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Jimmy Kimmel Interviews BLACKPINK!

Jun 09, 2021
Our next guests are the most popular girl group in the vast realm of music known as K-pop. her debut album is titled the album joining us from seoul south korea jisoo jenny lisa y rosa


hello ladies thanks for being with us wow I do, but we'll keep it in English for the rest of this interview just for our American viewers . Thank you very much for being with us. I had never spoken to anyone from South Korea on video chat before. And I know you are very, very popular, can you even leave your houses or would the fans harass you?
jimmy kimmel interviews blackpink
I mean, as long as we're well covered, yeah, as long as we're not obvious, as long as we're not. I don't walk like that, yeah, do you ever go out in disguise? I know masks are probably good, but do you ever wear a hat? Maybe a mustache or a beard or something. Yes, it's a big secret, but we wear similar hats. and hoodies to cover ourselves, we try to dress really manly and tough, yeah right, that's what I do too. Your fans are known as Blinks, is it a name they gave themselves or did they come up with that name?
jimmy kimmel interviews blackpink

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jimmy kimmel interviews blackpink...

We actually came up with the name when we made the name Black Pink right away, so yeah, why did you decide to call the band Black Pink? What does that represent? BlackPink. We felt that those two colors represented us more because we are very feminine but at the same time we are very wild too, so it's like we had a song called Pretty Savage and it goes with black pink and we thought it described us better than me. I was told that Jisoo doesn't speak as much English as the rest of you, Jisoo, what's your favorite word in English?
jimmy kimmel interviews blackpink
Oh, my favorite phrase in English is, it's a shame, oh, it's a shame, oh yeah, can I tell you something? My favorite phrase in Spanish is. It's a shame, which means it's a shame that there is a documentary that your fans, I'm sure, have seen hundreds of times on Netflix about you and it's very interesting because you go to a school, an academy where you train to sing and dance and then they choose the ones. students who excel and then they will put you in this group. It's like a Hogwarts, Harry Potter, or X-Men kind of situation at that school.
jimmy kimmel interviews blackpink
Do you learn? Is it just acting or are you learning history? and math and all the other boring things that we have to learn, well, that's what I think, personally, I was very excited to be able to get rid of all those subjects that, in my opinion, are annoying, but in the long run, I mean , it would have been It's nice if we were educated that way, but mainly it's about performance, so we also have languages ​​and we liked the sessions for, yes, we had a lot of language, we had to learn English, very impressed. Last year you became the first k-pop girl group to play Coachella, which for those who don't know, is a huge music festival here in the California desert.
Something you knew about was Coachella, something that people in the south are excited about. Korea, definitely, yes, anyone who loves music in Korea would love to go to Coachella as a dream wish and for us as trainees, you know, we would search the internet for videos of the performances and we would like to know who will be in the lineup and yeah . It was one of the most exciting parts, as a trainee, to see those performances, so Lisa, did you meet anyone there that you're excited to meet because I know there are a lot of artists and celebrities at Coachella?
I, yeah, um, yeah, Jayden, actually Jaden Smith. oh jaden smith oh wow how about that and was his father with him? Do you know about his father? Oh, his father was there. OK yes. Did you know that his father was a rapper before becoming a big movie star? Did you know about um? Not really, but yeah, I saw him rap on stage and I thought, oh my God, he was the fresh prince, he was the fresh prince of Bel Air, he did the song that parents don't understand, that could be a good song for you. cover because I think it's universal uh chohanko mai hananju I love it adio it's like twisting a little towards the end your album that I have here is called the album now were they working so hard in school that they just didn't do it?
We had time to think of a title for the album. No, we had a lot of ideas, but at the end of the day we knew that our fans were waiting for our album so much that we decided to go with something that I just described it best, yeah, black, pink, the album sounded simple, cardi b is one of the artists on your album, you know, cardi b, yeah, we used to listen to one song all the time and we were a big fan, so when we heard that she was going to be a part of our album, we started screaming and jumping up and down, yeah, it's very exciting, you know the song, you do it all the time, okay, let's take a break and you guys.
We are going to do a presentation for us. What song are you going to sing for us tonight? We're going to do our title track from the album. Girls in love love sick girls. Alright, there's Blackpink, the album. We'll be back soon with


music thanks girls hello I'm



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