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JLo's Daughter Emme Says They Have 'Very Different Styles'

Jun 05, 2021
welcome annie, thank you


much, it's a pleasure to see you, in fact I


seen you perform with your mother, you are fantastic singing live, do you get nervous when you perform, how did you feel at the Super Bowl? Oh my God, the Super Bowl made me It was scary at first. about that of course, um, but while it was happening, e


thing wasn't very nice, um, I had to perform with my mom and one of my friends was actually dancing there with me, I mean, I wasn't dancing, but that made it cool . He made it a lot of fun, yeah, and what you want to do is Emmy when you're older.
jlo s daughter emme says they have very different styles
Do you want to be a singer when you grow up? I don't want to be a singer, it's not something I would like to do. as a profession, but maybe one of my hobbies could be singing, there you go, okay, okay, I thought you were saying something else, I must tell you that I love, I love this book that you recently wrote and that you are sharing with all of us. daily prayers that's so amazing I pray every day and so does the whole family that's so cool you talk about it how did this book come about tell me well so when I was seven my babysitter Jess and I went I went to a bookstore and I bought a book kit to make a book and this is what came out of it.
jlo s daughter emme says they have very different styles

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jlo s daughter emme says they have very different styles...

This was the first copy. Oh, that's funny, that's cute, yeah, that was it. All the drawings were mine,


just helped me write it and yes. That's how it came about, that's cool and it's, is that your mom and dad? Did


help you keep your faith strong or I'm sure they are incredibly proud of you and support you in this? Yes, my parents are very proud. of me extremely and um, my mom helped me like she supported me, she supported me in every way possible, she, um, she helped me, she came with me to publishing meetings, um, and yeah, my dad was extremely proud too from me, but unfortunately he couldn't be. there for any of the meetings, yeah, I'm sure he's very, very proud of you and he was there when I made the audiobook.
jlo s daughter emme says they have very different styles
Oh, amazing, amazing, very cool, hey, I heard you just met Billy Eilish not long ago. Yes I did it. great tell me about that it was great with you it was sweet yes she's so sweet amazing she's so kind she's crazy she's a good person and even though I don't know her that well from what I know she's super kind oh that's awesome that's great , that's great here, yeah, she's very nice every time I've seen her too, emmy, do you


chores that you do every day or do you have what, what do mom and dad make you do well, my mom? she makes me make my bed, you know, get up, get ready for school and stuff, but those aren't considered housework, I guess making your beds huge is a good way to start the day.
jlo s daughter emme says they have very different styles
Yes, you mentioned your mom, did you ever raid her closet? or trying on a lot of uh trying on a lot of her clothes, she has some pretty impressive clothes. um no, I don't normally go into her closet and try on her clothes, but the reason for that is because we have very



, oh how. How would you describe your sense of style? It is difficult to explain. I have a lot of


aesthetics that I try to follow. Well, one of them is super pink, like skirts and maybe dresses. I don't love wearing dresses much, but. the other is like jeans and baggy shirts and cute things, yeah, when you want something, who's parent is more likely to say no, mom or dad, say no, than to say you want something, sure, forgive me for something I want , yeah, like, say you really want something who do you go to first, who do you think is going to say yes first? we're more likely to say yes, sure your dad is what you said yes my dad oh dad dad's dads with their little


s I'm the Same way, buddy, my


comes to me all the time if I wants for sure, uh, yeah, speaking of which, my daughter, who is she, she just turned 10 and she and she also prays all the time, she has a question for you and it's. on video so I'm going to play it for you very quickly hello emmy I'm your franchesca lopez and I'm 10 years old and I go to Catholic school and I pray all the time and my question for you is what is your favorite tic tac to do with your mom, okay, so my mom and I don't do a lot of tic tac, she just picks a few and


, oh, let's do this one, so I do it with her, um, yeah, we don't have any. in particular, but oh uh, but she just told me to say pati because because Molly is that mom off camera, yeah, it's my mom's camera trying to come say hello, yeah, and Uncle Bunny is here too, he's Well, pati, tell him I'm investigating this new thing. song with maluma and the video is very very sexy she


thank you that's amazing well they should be very proud of you uh and I really love your book and I think it's such a wonderful thing that you're doing right there and you have a bright future so I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to us and congratulations on everything, thank you, say hello to everyone, so before you go, okay, I would like to say that we also have a Spanish virgin, I love it. title and of course we have the English version and yes, I just wanted to say that because no, that's important, well for you, I thought it was important, no, okay, now I have to get it on both, so, thank you very much and congratulations.
Okay, the best of the family, honey, you got it right, don't forget that the Lord of Emmy's book, help me inspire prayers for each day, is now available.

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