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Jo Frost Reveals The Truth About 'Supernanny' | EXCLUSIVE

Jun 03, 2024
Hey guys, I'm Noah Wilson from ihollywood tv and welcome to our first episode here of our TV show that airs


ly on Glue TV. You may know my first guest as a television personality, nanny, author, she has been helping families for many years and now joins me. tomorrow on the virtual to talk all about her career please welcome the super annie joe


hello joe hello how are you? I'm doing fantastic you know we're still on virtual but hey you know what works for me so now for now baby steps forward noah yeah thank you oh my gosh you know Joe is my first guest.
jo frost reveals the truth about supernanny exclusive
I didn't want anyone but Joe to be the first guest on my show. Because I grew up watching you. The way my boyfriend and I still watch you, we just go on YouTube and type in super annie and watch the full episodes so you know, you know, I remember you know we met you years ago, you know, and you told me you were watching the show as a kid so it's good that you watch it with your partner you know you're learning from all the different shows I love it so before you got the show super nanny you were a professional nanny for many years but also looking for people to work with families solving their parents' problems.
jo frost reveals the truth about supernanny exclusive

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jo frost reveals the truth about supernanny exclusive...

How do people know where to find you? I know, so a friend meets someone and then you help them with their problems and then that spreads through the circle, you know, and then that really spreads and then you're out there and then people know that my father always used to call to the house line back then to the babysitter hotline it's like now the hotline calls like the sign bill hey, it's the babysitter hotline, you know, yeah, yeah, so, uh, yeah, you really know that it's circles upon circles of friends and that good work circulates and, uh, you. you know good word spreads and then good work can happen and you know it's always a privilege for me to be able to help families um and you know what better compliment than word of mouth because people you know recommend your work and what you do well, yeah, and two, I just want to point out to our audience, you know you started out in your teens being a babysitter before you knew you had your own show, super babysitter, so how was that what got you interested in wanting to do? this to make a living, but it wasn't a chosen career, you know, I didn't consciously say well what I'm going to do as a career, what I am, what I'm going to do for a living, I think it's like with most people.
jo frost reveals the truth about supernanny exclusive
I know you, you follow what you're passionate about, you know what you love to do, I always loved being around children, um, I started babysitting, as you know, there are a lot of them out there, um, and I saw ads for professional babysitting positions, um , and you know, and the rest is. It was a story really, but it cast a very wide net for me to be able to help a lot of different families before I made the inquiry, you know, what was the troubleshooting that really led to the format that we saw with Super Nanny, you know, being able to go in and help. families, but for me it was just that you really have a passion, you know how to be, you know, you love, you love being around children, you love interacting with them and certainly a professional nanny is dedicated to their positions, you know, and to the relationship. that you have with family and children and you know, providing us with a service that is still the gold standard and I think that's important, yeah, oh absolutely, now let's talk about the super nanny show that originally aired in the Kingdom United with over 5.2 million people tuning in and that was incredible for Channel 4 and then of course ABC aired in the US with 23 episodes a year, by the way, which I loved, I loved every moment of it, I thought, okay, keep it up, ABC, you know, it was a demanding schedule I might add. in today's viewing, it's like 14 seasons not including the two seasons you did recently, which makes it really 16 seasons, that's amazing and a lot of families that you visited over the years, which made ABC, already You know, say, hey, let's bring your super nanny to our we, the audience, because you know your style of techniques, it really works and it's just amazing, I love the naughty corner stick, that kid over there in the naughty corner, Hoho, that's a whole mouthful when you break it down like that, that is, you.
jo frost reveals the truth about supernanny exclusive
You know, 23 episodes in a season is unheard of, you know, back then, that was the norm and obviously you're very grateful to have the opportunity to come to America and really help the families there as well. I was back and forth for many years helping. families in the UK and then also helping families in the US um and yeah, it was a demanding schedule where I spent, I mean, 48 weeks of the year living out of a suitcase, you know, I would literally go home for Christmas and a little bit of time over the summer, you know, where I could connect with, you know, friends and family in person, you know, and have some good times, but it was, obviously, an incredible trip to have this opportunity, the experience with the opportunity allowed me to direct Go ahead and really go for it and I know I think the bigger the bigger picture of what this was, having the opportunity to help another country through this medium, knowing the power of television and being able to use my skills. so fundamental to be able to make this transformative change for many families. um, it's really what we know now. um, as you know, we look at social media and we see the millions of views, you know, all my different shows have had because they became an archive. you know about shows and I would say really for ABC um, it was new, you know, it was new, um, it was the first time in the entire country that we had seen someone being able to help a family in the process of helping a family. on camera, so the format was different, obviously, I could give them the results and be able to help a family with that ability, but I would really say that you know, fundamentally, that the intention was aligned, you know, ABC understood like any network that, um you know, I'm tasked with producing any program that helps the family, it's the alignment the intention that they want to be able to provide their audiences with an entertaining and compelling educational program and I think ABC really understood that what they could bring to their family viewers in ABC um was a very valuable program and it lasted, you know, it lasted a long time, by the way, I have my DVD somewhere.
I have the DVD of the first season that I bought from Amazon because that's what, I don't know where it is. We should have done it. He's here on the set, oh my gosh, someone run and grab him, he was a big fan, you have the DVDs and the books and you run the shows again, hey, I'm going to go for several days, it requires the technique of stay in bed if you have a moment where you can spend some time with Kayla, that would be fantastic. Speaking of Super Danny, my boyfriend and I have been watching a lot of episodes on YouTube, as I mentioned, but you know during the episodes when you leave a family and you check back with them a couple of days later to see their progress, we're always curious or at least we were curious, which I'm sure a lot of people are probably curious to know or at least want to know the answer is: are you going to work with another family for that short period of time or what do you do during that time?
Do you ever have a day to relax and enjoy yourself because you know you're allowing them? Learn the techniques you've taught them and see if they'll stay in place before you return. You know, talk to that family. In fact, I was asked this question not long ago. I'm busy working. I'm busy working, I'm preparing and preparing the team for the next family, what we're going to do with them, based on what they're telling me right now, but of course you know I can read. between the lines with some of those things and looking to the future so I do as much prep work as possible for various families in the future and I will help where we go next um and uh, you know, you certainly know that the time is very tight. , you know, because that takes a lot of prep work, but every once in a while, once in a while, you have a window where you can take advantage of an opportunity and I had that not long ago, when I was doing Season 8 Lifetime. and I got the chance in Chicago I just couldn't believe it I heard Hamilton was in town um and I thought I hadn't seen it yet and I think everyone has seen it except me and I got this chance and they had tickets when I called so I went alone to the theater I went there at night and sat there and enjoyed Hamilton.
I love theater. I love theater. So having the opportunity to go was such. It's a big thrill for me, I was so excited that you can hear me talk about it. Sometimes you know those moments are rare, but when you have those moments you want to do something special with it, you know in the past, um, you know? when I started, you know, super nannying, you know, I could do a day where I go sightseeing, you know, in the particular place I was, but I've already done it, God, I've done 49 states now, no, I've already done it.
I've done. 48 states, so maine, maine and montana are the only two places I haven't been to in the United States. Wow, you know over the years I've had the opportunity, you know, to go everywhere and work, you know, work everywhere in this country, but everyone but those two, I'll eventually contact them, you know, because I've heard that They are both very beautiful. There are many young teenagers. Joe, they, uh, were young when Super Nanny first aired. I contacted you by sharing your videos on tick tock. I actually saw this, this was actually, I think they wrote an article on today's show.
The daily mail has just been picked up by a lot of press and no, I don't do the ticking, the time bomb, the ticking, I don't do it now. Don't tick or talk, I did two ticks, Joe, and it was raining on me with Ariana Grande and Lady Gaga, then I did some cleaning of the Challenger, you know, in the window, but it took me a long time to do it, Joe. I can't do this again, but it was so sweet to see these little kids that you know are ticking and you know you help them, you know you make them better kids and they thank you for it.
Does it make you feel knowing that they appreciate your help and that they still adore you to this day? As many of you know, children like it very much. I thought that was very sweet, Noah. I thought it was very sweet to me as soon as I saw it, you knew it as soon as it was Hayley who did the first tick and I remember it, when I was a little girl, you know because you know that very famous kind of clip where I He explained to his parents, you know rap. that this little girl was listening to and the explicit words that were being used, you know, along with the use of those words in a British accent, I think you know, kind of hits home what's going on here and for me that's always when you see the kids grow up, so you think, "Oh look, look at them now, you know, I remember, I just want to do this like I remember them, you know, and they were little and now you know they're teenagers or young adults." Some of them already have children, you know, so obviously it's a compliment, it's lovely, and it's nice, yeah, it's been very nice, you know, to have the children send those beautiful messages.
I appreciate it, I really appreciate it. So Joe, you've had a variety of different shows that have aired internationally from Holland, Australia, the UK, and of course here in the U.S. The last thing I think we've seen here in America was that Super Nanny was chosen for the eighth season. which aired on Lifetime after you know it took a long hiatus from ABC, many fans are probably wondering if we will see Super Nanny renewed on Life, what's next for you as far as the Super Nanny show is concerned, it's true, I heard, I heard . last year they are not going to renew the whole life they are not going to renew the super nanny show um however, you know, the super nanny show joe


nanny on tour extreme parental guide you know family you are any show you watch me do is there to provide a service to families and be able to help them in one creative format or another.
Whether or not you know you're tied to the right title or creative format. The


of the matter is that you know. I'm there helping families that you know, so there's always going to be an opportunity to creatively have a format that does exactly what you know, helping families, it's just where that home is going to be and, honestly, a network, understanding the depth of that. , you already know. understanding the intention of what the show is meant to do and for us all to be creative collaboratively, you know that format because you know it's important to me the integrity of the real work and having a lot of fun with it, you know, like all the formats I've done I've really enjoyed them, you know, and I've produced some of them and, obviously, I've executive produced them, I mean, I think they've all been very different, in a very different way, um, of conveying what families have needed.
I love it, I love my last format which was Joe Frost Nanny on tour and because it allowed me to help not just a family but an entire community and that to me was just amazing, it just took it to another level so it would be Great, if that show aired here I would love for people to watch it because you know I've come to helpto the families in their homes and when I went out, I got letters or notes that you know, like, can you give this to Joe? Can you come to my house next or can you help us at a local school or can you come and talk to us in a church hall so you know againThe feeling of doing Danny on the tour was also helping a community you know at the same time time you're in a city helping a family, um, yeah, I hope I can continue because let's face it, no, there's a real need, I mean, there was always a need, but as we know, now we're moving out into a better space, with the vaccines and the world opening up, there are families that really need help from all the work that you've done especially since last year and everything from everyone, you know the different variety of programs and you know how to help families, what Joe does in on a weekend, do you have free time, what do I mean, what does Joe do, I want to know?
Joe, yeah, what do I love to do when you have free time? Yes, I want to do our free time. IM stay in California. It has incredible beaches. I love the water. It is a place that I find very relaxing and that is why I like it. take walks on the beaches I like to go riding my bike um I like it um I like buying myself flowers um it's true self-love true it's self-care I like to go out with friends when I have the chance yes they' I come from different states. I like to spend time, obviously, talking to my friends who are in England or connecting with my family.
You know, it's the things that make me happy. Those are the things that I would say certainly keep me mentally healthy. and emotionally that well-being you know, so sleep if I need to if I'm tired I listen to my body if I'm tired and I need to sleep then you know I'm going to sleep I like the garden um, you know, sometimes you can have like now that the world it's opening, there might be an exhibition or maybe now we'll probably see comedy shows and a concert or something, so you know, I'd definitely like to do it, you know, and you know, Darren and I, we know how to spend. time, you also know how to nourish our marriage, you know, because you know we've all added our ups and downs, you know, certainly, during this time and while we were talking about covid, you know, and again, you know, I think every family goes through that. . phase in which has also been difficult for yourselves and you know that it is important for me to be honest about it and say: here is a window, we are going to do this together, so it is a malformation of many things, but you know that I can hang .
Find out if I see my grandson hanging out with my grandson too, you know, so you know family members that are here too, so there's a lot of different things, but things that I like to do, things that I enjoy or you know, we . Let's say we both enjoy doing things sometimes. I'll do things separately and Darren will like it. Darren loves to play golf and he'll go play golf and I'll do my thing. um, you know, and I like to read, um, you know everything. We also do things together, you know, go out with friends, so normal, normal, yeah, well, one day I hope to be able to go out with you, Joe, and you know, have lunch or just meet you in person.
You know most people. We would have fun, I think most people I remember, I remember when I was around, you know, filming and stuff like that, and you know from what I told you, if I ever got the chance, would you know to go? a meal or the team might have gone one night, you know, to a bar or something, you know, I'll say I'll go for an hour, but then I can't stay and it always makes me laugh because people come up to me and say what are you doing? here I'm having a ramen coke like you're happy and it's a vodka there or you know oh my God is that joe dancing is that joe having you know a rum and coke is that joe in the laundry room is that joe in the gym is that you know how always always always makes me laugh because I'm doing what other people do you know yeah yeah because I guess they probably think you know they see you on TV. and they see that you know that you help families and children and then they say: what is Joe doing in a bar?
Does she have a life beyond helping families? It makes me laugh, I remember the first time I was in a laundromat, you know, and this lady told me what are you doing here, I said, washing my clothes like you, it's the queue, oh sure, okay, but yeah, you know like any other person. You know, hanging out and knowing how to be with friends and going and knowing how to treat myself a little bit, you know, now everything we've talked about, Joe, and you know if people want to have a private consultation with you. I know where people can find you for help if there are families watching our interview today on TV and they say you know what I need, Joe's help or I would like a consultation, where can they go to get information?
Yes, I would say no. Don't be shy, this is the year, you know, this is the year of transition, this is the year of change, this is the year of being able to say to yourself, right, you know what? Are we really not happy with what we need? Did you know? Do we want to move forward? What we want? What do we need? Do you know how to make that happen? So if you're a family that has a parenting issue, you know the kids, or you feel like a family, you could do without that guide. go to that's where you'll find me there will be a section that says contact joe and then you can submit your request in the private consultation and as a team we will take that request and then move forward. for that it could be that you only need a day or two, it could be work, you know, I work with families, I have had my consulting business for over 15 years, so you know, families only need a day, some families need two. days, other families have three months and then it's like thank you and they're great and they carry on, you know, so, it all depends, it depends, it's a personalized service, so you know it's not generic, well, Joe will continue with Joe Frost. thank you for being my first guest oh yeah oh my god I feel privileged yeah oh my god well next time we'll have to do this in person maybe we can do a fun segment somewhere where I love those I love doing that yeah let's do that , let's do that, I'm going to bring you here, it's less humid, right, Georgia must be very humid right now, it's so hot, it was like it's a barn and it's hot, yeah, especially you know, out of everything , you know the interviews and things like that. that I'll put on, you know, a shirt and some shorts, I'll be absolutely burning hot mm-hmm the good thing is that everyone can be outdoors right now, so you know we can still be safe and you know we're outdoors , so that's really good, yeah, but yeah, we'll let it go somewhere where we can have lunch and then we can look out at the sparkling sea and smell the ocean.
Yes, oh my god, oh, I can't wait, oh my god. joe frost thank you all so much you can continue watching


on youtube like me because i will watch it on youtube now and make sure to follow joe frost on joe frost on twitter i think it's on joe underscore frost so you know. I'm linking all your social media right there for us on ig and then is my name yeah joe frost thank you joe you're so funny I adore you and I love you thank you so much I really appreciate it thank you. take care thank you bye

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