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Jun 23, 2024
Here in Chapter 5, Season 3, not only do we get a bunch of new named locations on the island, but we also get a secret location that everyone in the Fortnite community has been focusing on being this mysterious bunker on top. of a mountain I have noticed a very strange sound coming from the mystery about what is inside the bunker has finally been solved. Now it's


, but first, if you don't hit the like button on this video in exactly 111 days every time you log in. Fortnite, this will happen, no, but if you do it with the approve button and exactly 111 days when you log into Fortnite, this will be waiting for you, the choice is all yours, so choose carefully, but ladies and gentlemen, we have lost too much time.
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An absolutely incredible amount of things to cover in this video, including the truth about the secret bunker, let's get into it quickly before we look at the new


bunker. First, did you know that there is actually a super secret hidden mythical weapon in episode season 5? 3 that's right and most people only think there are a total of six, one of them is obviously the Ring Masters Boom, Ring Master Scar Boss Bolt, another is Megalodon's Nitro Fist and Megalodon's combat shotgun and then you also have the Machinist who I'll give you the Machinist combat assault rifle upon eliminating him and when I said Mythic Secret, your mind probably immediately went to Cerberus and Oscar who are obviously old bosses from previous seasons but which actually returned in episode 5, season 3, when they were eliminated.
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More Interesting Facts About,

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You will also receive their mythic weapons and none of these are the secret mythical ones that I'm talking about but something totally new and different and here we are going to go into a game so we can show you this now to get this mythic weapon that you don't have. You don't actually need to kill a boss or anything crazy and I promise you that if someone didn't tell you how to get this Mythic, you'd never know it was in the game. The downside is that you can't actually get it up to about half of it.
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Don't worry about the actual game thanks to the magic of editing. I can go ahead and fast forward for you guys and all we're waiting for is for the absolutely massive loot island to start appearing, then you're just going to want to do it. Start moving in that general direction once the island spawns, you'll just want to get to the top immediately and start capturing the capture point that spawns here. This will take about 60 seconds to accomplish. Is it ever worth it because as you can see we just received a new mythic weapon for our efforts being actually the conductive hand cannon?
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I'm pretty sure this is the first hand cannon in Fortnite that has a holographic site right here. able to see all the other accessories equipped with it as well as its absolutely beastly 103 damage, absolutely crazy if you thought I was going to go through all the work to get this and not even try it once, oh there's the perfect victim, try it . I missed it, oh my god, another one, oh my god, this gun is crazy, guys, it's crazy, oh man, this gun is so good, it's so good, oh my god, man. I have to admit, I'm a big fan of hidden mythical secrets, I think.
This is actually one of the best in the entire history of Fortnite, don't worry, next we will see the open bunker, but first, ladies and gentlemen, I am sure we all remember the character of Dr. Sloan, one of the main antagonists here. in Fortnite who literally betrayed us all in an attempt to destroy the Fortnite island during the Skyfire event in Chapter 2. Since then, Dr. Stoan herself has had an incredibly interesting history as she is sometimes a villain in Chapter 2. 3, season one. when the imagined order invaded the island, one can't forget that a few seasons later, he literally saw Dr.
Sloan get eliminated during one of the Fortnite live events after Dr. Sloan ended up returning towards the end of chapter 4 , she came back. as a good guy who actually helps us Loopers save all of reality known as the groundbreaking Sloan, she was actually responsible for coming up with the plan to steal K Thorn's time machine by using that machine to return to chapter 1 of Fortnite, keep in mind the innovator. Sloan herself didn't go back in time, meaning that the entire time we were in Fortnite OG, the innovative Sloan was still stuck in our previous reality, as we all know, once Fortnite OG came to an end, a chapter began. completely new from Fortnite. a bunch of new story characters like Vengeance Jones and Hope, Fortnite fans have noticed that Dr.
Sloan is apparently totally missing. We've learned that Hope and the other members of the underground have been looking for her. In fact, you can see the photo of her in the subway database, she now she looks at this. Dr. Loone is back. You can see it for yourself. All you need to do is, once you jump off the battle bus, head towards the old Sandy Steps location, obviously this entire point of interest has essentially been destroyed by the sandstorm with the exception of this purple building in the outskirts, as you can see, this building has essentially received a massive makeover because it is now the home of the NPC Hope, as well as the main headquarters of Underground, if you go up to the second floor of this building, you will be able to see a huge spray representing none other than Dr.
Sloan. Well, I know this doesn't necessarily mean that Dr. Sloan is already back and in the game. It's definitely a joke that she's still a part of Fortnite history. Wait, remember earlier when I said Dr. Sloan never returned to Fortnite Chapter 1? He spent all his time in that original reality, well, now here in chapter 5, a completely new woman. They are making fun of the character because he is none other than the homeless man she could find depicted on the train wreck. Many people in the Fortnite community think that The Wanderer is actually Dr. Sloan, not only because they are both women, but because their stories match up perfectly.
All of the Dr. have spent the last few essential seasons wandering through different realities. Members of the underground knew he would eventually return. He looks like he's about to do it in a new form known as The Wander. That's what I'm playing with. The moment everyone was waiting for arrived because on the first day of episode 5, season 3, even though everyone was largely focused on exploring the new point of interest, there was one place that caught everyone's attention where this appeared. new and mysterious bunker. On top of the iceberg just outside a large glacier, it has also been noted that every time you get close to it you can hear someone banging on the door throughout chapter 5.
We knew this area was good and it was incredibly important because when it is area was first introduced. In the game, an absolutely massive crashed plane was located exactly where the bunker is now during the first updates of Chapter 5, Season 1. The glacier began to slowly melt more and more, causing the plane to start descending the glacier. until he finally landed on Little. Pond directly below him, at this very moment a new skin known as agis Explorer was released, obviously this was yet another version of jeno aka the creator of all realities, and each and every one of his cosmetics actually They were referring to something very important contained in Inside the Ice at first everyone thought that the person inside this bunker is none other than the secret skin of this season which is Magnetto, but let's be honest, that wouldn't really make any sense with the story of Fortnite.
The next theory that everyone proposed was that this The bunker could actually be an additional part of the new Fallout collaboration, obviously here in Fortnite we have the t60 power armor, it is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel and in the video game Fallout, the Brotherhood of Steel actually resides in a bunker very similar to the one we see here in Fortnite, however this theory is also false CU after all the Epic Games have been teasing the arrival of this bunker since Chapter 5 was first released. time. I find it hard that epic games go to all that effort just for a battle pass. collaboration, don't worry, the bunker is now open and the mystery has been solved.
Guys, look at this. Remember that mysterious sound that the bunker plays. I showed you before inside the Fortnite game files. The audio file is actually titled Weapons Lab, which is obviously implied. that the area contained within the bunker was essentially a secret laboratory, much like the bunker we had in Chapter 2, with the redacted bunker being where, when finally opened, it essentially revealed this huge laboratory of imagined order, plus the bunker itself actually has a code name. Hydro Bottle, don't forget the codenames, epic game picks are always incredibly important, for example when the ninja skin icon first leaked that the skin's codename was torbus, the first two letters of each word are actually a reference to Ninja's real name, Tyler Bevin, which means truth. about the bunker probably starts with the letters H and B.
I have two theories here: one could represent Hop's bunker so far in every episode 5 season that has been released. Hope has continually been the most important character and has been repeatedly mentioned as the one who keeps the secrets of everything here we are on repeat mode because I'm actually going to show you what's inside this bad boy in order to do that, first we have to do a super awesome bug under the map, all you need to do to do this problem is that you take the camera without drones and fly to the farthest point of the water and then use your camera to go under the seabed, for that we just have to Move forward and navigate to exactly where the bunker is.
Located and we can see it officially here now. This is easily the best look at the bunker we've had so far in Episode 5, Season 3. You can literally see the back of the vault door. which has been fully textured and designed by Epic Games, that's how we know it's going to open very soon because if they weren't planning on opening this bunker at all, there would literally be no reason to put so much detail into the inside of the door, the only thing we know with The certainty is that this bunker is possibly the most important thing on the entire island, for that reason each and every one of us must keep an eye on it for the next few weeks, you know what? guys it's time to take out the machinist for the first time stay still buddy oh my god oh baby he's literally almost dead now buddy this AR enforcer is a boss destroyer stay still yeah that was so easy.
Things first we will pick up the driver. Medallion, what was our mythical combat assault rifle? That thing looks amazing, obviously, we can't forget to open the Vault and get in his mythical car, man, this thing looks crazy, oh, we have an enemy here, wait, no, what the hell, don't worry. I'll catch him again, stop running, I got him, oh, another one right here, another one right here, another one right here, yeah, oh, big shootout this way, it's time to tear him up, ready guys, wait wao wo wao , my entire shield is basically gone, not this. Going as planned, let me tell you that, let me tell you that, come on, oh my god, are you kidding me, bro?
Okay, now we have this guy over here, come on, we don't have him, oh, what do we have here? I see you, buddy, what? I haven't finished it yet although I haven't finished it yet Darth Vader boom and I think there's another one yeah right here yeah come on some of the final enemies some of the final enemies have one oh my god oh my god I'm trapped by the light from my own car him up yeah, thanks for playing navigator oh The last enemy right in front of me oh I got lost I guess we're doing it the hard way oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about ladies and gentlemen, a huge real victory when the bunker inevitably opens during this season.
I'll be sure to let you all know by tweeting on my official Twitter account at Homam YT. Thank you all very much for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it. Have an absolutely incredible rest. Your day I will see you in the next video, peace

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