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Jada Pinkett Smith Took a Groupon Swamp Tour with Will Smith

May 04, 2020
-What are you doing this summer? -Well, you know what? Will


perform in Croatia, so... -Will he do it? -Yes, with Jazzy Jeff. Yes. Yes, he and Jazzy Jeff


meet in Croatia. -Guys, if you reserve your tickets now, let's all go to Croatia. Did you know this was happening? -No! -Yes, in Croatia. Can you believe it? So I'm going to go to that. -Philadelphia is coming to Croatia, I mean, yeah. -Philadelphia goes to Croatia. But we just got off a trip. We went to Greece. Yes. -Oh, I never have been. -It's lovely. -The only thing I have seen in Greece is "The Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants." -Oh.
jada pinkett smith took a groupon swamp tour with will smith
Well. -Two. -It was a sequel. They go to Greece. -Yeah. -She looked beautiful. Yes. -It was beautiful. And, you know, Willow made us clean beaches. -Oh really? -For holidays. -I mean, come on, she's the best. -She is. -Give my greetings. -I will do that. -She wrote me the most beautiful note. I kept it because he was very polite. -Oooh. -Like, "What a good guy, man." She is amazing. -She is. I have good children. -I love her, yes. I want to know about what you did while filming "Girls Trip," because you're in New Orleans. -Yeah. -Yeah. -Well. -No, that's... -In the house. -That's just a natural reaction.
jada pinkett smith took a groupon swamp tour with will smith

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jada pinkett smith took a groupon swamp tour with will smith...

You say that and someone... "Oh wow!" They're not even from New Orleans. They just know how fun it is. Oh! They know how fun it is. You end up taking a


of the


, a


with alligators. -Oh! With Tiffany Haddish. -Yeah. Yes. Explain why this is perfect. -Yeah. Alright. So I


Tiffany to dinner with Will and I, okay? And I said, Okay, it's Friday night. So I say, "Okay, what are you doing tomorrow?" She says, "I have this Groupon. I'm going to take a trip through the


." And I said, "Well, who are you going with?" And she says, "No one." And I said, "No one?" -First of all, I love that you say you have no idea what Groupon is. -I have no idea.
jada pinkett smith took a groupon swamp tour with will smith
Well. I have no idea. But I tell myself, "You have a Groupon, you're going alone, you need a group." So I was like... -Yeah. We are going to take a group on a swamp boat. -Yes, that part. -Yeah. -So I said, "Well, you know, Will and I will go with you." Yes. And Will's brother was with us. -So you're like Hollywood royalty? Yes. -Well yes. She said, "Okay." So I said, "Come find us." -Well. -You know, we were going to make this like a normal day, just go and relax, you know? You can come pick us up.
jada pinkett smith took a groupon swamp tour with will smith
We'll jump into the back of the car. -And you are going to have a special time. We're going to get a group together and you're going to have something like freshly made Creole or something like that. -Yes absolutely. Good? -No. - So, we got there and I said, "Wow, there are a lot of people here, Tiffany. Where is our boat for the swamp tour?" Know? And she said, "What do you mean, where is our ship?" I said, "Well, I thought you had a group coupon," meaning the four of us were on one of those fan boats. -Yes, that thing you see in the swamp... yes, exactly. -Yes, you know?
She said, "Girl, this is a Groupon. This is a Groupon. We're going with a group of people." I was like, "What?!" I was like, “All these people?” I thought, "Tiffany, I have Will. This could get really crazy." -I guess people were scared. They said, "Dude, is Will Smith on our alligator tour?" -Exactly. So I'm going crazy. You know, I'm super protective of him. I said, "Look, Will, you have to go home." He says, "Forget it. I'm not going home. I want to take a tour of the swamp. You say we're going to take a tour of the swamp.
I'm going to take a tour of the swamp." -And you had fun? You had fun? -We had the best time. -Ever. Actually? It was great? -Yeah! -Look, of course, you guys always have fun. -So, you know, shout out to Groupon. -I love him so much. Oh, congratulations to Will too. I just heard he's going to be in "Aladdin," the concert. He is playing a great genius. -Is he going to be the genius? I think he's great. -He is playing the genie! -I love that idea. -I told him: "You know what? This is perfect for you because you are always creating magic." -Oooh.
I love you a lot. -I had to tell him that.

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