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Jimmy Carr | Interview & Lap | Top Gear

Jun 05, 2021
Ladies and gentlemen, Jimy Car, how are you? A big welcome. Well thank you very much. Now let's counter his early life by showing that she had a Cambridge education. Yes, many people take it the wrong way. Many people think if you have a Cambridge education. You may be a bit pompous and not true. The only reason I went to Cambridge is because I went up four levels and then after Cambridge I went to work for an oil company. Okay, which is technically the easiest job on the planet. Do you have a fuel gauge in your car?
jimmy carr interview lap top gear
Yes, yes, you know when it turns red. Yes, buy some gasoline. Job done because I mean, I have to grab it. I have this. A lot is happening right now, you know, ooh, crude oil is so bad, oh, it's not bad at all, crude oil is a magnificent thing, it should be called Magnificent Oil and then people wouldn't worry so much when it crashes into a beach in Wales. I think a rebrand is needed, well yes, because what do you get with a pair of painful sounding tacky gillots? It's a bird, it's a bird, it's a bird and they get a little oily and then you wash them and it's fine and everything is absolutely fine after that. but the oil companies are so bad and how much are they now contributing to the joy of the exes?
jimmy carr interview lap top gear

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They make £800,000 an hour in hourly earnings per hour, that's more than I make in a week, but you've got a Cambridge education so you know. that's fair mate um anyway you're a success now uh yeah if you like success your own tv show tour very successful movie radio show everything and you have a Rover 75 I know I've done well I thought I'd invite him myself, well what happened is that at the beginning of the year I was thinking about buying a new car, maybe some kind of Cl MC and I talked to my girlfriend about what new car to buy and after a couple of hours we both decided on that.
jimmy carr interview lap top gear
The best thing to do was get new curtains. I'm very happy with that decision, so I still ended up with a Rover 75 which, let's be honest, is a terrible car, really, I won't say that, what was put into this one is significantly. better than the last one I had, you had two, yes I had it, so you bought one and then you sold it and then you bought another one, not exactly what happened was the first one exploded twice at high speed and then they sold me another one. one that is crazy, well what happened was an LPG car, someone had converted it to LPG, it fell on a pipe and the beard was gone, yes I could, I could do it easily and they put the wrong type on it of fuel manifold if it is not too much. technician, he put a plastic fuel manifold, I think it was made of straw and I needed a metal one, so I was going 80 on the highway with my girlfriend next to me and the whole engine exploded, the brakes, everything went, the brakes, yes, everything.
jimmy carr interview lap top gear
The engine just imploded and I thought, sure, that's a bad situation at my first thought, of course, it wasn't for my own good, it was for my own safety, but don't tell Caroline she'll go crazy and then I think. You know, it's great to buy a British car. I didn't go sue them like an American wanted you to put my life in danger. None of that nonsense. I said: Could you sell me another one? How much time do you spend? the road uh, a lot, I mean, not as much as before, but I mean I used to spend, I used to do the clubs basically and then you're basically like a rep, you might as well be, you're up and down the You know the motorways, the M1 , the M6 ​​and whatever, going to different clubs around the place and driving around, so I used to earn around 30 billion a year, no that's a lot, what bothers me about driving is that I drive horribly. very, very late at night because I go and I'm on stage at 9:00 or whatever and I come back, it's often 1 or 2 2 in the morning and the speed limits are the same.
I can't understand why. Is the speed limit 70 mph at 3? In the morning there is no one else around you. Why not make it an automatic ban? At night there are people like you, so it would be nice. I think there are children playing on the road. highway, yes, at 3:00 in the morning, my driving is the least of your worries. Is this something that would meet with popular approval? He would like? Would you like to see how fast we think in the middle of the night? 120 I think autoban you do what you want 120 minimum I would suggest yes, a minimum speed limit, that's what we need, a minimum of 120 with police shooters on the bridges taking out those who can't do it.
Yes, you are part of your dream of a police state, yes, a police state, but work for us instead of against us, because the other thing I also find these days is that we talk quite a bit on this show about there being too many signs, but there aren't any in cars, there aren't any. in cars, well, I see, you know, on the side of the road, you know, telling you how to walk to the library, but the number of towns that don't point to other towns from them TR, you know, you know when you're lost. around Britain when it says city center and you say which city doesn't help, it's not my favorite sign of all time it's Falling Rocks, you know the red triangle Falling Rocks, what am I supposed to do with that information?
I have a sign that says random accidents ahead is life is a lucky lottery um okay um time to see how you did in our reasonably priced car uh how did it go out there uh it was it was it was surprisingly fun. I didn't think I was going to take it seriously and then I came out and thought this is brilliant. Stig said he'd never met anyone that and I think he made him as idiotic as you, we laughed, yeah, I mean. It was fun, you know, we did spins a couple of times, it was fun and it was good, anyone want to see one of those spins?
Let's see because I think we just captured one here. Check out this penultimate corner as his usual perfect racing line, yeah there you go, whoa, yeah there you go, that was my fastest time. I'm so sorry, Jeremy, I'm so sorry, but can I try? in the Aston Martin, please don't see that about Jeremy, what's happening is my little face with a protective helmet, he looks like a fat kid who was shot in an elevator. Now what I loved was the camera. All the teams were on the radios. Would it be okay if we stayed a little further back than usual because there was a feeling of enormous speed?
It seems that you are quite brave behind the wheel of a car. What could go wrong? Well, you could have rolled. It's about what now no, no, you could have done in that take. There's a moment where he just jumps. Michael Gambon had a similar problem. You want that partner to be healthy and safe. You don't want to let me out in one of the Again, those who would like to see Jimmy's lap, okay, let's play, did the clutch survive? Who cares about the mirror signal maneuver, nothing, let's take a look, that's what happens, okay, no, you're right.
I can't find anything wrong with that. In the first corner, the yes tells you that when it's not your tires, it's a lot easier to do, oh, now, this is, it's a whole new approach that we're actually going to die. It broke? I didn't break much, not that squeak. braking, tires torn off the rims, this is aggressive. I can see what the guys were saying out there. I don't think it's aggressive, it's fun. Did you take off passing by there? I don't think I didn't take off and here we go to the penultimate corner, which is where things went wrong, yes, a little on the grass and until the last corner, yes, almost there and there, it's well done, I got the time.
They just told me how embarrassing it is, what do you think somewhere? Well, I hope I'm not down. Well, no, that's impossible. The car was moving. We could see that yes. I took the right path. You took the right path. You didn't do what Jonathan Ross did, you didn't get lost, well, Jonathan is waiting down there, so it would be nice to beat him. Jonathan Ross, oh yeah, you beat him. It would be nice to beat Steve Kougan. Kougan was in on the web so don't worry you beat him hey Bill Bailey that's a fun BL.
I like it, it's fun and you beat it. He was at work, although you also had a dry track, so you can forget about these, did he do well? kty oh, up at 148, he did well. I'm not sure, you know, happy, happy and in the middle of the table. I would have thought happy and in the middle of the table. Well, actually you did it in um 46.9. Timmy, the toest no. are you really kidding are you kidding hand in heart it's hand in heart we where Jeremy Beetle can't deliver in heart that despite the appearance of him it was the fastest time you've ever taken the hood off thank you very much ladies and gentlemen j

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