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Japan’s Most Unique Vending Machines

Jun 07, 2024
the best part of this adventure. This thing looks so old. No, what is that? A microwave, it's gone. Yeah, buddy, what can you smell it? Yes, it smells like popcorn. here's fresh, hot popcorn, yes, a


machine that's really stale and has been there for a long time. I mean, it's some of the worst popcorn I've ever had in my life, but the experience, oh, it smells old, is acceptable. I see a white box with yellow tape. with Japanese thirty-seven, okay, something very sinister about a white box, okay, it's light, yes, oh yes, it's very light.
japan s most unique vending machines
I can't believe you're still eating that popcorn we bought. It feels like a very scary birthday present. Oh, it's really taped together, although yeah, oh wait, there's a note. Do you think people who live They just live up here, are they just looking in these White Corners going crazy? oh okay, should we translate it on google? My high school friend Ogawa's family was poor and he wore hand-me-down clothes, even his brother's pants, two years older than him, because of the difference in my physique, my pants were always baggy and mine. I always stood out. My classmates always made fun of me saying that I was a secondary Prince.
japan s most unique vending machines

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japan s most unique vending machines...

I'm not sure which side the Prince is on. It's probably Mr. I felt sorry for Ogawa, so I purposely put on baggy pants and put them on myself and turned back. a yokuchin brother even at the age of 65 we are brothers and friends one day I will drink at shimbashi again do you want to talk oh what happened to you so unexpected? okay yeah that sounds like a pattern not very sweet okay guys there's more wait how deep is this oh my god i need some light please this is so creepy maybe open bottles of jesus that's a fake scorpion maybe stale potato chips what's that is a stapler over here what's over here oh over there back yeah wow this one just has cherries maraschino cherries here all these


have a bunch of these blue drinks the only english can overall says calpice wait oh this is just water yes Canned water deceived false advertising tastes like flat soda and you are ordering it in a dark place?


machine what are you getting?
japan s most unique vending machines
It smells really bad back here it's a disgusting feeling well out of the alley let's see what we have it's strawberry bread and it's called pancan like oh like panda in a can 20 27. oh wow that's good so it's fresh what's not, I don't want it to get fall but it's bread it smells good and sweet like strawberry it's not soft it's necessary oh it's like you bought a muffin and you froze it and then you panned it and put strawberry jam on it let me get a Big part of that, I'm going to let my insides dry up, so that's it, yeah, we ended up traveling for a month literally all over Japan, even finding a small island with a goat guarding a vending machine while we spent. a hundred bucks worth of


ly useless junk and raw horse meat, yeah you know, sometimes you win, sometimes you get a three in one USB cable, but it wasn't just the stuff in the vending machine, we got to see some corners from Japan that Otherwise, I would never have gone to continue discovering new beautiful places in these vending


always present and reliable, even on the darkest nights.
japan s most unique vending machines
And in the alleys, these vending machines became a familiar friend that we were always happy to see and now we understand why we are in such a large part of Japan. I love it. Thank you for joining us on this journey. See you soon.

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