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Jason Mantzoukas - What's in My Bag?

Jun 09, 2021
Hi, I'm Jason Mantzoukas, I'm here at Amoeba and this is What's in My Bag. I literally had to stop because the final album couldn't fit in the bag and I thought, this is embarrassing. Oh God, it's so tight. One of the first albums I found was this album by Nass El Ghiwane. It's a Moroccan band. A traditional mix of Berber and Gnawa musicians who became popular in Morocco for a kind of almost protest music. Oh no, do you know


the first record I found was? The Tshetsha boys. This is one of those things that the Internet made easy.
jason mantzoukas   what s in my bag
I found a video of people in clown masks doing these incredibly elaborate crazy dances to this kind of crazy, repetitive dance music. They are beautiful bananas. OK. This is Khun Narin's Phin Electric Band. This is a Thai street gang. Well, play now... Ok, you get it, right? Play the video too, play the video too. This is the kind of thing that, all I want is to be wandering around somewhere and then come across these guys playing this music, outdoors. I love, conceptually, the idea of ​​not just a street band playing a mix of traditional and electric instruments, but also deeply intense psychedelic music that just shreds in the streets.
jason mantzoukas   what s in my bag

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jason mantzoukas what s in my bag...

I love this. I was going to talk about the band Konono No. 1, a street band from the Democratic Republic of the Congo that is also a mix of traditional and electric instruments. Here, Photoshop the 'Congotronics' album. Ok, they have reissued Gal Costa's 'India' album and I didn't choose this one just because there is a vagina in front and tits in the back, but... But also, Gal Costa, as one of the true angelic voices of Tropicalia. This is a beautiful album. Mr. Bongo has released this reissue. It's a great album, everyone check it out, guys. Gal Costa.
jason mantzoukas   what s in my bag
Vagina. Tits. The Meters, 'Look-Ka Py Py' This record is... ooh, it's a limited edition high quality colored vinyl for collectors. The Meters, seminal New Orleans funk band, Neville Brothers, ba ba ba. Zigaboo Modeliste is the drummer of this band and he is perhaps the best drummer in the world. Like the funkiest... play this record for a party, play this record to relax and unwind. For me, this is one of the 10 best albums of all time. Ok, then... hmm, hehehehe, oh. I'm not going to talk about this. This is just a great album. Ethiopian keyboard music. This is one of my mom's favorite albums.
jason mantzoukas   what s in my bag
This is a nostalgia choice. We just play this record all the time, and as a result, I have a deep affection for Van Morrison's voice. Also the movie 'The Party', which I found on VHS. Wow, come on guys, there's a whole VHS section in this store. Come on board. This is a movie that my dad said, "This is a really fun movie." Turns out it's an incredibly fun movie. It costs $1.99, which seems expensive. I would pay $1.99 for a VCR and this one should come with it. Rick and Morty is the best comedy on television right now.
Period, end of story. Maybe just maybe. Staff Pick by Seamus. Guys, well done Seamus. You get it. I always go to the personnel selection section. Amoeba will hire the smartest nerds who will want to show you how smart and cool they are. So why not look at their photos first? This is probably a bad time to mention it, but all the astronauts they had in orbit are definitely dead. 'Deadwood', one of the best television series of the last 25 years. You've got your Wires, you've got your Breaking Bads, you've got your Mad Mens, all of which I love, but for me, 'Deadwood,' number one.
Hi Al, is there any reason I can't share with Dan the proceeds from the conversation you and me just had about me replacing Persimmon Phil? Yeah, keep Dan in the dark. This is all about David Milch. This is the incomparable writing of the series creator. If you get this box set, there's a behind-the-scenes section where it shows how David Milch writes, meaning he lies on the floor and dictates the episode. He then says all the lines of dialogue out loud and someone transcribes them on a giant monitor. It is, without a doubt, one of the craziest things you have ever seen. 'If we get this thing on its feet...' loses 'believe me'.
Comma "If we put this on its feet." This is the movie 'Love Actually'. Guys, undeniable movie. This here is romance. Why don't you come back and sleep at our house? Yes. Yes. But there is a problem. That? Well, we're not the richest girls, you know? We only have one bed. And we can't even afford pajamas. Alright, this movie is called 'A Prophet'. It's a Jacques Audiard film from 2010, I think I watched. This is like a super intense French criminal prison gangster thriller. The reason I love this movie is because I had no idea


it was about when I went to see it and I was blown away.
Now I'm telling you it's fantastic, so when you see it you'll think it wasn't that good. This is 'This Night' by Destroyer. I would have chosen 'Streethawk: A Seduction'. That disc is not in stock. I don't think it came out on vinyl. I should have gotten the CD. Why didn't I pick up the CD and talk about it? Did you know? Here's 'Streethawk: A Seduction' by Destroyer. Dan Bejar is... I'm actually not sure. I'm saying Dan Béjar. B-e-j-a-r is how you spell it. I still have a fake version right here. He is one of the main songwriters for New Pornographers or he was.
He has a unique rock and roll voice. Guys, I can't say enough about Destroyer. Also, randomly, the only person I feel like someone who has ever said, 'Oh, you know who you look like,' is Dan Bajer. I see it something like that, right? It's a little bit there. Also, now put a photo of José González on the other side of me. And now move them a little. Mix them up. Can you tell which is which? Just this year they released sacred music by Alice Coltrane. Incredible jazz harpist. Great type of spiritual leader. John Coltrane's wife, Ravi Coltrane's mother, all that stuff.
And for much of her later life she was making a kind of sacred music. Anyway, it's pretty fantastic. This Big Thief album 'Capacity'. Absolutely amazing band from Brooklyn. This is like a heartbreaking record. The song 'Mary' from this album is my favorite song of the year so far. I wanted to talk about 'Loveless' by My Bloody Valentine but it wasn't there. This is the My Bloody Valentine album that they just played... you know what? To hell with that. Did you know? It's a cassette. This is my favorite album of all time. Dave Anderson played it for me in a dorm room when he came out in college and it blew my mind.
And I've probably listened to it almost every week since. This record is simply tremendous. Kevin Shields, layers of metallic happiness with shoes. This album is phenomenal. This cassette. Many posts about this episode. This is 'Hejira' by Joni Mitchell. I listened to it almost every night for the better part of 12 years. If you look up Joni Mitchell right now, you'll find her playing autoharp on the Dick Cavett Show in front of a rapt audience with this kind of beautiful, high, angelic voice. A voice that Joni Mitchell hated, so much, and you can see here that she has a cigarette and spent years abusing his voice with cigarettes and alcohol so she could literally alter his voice.
If you're a fan of Jaco Pastorius, the most beautiful lyrical instrument on this record may not be Joni Mitchell's voice, but Jaco's bass. It's like beautiful. Yes, Joni, Jacó. If you like it and want to know more about Jaco Pastorius you can watch this Jaco Pastorius documentary. I like the originals. Jaco was an original. I'm not even sure if it's available on DVD. It could simply be a transmission issue. But you know what, come here and look it up. You will find something. Speaking of incredible documentaries, 'Touching the Void'. Wait, this is a Neil staff pick.
His comment is "crazy story." Unless that's Neil's last name. Neil crazy story. Here's the movie setup, ready? This is a documentary. Two guys on a mountain. They are trying to climb this face of a mountain that has never been climbed before. They get caught in a storm. They don't have satellite phones, they don't have any of this. They are running out of food. One of the boys falls and breaks his leg. They are connected by 300 feet of rope. The healthy man is lowering the man with a broken leg down the mountainside 300 feet of rope at a time.
They are so visually obscured that the healthy man does not notice, but he lowers the broken-legged man down the mountainside so that he is dangling in the air. And finally, the healthy man has no choice, he cuts the rope. A man falls with broken legs. He is hanging from the side of a mountain. Guys, not only does he fall to the ground, but he falls to the ground in a crack that is a vertical cave. Guys, this damn movie. There's something in the cracks. They give a feeling of dread. It is not a place for the living.
This is Hop Along's album from last year. I love this album. This was one of my best records from last year. The lead singer has one of the most versatile and surprising voices in rock and roll today. I'm someone who is... and no singer wants to be told this. I don't pay attention to the words at all. But voices for me are instruments. And no offense to these people who spend an immense amount of time writing songs that have meaning to them. I think these albums are beautiful and what I find most compelling are the characteristics of their voices. 'Howard the Duck.' The first Marvel movie.
True story. If you want to look like a topless duck lady with tits in a bathroom, watch 'Howard The Duck'. We did this on the bad movie podcast I host called 'How Did This Get Made?' That's why I took it, because it allowed me to plug it in, you know, frankly. But this is a purely silly movie. You're three feet taller than me. I simply cannot resist your intense animal magnetism. Oops. And this is it, this is the last option. This is a movie called 'The Friends of Eddie Coyle'. 1973 film by Peter Yates. This is a Criterion Collection blu-ray.
Robert Mitchum, Peter Boyle. This is a movie about small-time guys robbing all these banks in Boston. There are long periods of really tense calm. If you watch movies like 'The Town' or the Dennis Lehane books and movies based on those books, there's a lot of this movie that influences those movies. Innocent sons of bitches. I am especially fond of this film because all the bar scenes are filmed in the bar where my grandfather was a waiter. And a lot of times he's in the background of those shots. That's how this movie came into my life and then as an adult I remember watching it and being like, "Oh, that movie is amazing." That's why it's called 'The Friends of Eddie Coyle' and it's truly a lost gem.
We overcome everything. Thank you very much for speaking with us today. Thank you. And I know this is important.

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