is how most people will continue to shoot the hinge with the hand twist, it is the most accurate way to fire a hinge , but then it says after the click use the back tension to make the shot come out right, although what we're trying to do is the idea, yeah, so what we see in the video is it backs up and hits the target, yeah, and then roll that. to the click, but since that doesn't equal the explosion, it's easy for you to get to the click right after the click, there's a big white space and what happens is you're actually turning the button in the other direction, so you go and you get you click and then you go you go the other way the top of the trigger that way it needs to go in that direction so it goes this way and then you drill the hinge so let's talk about open loop control and closed. systems and why it is like that and all that stuff, so we will change the way you shoot, that will be completely cool, it will be very similar to what you are doing, but it will actually have control and then you will not have Flyers and it will be very consistent, You'll know exactly how to do it on high stress, cool, cool, okie dokie, who's up, shaky, big bulls coming shots.
I'll do it in your ear, make it like it's real, stop, very good, Jamison Earth. BJ, you told me you weren't practicing your own failure, though, you did it right, that's how you were working the trigger here, you know, I probably posted it, you felt like maybe you hit it. I did it. I can confirm that I hit him. It was on and I got out of there, okay, let's not do that again, oh my god, so how was the site image on that one? because that shot was much faster, yeah, okay, so how is this a picture? you feel rushed on that shot mm yeah, are you rushing around here? no, me enough just you're right your subconscious wants you to be more efficient it doesn't want you to be precise it wants you to be efficient it doesn't care about precision and that's what pushes us all towards efficiency, that's why people come here and just shoot up a tent, if you do that you're practicing your own failure and that's not what this


is about, okeydoke, who's up?
We are the cool bow and Christmas gift for you, so it's a Christmas gift from your wife, so your wife wants you to do it well, she looks at this really cool bow. I think the sellers didn't cheat her, don't make her angry by hitting her. shoot well because we got, I mean, we could call her and say look, look what Jason's doing with your Christmas present here, he's practicing his own flop, come on, dude, man, you can pull that thing like a champ, do that good hand, oh my God, give it. I another that we need your wife's phone number, she will see this on videos if that's what my heart of money went to, oh my God, now see, did that make you have more or less control over the screams?
Yes, it scared me a little at first. I scared you at first, but then what happened, Brett? So I'm trying to mess with him. Didn't you sell? The first shot was much faster than the second, so when I interrupt his mental program, the skill is not in shooting that air, it is not in hitting that target it is not shooting that arrow this skill that JC JC erects the skill that JC finishes to do is that he practiced returning to the shot even though I'm playing with you, so we have to realize what the real shooting skills are. control, right, that's an important part, good job sir, but you still punch the trigger, so you upload your PIN from below, yeah, why I have no idea.
Okay, that's what you've always done. Yes, okay. How many of you have a slow journey toward the goal from a direction you can tell me right now? Most of you see nodding your heads. I see the hands up. Most of you have a direction in which your pin travels towards the target. Even the Stickball guys. you have a direction where the arrow is coming from okay, awesome, thanks buddy, thanks for your answer, what did you win, yeah, be the last one to shoot everyone else's shot, don't you know? So how is that? How does that trigger work for you?
Ah, it was felt. okay, he did it for me, okay, make it slower, okay, show me how slow you can go, we're on the trigger with you. Oh god I didn't do that, oh that was amazing, I was just along for the ride, I never traveled there, buddy. Yes, technically I went alone. I never realized what was going through your head in that. The first one wasn't that bad, but I knew there was something in your armor. What I was thinking was pull, pull, pull, pull and then what happened. It didn't fire, so I made it activate, it didn't fire, so what specific thoughts came into your head?
Why doesn't this happen? Yeah this is weird this guy is touching my finger whatever no it was it's not working it should be working this should be working fine and I finally got it working so we have to listen very specifically to the answer Sam about that because it's going to play a big role in our instruction today, so he walking through a shot and he didn't shoot when he wanted to, so your mind let him, yeah, he did and as soon as he did left, you punched that one, you actually collapsed and hit everything in it at the same time, a lot, a lot of link engine programs, it's hard to do, yeah, yeah, that was awesome, bro, y'all , shoot, okay, sit down, friends.

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