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"It Goes Straight to Your Subconscious Mind" - "I AM" Affirmations For Success, Wealth & Happiness

May 10, 2024
I am enough I am worth living this life I control my thoughts in the direction I choose I am the creator of my world I love my body deeply, deeply and joyfully My body has its own wisdom and I fully trust it My looks are just a projection of what I think of myself. I become more beautiful and brighter every day. I love the person I see in the mirror. I choose to see divine perfection in every cell of my body. As I love myself more, I allow it. others to love me I am love and I am compassion Shortcomings are transformed through love and acceptance Here and now I choose to honor my beauty, my strength and my unique way of being I love how I feel when I take care of myself Today my own well-being is my main priority I fully trust my inner voice The more I know myself the clearer it becomes what the purpose of my life is Today I follow my heart and discover my destiny I have my destiny special place in this world The goal of my life is to share with others the best of me.
it goes straight to your subconscious mind   i am affirmations for success wealth happiness
Today I offer the world the gift of love, passion, joy and my talent. Here and now I begin to move towards the purpose of my life of which I am worthy. love and respect I deserve good people around me The purpose of my life is only decided by me Everything is fine here and now Peace and tranquility begin with conscious choice Today I embrace simplicity, peace and relaxation A peaceful heart makes a life peaceful I trust that the universe sends me the best that there is in each circumstance By becoming peaceful, I create peace in each experience I fill my entire being with the light of love, peace and


Peace begins when I stop controlling every detail I am calm I breathe in balance and exhale imbalance Where peace lives there is no place for fear Today my mission is to be a better person for myself and for others I am love I am ready for a real relationship full of love All my Connections are important and they fill me As I share love with others, the universe returns love to me.
it goes straight to your subconscious mind   i am affirmations for success wealth happiness

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it goes straight to your subconscious mind i am affirmations for success wealth happiness...

I appreciate every person I meet as worthy of my love. I trust the universe that knows what person I need in my life. Today I free myself. from fear and open my heart to receive real love I am grateful for the people I have in my life right now I am the perfect partner for my perfect partner I am worthy of a real relationship, full of love and respect, I deserve to be. Loved and I let myself be loved I am strong and healthy My energy and vitality increase every day I am open to the free and natural flow of well-being My inner voice guides towards the correct paths of healing Abundant health and well-being are my birthright Thank you for the vigor, health and vitality I feel better and more powerful right now I love taking care of myself Today the food I put into my body is my top priority I am grateful for the opportunity to balance my


, body and soul I am awake to receive the highest wisdom My inner voice guides every moment of my life My thinking is clear, organized and focused I am always aware of the correct actions intended to help me achieve my goals When I know where I want to go, going there is a certainty Today I am fully synchronized with my wisdom interior Harmony is always a sign of inner balance Thank you for showing me the path to my dream I trust my intuition and my feelings I am detached and always open to divine guidance I am full of light, love and peace I always treat myself with compassion and respect No I am perfect, I am just myself I love myself Today I allow myself to shine I honor the best parts of myself and share them with others I am proud of myself I did well so far, I will be better Today I allow myself to be stronger than my fears I love myself no matter what let it happen I am grateful for the traits, qualities and talents that make me unique Thank you I am the creator of my own experiences I am loved and supported by the universe I am a powerful spiritual being I am able to attract everything I need I am a spiritual being who has a physical experience I am at peace with the world around me and the world is at peace with me I choose to be happy and I deserve to be happy Today I create harmony, peace and joy for myself I am happy and calm right in this moment I have everything I need to be happy I renounce old beliefs and I install new and healthier thoughts I am a positive and important person on this earth I am confident I happily build a happy relationship I firmly believe that I am attracting my soulmate Others are attracted to me because of my positive energy I renounce all thoughts negative feelings about myself I am proud of who I have become I love and accept myself unconditionally I am unique and special I am worthy of the respect of others I welcome all the good that life offers me Life loves me and I love life life My life is wonderful Everything is fine now and always Living fully and freely is my birthright I give life what I want it to give me I am happy to be alive Life supports me Life created me to be whole I trust life and life supports me in every situation My future is bright Now I live in love, light and unlimited


Any situation will turn out well I am safe Everything is fine in my world Everything works I free myself from any fear and destructive doubts I accept myself and create peace in my


and in my heart I am willing to forgive Forgiveness is my precious gift I forgive myself and others and set myself free I am at peace Divine peace and harmony surround me and live within me I am tolerant and compassionate with myself and with other beings I am beautiful and everyone loves me I am in the process of positive change Only good things come to me I am healthy, happy, prosperous and have inner peace I listen carefully to the messages from my body my body always works for better health I am whole and healthy I am happy My intuition is always by my side, I completely trust it I am ready to change for the better I am ready to put aside any bad habits I am ready to install new mindsets, new routines I deserve new constructive thoughts I am at peace My body reflects it through a perfect state of health I am grateful for what I have now I accept new experiences with open arms I have faith that life is wonderful I am loved because I exist Others reflect the love I have for myself I deserve to experience love I have lovely people around I am on my side and easily express my love to others I have what it takes in my mind and soul to enjoy a loving and prosperous life I have the perfect home I feel comfortable in my space I am blessed with a beautiful home I spread love throughout my space and gives me warmth and comfort back.
it goes straight to your subconscious mind   i am affirmations for success wealth happiness
I am at peace. I appreciate everything I do. I am enough just the way I am. I say what I think when I feel like it. I ask for what I want. I want I claim my power I am strong I can face any challenge I live in the present moment The past is gone and has no power over me From now on, I am free I create my thoughts I choose only the positive ones I am safe and I am free I am free from all guilt I do the best I can with what I know, understand and am aware I am unlimited in creating the life I want I give love and joy and they return to me I am perfect and life is a joy I create with love a wonderful life The store of my heart It is always open and I am safe I only let in good and positive thoughts I am a strong channel of healing love I am determined to experience all the joys of life I am beyond excited to live in my body I am meant to look how I look, like I see myself, so I honor him with unconditional love.
it goes straight to your subconscious mind   i am affirmations for success wealth happiness
Every organ, every cell, every muscle and bone reacts to the love I send giving me radiant health. Nothing and no one can disturb my interior. peace I create chaos and make it disappear I am in charge I am flexible and free I accept that life is full of changing experiences I am open to change I am not the limitation of my parents Fear and restrictions are false thoughts that hang in my mind The I eliminate with positive intentions I observe my negative thoughts and delete them easily I was created to experience love and kindness My thoughts are my best friends I now free myself from any destructive ideas I believe in my dreams My mind is a powerful tool and I use it in my own interest I give 100% in everything I do I am patient, I take it step by step I am aware that everything starts with me I love and appreciate myself I am in charge of my own happiness I take difficult times as a sign to move in a different direction My happiness It is within me Nothing from the outside can give it to me I am responsible for my own feelings My life is my creation I stop complaining right here, right now What is best has what is to come I believe in the beautiful tomorrow My future is full of great opportunities I am grateful for every breath I take I am surrounded by loving people who encourage me to be healthy Every day of my life is filled with satisfaction, hope and gratitude My body is connected to the wisdom of the universe.
Health is my birthright, perfect health is my divine right. Right now, I claim this right. Every day my body is filled with more and more energy, it is healthier and filled with more vitality. My body talks to me and tells me what it needs. My body does everything it can to create the perfect state of health. I take care of him with love and respect. I am deeply grateful for the healing that occurs within every cell of my body. I free myself from all bad thoughts about people. incidents, events or anything else I am ready to heal my body A healing energy flows within me now and always I deserve to live a healthy and fulfilling life I attract each moment I eat well and properly hydrate my body I have enough physical activity I can make the best decisions for me Joy and vitality are my natural states My immune system protects my body in a wise and strong way My body radiates pure vitality Every system within my body functions perfectly I am grateful for all the healing processes that take place within of my body at this moment I have a healthy and strong heart that beats at the perfect rhythm of life My back is strong and supports me I fully trust my intuition and wisdom.
Everything that happens has a reason and I can see the good in it. I release it. Myself from anger I trust the process of life I may not see the good in this difficult time, but I am aware that it is there I gather all my hopes and courage and claim its power I choose to be optimistic in the face of any problem I ask for help and guidance when I need it I feel strong and present in my life I am more than enough I leave any doubt and insecurity behind I start doing it here and now I trust my decisions This is the best time to act This is the time to exercise This is the time to start eating well I am determined I am fully present in my relationship I appreciate the quality time I spend with my loved ones Kind words and loving gestures are always present in my relationships I am deeply grateful for all the love and support I receive from other people I focus on the good things in my relationships Whatever happens to me, it is meant to be This is a great time to be alive I put all my passion and energy into everything I do what I am comfortable with how I speak and how I behave I free myself from the need to judge I do my best to understand people better I am compassionate I am compelled to experience the right events for my life I learn quickly I am willing to invest time and patience in my growth I understand that I have everything I need I need to develop As I forgive others, I forgive myself I let go of the need to punish those who wronged me Their behavior is not my responsibility I choose the right thing and heal myself while doing this The behaviors of others do not determine who I am I and only I can decide how to react in life I choose to always be loving and forgiving I control how I respond to the attitudes of others People care about my feelings and respect me I am unconditional love I always react with love and truth instead of fear and doubt.
I can learn how to make good decisions and how to create effective lifestyles for myself. I am open to receiving the love and admiration of others. I face my pains and overcome them. I am at peace with myself and with others around me I am complete just as I am I focus on making my heart feel good and not my senses I enjoy life in all the ways I can I believe in the truth of my heart I am capable to make me feel safe and protected I enjoy every moment of my experience I am willing to learn and give unconditional love I free myself from the need to change others I focus on myself and what I need to improve I am a wonderful creation I choose to be happy for all my blessings I create my own happy circumstances I separate myself from negative vibrations I avoid gossip and people who do it I am useful I am desired I am effective I enjoy my entire being Nothing has power over me unless I allow it to.
I am free I am for inner peace and not for material things I value the present moment Any worry about the future is a useless waste of energy I am sure of freeing myself from the past I am the perfect piece of the puzzle of my life Right here, right now I begin to build my own perfect life I take care of myself and I am safe I am destined for good things I am patient I respect my own rhythm I find peace in the love I give and receive from others I am satisfied with my actions I can love myself right now without waiting for others do it I am completely relaxed I am safe in this very moment I am polite and kind to others and to myselfThe world is what it is I choose to be kind and respectful I choose to rewrite my story with love and wisdom I let go of regrets and start a new chapter I choose what is right and the universe rewards me I am free to make my own right decisions I am in control I deserve to be appreciated for the good things I do I inhale life and exhale shame I inhale love and exhale guilt I believe anything is possible I am here for a purpose The universe will keep me safe to fulfill this purpose I help others and others will help me It is safe to open up With new people and new experiences I free myself from the guilt of being happy I deserve my happy moments I welcome life in its fullness I value all moments, whether good or bad I have the wisdom and guidance I need to work on things it doesn't matter what I live my life how I feel and life rewards me I am able to focus my heart on happiness and love I focus on my own experiences and not those of others People accept me as I am Life flows through of me and I embrace


energy I am grateful to be here It is safe to share my love with others It is safe to share my life with others Love is everything Winning is not I live according to what my heart dictates I leave my unhealthy decisions behind to discover the true meaning of life I am willing to try everything that life gives me I am a warrior, I do not give up from now on, I make the impossible possible I can do whatever is necessary because I have support I can and I will I can move forward with faith, with an open mind and with joy.
I am motivated to move forward to create the perfect circumstances for myself. I have the ability to learn and teach others. I can step forward and speak my truth I am capable It's okay to want something that someone else can offer I can ask for my rights and still be a good person I can accept defeat and move on Just because I haven't achieved my goals doesn't mean my actions were not efficient Other people's opinions are never more valid than mine Maybe I want to help my loved ones, but it is not necessary to do so all the time If I choose to say no, this does not mean I become a bad person If I say no not to someone asking me for help, doesn't mean I had to say yes.
I feel good about myself, even though not everyone likes me. Everything I need to know will be revealed. to me at the right time There is enough good for everyone in this world I am worthy of good things I create the perfect conditions for my perfect life I ignore obstacles and focus on fulfilling my own good Whatever I focus on increases, so I I focus only on the delights that my life offers me. I am on my way to my best self. I am developing. I dissolve all negative vibrations. I align with positive divine frequencies. I show no interest in complaints or pettiness.
I trust where my inner voice guides me. I find a way when others tell me there isn't one I listen to the voices of others, but I let them pass I respect my dignity I make time for myself I am capable of doing great things because I trust my intuition I use my present time, not my future I choose make things happen here and now I am confident in what I speak I appreciate my uniqueness and I am sure to share it with those around me My asset is myself I am free to be myself I am responsible only for my own attitude I feel blessed by my two feet that help me move I am grateful for the changes I have gone through I deserve a better life my mind is open to receive all the prosperity this universe has to offer I am in a constant state of grace and satisfaction I choose only quality content to fill my mind .
I distribute only good energies and positive vibrations in the world. It's okay to ignore certain people. I can choose not to talk to certain people. I am good friend. Even though I don't call my friends, I'm often a good kid, even though I don't tell my parents how much I love them. I am a deserving person, although I am not fully aware of my value. more focused and less distracted I am quieter and less noisy I am more willing and less ignorant I am complex I have everything I need to build incredible experiences for others and for myself I am perfect just as I am I claim my value and the universe reveals it to me My heart is valuable and I take good care of it I protect myself from any bad vibrations I dance to my own music It's okay that others don't understand me I'm okay with myself and that's enough I'm comfortable talking to myself in the mirror I'm wrong I'm sorry thank you I believe in you I am proud of you I need you I trust you I respect you I am worth living this life I control my thoughts in the direction I choose I am the creator of my world I love my body deeply, deeply and joyfully My body has its own wisdom and I trust it completely My appearance is just a projection of what I think about myself I become more beautiful and brighter every day I love the person I see in the mirror I choose to see divine perfection in every cell of my body As I love myself more, I allow others love me I am love and I am compassion Deficiencies are transformed through love and acceptance Right here, right now, I choose to honor my beauty, my strength and my unique way of being I love how I feel when I take care of myself Today my own Well-being is my main priority I completely trust my inner voice The more I know myself, the clearer it becomes what the purpose of my life is Today I follow my heart and discover my destiny I have my special place in this world The goal of my life is to share with others the best parts of me Today I offer the world the gift of love, passion, joy and my talent Here and now I begin to move towards the purpose of my life I am worthy of love and respect I deserve good people around me What is the purpose Only I decide about my life.
Everything is fine here, right? now Peace and tranquility begin with a conscious choice Today I embrace simplicity, peace and relaxation A peaceful heart makes a peaceful life I trust that the universe sends me the best in every circumstance By becoming peaceful, I create peace in each experience that fills my entire being with the light of love, peace and happiness Peace begins when I stop controlling every detail I am calm I breathe in balance and exhale imbalance Where peace lives there is no place for fear Today my mission is to be best person for myself and for others I am love I am ready for a real, loving relationship All my connections are meaningful and fulfilling As I share love with others, the universe returns love to me I appreciate every person I meet as worthy of me love I trust in the universe that knows what person I need in my life Today I free myself from fear and open my heart to welcome true love I am grateful for the people I have in my life at this moment I am the perfect partner for my perfect partner I am worthy of a real relationship full of love and respect I deserve to be loved and I let myself be loved I am strong and healthy my energy and vitality increase every day I am open to freedom and natural flow of well-being My inner voice guides towards the correct ways of healing Health and Abundant wellness is my birthright Thank you for the vigor, health and vitality I feel better and more powerful right now I love taking care of myself Today the food I give to my body is my top priority.
I appreciate the opportunity to balance my mind, body and soul. I am awake to receive the highest wisdom. My inner voice guides every moment of my life. My thinking is clear, organized and focused. I am always. aware of the correct actions aimed at helping me achieve my goals When I know where I want to go, there is a certainty of going Today I am completely synchronized with my inner wisdom Harmony is always a sign of inner balance Thank you for showing me the path to my dream I trust in my intuition and my feelings I am detached and always open to divine guidance I am full of light, love and peace I always treat myself with compassion and respect I am not perfect, I am just myself I love myself Today I allow myself to shine I honor the best parts of me and I share them with others I am proud of myself I did well so far, I will be better Today I allow myself to be stronger than my fears I love myself no matter what happens I am grateful for the traits, qualities and talents that make me unique Thank you I am the creator of my own experiences I am loved and supported by the universe I am a powerful spiritual being I am able to attract everything I need I am a spiritual being who has a physical experience I am at peace with the world around me, and the world is at peace with me I choose to be happy and I deserve to be happy Today I create harmony, peace and joy for myself I am happy and calm right at this moment I have everything I need to be happy I renounce old beliefs and install new and healthier ones I am a person positive and important on this earth I am confident I happily build a happy relationship I firmly believe that I am attracting my soulmate Others are attracted to me because of my positive energy I renounce all negative thoughts and feelings about myself I am proud of what I I have become I love and accept myself unconditionally I am unique and special I am worthy of others' respect I welcome all the good that life offers me Life loves me and I love life My life is wonderful Everything is fine now and always Live full and free is my birthright I give life what I want it to give me I am happy to be alive Life sustains me Life created me to be full I trust life and life supports me in every situation My future is bright Now I live in love, light and unlimited happiness Any situation will turn out well I am safe Everything is fine in my world Everything works I free myself from any fear and destructive doubt I accept myself and create peace in my mind and in my heart I am willing to forgive Him forgiveness is my precious gift I forgive myself and others and set myself free I am at peace Divine peace and harmony surround me and live within me I am tolerant and compassionate with myself and with other beings I am beautiful and everyone loves me I am in positive change process Only good things come to me I am healthy, happiness, prosperity and inner peace.
I listen carefully to my body's messages My body always works for better health I am whole and healthy I am happy My intuition is always by my side I fully trust it I am willing to change for the better I am ready to let go of any bad habits I am ready to install new mentalities, new routines. I deserve new constructive thoughts. I am inner peace, my body reflects it through a perfect state of health. I am grateful for what I have now. I welcome new experiences with open arms. I have faith that life is wonderful I am loved because I exist Others reflect the love I have for myself I deserve to experience love I have lovely people by my side and I easily express my love to others I have what I need in my mind and in my soul to enjoy a loving and prosperous life I have a perfect home I feel comfortable in my space I am blessed with a beautiful home I spread love throughout my space and it brings back warmth and comfort I am at peace I appreciate everything I do enough just as I am I say it I think when I feel like I ask for what I want I claim my power I am strong I can face any challenge I live in the present moment the past is gone and has no power over me From now on I am free I create my thoughts I choose only the positive ones I am safe and I am free I am free from any guilt I do the best I can with what I know, understand and what I am aware of I am unlimited in creating the life I want I give love and joy and they return to me I am perfect and life is a joy I create with love a wonderful life The store of my heart is always open and I am safe I only let in good and positive thoughts I am a strong channel of healing love I am determined to experience all the joys of life I am beyond excited to live in my body I am meant to look the way I look The way I look, so I honor it with unconditional love Every organ, every muscle, every cell and bone reacts to the love I send giving me radiant health Nothing and no one can disturb my inner peace I create chaos and make it disappear I am in charge I am flexible and free I accept that life is full of changing experiences I am open to change I am not the limitation of my parents Fear and restrictions are false thoughts that hang in my mind The I eliminate with positive intentions I observe my negative thoughts and eliminate them easily I was created to experience love and kindness My thoughts are my best friends now I free myself from any destructive ideas I believe in my dreams My mind is a powerful tool and I use it for my own benefit I give 100% in everything I do I am patient, I take it step by step I am aware that everything starts with me I love and appreciate myself I am responsible for my own happiness I take difficult moments as a sign to move in a different direction My happiness is within me Nothing from the outside can give it to me I am responsible for my own feelings My life is my creation I stop complaining here and now The best is yet to come I believe in the beautiful tomorrow My future is full of great opportunities I am grateful for every breath I take I take I am surrounded by love people who encourage me to be healthy Every day of my life is full of joy, hope and gratitude.
My body is connected to the wisdom of the universe. Health is my birthright, perfect health is my divine right. Right now I claim this right Every day my bodyfilled with more and more energy, it is healthier and full of more vitality My body speaks to me and tells me what it needs My body does everything possible to create the perfect state of health I take care of it with love and respect I am deeply grateful for the healing that occurs within every cell of my body. I free myself from all bad thoughts related to people, incidents or anything else.
I am ready to heal my body. A healing energy flows within me now. and I always deserve to live a healthy and full life. I attract every moment. I eat well and adequately hydrate my body. I have enough physical activity. I can make the best decisions for me. Joy and vitality are my natural states. My immune system. protect my body in a wise and strong way My body radiates pure vitality Every system within my body functions perfectly I am grateful for all the healing processes that are taking place within my body at this moment I have a healthy and strong heart that beats perfect rhythm of life My back is strong and supportive I fully trust my intuition and wisdom Everything that happens has a reason and I can see the good in it I free myself from anger I trust the process of life I may not see the good in This difficult time, but I am aware that it is there, I collect all my hopes and courage and claim its power.
I choose to be optimistic in the face of any problem. I ask for help and guidance whenever I need it. I feel strong and present in my life I am more than enough I leave any doubt and insecurity behind I start doing it right here, right now I trust my decisions this is the best time to act this is the time to exercise this is the time to start eating well I am determined I am fully present in my relationship I appreciate the quality time I spend with my loved ones Kind words and loving gestures are always present in my relationships I am deeply grateful for all the love and support I receive from other people I focus on the good things in my relationships Whatever happens to me, it is meant to be This is a great time to be alive I put all my passion and energy into everything I do I feel comfortable with the way I speak and behave I free myself from the need to judge I do my best to understand people better I am compassionate I am compelled to experience the right events for my life I learn quickly I am willing to invest time and patience in my growth I understand that I have everything I need to develop As I forgive others, I forgive myself I separate myself from the need to punish those who wronged me Their behavior is not my responsibility I choose what is right and heal while doing it The behaviors of others do not determine who I am, and only I can decide how to react in life I choose to always be loving and forgiving I control how I respond to the attitudes of others People care about my feelings and respect me I am unconditionally loving I always react with love and truth instead of fear and doubt.
I can learn how to make good decisions and how to create effective lifestyles for myself. I am open to receiving the love and admiration of others. I face my pains and overcome them. I am at peace with myself and with others around me I am whole just as I am I focus on making my heart feel good and not my senses I enjoy life in every way I can I believe in the truth of my heart I am capable of feel safe and protected I enjoy every moment of my experience I am willing to learn and give unconditional love I free myself from the need to change others I focus on myself and what I need to improve I am a wonderful creation I choose to be happy for all my blessings I create my own happy circumstances I detach myself from negative vibrations I avoid gossip and people who do it I am useful I am desired I am effective I enjoy my whole being Nothing has power over me unless I allow it I am free I am for inner peace and not for material things I value the present moment Any worry about the future is a useless waste of energy I am sure of freeing myself from the past I am the perfect piece of the puzzle of my life Here and now I begin to build my own perfect life I take care of myself and I am safe I am destined for good things I am patient I respect my own rhythm I find peace in the love I give and receive from others I am satisfied with my actions I can love myself right now without waiting for others to do so I am completely relaxed I am safe in this very moment I am courteous and kind to others and to myself The world is what it is I choose to be kind and respectful I choose to rewrite my story with love and wisdom I let go of regrets and start a new chapter I choose what is right and the universe rewards me I am free to make my own right decisions I am in control I deserve to be appreciated for the good things I do I inhale life and exhale shame I inhale love and exhale guilt I believe anything is possible I am here for a purpose The universe will keep me safe to fulfill this purpose I help others and others will help me It is safe to open up to new people and new experiences I free myself from the guilt of being happy I deserve my happy moments I welcome life in its fullness I appreciate all moments, whether good or bad I have the wisdom and guidance I need to figure things out no matter what I live my life how I feel and life rewards me I am able to focus my heart on happiness and love I focus on my own experiences and not those of others People accept me just the way I am Life flows through me and I embrace its energy I am grateful to be here It is safe to share my love with others It is safe to share my life with others Love is everything, winning is not I live by it what my heart dictates I leave my unhealthy decisions behind to discover the true meaning of my life I am willing to try everything that life offers me I am a warrior, I do not give up.
From now on, I make the impossible possible. I can do whatever it takes because I have support. I can and will do. I am able to move forward with faith, open mind. and joy I am motivated to move to create the perfect circumstances for myself I have the ability to learn and teach others I am able to step forward and speak my truth I am capable It is okay to want something that someone else can offer I can ask for my rights and move on being a good person I am able to accept defeat and move on Just because I have not achieved my goals, does not mean that my actions were not efficient Others' opinions are never more valid than mine Maybe I want to help my loved ones , but you don't have to do it all the time If I choose to say no, it doesn't make me a bad person If I say no to someone who asked me for help, it doesn't mean I had to say yes.
I feel good about myself, even though not everyone likes me. Everything I need to know will be revealed to me at the right time. There is enough good for everyone in this. world I am worthy of good things I create the perfect conditions for my perfect life I ignore obstacles and focus on fulfilling my own good Everything I focus on increases, so I focus only on the delights my life offers me I am on my path I am developing towards my best self. I dissolve all negative vibrations. I align with positive divine frequencies. I show no interest in complaints and pettiness.
I trust where my inner voice guides me. I find a way when others tell me there is none. I hear the voices of others, but I let them pass. I respect my dignity. I take time for myself. I am capable of doing great things because I trust my intuition. I use my present tense, not my future. I choose to make things happen here. , and now I am confident in what I speak I appreciate my uniqueness and I am sure to share it with those around me My asset is myself I am free to be myself I am responsible only for my own attitude I feel blessed by my two feet that help me move I am grateful for the changes I have gone through I deserve a better life My mind is open to receive all the prosperity this universe has to offer I am in a constant state of grace and satisfaction I choose only quality content to fill my mind I spread only good energies to the world and positive vibes.
It's okay to ignore certain people. I can choose not to talk to certain people. I'm a good friend, although I don't call my friends that often. a good child, although I do not tell my parents how much I love them I am a deserving person, although I am not fully aware of my value I am more focused and less distracted I am quieter and less noisy I am more willing and less ignorant I am complex I have everything What I need to build incredible experiences for others and for myself I am perfect just the way I am I claim my value and the universe reveals it to me My heart is valuable and I take good care of it I protect myself from any bad vibrations I dance to my own music It's okay that others don't understand me I'm okay with myself and that's enough I feel comfortable talking to myself in the mirror I'm wrong I'm sorry thank you I believe in you I'm proud of you I need you I trust you I respect you You can I love you Subtitles from the community

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