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Jamaican Food!!

May 10, 2020
Good morning, I hope you are having an amazing day. I'm Mark Wiens in Montego Bay, Jamaica, and on Sundays most restaurants are closed, so the Jamaican tradition is to go to someone's house or go to the beach or the river. Have a picnic to enjoy a great meal with friends and family, so today we are meeting Matt, he is the head of Jamaican


for Jamaica Food Tours, he is an amazing guy and he has put together this amazing variety of


that we are going to cook . especially goat curry Jamaican goat curry and oxtail and there will be many other dishes that we will cook on the river that we will eat.
jamaican food
I'm going to share all the cuisine and all the food with you in this video we are about to continue driving to the river, but this morning we will start at the place of the bolts of the Seine, walking around, it is a museum, it is a restaurant and its statue right here, which is actually made of bolts, we're on our way to meet Matt and this one. It's going to be an amazing day Jamaican Food Sunday Good morning morning huggers, very good, very good, that was another beautiful drive from Montego Bay, it's so lush, it's so green, it's so beautiful and we've made it to the river.
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In fact, we're going to take a bamboo raft Jamaican bamboo raft down the stream to the place in the jungle along the river where we're going to start cooking yeah, so it's a plum we use it on skewers we use it in sauces also plum gin us students well oh yes that's fantastic I like the mango sour almost very sour sour delicious it's incredibly beautiful the water is so clear and we start from there it's an old Spanish bridge a bridge iconic, this is where we will begin the bamboo rafting. rafting and captain from 1828 the bridge is back O'Laughlin Bridge in Jamaica or how it was never rebuilt never renovated Wow incredibly calm the water is deeper here just puddles of beautiful clear water and surrounded by lush forests this is the way to Arriving Sunday lunch incredibly elegant on the bamboo raft through the rapids, very gentle and calming rapids.
jamaican food
Thank you, gay, thank you, so kind, so kind man, I mean, he wants to catch them all, but it's necessary, we can't go back there, well, yes, we should still forget it. pipes and stuff, how are you man, nice to meet you, hello chef, good afternoon, nice to meet you, you get to the shore, this is where Matt has a place he sets up where he cooks, where the chefs cook and so on place all the ingredients? are getting ready for a big Jamaican Sunday feast what are the main dishes on the menu Matt, we have Cora Gore, what are we going to make today, we have oxtail, we have ackee and salt fish that we have grown, we produce male water, which is the name international, yes, of the goat that we are going to do yes, they said: I put hair on your cheek on your chest in Jamaica.
jamaican food
I was in the mood to eat, so we got man water, we also got some shrimp for other purposes, straight from the river, awesome and then we'll make some bananas, yams and some dashi and sweet potato Washington Oh Jason, wash and season the tail of ox, okay chef Jon is just starting with the ox tail, first he cuts it into pieces with the skin and it will be prepared to season the marinade, it's amazing so it's a combination of all the spices, ginger, yeah , ginger, Kotik pepper, green garlic, Oh men, immediately. He pours that marinade into a blend of mashed puree, yes you can smell the ginger and garlic as he adds chili powder, yes. and one of the key ingredients is also capsicum, which is allspice and allspice berries that taste like cinnamon, nutmeg.
II, a type of flavor essential to Jamaican food. I'm just going to try that purer form mm- hmm, yeah, I guess clove, nutmeg and yeah, cinnamon, exactly all three combined into one berry, one single pepper and that's like the base, it's like the idiot base, It's the base of so many and it even has a kind of a heat it, heat it on your tongue, yeah, kind of like cinnamon, if you chew cinnamon bark, beautiful, another dish that I couldn't wait to try in Jamaica is manly water, which It's for the right power, but a combination of good intestines and goat stomachs. a variety a variety of stomachs Chef John is now just cutting that slicing it for the soup the punished water water what name see you still covered up that's going to simmer that's going to be like a stew in its own juices and you I can tell that the fat just it will release and just like boiling in meat, oxtail is one of the most tender meats possible and then the chef is also boiling some pork over the fire and then just draining it afterwards.
The dish we're making is goat covered in Jamaican curry and Matt was mentioning to me that you can't have a party, you can't have a gathering, you can't have a group of people together in Jamaica without curry, well without goat curry. , TRUE? curry goat connection that curry goat amazing marinade mix all the ingredients what catches my attention is that they are not just dry spices like curry powder and some dry seasonings, but they are also fresh ingredients, ginger, capsicum and garlic ginger, Jamaican ginger, so all those ingredients combined in pieces, like fresh ingredients, they are dry ingredients and it's actually better to marinate them overnight so that all the flavor can leach out, so the chef has one prepared for the night to the morning, about to enter, it smells so good that the goat already enters a raging fire fry a little oil to calm all that and then the disappointment just burns my mouth is already salivating it's not a meeting it's not a party in Jamaica without curried goat link link link above car go go yo Kanpur can't do theater okay it works uh key or okay don't do it a new way of acting that's it.
I saw it, the pig, okay, oh man, you lifted the lid off the oxtail and already the fat started to leak out. It caramelizes in its own juice and fat with all those spices, stir, add a little bit of water and then mixed in the goat curry as well. It's all coming together, it's a slow process. Now everything has to be cooked. Everything has to mix. The next actual dish comes in a bit. - water which is the combination of goat tripe and intestines, but he boiled some water with just peppers and garlic and it has to simmer for a long time, right, it's a long process.
Yes, this is nicaya, they are the spices that come out of the juices of the meat. It smells so incredibly good and it's like filling, filling the air, it's becoming part of the moisture in the air like Hokkien police and catfish ackee and saltfish ackee and saltfish your car car versus okie and how are you a minute by Trevor Trevor nice to meet you mark nice to meet you hey nice to meet you man so we meet up with Trevor and Patrick bringing fresh coconuts and he's also going to make us the Aki. It's amazing, hockey is such an interesting and unique fruit. and one thing about hockey is you have to do it, it has to open wide, you can't open it on yourself or it's poison, so you have to mature naturally, it has to naturally open the flesh inside, they look a little small. little membranes almost and then the black part is the seed, the black part is the seat, so it's a very tedious process because you have to peel that seed if you don't need to see all that either, but it's a very special process.
Jamaican food I can't wait to try it and say just chop these are all the ingredients that I think are going to go with ackee and salt fish there is scotch cap there is time there is garlic there are scallions green pepper onions and tomatoes pork kondeh yes yes the milk is coming out of the gut and thank you, nothing like fresh coconut water while we wait for all the stews, all the curries to get ready to simmer and these coconuts are full, there's like a liter of coconut water in there, that's so good, It's perfectly sour, perfectly sweet, not too sweet, just the nutrients, the richness of the nutrients in it, oh man, it's perfect, it's pure, okay, so the tap goes into hot water, it will boil for about seven minutes before Combine it with salted fish. other ingredients and also the corned beef, another version of a key, it will also be the corned pork, which will be a second version of a boiled in cubes, it is ready, the salted fish is ready, John poured a little oil in the frying pan over the fire, subscribe.
You made them smell so good and since everything is already cooked, it doesn't take long to cook once you fry it, but with the fresh ingredients with the salted fish, Aki is such a beautiful dish, so it will also make a key, same recipe , same dish, but just with preserved pork instead of salted fish, a bit like adding a splash of coconut milk to the curried goat to finish it off, but also added some carrots, oh yeah oh yes, and then the vegetables. carrots, yam, green banana go into the Monash water, you can see again the milky color of the Triton's intestines and again the floating allspice berries just marinating, releasing their aroma and fragrance into the water, do you see intelligent a minor?
There were dumpling spinners there, so he mixed some flour and a little water into a dough and spun it in his hands to make little spiral-shaped dumplings that went straight into the rabo pot. of bull that will be reduced to a complete plate. of the food is almost ready as we are moments before eating, but you just took out the pepper shrimp, these are freshwater shrimp that you cooked with a button and when I say pepper I mean scotch pepper, so we boil them and You'll quickly eat them as an appetizer before all the main courses, oh yes, and you want to preserve the juices from the barrow heads.
You can smell the garlic in the scotch cap there, oh yes, oh, the freshness of it, but besides the garlic and like the scotch peppers, they have a lot of flavor, a kind of acidity that just seeps into the shrimp, oh yes, yes, is incredible. Okay, I'm going to read the head in that juice, the scotch and the juice at the bottom. The best part about single shrimp is just licking the head because all the juice because that whiskey with bonnet juice is like squeezing it oh wow that's got fire in it, you can't alter the taste of that scotch body right away yeah very bright.
Oh my gosh, yes, it's so good, more than juice. I just want to drink the shrimp juice with the Scotch hat. All of that is a tasty way to start this Jamaican food party this afternoon and all the food is ready and the Jamaican term that we are eating. pot to plate simply everything is served from the pots to the plate directly to your plate we are serving it now everything is ready yes Patrick ready to eat Thank you chef, they get the name because they look like a hat. I have the full plate. of food and we are about to sit down but I'm waiting for all of us to get the plates of food but I have to try my first purchase has to be the ackee and the salted fish that texture you can see like the little one a little bit of texture, a piece of salty fish, the buttery texture of that cube, it's so creamy it's amazing.
I didn't know what to expect, it's a neutral flavor, but it's amazing, like a buttery, delicious texture and then the salty fish. it just gives it that thing that enhances everything with a salty flavor almost like egg yolks, but like creamy, creamy egg yolks, natural from the active fruit, thank you, perfect, yes, but exactly, I can't even beat that, Good with my first bite. a key I immediately know why it is Jamaica's national dish. I love it, it's just too good, it's a Jamaican harmony. Jamaican things are Jamaica all in one, it's truly Jamaica, so making a bite is fine, gotta try the curry, go ahead, yeah, it's just oh look, this is a plastic spoon, no, there's a reason why the one that you don't need a knife for this meal, everything is tender enough to crumble with a plastic spoon, okay Mohsen, your month is very tender and then again, as I was mentioning because it's a Johar I, I said another symphony oj making a symphony of both dried spices and fresh places, so the ginger, the chives, the moment when everything holds all the spices, yes, the scotch pepper and then you have the curry powder on top. brings it all together it's a binding fusion of flavor that's fresh goat - that's fresh yes you can taste its freshness sorry it turns evil Me too, I also know right away why you never have a meeting, you never have a party in Jamaica without curries goat that flavor, one you'll remember the party forever curried goat link oh, curried goat link links you again links you builds relationships well, on to the next big main course is the oxtail, which is totally different spice combination, totally different sauce and Matt was also telling me that if you get the local Jamaican beef until it has the skin on so you can see the thickness of that skin turns to gel and I'll probably actually pick it up. just moving that's just moving a little bit of moving oh the trifecta of different textures because the skin is almost crispy look buy it's at the same time the rubberiness of the fat just tenderness of them me the meat is so tender and succulent it just melts all over It's melting one feels together, oh the three layers just melt and then the spicesThey are very different from curry, it is much milder, more like a stew, yes, yes, it is more robust, more Sudanese, yes, it is cooked like that, the allspice tastes more allspice. cinnamon clove, eat a cinnamon II under the burnt molasses we had too, that's right, like molasses which doesn't really make it sweet, but rather gives it that kind of light caramel-like glaze, almost exactly the instability of that, the melted quality of that interest, as if dissolving into the language again.
The other dish is the key with the corn pork. It's the same dish, the same recipe only with preserved pork instead of salted fish. Wow okay the only thing that's different is the salted fish compared to the canned pork it seems like a totally different place because of the salty mooch mmm but it still goes great with a hockey hands of the salty it's exactly like that yo Paris fantastic with actors that leave me speechless it's not mine scotch hat the heat now here at the Ross dr. Bennett comes in with the heat no comment with that heat the fruity flavor what I love about Scott Finance is that it's so fruity like it's literally a fruit it's sweet and sour okay so take a bite.
I'm getting some of them, look at him. I finished all my Aki, it's too good and then you changed it with another mouthful of scotch. Okay, when you get to other seeds, you can feel the fumes like they're going up your nose and down your throat, oh yeah, that's a buzz. very fast but we are lucky yes there is much more much more to explore all chef amazing amazing food okay yes please refill my next plate of food but I had almost forgotten about man water . I got so excited about the oxtail curried goat with Aki like that oh yeah, you can smell the goat, the freshness of the intestines, the allspice berries floating around oh wow, okay, I mean, I love anything of goat that is excellent, its milky, the saline, that fruity flavor also because there is scotch cap there and there is also the green banana there, oh, the unions come back for more third course yes, my next plate of food has the curried goat , has a little more salty fish.
Aki, salted fish, there is like, I know, a piece of garlic. that for two because it just burst into my mouth that creamy feeling oh wow oh yes I want a little bit of everything in my first bite of the manly water including memento hmm it's actually a very clean flavor a very clean Goudy flavor and it's all so tender hooked to its soft melt in the mouth even the tribe has a little chewiness but not like compared to other pieces of tripe it is tender allspice the pepper because it is a little subtle but it is there and you taste like cloves cinnamon nutmeg enos a little I have an idea for my next bite of goat curry, on top of that let's get that goat curry and the creaminess of the ackee looks so good in my favorite drink the water in the munnis water the way you like it It's a little cold now 'cause the sun has set behind the mountains, but there's nothing that sounds more satisfying after a Jamaican party like that when we're on the river and it's so clear that I mean, can you hold my shirt? the limestone I think oh yeah that's cool it's actually not that cold if I go and look daddy's in the middle of the room was fantastic but one last treat for this incredibly delicious Jamaican Sunday feast friends Andrew Andrew, the champion jerk and also a hunter.
These birds are amazing, so some of the wild birds there are three different types of birds that he puts seasoned on the grill, the white-crowned dove, the white-bellied and the white-winged fart, all men immediately smell good. I love its lemon flavor. it's lemon with honey and honey, okay, fresh off the grill, this is the wild pigeon and just that pink color inside, its juiciness still, but you can see how lean it is at the same time, you guys can try it, thank you . no problem, yes, boys, you can cut through the bones, oh yes, boy, thinness, oh, like the thinness of the dumb, but then like the fatness of the skin, oh, that idiotic seasoning, I'll eat it whole, this one the complete thigh and thigh combination. a bite a bite of crispy bird enos oh man oh it's so good and yes man that's incredibly good thank you man well done ball plate the white crown next bird this is the white crown pigeon oh yes it has a different texture it's more like almost livery, yes, delivery, savoring the best dessert after that meal, yes, what a way to end this incredibly delicious Sunday in Jamaica with friends hanging out.
Many thanks to Matt. I will have the link of him and his tours in the description box below, you can see it. when you are in Montego Bay or anywhere in Jamaica, let him know that he will connect you and that's it for this amazing Sunday in Jamaica. Thank you very much for watching this video, remember to like it if you enjoyed it, leave a comment. below I would love to hear from you and if you are not already subscribed please click subscribe and also click a little bell icon to be immediately notified about the next video I publish;
There will be a lot more incredibly delicious Jamaican food and cultural videos, but be sure to check out this entire series, this entire playlist of videos in Jamaica, and I'll see you in the next video.

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