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May 14, 2024
For years talk show hosts people on television people on sitcoms have been hired by the government to distract you, make you laugh, make you happy and enjoy yourself, so you don't know what's really going on. I'm sick and tired of secrets. and the lies I'm here tonight to uncover it to be The Whistleblower is the secret symbol of the Luminati Jim Carrey has tried to expose the dark side of the


he has put his life at risk to give us clues about what we hope the Illuminati control our lives and force us into calculated narratives.
jim carrey punished by illuminati after exposing the industry
Jims fans claimed that after speaking out, he was forced to retreat and go into hiding, so let's get into it. I think we can all admit that Jim Carrey is an interesting man. and has had some strange moments throughout his career, there have been times where he has spoken out about the


and the so-called Illuminati, which has led fans to speculate if Jim is trying to share what is really going on behind scene, like at one point during Fashion Week where a journalist asked Jim Carrey how are you doing and he went off on a tangent saying that none of this matters, that I'm not real, that nothing is happening here and it really bothered at people because it seemed like he was completely discrediting the place he was going to and the fact that they were all celebrities and, to be honest, important people.
jim carrey punished by illuminati after exposing the industry

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jim carrey punished by illuminati after exposing the industry...

I think it's a good move when a celebrity acts humble because it makes them more likable, but Jim Cary took it to the next level, which made it seem like he was trying to make a point. uh, you know, none of this has any meaning, so he wanted to find the least meaningful thing that I could get to and join in and uh and uh and here I am. Am I a celebrity? You have to admit it doesn't make any sense. Well, they say they're celebrating icons inside. Boy, that's just the lowest goal. You know, there's a chance we could come up with them.
jim carrey punished by illuminati after exposing the industry
They are like icons. What do you believe in icons? don't believe in personalities I don't think they exist but there is a wonderful fragrance in the air don't you believe that certain icons have the power to make changes to think differently to be bold to inspire others art are you one of them at Good Foot H, yes, I do you left now, yeah, no, I, uh, I don't believe in icons, uh, I don't believe in personalities, I believe that peace is beyond personality, beyond invention and disguise, beyond t-shirts red ones you use. your chest that makes bullets bounce I think it's deeper than that I think we're an energy field dancing on its own now maybe Jim is getting spiritual talking about his energies and that we're all just energy in the world but No I feel like that.
jim carrey punished by illuminati after exposing the industry
I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent, but I remember learning about Satanism and Satanism is about self-worship, which is essentially the basis, from my understanding and the way he talks about icons. and things like that remind me of how in their beliefs, I guess, they like to worship themselves and try to, I guess, present themselves as an icon, you know, kind of like that. I don't want to like it. And I just want to come to a conclusion here, but the way you talk about it, I mean, I'm sure your PR guy was going crazy behind the scenes, you dressed really well for the occasion, you look good , no, I did not do it. he didn't get dressed who did it it's not me there's no you we're not here this is a dream just things are happening and there are groups of tetrahedra moving together okay so what is happening in our world right now because there is a lot of news that really they're relevant that's not that thing that's not our world none of this is real no so you're just going through we don't matter we don't matter oh wow there's the good news okay honestly good job for that reporter because I don't know if I could handle it that well because he's talking a lot of nonsense and I really mean, do you think she wants to hear his story?
Probably not, she's just there to, you know, ask these questions. She doesn't really have a great answer for him about what the world is and why it doesn't matter, although this moment went viral and he had to answer for it and went on to say that he's really just talking about the characters he plays in his Life as an actor is saying that you have this separation between yourself and the role that you play and essentially like I don't even believe that Jim Carrey is a person, he's like another character that he's playing, which almost sounds like a bit of a personality, no, I don't want to jump the gun again and say personality disorder, but I mean, you know these actors use method acting a lot of times and that can affect their mental health. in these positions he talks about how Jim Carrey himself was given a name, they gave him a religion, a nationality and they gave him these similar characteristics and then they just put him out there.
I think I became famous so I could let go of fame. and yet it is happening, but not with me, I am no longer part of this. getting dressed happens, doing your hair happens, interviewing happens, but it happens without me, without the idea of ​​me, many of you at home are probably like, okay, wait, wait for the translation, what? You are talking? Well, this person left a comment. Jim is a human being and he was tired of playing the roles he had been assigned in the world of Hollywood. I worked in front of the camera for over decades on film and it could be a devastating job in this environment, imagine.
Millions of people idolize and project this perfect idea of ​​who they think these actors are, and he knows he's not that person and he's like, "Don't put me on a pedestal, I don't want to fall that far," and maybe he's talking about fame. in general, that he doesn't want to become this person that he's so absorbed in that it's not even real anymore, which I think is kind of comforting to see from one of the biggest celebrities that someone else commented was an absolute genius, that he was not intelligent. enough to follow his words another person writes that he is not crazy I know some people like to dismiss him as crazy or crazy Jim is not crazy Jim is speaking clearly, another commenter has the balls to tell the absolute truth and she looks at him like he would be crazy if he would just take a moment to listen to what he said instead of trying to manipulate the conversation you would see that he is more sane than anyone else at this function so obviously that red carpet clip can be interpreted in many different ways, but There was a moment on National Television where he mentioned the Illuminati and there is no denying that he is talking about this group, so Jim moved on to Jimmy Kimmel and went on stage with the Illuminati triangle out in the open. trying to show everyone what it's about that the crowd, of course, was screaming, we don't know if they were screaming for Jim Cary or the symbol and, as you know, seeing it in real life put in our face, I mean, we see triangles all the time in secret. but he just wanted the whole world to know and talk about it and to be honest, if this is a real group, I wonder what the consequences would be for Jim to go on national television and make fun of him.
Okay that's awkward even for Jim Carrey and of course Jimmy Kimmel asked questions like what is that and then Jim Carrey tried to play dumb saying you know what that is and again alluding to this secret group that maybe Jimmy Kimmel is also a part, but when you watch this clip, keep in mind what's in it for Jim Carrey, what's the purpose of him just going on national television and trying to bring this up and calling out another host of the show saying that They don't know the symbol, so why are they playing dumb? it's that it's a gang sign do you have um oh like you don't know what that is you don't know what that is I have no idea you don't know Jimmy Fallon doesn't know David Letterman doesn't know everything comics and showbiz don't know what this is at the moment.
There's one thing I don't understand about Jim Car's hand gesture is why his tongue is involved. Normally the triangle has an eye in the middle, so it would be a bit. more like this, not like this, but the symbol represents the Illuminati, which is an occult ruling force that has ties to today's major industries. References to the Illuminati have become common throughout Hollywood, as seen in several films, television shows, music videos, and even live performances after Jimmy Kimmel. continues to deny what Jim Carrey is doing finally reveals himself Jim Carrey says, come on Jimmy, I'm here to denounce this whole thing.
I'm sick and tired of secrets and a lie, it's the secret symbol of the Illuminati and you're a part of this and I'm really sure Jimmy Kimble was caught off guard because I'm pretty sure this wasn't part of the conversation they planned. Yeah, what's up, Jimmy? Seriously, time is up, people are up to it. this kind of things. I'm here tonight to find out and be the whistleblower. I'm sick and tired of secrets and lies. It is the secret symbol of the Luminati and you are part of it. It is totally mocking language. I like it.
It's hard to take Jim Cary seriously and to be honest, watching this, he seems a little bit like the Illuminati and he's acting wild and crazy, and maybe this could be like, I don't know. if he were part of them and tried to work for them, he could discredit it and turn it into a joke as opposed to something many people would consider serious for years. Talk show hosts. People on television. People in sitcoms. hired by the government to get you out of the way, distract you, make you laugh and things like that make you happy and make you happy, so you don't know what's really going on and what Jim Carrey is describing, it's something that I think we're really familiar with because We have seen how the media works and how they choose what they want us to pay attention to.
He reveals that the Illuminati is trying to turn the masses into consumer drones, after which he receives a fake phone call and then answers, we see his face immediately turn serious when Jimmy Kimmel asks who he is, so it seems like he almost It sounds like he's trying to make it look like he just got in trouble, he just got a call from his boss. The thing is humming. Wait, they're trying to turn us into, you know, you know, consumer drones of some kind. I just have to understand this and yeah, yeah, listen, I'm about to uncover some of what happened.
Sorry Jimmy, I was temporarily interrupted by my iPhone 6 Plus 5.5, that's a big, uh, HD 5.5 head-up display. I think what I was really trying to say is that I think everyone enjoyed Dumb and Dumber this weekend and that's what I thought you were about it. everyone should go to the theater everyone should go to the theater tomorrow and see it because we could use a good laugh, honestly I'm the only one who really doesn't think it's that funny. I mean, I've seen some of their elders. movies and yes, his acting, but that's like you're acting awkwardly and the awkwardness is what's funny, not actually the words themselves.
Now a lot of people had reactions to his performance on Jimmy Kimmel, a lot of people showed it. his support for Jim Carrey and admired him for speaking out, but one commenter also alleged that the show's producers added laughs, but in reality the studio was completely silent during Jim's appearance, so essentially this person is saying that Jim Carrey appeared on the show and people weren't applauding like you guys just heard that the producers had to add those laughs, which maybe a lot of those people had the same reaction. I liked it. I just didn't think it was funny.
Another person wrote this. why he's still alive after trying to tell the world, telling everyone while he stays in character and lets people laugh about it. This man is a genius. Another person writes. The scary thing about being a comedic actor as great and talented as Jim is that no one takes him. You are serious and if they are, then some tragedy has happened to you. Jim was


so much truth to both the audience and those at home and everyone just laughed and applauded. It's really scary, but this person then edited his comment and mentioned that there was no laughter because the laughter was edited, so when you hear him talk about how you know the world is controlling our thought process, well, you know, it seems like they .
The producers were trying to make it seem like we should laugh. At home with him, another person writes: I can see Jimmy's face and he knows it and is trying to appear like Al, but someone seeing that for the first time would have at least a microexpression that shows discomfort and confusion, as well as embarrassment. second hand, which he did not do. What Jim says is true and now it's a scary truth because there was a lot of controversy in his segment on Jimmy Kimmel. He went silent for a moment and fans were worried that he would go silent because of this interview.
Jim issued a statement. saying that he had retired, but fans speculated that he didn't retire because he wanted to, but rather he did it because these Illuminati forced him to after speaking out and I'm sure Jimhe would appreciate having a quieter life, I mean he's been in the industry for so long and if he's so overwhelmed by this dark force and he should probably want to get out of it, I mean it would be nice to put it out there first but he stated that he's investing in his spiritual life, he is painting, he likes it, you know?
Tranquility doesn't like celebrity so he said he's done enough and that's enough right now, but fans are speculating that he was kicked out of Hollywood for


the Illuminati, based on what happened we've seen people like Kanye West, who is also very outspoken, says that the Illuminati sacrifices people like his mother, there are people who are controlled by the Illuminati, how in Hollywood a lot of people get lost, it feels like there could be a lot of that to control and traumatize Kanye too he said they can control Shaq, they can control Charles Barkley, they can control LeBron James Jay-Z Beyonce but they can't control me, so Kanye is saying that the Illuminati works like something like that.
A cult looks like that church we sometimes talk about, but we can't really talk about where they constantly traumatize the members of this group to keep them there and keep them weak and powerless, but I want to hear what you guys say. Think about the comments below, do you believe what Jim is saying here and here's my email if you have any other video ideas for me until next time? I'll see you soon in a new one, bye guys.

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