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Jake's True Power? - Adventure Time Theory #3

May 05, 2024
top of the tree house in the middle of the ocean. During the night, without preparation


or prior notice. The only way Jake was able to accomplish such an incredible feat is through his imagination. He figured he could do it and it was very simple. It's done. And if that still doesn't convince you. Let's talk about the episode, Normal Man. Where Jake gets tired of climbing Wild Trap Mountain. There's the top. Jake, it's me! WHO? Oh my eyes! I'm sorry. And when it comes


to save a man, he can't turn into a plane. Now you can say "Oh, he was just tired, he got tired.
jake s true power   adventure time theory 3
That's why", but really... he can't imagine a working airplane. Look, he sees cars and boats everywhere in Ooo. You can easily imagine a bunch of cars, but can you imagine a working airplane? Planes haven't flown over Ooo since the Mushroom War. There are probably crashed planes everywhere. It's easy to imagine what an airplane is like, but imagine one in operation? Jake literally can't do it. And now you can say "Well, maybe Jake just can't fly", well, let's see if he can fly if he smells a feeling sandwich. He can fly through the sky with the Ice King.
jake s true power   adventure time theory 3

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jake s true power adventure time theory 3...

You can say, "Well, maybe he's just stretching from one end to the other," but he looks here at the end. Jake picks Finn up and reaches him into the air and spins in zigzags...he lifts his feet off the ground so he flies there for a moment. So when Jake imagines that he can fly, he certainly can. Confirm. So back to how much influence does Finn have in Jake's life? Well, quite a bit, because if Jake's imagination can affect the real world, then he has to stay mentally calm at all times. What if Jake was mentally ruined?
jake s true power   adventure time theory 3
In the episode, Gut Grinder. Several towns around Ooo are being raided by a mysterious monster and when Finn and Jake arrive they say: Wait, what happened? Ahh, the gut grinder!! Whoa, no, no, he's not the Gut Grinder. He is my friend. We saw the Gut Grinder and it looks exactly like it! Heh heh, that's ridiculous... But Finn doesn't believe Jake is the Gut Grinder. Your friend is the Gut Crusher! Nooo! You are arrested for stealing our gold. But in the end...Jake imagines that he is the Gut Crusher. I belong behind bars, he looks at the evidence.
jake s true power   adventure time theory 3
I really am the Gut Crusher...and I want gold! *Angry Gut Grinder Sounds* He actually turns into Gut Grinder! Wow! Yes, we have it, thanks for saving me, Jake. Rawr, I'm not Jake... I'm the Gut Crusher! Now give me that gold tooth. That? Jake? Wow. Wow. Raw! Now give me that tooth. If I give you the stupid tooth, will you stop being a crazy asshole? *Happy Gut Grinder plays* Hey what? Jake, you never turn into a monster when I want you to. It's always "Not now, Finn, I have a headache", so Jake claims that he gets a headache whenever Finn asks him to turn into a giant monster.
Which makes sense, if Jake keeps his wits about him, he doesn't actually want to turn into a giant monster too often. Maybe when people are in danger, like that time when Susan Strong defeated half the kingdom and kidnapped Finn and Jake just went crazy *Angry monster sounds* Stay away from my brother! Rar-blehblehblehbleh! *Loud monster noises* Jake must not strangle her! Uhh, I think I'm going to sell it, man. No, we need a finger, not a thumb! Delicacy boy! Clearly, Finn plays an important role in keeping Jake sane and in control of himself. Together they clearly make a very


ful and healthy team, so if you thought we were done here, then you forgot about Princess Prizmo! "Oh hell, I'm back!" So this clever and brutal time-loop astroanomaly needs a deeper explanation.
Start with The Enchiridion. An ancient book that preceded the Mushroom War. He has the


to open the portal to Prizmo's time chamber and even access the entire Multiverse. So if you were to ask Booko: Hi, my name is Booko! What you see here is a map of the Multiverse. Shows all known dimensions and the links between each of them. This is the dimension that contains the universe we currently live in. Improve! Ah, make it stop! Ahem, anyway at the center of the Multiverse there is a dimension called the time chamber. It is believed to be the quasicorporeal abode of the almighty Prizmo.
The time chamber is the only Dimension that exists outside of time. The time chamber produces the time waves experienced by other Dimensions. Some dimensions have permanent links that allow round trips. Others are temporarily connected by naturally forming wormholes, and others may be artificially connected by magical portals opened by objects of great power. Once the final gem is placed in the Enchiridion, it will have the power to create a portal to any dimension in the Multiverse. An activated portal creates a time distortion in which each side of the portal experiences a temporal synchronization that allows the safe passage of particles through a non-local region of space-time!
So Prizmo's magical time chamber is the only Dimension outside of time and is the source of time for all other Dimensions. This might explain why Prizmo can do things in time loops so casually and where my


was going from the beginning. Look, I think Prizmo created the Enchiridion and I think Prizmo is old Jake Prizmo and that's it. There was never an original old Prizmo who was just old Jake as old Prizmo. Prizmo exists outside of time. He can feel it, by the way he does it all the time! As far as I'm concerned. Prizmo created Jake just as much as Jake created Prizmo.
Hahaha it's destiny! This would basically make Jake the most powerful being in the universe... So what if Eric Adamkimson was right? When he said: I think Jake is an extradimensional being, a glop if you will, whose psychic field holds our world together! Yes, Jake may not just be holding himself together, he may be holding all of reality together! And as if that wasn't crazy enough...I suspect he played some of the characters we saw on the show, especially...Party God. THAT?! He's very suspicious, with godlike powers that are ill-defined and no real purpose for existing within this universe...
I mean, the other gods make sense. God of Order. God of chaos. Guardian of dreams. Father Time... But hey, God of the party, he just doesn't fit the theme... And the first presentation of him was very suspicious! Jake! Jake! Jake! Ha ha, this party is crazy! How did I get here? You passed out after laughing so hard at your own jokes. You are free! So we brought you to the Cloud Kingdom to party with the God of Feast. Wow! Who is the god of the game? I am the God of the Party! Oh Jake, you earned my favor because you were a completely free party dog ​​and since I like your guts so much, I'll grant you one wish.
What do you want most in the world? What do I want most? Hehe, what do I want most in the world? Well, I wish Finn would stop leaving the dirt on him...FINN! I was on his trail and then I got distracted, what's wrong with my brain? Cinnamon Bun was right. I can't concentrate on anything! Party god, I wish I could focus on finding my friend Finn. Then your wish is my co- Wait! Wait, is there some kind of catch? Oh yeah. You have me To grant your wish, I will have to fill you with the energy of a thousand partygoers.
You'll be so overloaded with party energy that you'll demolish everything in your path! I must find Finn... I must I must... Party forever!!! By the time Jake meets Party God, he's already offering a free wish on ropes. Sounds a lot like Prizmo to me. Prizmo even said: Dude. Look, I like you, so you should know that my desires always have an ironic twist. It's like a kind of monkey's paw. That? You just have to be very specific. Say your wish is "I wish for a back massage." Who is going to give it to you? A dirty man?
A bear? And where are these masseuses from? Do I take a kid away from family dinner and leave a child traumatized? "Mom, where did dad go?" "I don't know, son. He just disappeared from the table. I'm sorry." You see, Jake, there are rules for these things. Wishing an event changes elements before and after. Memories will be destroyed. The babies will not be born. Potential worlds can be vaporized by your desire. Straw. Owww. Of course, wishes are really powerful and dramatic. Which makes it that much more suspicious how many wishes you can get in this world. A wish from Prizmo.
A wish from the God of the Party. The wish of a clay snake at the end of a labyrinth. You can get a Demonic Wish Eye and go meet Wishy. Hello Ice King. Hello Wendy! What do you want? I want to go to BlΓ©! Are you going girl? *Magical scream* Wow. Why don't you use it all the time? Oh, it takes a piece of your soul every time you use it. And if you're lucky, you might even get a Thought Cannon Staff. This wand is incredibly powerful, it is a Thought Cannon. It makes everything you think about come


Upstairs please. It is too strong and we buried it for safety. I'll tell you what I would do. I'll use that cannon and suggest a hole. Jake, remember what they say about absolute power. I'm tired of your wisdom BMO. Watch it now and learn. Yeah, okay, my name is Jake and I'm going to take this magical Thought Cannon and I'm going to think "I want a hole to bury this Thought Cannon" and blow bubbles, Jake finds a hole to bury a Thought Cannon. . What happens if you think about something else for a moment? No, my brain is my hands.
Oops. Looks like he was thinking about a sandwich. So with wish magic as powerful as Prizmo said, it stands to reason that it should contain the Multiverse when wishes go wrong. It's part of his job. He mentions that he has a boss and a job. Ice Finn uses his world version of the Enchiridion to build a portal to the Multiverse. We literally don't know what will happen if he succeeds. But it can certainly be catastrophic for the architecture of these realities. Now if this happens, my boss, let me repeat it, MY BOSS will hold me accountable.
And by proxy, all of you will be in the background too. Why not just make everything better? Something there is sapping my powers. I'm losing my photos because of this business! Your boss, who is he? Cosmic Owl was also hired as a position. Look, I don't think they put you in charge of prophetic dreams so you could meet women. Who cares? I'm in love. Why am I even worried? So who could be the big boss of Prizmo and the Cosmic Owl? Unlike Jake. Haha-ehehehehe it's crazy. No, I'm serious, remember when Maja the Sky Witch summoned Darren the Ancient Sleeper to carry out her "Donk up the Candy Kingdom" plan?
It's not exactly my plan, but you'll be fine. I promise. I also promise to cause destruction so complete that all realities are affected! Okay, we'll talk about that. ALL REALITIES!!! Hey, we'll talk about that. So let's talk about this. If Darren can destroy things in all realities, he's a versatile threat, meaning Prizmo would have intervened if Darren had Jake in his sights. Because if Jake were destroyed by all realities, there would be no more Prizmo and no more realities. So even though Darren was an easy loss and not much of a threat... Yeah right! There are countless threats, so we always have to be careful in case Ooo goes straight to dong bongels.
Because confidentially, there are many ways that can happen. With so many ways for Ooo to grow in the Multiverse, you might expect Prizmo to have his hands full constantly, but no. Because he can manipulate time and is omnipotent. At least that's what Booko said, "The time chamber is believed to be the quasi-corporeal abode of the almighty Prizmo," but wait a second, because if Prizmo really is all-powerful, the most powerful being that has ever existed, controller of time. and the center of the entire Multiverse... Then there's one last very suspicious thing we need to address here. Remember when Prizmo said, "Something is sapping my powers.
I'm losing my photographs to this business!" Well, I think every other Universe in the Multiverse has a happy, healthy version of Jake, except Farm World. The only difference in Farm World is that Jake has been possessed by the Lich and turned into a horrible monster that is definitely not Jake anymore. This is why Prizmo's powers are muted there. Jake's existence is the cause of Prizmo's existence, the existence of the Cosmic Owl, the Party God, and more... The scariest things on the show happen when Jake loses his sanity... Nightmares Beyond Our Repair . Living rent-free in our heads.
Forever... Monster Deer!! Ahhh!!! *licking and hitting sounds* So remember. If you ever start to feel crazy like there's a worm in your brain, and things aren't the same, and there are knives in the rain! Then do what Jake the dog would do and uhhhh eat a sandwich. *Cries with pure pleasure* Oh, I have your baby! *Crunch* Mmmm-ahmm, so good!!

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