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Janitor Sits Down At Piano…She Didn’t Expect THAT

May 21, 2024
Excuse me miss, do you mind if I clean the


real quick? I'm sure you care if I play a song. My nephew taught me a song. Okay, hey, real quick. Do you mind if I just clean the


quickly? Oh yeah. It'll take me two seconds I just have to clean it CLE oh sorry, it's just my job I just have to clean the piano You own the piano I don't mean any disrespect or anything Do you mind if I just play one song? My nephew is trying to teach, but I'm very excited. You want a song.
janitor sits down at piano she didn t expect that
My name is Zach, a professional pianist and today we are going to play a prank on some people. Excuse me, do you mind if I clean the piano real quick? yeah sure yeah I'll just take 2 seconds you can play in a second you just get dirty in the summer yeah you mind if I play a song actually my nephew's been teaching me okay let's see hey , excuse me, I just received. a clean up here for a second no problem sorry just take a second and now you can play again yeah the keys get dirty during the summer yeah do you mind if I play a song my nephew has been teaching me oh yeah, go ahead let's see ? she's in for a surprise look what she's going to do hey would you mind if I just have to clean the piano real quick take two seconds okay yeah sorry the keys get really dirty in the summer you know?
janitor sits down at piano she didn t expect that

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janitor sits down at piano she didn t expect that...

Actually, do you mind if I play alone? a song, it would be nice, my nephew has been teaching me, let's see. Excuse me miss, do you mind if I clean the piano real quick, surely you don't mind? She'll take two seconds and then you can play again, okay? Do you mind if I play a song? My nephew taught me a song. Alright. Wow, that was really good. What is the most romantic song? Let's see. Do that. Thanks brother. I appreciate any request. um, let's see. Oh, Mano, thanks brother. I apreciate it. one last thing to tell you, yeah I'm not actually a


I'm a professional pianist we're pranking you right now man we're pranking you your reactions were great though they were great thanks for any requests yeah , you already know. any Bruno Mars song, Bruno Mars, let's see, yeah, any requests, do you know the song Whole New World from Aladdin?
janitor sits down at piano she didn t expect that
Yes, I'll do The Lion King next. It was incredible. Thank you so much. It was really great. Do you want to listen to our Lion. King, I have requests for a lion king, yes, let's see if you know this song. I have one last thing to tell you: I'm not actually a


, I'm a professional pianist, my name is Zach, oh my goodness, nice to meet you. thanks, your reactions were great, he's about to get angry, hey, real quick, do you mind if I clean the piano quickly? Oh yes, it will take two seconds. I just have to clean it.
janitor sits down at piano she didn t expect that
I come back. I'm just TR. Oh I'm sorry. It's just my job I just have to clean the piano it will take 2 seconds I just have to clean it Yes it will take 2 seconds Do you mind waiting a couple of minutes or I can't because on my turn I have to sweep? This whole sidewalk right now, do you own the piano? the city owns it but they ask me it's just my job yeah yeah I don't want to be disrespectful or anything you know a lot oh just 2 minutes 2 minutes sorry the keys get really dirty in the summer actually , do you mind if I play just one song, it will take two seconds, my nephew is trying to teach me, but I'm so excited, you want to play one song, what are you doing, do you want another one? yes, no, go ahead, okay, let's look at any requests.
I'm trying to think what those 1,000 miles are. Oh, no way, let's see, you know that, thanks bro, I appreciate you, I miss you, that's great, thanks, that's crazy, can I play now safely? I just have to sweep again, well, I have something else to tell you. I'm not really a janitor. I am a professional penis. My name is Zach. No, no, we're kidding you. Thanks, brother, I appreciate it.

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