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Jets, Mike White rout Bears, Sean Payton talks USC Caleb Williams, Aaron Rodgers injury | THE HERD

May 21, 2024
It's Monday, it's time for Sean Payton to get into the Hall of Fame. I hate to say there's a lot of pressure on Sean, but he's already coached for 15 years, he has a Super Bowl, he makes money, my friends always say, hey, is Peyton coming to this? Monday missed a Monday, of course it's coming, so I want to talk about something you just mentioned, a fascinating point that we were talking about Caleb Williams and that is with Mahomes we didn't get to see him play in college and it was a small mark , now we know what Mahomes looks like, now it's the USC brand and now it's Caleb Williams and it's like, wow, he would be the number one pick now and you made an interesting point, yeah, I think, well, a couple of things is healthy when We in scouts like to say well who does he remind you of and we're not putting pressure on Caleb saying oh you're going to be the next moment but it's really nice when you can say he's like that so I brought I saw it. yesterday on the program.
jets mike white rout bears sean payton talks usc caleb williams aaron rodgers injury the herd
I think he's a generational player and I've seen three or four games, obviously not as much as I would if he was actually doing the evaluation, but at some point, especially with the relationship our league has now on games. At some point we're going to move to a lottery system in the NFL because this is a player that possibly does that and at the end of the season you're here and we call it 14 12 and clubs start losing to try to put themselves in that position, that hasn't been a problem to date with our league as we know it, I mean, and it very well could have been, we've had two teams that I know lose games, one of them was Jameis Winston Tampa Bay Lovie.
jets mike white rout bears sean payton talks usc caleb williams aaron rodgers injury the herd

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jets mike white rout bears sean payton talks usc caleb williams aaron rodgers injury the herd...

Smith, great coach, a good friend, uh, and we're losing to the Buccaneers in the last game of the season, all their starters were bad, all the linebackers were pulled and I'm on the phone in the third quarter asking our staff, What do you mean by Levante? David is out of the coach, he is out of this or that and immediately they were in the only place. If they had won that game, they took a chance on going second and wanted to draft Jameis Winston, so that actually happened, but it happened at one in the morning. little qualifying game and it just disappeared in Tampa and we never talked about it, that was now last year on a national stage or two years ago.
jets mike white rout bears sean payton talks usc caleb williams aaron rodgers injury the herd
I forgot that Philly took out their starting quarterback and put in Nate Sudfeld and everyone thought what are they doing in this. and now it was Monday Night Football or Sunday Night Football and that was a problem for the league and it was a problem because look Philadelphia wanted to stay in the five or six spot, there was nothing they were playing for, you're always But I think this player He's the type of player that we would look back on in five years and say that's why the lottery exists now, like who's the worst team if I said who's going to have who's going to have the worst record next year well, probably Houston yeah. them if Houston decided Jason said this during the break we're going to take Will Anderson from Alabama we're going to go get our generational pass rusher and he stinks on offense on an offensive lead and then by the way, the warm weather is Kayla Williams running, already You know, I mean, I'm here for it, it's going to happen eventually because look, we weren't tied to the casinos, but as soon as this thing spreads to six and all of a sudden we see the Eagles at that time or the Buccaneers or another team get their headlines. and you're sitting there, you know, with a parlay going on and that's going to piss some people off, huh.
jets mike white rout bears sean payton talks usc caleb williams aaron rodgers injury the herd
So you know, speaking of great quarterbacks, so I like Kyler Murray and I've defended him, but when you go public with your problems, okay, if I had problems with my wife, I certainly wouldn't argue with her at a party, okay? ? You make things public that toxic people don't want around you, so I asked the owner of this franchise in Arizona to put an addendum in a contract to embarrass the player. Now I have the player yesterday breaking the rules with the coach and I think if I am a coach and Cliff gets fired I don't want to be part of that.
I think they have a real mess on their hands. Can it be resolved? Yes, it's a good question. It is certainly more of a Rubik's cube than a simple x. and one note, I mean, this is pretty complex, it started to get complex when word got out about the contract, you know, also, I was a ball boy for this team and I'm going to date myself, but when the St. Louis Cardinals Before they were the Arizona Cardinals, their training camp was in Eastern Illinois where I went to school, so the first few years there in 83 84 85 it was Hannah Finn and then it became Gene Stallings , you know, we clean the rooms, we bring towels.
To the rooms we would have a Lomax summer equipment. Neil Lomax had just replaced Jim Hart. Mr. Bidwell Sr. was the owner at the time and I think I know that family pretty well and, um, Joe Buck, I was 18 or 19 and he was 16. He was there and finally my junior year I turned in lists and I was able to eat with the team, I worked for the team, so yes, I would like to say that this is something unique. or but this happens every year, I mean, it's the teams that aren't having the success they expected, you know, it's frustrating when you lose, man, you're seeing it in Denver, you're seeing it. in New Orleans, you know Alvin didn't talk to the media yesterday, you had two fumbles, he has all these things built up and it's magnified when you lose and then when you don't know, you know when you're successful.
It seems to be like a nice spaghetti sauce that covers everything and everything tastes good. I said this yesterday watching the Jets because I didn't want to bench Zach Wilson and then Sean. I watched the game and thought Mike White is the best quarterback. as a professional, yes, more precise yes, obviously, this is the part that we never get to see well, we can't see the seven on seven during the week, the scout team practices, we don't do it, so when the decision was made Hey, we. Let's sit Zach down and then man, one step further, he's not going to be active, that was unusual, right? and we're going to play Mike White.
I mean, we were thinking why not Flacco and then us. I see Mike White and then I do a Google search on the hilltops of western Kentucky, you know, yeah, and that's the information that they know or have and look, he's accurate, yeah, that was something that you know , and then this guy. This is in the dark here and all of a sudden he's doing the post game interview with whoever was covering the game you know they won the game ball so it was a good win for them and in a good time a good I think the timing was also good in relation to who they were playing, a lot of things you know in their own way, yeah, and so on, but that's what the head coach does and, uh, I think we give credit to Robert, I want say, that was what you know, hey, things like that. can energize your team even when you're winning I just had this conversation with another team when you're winning that doesn't mean it's all status quo you're still looking for hey how do we improve?
That's right and that's great. message and a signal to your entire locker room and look, it's going to be uncomfortable, it's not going to be pleasant for Zach, but that will eventually go down, the medicine will subside and he'll get better, so, um, I remember when Jordan Love came out and I called a couple from executives I trust and they both had the same opinion. He's a little rough, he needs time to develop, he has to refine his game, his mechanics get a little sloppy and he doesn't. He is mature enough to manage your franchise well now that he is 24 years old.
He'll be 25 next November, he's approaching adulthood and I saw him last night, there's something there, yeah, and before last night I feel like he's been almost this figure that None of us know anything about it, we think we just don't know how many years have passed since he was first drafted, but we thought what about love and someone took a clever picture last night of Love Hurts. I saw that and I thought that's the photo of the year. I thought he did well with the reps he got last night. I thought he did really well with the reps he got last night and sometimes the timing you come in, like when you're Mike White.
You're walking into a situation where you're playing with the house money, Aaron's hurt, yeah, and when your love comes in, you're behind, like Aaron's hurt, you know it's a lot harder when you walk in, uh, oh , and you are in a position. where you've been winning and you have to keep winning and we saw him in Dallas with his guy at the beginning of the year so I thought last night was the first time he was anxious I mean we've all been saying hey when are we going to see him ? Honey, I can't wait to see him play.
Yes, I want to see it. I want to see this like a car leaving the garage. We saw it a little. We liked it. Yes. I want to talk about Sean Payton joining us for our radio listeners. um I want to talk about the Niners because it was an ugly game and you know, you can tell good teams in this league that they don't play well and win. when you're good when you just know about the second quarter the game plan isn't very good we just have to choose you had some Breeze teams like that you figure out a way to win yeah the Niners had one of those Jason said something earlier they were physical 1985 as if they were almost on the verge of being that, that's a bit.
I love it, so you love it, yes I do it because I think it's hard, look, our practice times are reduced, padded opportunities are reduced, all these things in the offseason it's a reduced training camp, everything okay, and then you feel that team when you look at them, I mean you see it, it's the training, it's also the players and I know it wasn't aesthetically pleasing, maybe for a lot of people. to the 49ers, but I would say that defensively their confidence yesterday is brilliant, as if they were talking about a shutout like that, it was very much on their mind, of course, the first shutout that the Saints have had in 21 years, since I don't know when in 2001.
I've never been shut out, so I know they have to clean up some things offensively. The most difficult thing is the head coach. When you come in, you are Kyle, you are the one who calls the plays and you are in charge of moving. the ball and score touchdowns, you have to be able to go to the locker room and celebrate that victory, which I'm sure he did, and celebrate the mastery of how they play defense, that will serve you well later, and it didn't. "The perfect game we wanted to see because the score was down, but man, it's the perfect game if I'm a 40 49ers fan and I understand that I'm going to have to play this Eagle team to get where I want to go." I'm going to have to play against this cowboy team.
I think they are one of the best teams in the NFC and I think they can win the Super Bowl, so I want to talk about that because Drew Brees did this and you did this many times. um, there are certain people that I always thought I remember seeing pretty early on, around fourth or fifth year, with Eli Manning and I, that was around the time you won a Super Bowl. I was like, boy, that's good at the two-minute drill, some guys, the DNA. Whatever Russell Wilson was for years in Seattle, it was almost like he came on later rather than earlier, yeah, and I'm watching Justin Herbert win another fourth-quarter comeback that he hasn't had.
Mike Williams. Keenan Allen was there on the line yesterday and he missed his left tackle, so he's had injuries in bunches throughout the offense, he has a defensive head coach, there are some things that work against him, but there's something about the way that plays and I want you to enter the brain to think about yourself. late, I think sometimes Herbert is better late. Burl has a bit of this too, yes I know exactly what you are saying and I would agree with that, urgency yes and there is a more spontaneous flow to the game when watching the World Cup tomorrow there is an ebb and flow no plays I'm not going to send hey Far right kick left or there's a flow to that and some of that exists a little more in the two minutes that doesn't exist when we get together, we huddle, we change personnel, we go out to the line of scrimmage, we call a play, we run a play, we huddle again, same personnel on the field, there's probably seven or eight


es, a couple handoffs and a screen, and that's what you use in the two minutes. drive that's what we use so look when you meet someone who's really good and I was with Brees man he was the best in that foreign um sit back and watch it happen in other words I'm going to sound .
I have the remote but I'm going to ring when the clock stops, you know, in other words, every once in a while I might say I raised my hand for uh whatever or whatever, but he's thinking and then let's say the pass is. incomplete, boom. get together, here's an idea, uh, tell me if you like it, if not, go back to one of your works like he has one of the eight works that he likes and he could just look at me and say, I'd like something else. or you know he might like something, so when we have the meeting the night before the games we would look at our two minute call sheet, he would mark the four he likes double and he would like the four he likes from travel and then maybe three or four from a vacuum with the same personnel and then we have a kind of scheme versus this defense and what they do on defense in the two minutes of what he wantedcall and then just below that we had group calls that had the same staff that was on the plan in other areas, but we could access them right there without changing bodies, so yeah.
I think it's a good sign for a young player to be so comfortable in that because he's still young and to see it and yesterday I thought about Trevor Lawrence, yeah, he was better in those hustling offices, yeah, and now it has to be that way. It has to be like that, it can't be all the time because there is a defensive disadvantage. The moment we saw this with Chip Kelly, you're right, all you know, that was the new rage, let's get a hundred plays. and all the time your defense is fighting for your time of possession, all that, so there's a balance, but man, yesterday we had two two-point wins, we had an overtime run, it was interesting the finishes that both teams came up with.
We saw wind for two. I thought the Chargers two point play was fantastic, yeah I want to watch that clip again. Joe, no, Joe Brady, what am I saying? Joe Lombardi, yeah, you know, just a little fly movement and it was like something like that. a little club, you know, with a vertical throw shouldn't be that easy, so when I see a play like that I say: play, no player, that's right. High release point by the QB, good drive by those guys and an exciting win for them. and as fun as it was, we went back to Phoenix and we had the crisis there that we were talking about before, we were this close to that flipping, well that's the league, that's the league, yeah, I want to talk about um Jim Harbaugh was in the NFL for a while, it can bother people.
I once had a disastrous live interview with him and we just decided to hang up. um he's different, he's intense, um, but I tend to think that when I see a good coach the team becomes the coach rabel's teams are tough Belichick is witty and smart and he's smart yours smart you become part of the personality um and I watch Michigan this weekend and I think they're a little bit like Harbaugh wildly competitive almost over the top, intense physicality, physicality not talented, I look at it and I think do you remember training against Jim? Yeah, listen, he's a very good coach.
At the University of San Diego, we worked with the Raiders as a Stanford assistant and he finally broke through. against the 49ers and probably our toughest loss that I can think of in 2011, our best team in New Orleans played against the 49ers at Candlestick Alex Smith was a quarterback during the course of that game he scored pretty little and in the last four minutes I think four touchdowns were scored and the momentum went back and forth and it was Sproles and then it was the 49ers and then it was Jimmy Graham's crazy goals and then they scored with 28 seconds left and they won this game and they ended up losing to the Giants in our matchup with the Giants we thought was so good um and then the Super Bowl team they had with Kaepernick uh look uh I know Jim, I know his brother John Moore because John and I worked together in Philadelphia and they come from Jack's car from the family of a head coach, you know, he's a football coach, they had a great day the other day and it was the culmination of several years, you know, it absolutely took a while, but you know there it was and they.
You are clearly one of the teams, look what happens for me, my son is at TCU and he is a student assistant. They are in four, they will probably go to three. I don't know how this all works, they'll open up to them, but there's a chance they play Michigan, you know, and then I can't stand Harbaugh, that's the case, so I'll be with, you know, I don't want to do the interview with them, but I like them, I think it's good, uh, it's not. for everyone, but a lot of these guys aren't and that doesn't matter, ultimately it was a great weekend because look, we went through a moment, it was interesting when they showed the story of the head coach, that success, that rivalry . been in groups of five or six, yeah, and then chances are, if you were the other coach, you'd probably get fired, so the five or six, yeah, they're just groups and it's a very important game for those two. universities at such an important time.
I play for the alumni and look, I sat next to Charles Woodson and walked in like he was just the cloud that's still not so good for Michigan the way you said before we let you go, you said a couple weeks ago , you said you know you don't. I don't know if you said it to me on the air, but you said you know I like some of the pieces on the Raiders, that they're an interesting team and, to your point, back-to-back weeks, that doesn't happen in the course of 10 years. Benson family, it hasn't been run well, you didn't have a Mickey Loomis, this rebuild is not a nine game rebuild, yeah that's right, and I was happy for him yesterday.
I was also the one who has that Vision, who has that Vision forward. To see the incremental gains that maybe not all of us can see, we have to fight Manic Monday, right? I mean, look, we love Monday. There is a lot to discuss, but I think it is important and not everyone can do this. clearly to the ship and say: are we going in the right direction or are we heading towards an iceberg? And the Raiders just found a way. It's a tough place to play. Tranquil Waters is feeling good right now, yes, Tom Waters, yes.
Sean it's a pleasure to see you as always, yes. thank you hello everyone, thanks for watching, subscribe here to get the latest from the show. Also be sure to check out more of the pack's best clips or watch some segments from other shows on FS1.

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