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It Turns Out, Minecraft Can Beat Itself

Apr 26, 2024
For those of you who haven't seen it, there's a video on YouTube from Retro Gaming now called Minecraft You Don't Need Them, it's an absolute work of art and it inspired me enough to make this video, which is essentially a direct sequel to that one. video, check it out. The basic premise of this idea is based on the vast infinite nature of Minecraft, but unlike most videos that explore the mind-blowing size of Minecraft or the various infinite possibilities through its open-ended nature, the direction in which we we are expanding for the sake of this thought experiment.
it turns out minecraft can beat itself
It's a direction you may not have expected. Deep time Minecraft is waiting for you, but what happens if you never get there? What happens if you leave one day and never come back? What happens if you spend a short period of time in a hardcore world and then accidentally die in the game? What kind of world would you leave behind after your player leaves? What would Minecraft do without you? This is not the story of how we would disappear, it is the story of what happens to the world we leave behind. Thanks Minecraft episode after Minecraft.
it turns out minecraft can beat itself

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it turns out minecraft can beat itself...

Some Basic Rules The issue with mobs not working after players have gone missing or even shards not loading has been an issue raised. We have to make some migrations in terms of how Minecraft works to make what we're exploring possible. we need to imagine a computer. which can run the game forever and can run all loaded fragments like the entire world in a 60 million by 60 million radius, not only that but also entity processing and hostile mobs that spawn in unlit areas to be uniform throughout the world, this is substantially different. to how Minecraft currently does it in a sphere around the player and many would argue that these changes, while impossible, are also a deviation from basic Minecraft, although technically this is a deviation in my mind, it is a deviation towards what Minecraft is intended , you see Minecraft and most.
it turns out minecraft can beat itself
Any other game doesn't have the processing power to run all the areas you're not in, as well as all the areas you can't access, even though the game's narrative takes place in its own universe, so The game mechanics are generally designed to create the illusion that you are in a universe where all the things that happen beyond our immediate point of view happen upstairs from your mother, your extended families in California having dinner, the creatures of the deep sea still exist somehow thousands of feet underwater. Similarly, in Minecraft, its gameplay wants you to make it seem like monsters are appearing in the world everywhere and that they are everywhere where distant villages thousands of blocks away from you that night are suffering the same battle. that you are in the village next to your Basically, most games are essentially an interactive version of The Truman Show and if we make up for it with our imaginary supercomputer that can run an entire Minecraft world in the form it appears around the player, I would put it somewhere between basic Minecraft and not. -Basic Minecraft which we can label as intended Minecraft, the only main difference is that there is no player in the world and the mob path finding for non-located mobs is actually executed randomly, so if we start this world that operates Forever Without You, what will happen eventually?
it turns out minecraft can beat itself
Over the course of days and weeks, there isn't much mob behavior. The behavior continues as usual, but if you've played a world for a while, you'll notice a lot of random grass blocks in places where enough time has passed for many Endermen to be working. magical ability to rearrange the picking and placing of blocks, what if we had more time for that mechanic, like millions of years with completely random pathfinding? Incredible things can happen, like a zombie getting from one world border to another if there's an actual path to get there, but the implications of entertainment's limited ability to rearrange the world is an incredible thing to consider.
Given enough time, they would rearrange the landscape, but given enough time, you could witness an infinite number of shapes within the finite limits of their limited block-placement behavior. While you could say that in this sense, Enderman is the great Creator, there has to be a balance in everything, so what would be the great Destroyer, the Reaper, but what can make a creeper explode quite strange while the player uses flint and steel, he will. exploding vines, stepping on fire, or hitting lava not only will Snow Golems throw snowballs at them will make them retaliate and explode, or skeletons accidentally hit them with an arrow.
Enderman can create Snow Golems naturally, unfortunately, normal pumpkins, which are quite abundant in the spawn, are of no use. If you need Carved Pumpkins that only have a few natural spawning options in Woodland Mansions and Villager Outposts, but Enderman can move them and naturally create Snow Golems that can then attack the vines, remember that these events are incredibly unlikely and must happen one after another, but if it can happen, it will eventually happen, by that logic you can create chains of explosions that could lead to a tunnel to a fortress, if we are on the extremely rare seed that All Eyes are placed on of Ender and the portal is already lit, then we have a tunnel in which all the natural mobs of the Overworld can walk directly into the final dimension without player intervention required.
Now the obvious question arises: can the game defeat the Ender Dragon? Retro Gaming now posited that Enderman could build ladders out of Overworld blocks, but the Ender Dragon destroys everything other than Bedrock obsidian or endstone, meaning any attempted ladders would be destroyed faster than Enderman could place them. I tried to manually build these stairs in a creative way and while doing it every two minutes, the dragon would make a huge hole in the structure, there is no way that the millions of years or the time it would take to place these blocks to reach the crystals, the dragon it wouldn't destroy them any faster than Enderman could build the crystals. cannot be destroyed this way, however, the Ender Dragon has been known to knock the player and mobs out of the air and across the island with Incredible Strength.
Unfortunately, the snow golem cannot survive a single hit from the Ender Dragon, but the skeleton can if it was hit. up to the tower, then the skeleton, now aggressive towards the dragon, shot at the dragon, but the crystal was in the way, then we have a destroyed crystal. Previous incarnations of the Ender Dragon were possible to be damaged and even defeated by various mobs, including Snow. Golems, creepers and even skeletons, however with the game changes made to Ender Dragon it's almost as if Mojang anticipated this and didn't want it to happen under any circumstances, not even the new Warden boss can harm the dragon, it was made impervious to all projectiles. it is not fired by the player and, whether through hitbox size or direct coding, it is also impossible for any mob to take a melee hit to their skeleton.
The arrows bounce off the snowballs which no longer affect him. The vines seem to want to find a path, find it and explode into it, but they can't. I can't get close enough because of his hitbox when in previous versions I could, it seems like Retro Gaming's TNT idea now where Enderman would slowly carry TNT to explode on the Ender Dragon is the only way to defeat him but this seems extremely unlikely even with infinite time. There is a very finite amount of TNT that is generated naturally, as it is very rare and each piece of TNT is astronomically more likely to explode or be destroyed by other means, especially considering that the majority of accessible TNT is only generated in a mansion in the forest, a structure that needs a single blow. of lightning or nearby lava before the entire building and its contents are lost forever, you would need millions, trillions of trillions of tries or more in this infinite time experiment before you find a world where the Ender Dragon is defeated by Natural generation of TNT possibly happens, but I found another way that the vines may not be able to explode directly on the dragon after being antagonized by it, but I found that the vines sitting in the portal basket are safe from being hit by a recoil and will damage the dragon if they explode in that location. place while the dragon is perched, so you need a vine to explode in that place by other means, a snow golem man tags a vine, but there are also a rare and finite amount of carved pumpkins per world and the Golems die with a single dragon strike, meaning this is highly unlikely as the source of snow golems will eventually cease due to it being a non-renewable resource, but there is another mob that is renewable forever.
The skeleton, all you need is a skeleton to be hit and angry by the dragon who shoots the dragon missing and hits the vine in the basket causing the vine to explode on the skeleton damaging the dragon because this chain of events can happen over and over forever, it's much more likely that the proposed solution will make the game eventually defeat the dragon on its own. no hellish regeneration after so many creeper explosions, this way we finally have a dead dragon so Minecraft can eventually



, what else can it do? The first concern is to be fully connected.
Dimensions Retro Gaming now said in their video that if we had a version of the portal where the obsidian frame is one block away from being completed at its sex with an exposed desert lava bed and an Enderman removes some sand blocks for the water to hit that lava We have a complete obsidian portal frame, but lightning actually strikes in the desert, so this is the most likely way the portal could be powered. There are also seeds that have already completed Abyssal Portals, like this Seed where an incomplete Abyssal Portal merges with obsidian into a Mansion in the forest that is next to a lava fountain that sets the Mansion on fire which, depending on the RNG of the fire, most of the time it should illuminate the portal.
In this case, you would have a portal from the beginning, but both situations require certain seeds. What about the rest of the worlds? Enderman can destroy falling lava. sand and can create obsidian by directing the flow of water with block removal. This and a lava pool that is five blocks deep and four blocks wide anywhere along the lava body is what we need for Enderman to slowly create an obsidian frame which then only needs a lightning bolt, it's so rare that may not happen in every infinite world sequence, but this allows a large percentage of always-alone Minecraft worlds to join the naturally lit nether portal.
Club, as Retro Gaming now says in their video, there isn't much to do in the abyss, what's more interesting are the mobs that could come out of it, specifically the zoglins, a zoglin could come out of the abyss and make it to the end and through The portal spawned close enough to it would fight and eventually defeat the shulker, but how could we get the elytra out of the wall? Most mobs are too tall to fit into the nether portal frame, but a skeleton jockey might actually fit if hit by a snowball. an iron or arrow from another skeleton would then pass through the portal and land on the final ship, it would also travel inward and fight the zoglin fighting the zoglin; could eventually fail and knock the elytra off the wall after the battle, a fox could wander all the way through the outer portal to the ship and pick it up by holding it in its mouth.
Now we've covered the extent of the Retro Gaming video and covered some of the concepts and tried to modify the experiment and its answers a bit, but is this the end? Watching this amazing video gave me a couple of ideas. If the final portal were to spawn close enough, the fox could return to the main island, return to the Overworld and purchase a Sweet Berry bush or a dead chicken could drop the elytra. to focus on that, if a zombie walks on the elytra before disappearing, the zombie could automatically equip the elytra or if we forget that the fox re


to the elytra that are on the ground in the final ship instead of a fox wandering in a baby zombie could come in and equip it right away.
Surprisingly, there is an entity tag that you can use in commands that will allow zombies to glide forward with their elytra, although it seems very strange, it can be debated whether or not using this command would cross the line in the lack of player participation rule.of this experiment, but if you are willing to set it to the initial world starting conditions, if you let Minecraft play


, the game can power both portals to connect all the excavated dimensions until the defeat of the final portal. the Ender Dragon visit and the ships collect the elytra and really enjoy using the biggest post-game OP reward that Minecraft has at this point, what we're talking about is so unlikely that if this computer ran to the heat death of the universe, I might not be able to achieve this in time, but as long as it is possible, then the possibility is not zero.
Let's keep going. This zombie would be the hero of the undead, like that moment in Game of Thrones when the white walkers turned one of the Dragons. If the zombie could return to the Overworld, he could slide from town to town killing everyone who resists. , except being killed if you encounter an iron golem, villagers can't pick up items, but it would be really funny if they could. I imagine the villagers fighting. Never in the history of Minecraft had something like this appeared in his village and added it to his loot chests. The lower equivalent of this is a fox that wanders to the bottom with its elytra and drops them because it wants to. pig, then a piglet can also equip the elytra, although I don't know if they could glide with it, but what else is possible in snapshot 1.9?
Added 15 w31a iron blocks to the final chips, the setup was a 3x3 flat area and it would be take this setup as vertical for Enderman to come in with a pumpkin and spawn an iron golem, but Enderman can't go through the portal. Iron Golems appear naturally with villages anyway, and all he has to do is fall into small shapes to forget that he was ever part of a village and wander around just as bound and unbound. Iron Golems are not that difficult to achieve naturally, but this would still have produced an iron golem in a way that would otherwise be impossible. place the Iron Golem travels to naturally, but in Minecraft 1.9 snapshot 15w33c they temporarily replace the iron blocks with a single hopper to spawn on the floor at the end, unfortunately it's in the middle of the ship floor instead of the elytra that are on the other side of the ship wall, this is the only case in the entire history of Minecraft where a hopper has generated naturally anywhere and is just a few blocks away from sucking our elytra, allowing that is naturally stored so close that you could have a fox beak. up and then a chicken wandered down the path from the previous scheme of the two portals and reached the final ship and had the Fox in the square of the hopper at the time he killed the chicken to drop the elytra into the hopper so that the game will naturally store your A difficult prize.
He was excited about the gas because, given enough time, the gas wanders all over the world and some of them might even make it to the end, but if they make it to the end before they kill the Ender Dragon, it will kill them. the Ender Dragon very quickly the ghost will not retaliate because the ghost does not retaliate against anyone the guest will only shoot fire charges at the player no other mob ever this means that gas cannot wreak havoc on the Overworld setting everything on fire in a Minecraft then people, it is also a world where ghosts will never exist, but what other interesting things could happen, be patient with this, but if the Village generation is correct, it could produce a naturally generated iron farm, it needs the correct generation and then correct manipulation of Enderman, but If a large water source is relatively close and higher than the village, which is possible for villages near mountain biomes, then if Enderman could manipulate the paths of water by placing blocks enough, you could have a village where the villagers would be trapped inside because the village is buried. in currents of water flow that carry away all spawned Iron Golems until they are no longer part of the village, allowing Iron Golems to continually spawn.
If the water flow ends abruptly at the edge of a ravine, Iron Golems can be dropped and then killed. lava or trapped in a crevice and shot by skeletons from above into the 2x2 pit where they die, if there is a hole one by one further down where some of the iron can fall to safety, the iron could never be stored, but if the foxes they could reach it. loot through a random path, they could collect the iron in their mouths and spread the processed metal throughout the Overworld. Such a process, since the village is protected from Enderman manipulation raids and MOB attacks through water, you could be safe in this world forever for a while.
For a long time, its iron production capacity preserved the trapped villagers for eons but they were never allowed to die, as the Iron Golem's genocide continues long after our deaths. Now there are a few versions of Minecraft where changes were made to the game that turn this experiment into absolute chaos, the first is for Minecraft 1.10, when they added Enderman to the nether they gave Enderman the ability to also choose Netherrack and this was the case not for a short period of time, but for the next five versions of the game in 1.16. The ability was revoked, as was Enderman's ability to place blocks in Bedrock, this means that for five versions of the game, if left to its own devices, Minecraft's Nether Dimension becomes total chaos.
Enderman has the ability to excavate the dimension as deep as the air deepest from it. pocket possibly lost a pocket if they start draining lava lakes with gravel, given enough time they can bury entire abyssal fortresses, reveal naturally buried abyssal fortresses in Netherrack, and change the landscape continually and forever. It's like seeing the changes that erosion makes in the real world. Large landscapes. time lapses, but imagine them dictated not by the weather but by the completely random whims of Enderman creating strange shapes. Random mountains of things appear and disappear. Blaze spawners drowned in Netherrack to never spawn flames again.
The list goes on and on because Enderman had these abilities for five versions of Minecraft and could also place blocks on Bedrock, which was not a problem before since Enderman did not appear in the abyss previously, this means that for five versions of Minecraft, Enderman could take Netherrack above the lower ceiling and start making things spawnable. Up there, in conjunction with this experiment, tons of the netherscape are completely removed from the nether's demand stresses and a new nether is slowly built on top of the nether's rock roof, allowing spawns and gas that can flying unrestricted in the light blood red nether air, adding depth.
The time spent on these mechanics also allows Enderman to spread Netherrack throughout the Overworld and even some at the end eventually bury naturally generated structures and general landscapes in the Overworld as well when longer time is considered, but it is as staggering as the magnitude of what We are arguing. There could be a point in Minecraft history that makes the game much more complicated than this Minecraft Beta 1.8 introduction before the official 1.0 release. Minecraft beta 1.8 is when Notch first released Enderman into the game. They had many interesting original features, such as green eyes. and black smoke particles instead of the current purple ones, but what really


this experiment on its head is that Enderman originally had the ability to move any correct block, wooden boards from your house, glass planes from your house, obsidian, even blocks from your chest full of your items that could just be taken from him, this was way before Minecraft Redstone update 1.5, so you can't let Enderman accidentally create crazy Redstone gadgets and with some Redstone items that exist in the game at this point, you can't have them anyway because they don't generate naturally, but when you apply deep time to this game state, Minecraft becomes a turbulent matter rearranger.
No feature of the game, not even Bedrock is immune to enderman manipulation, they could move and build by naturally generating obsidian in obsidian frames which could then light up in various ways and then disappear again when an Enderman takes one of the blocks of obsidian deconstructed mountains imitations strange looking facsimiles of reconstructed mountains each of the naturally generated caves and abandoned mine shafts completely destroyed and rearranged naturally generating chests placed randomly around the world until billions of years later, the world of Minecraft is a perfectly balanced mix of random block soup with everything that is naturally generated in Minecraft Beta 1.8, all in completely random positions and occasionally producing strange and sometimes even beautiful structures arranged randomly, but that is not the final destination of this Minecraft world.
You see, Enderman can't move lava or water, but they can be pushed by mobs or other Enderman. If this happens enough times, they will die if they die while holding a block that is a block. that is removed from this world forever now play that equation ad infinitum the final fate of Minecraft Beta 1.8 is not a permanent disorder it is a permanent and complete annihilation Enderman can even move Bedrock but unfortunately they cannot pick up what is under their feet, So they're not creating holes that reveal the void of the overworld any time soon, but from the open cave blocks that go into the Bedrock spaces to make the Bedrock areas hollow, are the deeper spaces where the air touches from there, those areas can be extended when Enderman collects the Bedrock blocks. and take them away to eventually be destroyed by Enderman's death, eventually what you would get is a Minecraft world completely devoid of all blocks except mountains of material hidden and protected by water and lava and the deepest layer of bedrock in y1 totally exposed. super flat, completely devoid of everything in this version.
The future of Minecraft without you is a slow, painful annihilation followed by the eternal silence of nothingness, leaving me wondering if this future of emptiness and death is possible in other versions of Minecraft. What is the ultimate future of your Minecraft world? We'll cover that topic in the next video. I'm going to tell you something that may be hard to believe. The cure for cancer. Insert time travel. Teleportation. Anything that is physically possible within the limits of the laws of physics has already been invented here. On Earth, the Library of Babel is a website created by Jonathan Basile that has an algorithm that has generated every 3,200-character theoretical text that could exist if you took a moment to try to conceive of it, plus all the answers our society could need.
In terms of innovation, everything you've ever said, everything you'll ever say, exists in this library, unfortunately exploring this library is a scavenger hunt where you're less likely to find those things than winning the lottery 100 times in a row because with every coherent page that may exist comes with every random, incomprehensible combination of letters that will completely bury all these things that we may find meaningful or useful. Minecraft has unlimited possibilities even if we don't do anything, what we just did with Minecraft is it takes every possible outcome without player input and considers it as a Multiverse of all total possibilities and focuses on some of the most interesting and meaningful outcomes. in terms of the Library of Babel.
It reminds me every day that all possible states of your life already exist. you just have to make intuitions and choices to arrive at that predetermined path that already exists in the fifth dimensional overlay of total outcomes in our universe. I'm really excited to explore more possibilities of that overlay in Survival Minecraft for the next video. A deep thank you to our top tier sponsors, Comrade Bake dprk Cristiano frasinetti eprb Jonathan Finelli Connor L here Longs Mr zombie Grizz dude 551 Matthew scarberry and thabalt tollette the impact of your contribution transcends time and space, which means I am grateful for that too.
In addition to seeing all your beautiful and interesting names, if I could adopt them, I would instill them in my transhumanist cult which aims to extend Consciousness beyond normal time periods so that we can reflect on deep questions like this for longer periods of time required. time extending from

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