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Jen and Kristin Try Every Trader Joe's Frozen Appetizer • Ladylike

Jun 19, 2024
this video is the best Jen is taking a nap on paper towels. I'm trying to clean the soy sauce off the sequin table. Hello


one, oh look it can't be Hello


one, Hello everyone, Hello Joe, so we're back, we're going to try all the Trader Joe's Frozen Appetizers yeah, there's a lot of


apps again, there's a footnote of page here because all of the


apps were available at our local Trader Joe's, so there are probably more you can find online, but I don't think we have them there. it's 21 maybe we'll get it right this time maybe this is the video where we have the right number of the apps we're testing.
jen and kristin try every trader joe s frozen appetizer ladylike
We've made Trader Joe's frozen desserts. We've made all of Trader Joe's Christmas desserts, so this. it's like a fun little continuation of that, but this is our first tasty flavor from Trader Joe's and also when we bottled them we didn't realize that each one of them has to be prepared to move forward, we should have thought of that because they are frozen apps, what ended up happening is that the tasty team is very good and they let us use their sets and we were able to prepare them, thanks as always, our categories are really great, pretty good and okay, and then there are also the penalty bags. the ones that really bother us and make us grind the gears you don't want to be in the penalty box you don't do it because I'll spit on you let's find out yeah let's eat some things I the first article we're going to do I'll try it today yeah it's this Greek spiral of five cheeses, it looks like snow, we've heard this done, it looks like a lower intestine, so there are five cheeses here apparently, I only count any that jóska points out to me mmm, the filo pastry is very flaky and complements well with the acidity of the cheese.
jen and kristin try every trader joe s frozen appetizer ladylike

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jen and kristin try every trader joe s frozen appetizer ladylike...

It's like you would also like a flaky cheese that comes pre-rolled and you can point it to your friend. I was not the five cheese spiral. It's really great. It's good to start. a high note next are the puff pastry bites with feta cheese and caramelized onion ooh, a little. I like to eat pretty things until the cheese is pretty soft, which I like. I just put it in my mouth, the onions have a decent flavor and the cheese is really good, there was no fiber in this, I stained my hair a little. I think it needs a little less cheese, a little more onion, it's still an extremely edible food, yeah, so I would say these are pretty good, they're pretty good, we've got the vegetable bird's nest from the looks of it and based on the fact that they are like some kind of breaded vegetable, they remind me a little bit of tempura, we bake them, but mmm, these should be out of the fryer, you know who really likes that? to use this Chantal oh really yes because they are a vegetable snack wait they come with a sauce how do I open?
jen and kristin try every trader joe s frozen appetizer ladylike
Don't you need anything oh yeah, we have a designated lady leg right now, let's let the lady be a little bit soaked because I type. of messy and I put them in a container when they were hot we're ready it doesn't have so many different flavors but it's tasty it's salty it's like fried but like that it's only three pretty good hello Do you want to eat this, but it's like a bento box of farts? As a proud craftsman of fun, these are the poof dogs. Raw beef hot dogs swallowed in a buttery puff pastry, let's cut these bad boys out.
jen and kristin try every trader joe s frozen appetizer ladylike
I love hot dogs. There is so much. a lot for my hair, everything about puff dogs, okay, like a hot dog, hot dog is good, tastes like a hot dog, yeah, puff pastry, I just like it, I don't need it. I would rather have a toasted bun, a bun is really just a seat belt for the hot dog experience and if you can't fit all the treats inside the seat belt then you know your hot dog is going to cry, yeah I feel as if I were in a dr. video of Pimple Popple doing this like you okay yeah I didn't do it right who knows at the same time she sweeps up a vegetarian spring roll and we have the chicken spring rolls these are not the spring rolls y'all They look the same, like chicken and vegetables.
I'll try the chicken first, yes, let's go for it, yes, I'm going to eat it. The chicken is uh, that's really a bedroom, oh, it was economical. Butter. I don't find that the vegetable wanted to be a little bitter. I like one. like the others these are ok well nothing has been bad in the penalty box yes parmesan puff pastry the PPP is one for you and one for me and then you want another cut. They're going to be good, so these are the Parmesan puff pastry puffs that they have. little mini, be frank inside, I think these are actually going to be more effective than puff pastry hot dogs, it was a hair online, babies, no, it's not my head, oh, I don't really taste the parmesan, this just It tastes like a good pig in a blanket oh yeah, oh I got some parmesan at the end hmm, you know what toast sounds like, I had a perfect bite, we're like a juicy flaky parmesan, together, married like a trio, these are really great, I have this mozzarella bread. cheese sticks most people eat mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce that wasn't included in the bag Kristen is already eating it, so we'll eat them raw.
I got a page, oh yeah, they're mozzarella sticks, okay, we cheated, we actually wish we could eat them. These, when they first come out of the oven, we know they're really great, they're not really cold, although I will say no, yeah, they stink now that the cheese and the stick are hard, it's not time to go to cheese town anymore. . Chris and Jericho 2019 jaesik Oh des pizza I don't know if I'm pronouncing this right so these are little mini pizzas that look like bougie Bagel Bites it's time to treat yourself okay it tastes like school lunch pizza.
I really like it. but I also loved pizza at school lunch I think they're good, they're great, I'm committed, they're pretty good, the chicken shumai, I think it's about these little ones, it's like when I go to dim sum, you might get They're chubbier, so they're definitely like a lot of babies. Did you steam them in the microwave? Yeah, Dino, sorry, I didn't mean to skip you, I'm not going to scare my fan away, actually, I think he's too greasy for me, tiny. crinkled balls I don't like it because I feel like maybe I'm a bit of a shumai snob, but I still feel like the filling in this is very soft and what you end up getting is like a cake.
I think the soy sauce complements the smoothness well. This soy sauce really complements the stack. I don't think it's that bad. I actually like this more than most. You mine. I think this is good, okay, guys, ah, good. This also looks like a school lunch, like a dumpling that doesn't have all the outlets sealed. I'm excited to eat them, although they're actually surprisingly crunchy. Well, I've eaten them before. I don't want this, my mom needs to do it. Make them before guests come. I liked. I spit. My now also tastes like school lunch. Maybe I love school lunch.
It's pretty good. Your penalty box is bad, so we average that out. Okay, okay, no, it's a sign of peace. Isn't that right, cousin? It went very well with a chicken, chew my spoonful of soy sauce, oh these are much bigger than chicken, chew, I don't sell them, they are actually very sweet, which is a little surprising. Moe is very sexy. I'm not forming opinions I'm just trying to survive it's weird I think the filling in this one has a lot more flavor than chicken coop why I think these are better I still don't love them though oh guys Roberto Cho they are pretty well you're pretty good, We agreed, I would take the know-it-all, wake up, break the bag, I wonder who it could be, so this is the pretzel, take half and throw away.
Oh, big fleshy ear, hello, yes, I would like to continue. a date with you but first I will eat you mm-hmm it needs salt salt packet included oh we don't put the salt packet we are supposed to put it before I bake it maybe put a little salt on your tongue and then eat the pretzel we went At Disneyland this weekend we had a soft pretzel. I think it's as good as Disney gets on soft pretzel, which means it's probably as good as any soft pretzel you can get at any fairground. America, Brussels. Pretty good. scooping salt out of our sequin tablecloth I'm cleaning coconut shrimp, baking it, and serving I don't really like coconut shrimp, so it should be interesting I don't really like coconut I think coconut is a sweet flavor meant for desserts, it seems which looks like a fried kama, no I wish it was just breaded shrimp.
Oh, disgusting, what do you think? I was a pebble in the past, yes, I was not a big bum. I honestly feel like if they just made this like breaded shrimp it would work because breaded shrimp is like something so classic, the coconut flavor, even though it's like they poured suntan lotion on top of it, yeah, I don't want to try the beach. I made enough sand when I was a kid, I'm not into sticky rice, spring rolls, mango and sticky rice, it's delicious. I think most people would agree with that, but I think it's best when served fresh.
I'm also a little skeptical. What's the point of putting it as a wrapper? I'm actually really curious how this one will taste. Okay, are you putting pretzel salt in it? Honestly, it's like a mango and rice cake like this, it's like a cake base a little bit, maybe there's a dessert that we have, Mia, listen to the other video, that one works well. I can add things to pass videos pretty good lunch I see the shrimp


duo is the Kung Pao Shrimp Spring Roll and the Lemongrass Shrimp I want come on spring means spring well first okay okay oh that's okay Mike so it's like I like these The best of all the rules we've had, without a doubt, is a little coconut for me when you taste the lemongrass.
I'm trying the lemongrass, actually, the morning you made a little bit more, as it does, that leaves the table, no, duo. this is pretty good, I'm a brush, you know, they look like the liquid meatballs you get from Ikea, something microwaveable, it's pretty good, just sometimes when you have meat cooked in the microwave, you know they taste like some kind of salty porridge. It actually tastes like beef. I think if they are left to cool for too long they will go from being pretty good to garbage. Are you eating raisins again? I think they are great and they like meatballs too.
I'm going to stab you. this fork is okay, make it count OOP I think this is ready, we have more silly steamed chicken soup dumplings filled with rich and flavorful broth. I'm very, very skeptical about these. I have never had soup dumplings that were not fresh. I have a confession, I eat them all the time, they are incredibly spicy if you can nibble a little and slurp the recommended soup, the soup is pretty good hmm, I think they are the right texture again. I don't think the filling is as tasty as I'm used to, but from the microwave dumpling you're pretty good at the pretty good dumpling soup, hey Jen, I'm a sauce box, it's our horror movie, se Call it Dip Box: This is the creamy spinach and artichoke dip I was looking for.
It's a little runny and flat, not enough artichokes and spinach, too much cream. I think it should have a little more flavor. This is more of a soup than anything else. I think it's okay. I think it's okay. Are you still eating salt? off the table no, I'm eating the sequence bad vegetable samosas smell like egg rolls okay, it's not terrible and spit it out, okay, they're probably better prepared fried, but the mayor just acknowledges that most people don't they have deep fryers, I mean They're probably better prepared, not by Trader Joe's, don't be rude, because it's our last meal, spanakopita, these are really good roofers, Rothman Glenn, the filo dough is crispy cheese and the spinach is like perfectly balanced spanakopita , it's really great, very true, it's actually like the end.
On a high note, my top three were the parmesan puff pastries, the spanakopita and the five cheeses, just pick a different top three, the cheese spiral, so my top three were the Greek five cheeses. I didn't do this on purpose, so my top three were the five Greek cheeses. spiral, the parmesan puff pastries and the spanakopita, my company were the meatballs, the


duo of spicy shrimp and a spanakopita, my bottom three were the chicken shoe, artichoke dip and vegetarian samosas, my Bond 3 were the coconut shrimp, the shumai chicken, I would say probably. also the artichoke dip that we finished rings in the comments, let us know what Trader Joe's items you'd like us to try next time because I'm sure you'll run out more and eat some of these things if you think it rings. good because someone looks pretty good it was pretty good now we have to clean it because we are surrounded by it this whole room smells like a huge fart oh now the room is the bento firebox

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