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James Charles Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions

Feb 27, 2020
Hello James Halter sisters and welcome back to my YouTube channel, as you know it's December, it's the Christmas season, but that also means the New Year is coming and we're about to end 2019 once and for all Thank God that's how it is. It's been a good year and 2020 is about to arrive as the end of the year rolls around, all kinds of lists are always popping up documenting the great things that happened that year, whether it's a beauty group, we're products of the year in the Best songs of the year on Billboard, of course, we also have our favorite YouTube rewind, which is always an interesting look here, and on top of that, Google also marks one year in search.
james charles answers the web s most searched questions
Now we all know that Google is the largest search engine in the world. We all use it daily and you can find literally everything on Google, so interviewer of the year is always a really interesting way to look back at trends and really see what people are searching for and this year I was in. Looking at the trends I came across a very interesting discovery and that was the list of the



people in the world. Number one was Antonio Brown, number two was Neymar and number three was James Charles, so it's not surprising that the list was topped by a perfect three, so no, no, but in all seriousness, somehow, a server, James Charles was the third



person worldwide in 2019.
james charles answers the web s most searched questions

More Interesting Facts About,

james charles answers the web s most searched questions...

At first when I saw this it was very alarming and very shocking until I looked at the actual graph of the trend and suddenly it was not so shocking anymore if you don't know what this means, don't worry if there are so many people searching for my name, which is very scary. I thought there must be a lot of


too, so for today. cable inspired video I thought it would be really fun to answer the most searched


on the web about me, come on guys, today we are going to address these questions. Honestly, I have no idea what they are.
james charles answers the web s most searched questions
Luis wouldn't do it. Let me see them, I hope some of them are juicy, but nothing, that's how bad Luis was. He went ahead and prepared these beautiful heartbreaking sheets just like they do in the real videos, so let's move on, this first message says why he is James Charles and if we find out the first one says why James Charles is famous. I really do not know. This is your fault. You all did this, not me. Why is James Charles so popular? Well, you know, I was thinking about the introduction, terribly famous, hello, the number of touchdowns. and the home runs I hit for the Lakers this year were groundbreaking, so that's probably why people tend to love me so much.
james charles answers the web s most searched questions
Why is James Charles playing Minecraft? Oh okay, to be honest, I love that this was actually a fun search term when I was. a younger kid, probably 12, 13, 14, Minecraft was my absolute favorite game after coming home and going to school and playing every day, and last year, Minecraft had a huge resurgence in the gaming space. YouTube thanks to me and being the king of PewDiePie. I have to play in a tournament called Minecraft on Monday where we all competed with a group of other YouTubers and it was a lot of fun. I never won because I was too busy being a famous athlete and not a famous game.
It was a really, really good moment. Why isn't James Charles' palette on Murphy? That's a great question. He should be in Murphy. Quiet and in all the Murphy stores in the retail stores, both can use the Co. teams come back for some alpha or a scandal happened that I'm not aware of. Why is James Pallet so popular once again? A lot of the other athletes on the team really love the eerie shade of black because like they're under what's my dad doing there, there, son, walking? No, I'm sorry, I mean, I'm black there, yeah, we were on the field last game and I think like Tom Brady, LeBron James and Babe Ruth, oh, they all made me apply there in black, so I just dove into it. the palette and I gave it a little sample and they were good for the whole game, so that's why everyone Okay, this message starts with James Charles.
Is it James Charles? Mexican is not really the most sought after. No, I am NOT Mexican. I think my parents are Polish and Irish, which is Caucasian as hell, but my best friend's family is completely Mexican. So Mexican culture has become a very important part of my life and I love it very much and last year I made my first video in Spanish, which was actually my favorite beauty video of all of 2019. Thank you very much for That, James. Charles's death, that's dark on the inside, yeah, on the outside, whoever's still here is James Charles, Miss Coe, girl, you know, I downloaded tik toks a few weeks ago and honestly, I really loved it and I, but but .
I've been seeing these terms like Bisco girl and II boy and I honestly have no idea what they are so I open it up so if you want to tell me what that will be really cool but from now on. so sunny opening sun I hope I don't know if James Charles is married, you know, I'm actually a lot of my fellow athletes who love to say we're married to the game, is that right? James Charles Hispanic, all right, Caucasian, that's right Honestly, it's really cool that these are two of the most searched things about me just from that video.
It really shows that you two are as global as I said. I love that video. Honestly, if you want something new. video, that's fine, apart from them, they must die like mine, like David Hodo, video because maybe I will, it's James Charles, single, yeah, like I said, Mary to the game, but I can't talk about this one, very single, incredibly single, so to speak. Surprisingly I say it's James Charles Tran oh, I'm NOT Tran, I'm ma'am. I guess James Charles is supposed to be trans like transgender and all jokes aside to answer that question. I am NOT transgender, I identify as male, but I consider myself androgynous, which basically means I can carry both feminine and masculine ways.
I've been posting a lot of different photos on Instagram of the wigs I've honestly had so much fun with at the salon and I've been getting a lot of questions about this topic that I definitely understand. No. I just like to change my appearance and try new hair cells and new outfits. That's the beauty of makeup and the beauty of gender expression. It's James Charles, a Gemini. I'm actually M&I. My birthday is May 23rd. I haven't done much research on astrology or zodiac signs. I'm just not interested, but I know a lot of you are, so that's what you're interested in or thinking. what I should definitely investigate let me know was James Charles shot oh no I wasn't and I hope not that has to do with that as a quest let's move on to the next one please why is it James Charles Hunt?
No, he wasn't on Dance Moms of Butts. I made a video of them last year. I know you all saw my choreography. The girls were literally shocked, my skills are unmatched and they know that I will, in fact, stay in touch to this day. He's very nice and I would love to be on the show, so Abby give me a call. I would love to be involved in some way or maybe even adopt a daughter in the future so I can go and fight the other gangs. Was James Charles adopted? Speaking of adopting, no I don't think so, James II, dad, dad, yes, a quick question was I adopted, yes, really, we found you in a mail basket and my adoptee is for a video, thank you, I love you , bye, it was James Charles in Sally Walker, yes, actually, this.
It was one of the most fun collaborations I've ever done. I was in Iggy Azalea's music video for Sally Walker and the next day I had to do her makeup for her cover and we found it on a similar YouTube channel that You can see here if you want to check it out. I would definitely love to do a very similar type of collaboration with other artists in the future, so contact me if you need a music video appearance and a really big deal cover. The makeup look was James Charles on the Masked Singer. No, I wasn't into the masked singer, although I'm obsessed with the shower head, like my voice was so annoyingly distinguishable that the concert would be over in about three seconds, so it probably won't happen anytime soon, Dennis.
If the gig would end, the roster would end, does it matter, people's ears will bleed and they'll know it's me, is what I'm trying to say, so James Charles was in taste in taste, oh yeah, James Charles was mom and haha, no. my mom Christy B wasn't home alone, although she and I got questions about it, literally the entire time the mom went home alone was played by the actress named Catherine O'Hara my mom's name is Christy, They are not the same person, although I will say that they look very similar, what is James Charles networth?
Oh, that's so I know and you never find out what James Charles's dog's name is, his name is Finnegan, his insecurity has been Charles and he's literally an angel sent from above, oh and he's right too, no animal testing is done, we don't agree with animal testing here on the ship, what is James Charles, wow, is it real, my real name is James Charles Dickinson, um, when I was a kid my parents were really worried for Internet security? all fathers are and should remain so, so I chose the name James Charles, which is my middle name for a little more online and the actions of him since then and I love it.
What did James Charles do? Is there something missing in the corridor Oh, what is James Charles? I'd say I'm 10% class, 20% salsa and 70% athlete, what is James Charles oh my god zodiac sign? I'm July, what's James Charles? Sexuality, very gay, what is James Charles, oh my god, medium? Name Charles What is James Charles's birthday? May 23rd already for that too Roxanne Roxanne Dana James de Charles died oh my god no once again I didn't die and I hate that people are googling this, did James Charles go to college? No I didn't go to college I graduated high school early with a 4.0 GPA and DARS from Ohio I might add and for me I was in a career that was taking off and that I really wanted to focus on so I moved to Los Angeles and started working full time.
James Charles got a dog, yes, Did James Charles invent the pink train? Technically no, because a few years ago it was still one of those secret menu items and you how to order a strawberry acai soda with coconut milk and water, just the real thing, oh wow. The sisters will remember having to order everything to get the actual drain, but when I first moved to Los Angeles, I would walk to Starbucks and order that drink every morning and just post it on my Snapchat story and say, I got the ring pink which then became kitty djenka D pink which is not the pink shade in my palette and talking about it all the time people started ordering it and eventually Starbucks added it to the permanent menu and they told me that . that was because I mean and you guys ordered it so cool why does James Charles sing?
I sing because singing makes me very, very happy. I love music so much. I will tell you that sometimes I listen to videos of myself singing and I asked myself the same question, why does James Charles blink so much? That's a great question too. I didn't even realize I did this until I started making YouTube videos and got thousands and thousands of comments about it, so thank you so much for making me feel insecure about a normal bodily function that literally everyone does. I really have no idea that you tried to have something horrible, I mean, and not be able to see anything and have our colored contact lenses and eyelashes that weigh a pound each and have a powder file.
Why does James Charles use a safety pin to keep my ear safe and the last question in the video? Why does James Charles say sister even though this is really cute? When to finish I say sister because it's the name of my fan base. If you don't know, welcome to the party, our little family is no longer so small and after three years we are already 16 million sisters, but I am very grateful for each and every one of you, no matter how big we become together, being a sister means being positive be creative be kind to each other work hard but most importantly love everyone for who they really are no matter what and get into xx xx none of those values ​​are changing and I hold myself accountable and I ask all of you to do the same to keep this community positive.
I am so grateful to be able to call each and every one of you a member of the family. Okay guys, those are the most frequently asked questions about me. This year's Google searches are once again great because we are the third most searched person. If you send this video, don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down and show your love and support, that really doesn't mean. a lot to me and also makes you see that big red subscribe button and join this sister and I would love to have you in the family and finally click the battle icon so you get a notification every time I upload a new video if you want . to follow me on my makeup shift you can follow me on instagram, twitter and tik-tok all just



and my snapchat for more behind the scenes info.
My staff is James Charleston,extra ass after Charles, this video is about sisters, how is that going with the sister. Lorenzo, you give a lot of love to Owens, following and supporting him, I love you so much and if you will be the next video sister, say hello, don't forget to always communicate with people when they are published on Twitter. Thank you so much. for watching this video today I love you and I will see what if the next wives

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