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Italian Food - AMAZING ROMAN FOOD and Attractions in Rome, Italy!

May 30, 2021
- In Rome we say cheese as if it were raining. - Well. Alright, I have to start with the carbonara. He twists a, twists a fork bite. Good morning everyone, I'm Mark Wiens from, in Rome, Italy. It's a nice, bright and sunny morning, we have a full day to sightsee, do things and eat in Rome, so we'll go have breakfast real quick and then head out. Ying and I are the first to have breakfast this morning. And we have a nice view of the city, we have a nice view and the park, so I just got my first plate of


, I have kind of a mix of a lot of different things, a lot of different proteins, a tortilla. , a little bit of salmon, a little bit of salami, a little bit of bacon and then some vegetables, and I think they're little pickled shallots.
italian food   amazing roman food and attractions in rome italy
And this is some wonderful looking bacon, notice the stripes. We're getting ready to leave in a few minutes for a full day of sightseeing in Rome, but let me quickly show you on this map, kind of a rough plan, we're going to stay here near Spain, we're going to take the metro to Colosseo. We will go to the Colosseum, we will go to the Palatine Hill and we will go to the Forum. We'll try to eat here, go to the Pantheon, go to other places here, walk here, walk here and then maybe come back down here to visit San Giovanni, we'll see how our time comes. . (upbeat music) We take the Metro from Spagna to the Colosseo station, and immediately, right at the Metro exit, we are at the base of the Colosseum.
italian food   amazing roman food and attractions in rome italy

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italian food amazing roman food and attractions in rome italy...

We're here a little early, before they open, so we'll just walk around a bit, I pre-purchased the ticket online and then printed it out, so hopefully we can get in as soon as they open. In fact, it was really good that we printed our tickets because after we went through security we went through the entire line, we just scanned it, it has a little barcode, and now we're at the Colosseum. We have decided to first climb the stairs to the top to have a view, a general view from the top. - Look at the view. - This is a stunning sight. - Oh, you can see everything here. - At one time, this Colosseum could hold up to 80,000 spectators. (upbeat techno music) And it was covered by a floor, so now you can see part of the underground area, but this is where the gladiators fought, and it's also where they recreated battles, and it could even be flooded, so they could also recreate naval battles and representations.
italian food   amazing roman food and attractions in rome italy
You've seen so many photos and you've seen movies that depict the Colosseum, and you just imagine the battles and the events, and the things that happened inside the Colosseum as you walk around here, that's what, that's what really comes to mind when I'm walking. We are on our way next to the Forum. Just across the square from the Colosseum is the Roman Forum, and this was the heart, the very center, of ancient Rome and many of the most important buildings, and this is the area where Rome prospered. (relaxed music) And I think one of the things that really makes visiting it


right now is how quiet and peaceful it is. (relaxed music) Right behind me is what remains of the Temple of Saturn, which is one of the oldest temples in Rome.
italian food   amazing roman food and attractions in rome italy
It dates back to the 6th century BC, but the remains of what you can see right now date back to 42 BC. Oh, they have fresh, cold water. It is just a short walk from the central area of ​​the Forum to the top of Paletine Hill, and from here is the Imperial Palace, you can have a view of the Forum, as well as the Circus Maximus on the other side. (relaxed music) And now I'm looking at the Circus Maximus, which is a giant open-air stadium for horse chariot racing, and they also held public events here, and it could hold up to 150,000 people who would watch the events.
You could easily spend a couple of hours walking and exploring the Forum area, but right now it's my favorite time of day, so we just headed out. (upbeat music) - Hello guys. - Hello. - Would you like to have something? - Just water please. This is a restaurant that serves, I'm actually a little overwhelmed by the menu, there are so many things to order. Crepe? - Crepe, one. - One, and also amatriciana? - Amatriciana. - Amatriciana. In Italy, honestly, I have very, very little experience with Italian


, and even ordering Italian food, so I was looking at that menu, there are so many things I haven't tried, I want to try them all when I do.
I am here in Italy. To start, I bought an antipasto plate, and this is a mix of different vegetables that seem to be lightly battered and fried, this is a red chili, there are some eggplants, some onions, maybe potatoes, me. We will start with a piece of eggplant. Oh, and some olives in the middle. Put this on my plate, oh, I gotta have some of that chili too or some of that pepper. Mmmmm, it's a very soft pepper, like totally tender. A little bittersweet. Maybe it's the tomato sauce, or there are some tomatoes that make it very sour and sour.
Yes, that eggplant is just as creamy. It's kind of like, it almost tastes like a breadcrumb crust, fried, crunchy and almost chewy too. Amatrician? - Amatriciana. - Amatriciana, it's okay. The main dishes arrived, and I ordered them, Ying and I ordered two different dishes to split, this one is trippa, which is tripe, and this one I think is a Roman style preparation, very thick tomato sauce, and then he sprinkled with a little bit of cheese on top, and I think there's, I think that's it, I don't think there's pasta here, I think it's just tripe. My kind of dish, just sauce and tripe.
Okay, I'm going to try this first. Mmmmm. Those tripe are nice and soft, but also, well, some pieces are a little chewy, but it's wonderful. And then that's a kind of tomato sauce that's a little sour, but not too salty. That's great. And then this is a type of pasta, this one is called amatriciana, and this is also a very common pasta dish, tomato-based, and then I'm not sure if you can see, there are cubes of cured pork belly. , and then wrapped in this paste, and let me, let me stab it a little bit. Mmmmm. What I love about it is that the tomatoes are so tangy and tart, that's delicious, and that little pork belly gives it a lot of flavor along with the tart flavor of the tomato.
I think you have to use some of this bread to pick up all that sauce because... You have to pick up all that tomato sauce. That really soaks up all of this sauce, and you can definitely, in fact, after trying the other dish, which is just pure tomato, and then going back to the tripe dish, you can definitely tell that it has a little bit of, an organic flavor. The name of the restaurant is Luzzi, and so it was, what I really liked was that tripe dish, if you can imagine a texture that is at the same time very soft, but a little chewy at the same time, and I know that sounds a little ironic , but as soon as you have that plate of tripe you will know exactly that contrast.
One of the reasons we ate here is because it's right on the route we're going to go, then we'll visit some churches and it's at the back of the Colosseum. We are walking towards the Basilica of San Giovanni, but on the way we were going to stop at the Basilica of San Clemente, but unfortunately they just closed for lunch, we missed it and they are not open for another couple. of hours, so I don't think we will stay around, now we are on the way to San Giovanni. (upbeat music) St. John's Basilica was commissioned by Constantine in the year 324 and is very important in Rome because it was the first Christian basilica in the entire city.
We have just gone through security and entered the entrance hall of the Basilica, and it is simply stunning, it is huge and the detail on the walls, on the columns, on the floor, is


. And also the doors are simply gigantic. It almost takes my breath away, and what really catches my attention from the beginning are the marble statues that line the side of the cathedral, of the 12 apostles, and then the ceiling is gold, with so much detail. You just walk in here and literally this feeling of peace, tranquility and calm overwhelms you. And I will stop talking right now and just listen to the peace.
It was simply amazing to walk inside the Basilica, it is so big and yes, such a quiet, calm and peaceful place. We just crossed the street from the Basilica of San Giovanni, and right here is another chapel, and inside there is supposedly a ladder that Jesus climbed in Pontius Pilate's palace in Jerusalem, and then the ladder was taken to Rome, so you can't Climb the stairs standing, but you have to go up on your knees, and with each step you take on your knees you also say a prayer until you reach the top of the 28 steps.
Ying and I will climb the stairs on our knees. Ying did a very good job, but I was definitely in pain the entire time. I actually didn't expect it to hurt so much. I think it took us about 15 minutes, and you go up the steps very slowly, but it was worth it. We walk back to the Metro, we will take it a couple of stops to our next place. We get off the Metro at the Barberini station and we are going to walk towards the Trevi Fountain. (upbeat music) Hello, can you give me the three cones?
Chocolate chips, Ying chocolate chips. And something else Ying? Thank you. - Thank you. - I don't know if anyone ever comes to Rome without having ice cream, there are many places to have ice cream in this area, we arrived at a place called Gelateria Valentino, we ordered half with chocolate chips and half with coconut. Oh yeah, that's pretty amazing, really very milky. Wow, the coconut is really good too. It again has a very, very milky, milky, creamy taste, and even a very smooth texture. And then in the coconut that you can have, you also feel the little pieces of dried coconut.
And that ice cream should take us to what is one of the most emblematic places in all of Rome. I'm going to look to my right side. And there it is. (upbeat music) As much as it was great to see, we're pretty hot and tired now, so Ying and I head back to the hotel, we're going to spend a couple of hours, and tonight we have a very special big party. Dinner is coming, stay tuned, dinner is coming. Tonight Ying and I are going to meet Valentina and Antonio, and they are from Rome, they were very helpful and communicated with me when I mentioned I was coming to Rome, and they really helped me put together a good itinerary of what do and see, and also eat, in Rome, so we will join them for dinner tonight, I predict a very good dinner.
We arrived at Piazza di Spagna, and this is another famous square in Rome, there are the Spanish stairs over here but it looks like they are doing some renovations at the moment so I don't think they are open, but then it is a nice square to walk around and look at to the people too. Now we are on our way to dinner and we have just passed by the Pantheon. But we'll be back tomorrow to go in and explore more. We are just passing through, but it is an impressive sight. (upbeat music) (Italian conversation) - He's not sure about the rabbit, he has to catch it first. (Italian conversation) (Italian conversation) - We meet Valentina and Antonio, and we have come to a restaurant called Trattoria Dal Gino, and it specializes in especially Roman-style dishes.
So normally it would be common for you to have your own pasta dish and eat alone? -Everyone chooses their own. - Okay, but we have decided to combine Italian food with Asian style, so we will have a lot of dishes and we will share them all together, so we can try all the different dishes. This is cacio e pepe. - Cacio is the other Roman name for sheep cheese. - Oh well. And this is the carbonara. With eggs. - Pork cheeks. - Pork cheeks. - And pepper. - Thank you so much. - You have to take this, this and that, and you scrape it on top. - Antonio says -- - That side. - Oh, on the other side, okay, okay.
Antonio says that more cheese is always a good idea. What type of cheese is this? - This is sheep's cheese. - Sheep cheese. - Roman sheep cheese - Roman sheep cheese, wow. And then, about both pastas? Above all? - Let's say it, in Rome we say cheese as if it were raining - Okay. Alright, I have to start with the carbonara. Twist a, twist a fork bite. Mine is going to be a big bite. - If you're not careful, you'll get everything. - Sauce everywhere, yes. Okay, I have to work on my fork, okay, here we go, I think I have a good turn.
Oh yeah. Wow. And this is also cooked with pork cheek, so there are little pieces of pork cheek here, and that adds a lot of flavor to the whole dish, and you can taste that black pepper as well. That's just absolutely rich deliciousness coating the noodles. I'll try this one next. Wow, okay, that's awesome. The combination of that sheep's cheese, which has a complex, salty cheese flavor, and then it complements itself very well just with that black pepper. And then just topping that pasta, it's a great combination, it has a simple flavor, but it's all down to the flavor of the cheese and the pepper. (Italian conversation) Oh, the wine is amazing. - The wine is good, huh? - Yes, oh, it's so soft.
Oh, grazie, grazie. And we also have another pasta, with anchovies and tomatoes, and anything else in this one? Anchovies and tomatoes and garlic. And sheep cheese too. And this is the special house. This one is also very good, you can try it, of course, you can try the anchovies. A little bit of cheese in there, and then also, I think some parsley as well. It has a somewhat refreshing flavor. Adding a little more pepper. All the pastas are incredibly good, really, I think I really loved that sheep cheese and pepper, that combination complements each other very well, but the carbonara is also impressively good, it's so rich and so, yes, it's incredibly rich and creamy and full of flavor, the butter, theeggs, pork cheek, and I definitely need to work on my pasta twist. (Italian conversation) All the pasta, that was just the beginning of this meal, now we've moved on to the main dishes and we have a bunch of different dishes.
We have some liver, which is a Venetian-style preparation, boiled beef that is then fried and then combined with tomatoes, onions and pine, and then this is another interesting vegetable dish that we have here, which is chicories, which I don't think I've ever had rabbit before it seems, I think it was braised in a little bit of wine and also rosemary, and then the final meat dish that I think we got was veal, thin strips of veal, with prosciutto. - Ham. - Prosciutto, with prosciutto on top, and then with fresh sage on top, butter and white wine sauce.
I'm going to start with the liver, liver and onion. Oh yeah. I love liver, oh that's so good because you can taste the white wine in there, and I also have a piece of sage in that bite. That wise man is wonderful. Okay, let's get to the rabbit, and it looks like I have a side of ribs. Let me turn it around. Oh, is it okay to grab it? Okay, I think maybe it's easier to hold it with your fingers. Wow. The rabbit is spectacular, it is very cute. It's almost like dark meat chicken. Now about the meat, with the tomatoes.
Wow. Yes, that's wonderful. That meat, again, is tender but falls apart, but feels like flakes in your mouth. And then that's like a sweet, but very, very fragrant tomato and onion dressing, and I'm trying to make out the spices in there, the herbs, and there's definitely the pine, the pineapple, in there, although I'm not sure I can figure that out. Yes alone, but there is also a little bit, Antonio was telling me that there is also a little bit of fennel, that is an amazing, amazing combination, which is delicious. Veal, let me take out a toothpick and you'll see that piece of sage on top.
Oh yeah. That's amazing too. The sage in there is what gives it its touch of flavor. This is the vegetable, that chicory, the chicory leaves. We eat that kind of stuff at the end of the meal. Just a hint of bitter taste. Very good, and you can tell that it is also fried with garlic. I have a piece of bread, in Italian it's called scarpetta, and what you do is you take a piece of bread, I'll go to this plate and you just wipe all that juice, oil and flavor from that plate, oh, and a little bit of rosemary too, you clean it all up, you put it all in there and you clean the plate that way.
That would make any type of bread taste good. We finished the entire meal and decided that it would be a good idea to order one more dish, and not just any dish, but a dish of lamb. Oh, that's, oh, that's beautiful. Wow. That's like... It's almost a creamy texture, it's fantastic, and again that's like, butter, I guess butter and white wine sauce with rosemary. (Conversation in Italian) Thank you very much. Mmmm, wow, you can taste all those herbs in there. - It's about a hundred herbs or something like that. - It's almost got a little bit of anise flavor, a little bit of mint flavor, a little bit of, and that's the combination of all those herbs.
Shall we stay here and have it? - We are here, yes. - Probably one of the best Italian meals I've ever had, big thanks to Valentina and Antonio, it was fun hanging out with them, I'm going to finish today's video right now, thank you all so much for watching. , remember to like this video if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below and also make sure to subscribe if you aren't already, for many more food videos, and see you in the next video. Thanks again for watching, see you the next day in Rome. (bleep) Or a little bit of that pepper.
Oh, I'm using the knife backwards. In Italian it is called carpetta. - Scarpetta. - Scarpetta. In Italian it is called scarpetta. (upbeat music)

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