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Joe Lycett's Best Social Media Pranks | That's the Way A-ha, A-ha Joe Lycett | Universal Comedy

May 31, 2024
I've been weird with people in real life, but my main job being weird with people is online, as I've given a few examples of the type of things I do. There's a Starbucks I know in Cardiff, it's not a 24-hour one, but they're next to a Strada, so whenever I'm in Cardiff I'll tweet the official Starbucks account with stuff like this. FYI, I'm on Wi-Fi just for your Starbucks customers, but I'm actually next door. Strada has a prco and I don't care, I'll put pictures of me outside too, I'm just going to get you your bricks, that kind of thing, next, next, it's a humble brag, I really shouldn't mention it.
joe lycett s best social media pranks that s the way a ha a ha joe lycett universal comedy
Basically, there is a gay magazine called Attitude Magazine and every year they vote for the 100 most attractive men in the world. You can vote for whoever you want. I don't think this is my


work by any means. This is an Instagram Post I thought I'd get votes for myself I just posted like squeezing my face up and just said please vote for it to be in the top 100 isn't it the


joke I've ever made uh I don't know it happened to me. again until Attitude got in touch and invited me to the awards ceremony where they gave this magazine to the 100 best.
joe lycett s best social media pranks that s the way a ha a ha joe lycett universal comedy

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joe lycett s best social media pranks that s the way a ha a ha joe lycett universal comedy...

How nice that they use my body in the front, isn't it? two, you have Liam Payne from One Direction Chris Pratt from Hollywood David Beckhams at number eight somehow as a result of that joke I'm the tenth man in the world there's the picture there's a lot of Photoshop there a lot of Photoshop Daniel Craig at 13 I I'm sexier than Daniel Craig, so Katy Price is at the awards show where they hand out the magazine and she treats this like my mom does the masalan catalog because she's going through oh, that would be lovely in the living room, the joke there.
joe lycett s best social media pranks that s the way a ha a ha joe lycett universal comedy
Is she lazy? Now the research work is short. Was there her? My main job online is responding to Cheryl Cole's Instagrams. A very serious job. No, it's not Cheryl Co. It's Cheryl Fernandez. She is one of the worst culprits of what I call the quote post. Not very famous. Attractive people. Do this, a lot of models do this, they usually post a quote on Instagram that seems like it has some meaning, something worthwhile in your life, but it doesn't. Here is an example of one of those quotes that was posted 4 + 3 of a kind. 7 but 5 + 2 also equals seven go your own way so i made one of my own label cherylin sometimes the self service is not faster than normal checkout go your own way i also made another one sometimes the sat nav doesn't has updated however, and takes you down a path that no longer exists, follow your own path, you get the gist, you get the gist.
joe lycett s best social media pranks that s the way a ha a ha joe lycett universal comedy
I have also gone one step further. I have created my own hashtag, they are hashtag quotes that I just made up and I have two rules. I can't have thought about the quote for more than 10 seconds and then I post it, whatever it is, in a pretty font on Instagram and tag the kind of people who do this so Cheryl Cole, the Kardashians, Cara Delvine, can get it . in the container um it's this kind of thing just to give you an example life is for the living if you're not alive you're dead it feels good it feels like there's a rhythm it means nothing was invented in 10 seconds uh this one is scientific, one In science, the negative attracts the positive, which is why I think you're my absolute favorite, which worked so well on



I am very proud of this life, it is like a box of chocolates. It won't last long if you're fat, good and healthy advice. If you see them, please tell me or put the hashtag. I love reading them. I could make a blog with them or something. I just think they're a fascinating insight into humanity. Right now, a person I wasn't familiar with before some people linked me is a pornographic actress, watch out, her name is Isis Taylor. I can't do it, I can't post a photo for legal reasons, so. I've made a drawing, it's my drawing with her, she posts a lot on Twitter, she also stupidly posted her email address on one occasion, I sent her a little email, right?
Dear Isis, I have been a loyal and voted fan of your work as an actress. for several years now and I have long thought that you are a beautiful and talented artist, however, my opinion of you changed after reading a recent front page article about you in a newspaper. I am surprised and concerned, Isis, to learn that you have taken over SES. of Iraq and eastern Syria and I intend to create an Islamic caliphate in the region. I implore you to come to your senses and return to her career in San Francisco. His with concern. I used an alias of Paul Paul Lington.
I don't know. I don't have an answer. Have. I have been trying to solve the Isis problem, don't worry, not the porn star, the terrorist, any member of Isis or I was thinking why would you join Isis. I was trying to figure out why you join them. I think the people who join Isis. They feel that there is a lack of love in their lives. I don't think you can join Isis if you feel loved and I was thinking where is there an abundance of love and I realized it's Grinder so I signed up for Grinder posting as Isis militant go with me if you're not a grinder if you don't know what it is it is a gay dating app that's what you are, damn, you know that right, it's not really a date either, it's just a truth. but um, the first conversation was with Craig, he said LOL, are you Isis?
I told him yes, death to the West, he said my God. I know a drag actress called Alexandra Burker, you would love Alexandra Burer. She would go see that, but she was in character. as an Isis militant, so she didn't sound very good. I said yes, to be fair, I want meat, so be successful. Someone willing to love someone from Isis. Next was James. He was satisfied with this. James punched him. Said. what building he said he, okay, tell me more about yourself. I said I serve the Islamic State, he said I serve in wacka momas and then I didn't respond for a moment.
CU. He was a little busy, so he sent me another message and said. Me, if you could do something, what would you want to do to me? So I said I would destroy you in your civilization. He said it's hot. Where will we meet? I said in hell. I said it's a nightclub somewhere. Latest. Oh, Barry, bless Barry. put um ASL meaning age sex location if you're not familiar I said 18 man Syria said Sera question mark I said yes I'm serious he said haha ​​I'm in Milton keing I said Milton keing is full of things that go To hell, my God, tell me Gays are so funny, so funny.

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