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Israeli Fighter Jets and Tanks Rain Fire on Rafah | Vantage with Palki Sharma

May 20, 2024
Hello Namaskar, this is the first post and you are watching with me py Sharma after days of preparation, Rafa's attack has started. Israel is reigning


in Gaza City as the United States halts military shipments. Netanyahu sends a defiant message to Joe Biden and says the Israelis will do it. They fight with their nails, but beyond the rhetoric, how Israel is positioned and how much damage the American measure can cause them, we will discuss all that in southern China, we will see another escalation. Beijing claims it has reached a secret deal with Manila, leaked audio. recordings as proof, we will tell you what this is all about and also why the West has declared war on Chinese electric vehicles from Europe to the United States.
israeli fighter jets and tanks rain fire on rafah vantage with palki sharma
Everyone is talking about tariffs to exclude Chinese cars from India. Companies are adopting artificial intelligence faster than the rest of the world We will bring you the findings of a new report in Bangladesh, a visit by India's top diplomat amid reports that China is considering a major project on the Tista River In Pakistan, occupied Kashmir, a brutal crackdown on a peaceful protest, two school girls said to be killed, you may not see these reports in the Western press or the concerns about the human rights of Kashmiris here in Nepal, the government is prioritizing the mental health of pregnant women and young mothers.
israeli fighter jets and tanks rain fire on rafah vantage with palki sharma

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israeli fighter jets and tanks rain fire on rafah vantage with palki sharma...

We'll tell you how Elon Musk's b


chip is reporting a glitch. Does that mean Netflix is ​​betting big on Africa but faces serious competition and why is Japanese bread making the news? All this and more makes headlines first in India. Supreme Court grants interim bail to Delhi Chief Minister Arin Krial, who had sought help in campaigning. for the ongoing general elections, the court asks the prime minister to surrender on June 2, a day after the final phase of the Lok saaba elections. China's new ambassador to India takes office and says he is willing to work with New Delhi to find solutions to outstanding problems. issues the post was empty for 18 months relations between the two countries have been frozen, except trade, since the Ladak border clash on May 22 20 Taiwan air force conducts live-




ing exercises



, missiles and laser-guided bombs were deployed during this exercise this year just days before the inauguration of a new president seen by China as a dangerous separatist in quotes Beijing claims Taiwan is part of its territory UK emerges from recession after That its economy reported better-than-expected growth in the first quarter is much-needed good news to besiege Prime Minister Rishi Sunag ahead of this year's general election and heatstroke has already claimed more than 60 lives in Thailand. this year, which is more than the total number of deaths throughout 2023, the delayed monsoon season and the eline phenomenon are blamed for the high temperatures the countdown has ended the attack on Rafa has begun it is the most important part of this war thousands of civilian lives are at stake as is a long-standing alliance of Israel and the US.
israeli fighter jets and tanks rain fire on rafah vantage with palki sharma
A last-minute talk was taking place over the fire of the seas in Cairo but on Thursday It fell apart as soon as it did. Israel intensified the offensive. They targeted



from Eastern Raa and attack drones targeted buildings. Footage showed smoke rising from the city. Tanks were also moved to the site. They are parked on a road that runs through the center of Rafa. So the plan is pretty clear: first cut off the eastern part of the city, then bomb it non-stop and what happens to the civilians? The United Nations says around 100,000 of them have fled and those who remain are at risk because Rafa's public infrastructure has deteriorated.
israeli fighter jets and tanks rain fire on rafah vantage with palki sharma
It collapsed the hospitals are close to breaking point the food is running out there is no drinking water available and the electricity will run out soon just look at the consequences of an Israeli attack members of the civil defense came and picked them up in pieces my friend died They also picked it up in pieces everything is in pieces we were behind the attacked house the glass fell on us, thank goodness it was on our legs it is a multi-front operation you have


firing from the ground Jets and drones firing from the sky and soldiers fighting On the streets there is simply no respite, take a look, so the battle has really begun and what about diplomacy?
The United States is trying to push back against Israel. President Joe Biden said he will suspend some military sales to Israel, mainly bombs and rockets. It is a very important measure. The United States is the most important country in Israel. Major ally about 68% of its weapons imports come from the United States, so for Biden to have a share is huge, but Nan is defiant and says the Israelis will fight with their nails if necessary, we are determined and united to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us if we need to be alone we will be alone I have said that if necessary we will fight with our nails but we have much more than nails and with that same strength of spirit with the help of God together we will win it is a great comment, but let's be real.
You can't beat Hamas with your nails. Real weapons are needed. Does Israel have enough weapons? The military says yes. A spokesperson was asked about Biden's decision. He said that Israel has enough weapons for Rafa. operation, but no army is expected to downplay its capabilities, but the real picture could be more complicated. just look at Israel's war strategy from day one. It has been the same to use bombs in the cities of Gaza, destroy buildings and public infrastructure and finally deploy soldiers, but for that. you need a lot of ammunition, you need precision guided bombs, you need bunker busters and you need rockets, these are all part of the shipment stopped by Biden, so Israel has two options here: use its reserves and continue with the same strategy or try. something different maybe deploy soldiers instead of massive bombings, but both strategies have risks if Israel's reserves run out, its enemies may have ideas like hisbah or the huies and if it deploys soldiers there will be more casualties and deaths, so Netanyahu has to be careful with his allies.
We have drawn very clear red lines for him, if he crosses those lines there could be problems, that is why Netanyahu is following a double path, on the one hand the war continues, he says that Israel will fight with its nails, on the other hand he talks about concessions, the IDF They are posting videos from the Kim Shalom crossing, showing eight trucks entering Gaza, so Israel is saying, look, the checkpoint is open. The Prime Minister also gave an interview and talked about the different differences with Joe Biden. I have known Joe Biden for many years, 40 years and more. uh, you know, we often had our agreements, but we've had uh, our disagreements, we've been able to overcome them.
I hope we can overcome them now, but we will do what we have to do to protect our country and that means protecting our future. So what is Netanyahu's plan? Is he testing Biden's resolve? If so, it makes sense that the United States has only detained one military shipment. There is still billions of dollars worth of aid for Israel if Biden takes ad


of Netanyahu being able to take him more seriously because at this point nothing has changed. really the bombings and debts continue now let's talk about the South China Sea. A major dispute has broken out that could further raise tensions in the volatile region.
Among the many disputes in the South China Sea is the one between the Philippines and China and now China. has made an important claim, it says that it has reached a secret agreement with the Philippines, a secret agreement that dilutes Manila's claims in this disputed region, that is what Chinese diplomats say and do they have proof of this agreement? They're citing a phone call, China says. This phone call occurred in January Listen to this earlier this year China repeatedly negotiated with the Philippine Western Command through diplomatic channels to reach a new model for the second Thomas SCH transport and subsidy.
They are talking about a new model in the second. Thomas SCH This is part of the Spratly Islands, the disputed region that both China and the Philippines say belongs to them in recent months. China has intensified its presence here. He has been using force to assert his claims. It has been sending Coast Guard ships. We have been deployed around a shipwreck, the BRP Sierra Madra, it is a rusty ship that Manila refuses to remove. This ship has been here since 1999. She has become a symbol of Manila's claims. In fact, the Philippines has stationed troops to protect it and they often send supplies to them. troops via ships and China tries to block these shipments by firing water cannons at them or colliding with Philippine ships.
These are all dangerous moves, of course, increasing the risk of conflict. Now China itself says that they have a secret agreement, a gentlemen's agreement, that is the term. They have used an agreement with the Philippines, they are talking about a new model to manage the dispute and what is this model? Beijing claims that Manila has agreed to send fewer ships to the second Thomas school and whenever they plan a resupply mission, whenever the Philippines plans a mission they will notify China in advance; In other words, Manila will consult with Beijing every time it visits its own territory.
These are the terms of the so-called secret agreement, only China says that such an agreement was made and now China. says Manila is breaking it what does Manila say it has dismissed China's claims? says that such an agreement was never reached and that is not all The Philippines is now threatening to expel the Chinese diplomats for these claims Eduardo has spoken year that he is the National Security Advisor of the Philippines his target is the Chinese mission in Manila, listen to what he said, the Chinese embassy in Manila and I quote has orchestrated repeated acts of engaging in and spreading disinformation, misinformation and bad information, those actions should not be allowed to pass without authorization without serious sanction and that sanction could be expulsion of Chinese diplomats listen to Beijing's response the relevant statement of the Philippine side precisely shows that they have weakened in the face of facts and evidence and have reached the point of exasperation and have no final result China solemnly requests the Philippine side to effectively safeguard the normal performance of their duties by Chinese diplomatic personnel, stop infringing and provoking, and refrain from denying the facts or acting harshly or lifting a stone to crush one's own feet.
What is this evidence that China is talking about an Audio recording of the telephone conversation in which the secret deal was supposedly closed. Introduces this man, Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos, heads the Western Command of the Philippine Army. He is the man in charge of the second Thomas school. Now China says this vice admiral agreed. to the new model while talking to a Chinese diplomat, so first China released a transcript of the call, the secret agreement, then they released the audio recording. The Chinese Embassy in Manila called some journalists and played them the audio recording, hence, according to China, this audio clip.
It is definitive proof of a secret agreement, has anyone been able to independently authenticate it, not that we know of? Also, China's history is riddled with holes, for starters, can one naval officer close deals on behalf of the entire country? Manila says they can't Philippine defense secretary has spoken about this his name is jilberto theodoro Jr and he says only the president can seal an international agreement there is another problem with China's claims Reports say Beijing has drafted some of the statements and have removed parts of the transcript that was released earlier this week, so to begin with we don't have a full version of events, China is publishing selective facts, there is clearly more to the story and Beijing is trying to mislead to the international community.
China's accusations are like their claims about the South China Sea are baseless and hollow, not just a South China SE, there is a new flashpoint between Beijing and the West, electric vehicles, specifically Chinese EES, there are Three things you should know about them, one, they are quite cheap, two, their quality is good. and three production is massive Chinese electric vehicles represent 60% of global sales 6 0 60% only one problem, although most of it is domestic and there is a reason for it: Western tariffs Donald Trump had imposed taxes on EES Chinese when he was president how much tax around 27 and a half% his successor Joe Biden is doing the same Reports say thatwill announce tariffs next week and the tax on Chinese EVs is expected to be expanded Europe is considering the same thing they are investigating Chinese EVs for unfair practices and after this investigation tariffs could follow of course China will not will accept everything, most likely they will retaliate, so this could turn into a trade war and it will all be over, so tonight we are looking at two important questions: one, why?
The Chinese are so cheap and two, why do Western governments hate them? So the first question is why are they cheap? One reason is state support. China gives a lot of subsidies to EV manufacturers, around 57 billion between 2016 and 202, and that's what the government has given 57 billion. As a result, the country has many electric vehicle brands. Guess how many more than 2. What happens when 200 companies make the same thing? The customer has more options and more options equals less price, but that is only one of the reasons why Chinese companies also make their own batteries in the West. companies, don't you see that China has shares and mines of cobalt and lithium all over the world?
They process these rare earth metals so that Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers save money on batteries. You can also add cheap labor and weak factory rules to this mix, so together you have a killer. Until now, these electric vehicles were sold within China, the domestic market was large and also the state encouraged people to buy and gave tax cuts and subsidies, so export was not really on the agenda, but that is changing now that Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers know that the domestic market is saturated. so they are looking abroad this year. China will account for 25% of all electric vehicles sold in Europe and the United States could follow.
Yes, there is a 27.5% tariff, but still Chinese EVs are cheaper, let me show you a comparison: The average price of Eevee Eevee in the US is around $54,000, a really cheap one costs about $23,000 compared to china byd seagull it costs $10,000 in china now add about 5$5000 for random modifications also add the 25 and a half 27.5% tariff even then the chinese car is more cheap and this is just an example. Byd's Dolphin Mini is sold in Mexico, so right next door in the United States it costs around $21,000 there. The Nissan Leaf is quite similar to the Dolphin. Guess how much it costs in Mexico?
US around $29,000 Xiaomi recently launched an electric vehicle that costs around $29,000. The Tesla Model 3 is very similar to that car, but the Tesla car costs almost $399,000, so the price difference is huge and American EV makers know it. Elon Musk admitted on a business call in January that Chinese car companies are the most competitive in the world, which brings us to the second question: why do Western governments hate Chinese Eevees? They all have climate goals. I guess they like cheap cars too, so why the tariffs? The automotive industry is strategic in the US. It employs around 9.7 million people and also accounts for around 5% of its national GDP.
In America, in Europe, the dependence is even greater. The automotive industry in Europe represents 7% of GDP. The EU GDP also employs 13 million Europeans and let's not forget the symbolism we are talking about. Historic brands like Ford General Motors, BMW folks, were pioneers of the automotive industry and their dominance lasted almost a century, so the pattern is pretty clear. If you fall behind, you fall behind, catching up is very difficult in this industry, which is why the West is up in arms. The question is: can a trade war be avoided? China is trying to appease some Western governments, especially in Europe.
China's Cherry Auto is setting up a factory in Spain, b and d is building a plant in Hungary and jump is building one in Poland, so Beijing is saying we are not only flooding their markets, we are also giving them jobs, but it is possible that the West does not buy it. EVs are expected to make up 2/3 of all vehicle sales by 2030, so we're talking about a strategic industry. Expect a brutal and ugly battle to dominate her. Now let's talk about artificial intelligence or AI. It is quickly becoming part of our daily lives. There is a race.
Among leading companies, everyone is eager to integrate AI into their products this week Apple announced its big push into AI later this year. Apple devices will come with a range of AI-based features. Here in India, the adoption of artificial intelligence is progressing at a breakneck speed. Companies are adopting the technology and doing so faster than many developed economies such as Germany and Australia. Our next report has the details. The current technological landscape has been defined and shaped by four major advances so far. The birth of the personal computer. The advent of the Internet, the launch of mobile phones and more recently the widespread adoption of cloud computing, whenever these four technologies became mainstream, India took its time to adopt them.
Now a possible fifth breakthrough is coming, it is called artificial intelligence or I, and this time Indian companies are quickly jumping on board, that is the claim of this report, it says that India is a global leader in AI adoption. 91% of companies have implemented AI models and this year they are using 50% or more of their data to train these models. in the same club as countries like Singapore, the United States and the United Kingdom, they are called leading AI countries. There is a second level, two countries lagging behind in AI. It includes nations such as Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Japan.
Another report from computing giant IBM shines. More light was released on this trend in February. IBM conducted a survey targeting large organizations, those with a workforce of 1,000 or more were asked whether they were embracing the AI ​​trend or not. 59% of companies answered yes. Everyone is an early adopter and what are these companies using for a large area? Research and development and surprisingly this technology is also helping these employers to train employees. So what is driving this widespread adoption? Easy and wide accessibility, the drive to reduce costs and the aim to automate some of the mundane tasks these are the main ad


s of AI, the technology can address multiple pain points for companies, so it is only a matter of time before More companies are expected to jump on the AI ​​bandwagon, but this rapid adoption also presents a set of unique advantages. and various challenges, could make entry-level workers, especially those with lower skill levels, redundant more quickly.
There are also data and privacy challenges. How is the use of personal data to train AI models regulated? Do users have any protection and what kind of remedies? are available in case of any misuse. India still lacks a comprehensive data security law. It now also needs new rules to regulate the use of AI, so while Indian companies ride the AI ​​rocket, the regulatory and legal framework has yet to catch up. To keep AI limitations in check we're right in the middle of India's election season, so diplomacy often takes a backseat unless, of course, it's urgent, which is why a recent visit It's in the headlines.
India's foreign secretary traveled to Daka this week and met the prime minister. minister shik Hina, his foreign minister and also the foreign secretary, but why now shik Hina was re-elected in January and India's first visit took place in the month of May? So naturally, there are questions. Let's focus first on the moment. Recently, China has been making moves for Bangladesh and three of those moves stand out: the first is a military exercise last month. China and Bangladesh announced a joint exercise. It is their first joint exercise. Beijing called it China. Bangladesh golden friendship. The two armies will practice many operations such as anti-kidnapping and counter-terrorism. the second step is more debt.
Reports say Daka will ask China for a soft loan now. What is a soft loan? The debt is granted to a developing country. These loans are more favorable for the borrower than for the lender and how much money we are talking about. $5 billion of this money will be used for two things: buying raw materials and supporting foreign exchange reserves. Apparently Daka's foreign exchange reserves are a bit low so they are seeking help from China and this trend will worry India. Bangladesh's debt to China has increased sharply. was below a billion dollars in 2016, now it amounts to 6 billion dollars, today China represents 24% of Dhaka's external debt and, finally, the third movement, probably the most important, is a Chinese design in the river This river has been a flashpoint between India and Bangladesh.
It is the fourth largest river in Bangladesh and is also responsible for 14% of its agricultural production. Now the Tista flows through both countries. India and Bangladesh. Shik Hina wants a larger share of his water, but so far no deal has been reached to enter China. Dhaka is planning a project to manage and restore the river, the plan is to dredge the riverbed repair dams and store water in the dry season, but it is a huge task, the total cost could be around $1 billion and China is interested in doing it, they have already presented it. a proposal to the Bangladesh government, even India has expressed interest, but no proposal has been made if China gets this deal done.
India will be worried. The taistas flow very close to the shiliguri corridor. It is a close link between Northeast India and the rest of India. country, so the Chinese presence there is worrying now put all this together, what image do you clearly get? China is trying to gain a foothold in Daka. Is that why the foreign secretary rushed to Bangladesh? It is difficult to say that Shik Casina has benefited from India's neighborhood first policy. She has also fought against anti-Indian elements in her country, so China will find it difficult to influence her, but Tista's issue demands attention, you can't keep delaying it.
Dhaka's official statement clearly mentions this issue and says that its foreign minister discussed them with the Indians. Diplomatic, but not India's statement, now we don't know what is at stake here, maybe Dhaka is using China to pressure India, maybe it is actually looking for Chinese partners, whatever the reason. India must keep a close watch. Reports say that New Delhi has invited shik Hina to India. She is expected to visit in June or July apparently focusing mainly on the Tista River. I guess the leaders meeting makes sense, it's the best way to avoid misunderstandings. Now let us turn our attention to Kashmir, the part under Pakistan's control.
Pakistan occupied Kashmir or po. of course Islamabad doesn't call it that, without a pinch of iron, they call it Azad Kashmir, the word aad means free, that's why they called their occupied territory free Kashmir, this is the freedom that Pakistan has unleashed, take a look, these These are the images that come. Since P Pakistan has occupied Kashmir and a brutal police crackdown is underway. Reports say that multiple forces are involved: the Border Rangers and the rapid response force of Punjab province in Pakistan, they are all clashing with the people of Po, why because the people of so-called free Kashmir dared to speak against unfair taxes this is what happened last year Pakistan increased electricity prices because it needed money a loan from the international monetary fund or the IMF now this country has wasted billions over the years mainly on its bloated military the people of Pakistan always come second, the bloated army has always been Islamabad's priority and it needs to feed this Beast it has created, so Pakistan continues to take loans from the IMF, but the international lender put some conditions on the loans it he wanted Pakistan to show better money management.
So what does Pakistan do? He decided to squeeze the people. It increased electricity rates across the board, including in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Now this was blatantly unfair because this region has abundant supply of electricity, it has multiple hydroelectric power plants and the people of Kashmir were not obliged to do so. subsidize Pakistan Islamabadstates that the OP is self-administered, so they should have had the right to refuse. They tried to exercise this right last year and that was when the cracks appeared in the narrative of free Kashmir. Islamabad would not allow it. They had a confrontation with the parties in the P that lasted for months and finally in February it seems to have ended.
Islamabad issued an advisory promising to calculate electricity costs to provide relief to the people of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, of course, there was no follow-up. Islamabad did not keep its promise. been stagnant for months so the people of P got tired of waiting they decided to launch a peaceful protest a long march was scheduled for May 11 a simple protest in support of a supposedly free region and Pakistan did the only thing they could opt for Brute Force yesterday about 70 people were arrested across the po, this includes members of local political parties, student activists and union leaders. They were arrested in the early hours of Thursday.
These unjustified arrests caused confrontations. Kashmiri people started fighting back. They harassed police officers. Overturned vehicles it was pure chaos but instead of trying to calm the situation Islamabad sent more troops and things got ugly the police resorted to tear gas bombing some projectiles fell on a school several school girls were injured Local political parties say that two of these girls have died two boys in so-called free Kashmir the people of Po have condemned the brutality they have intensified their protests instead of a peaceful march on Saturday road closures and shop strikes began today may last a week or more unless Islamabad resorts to their predetermined brutal tactics then who knows how long the riots could last 8 years ago Noland arbo was leading a normal life but soon that changed he suffered a diving accident his body was paralyzed he could not move any part of his body underneath from the shoulder arbo had accepted his fate but this year his life changed once again he played chess not with his hands but with his brain it sounds like a scene from Star Wars but it was just ancient science arbo was the first human to test the neuralink brain chip is Elon Musk's Neurot Technology company Arbo received the chip in February.
He says the surgery was easy since then. He tested the chip many times, even played a video game for 8 hours with this chip, but now the technology had a technical problem within a month of starting the implant. When separating its threads they began to retract and that affected the functionality. Now no one knows why this happened. Neuralink didn't explain why, but they published a blog post saying that while the device came off, scientists have since refined the implant, basically saying everything. It's okay, but is it really like that? Let's look at the first neural link that was co-founded by Elon Musk in 2016.
The goal was quite simple to build a communication between the human brain and computers. Musk wanted to enhance human capabilities. The goals were lofty to start with device control with thoughts on treating neurological disorders and building a relationship between humans and AI, how the technology works, does it work through an implant, is it called a link, is the link in the neural link the device is really small, the size of five stacked coins a robot drills a hole in your skull the chip is implanted in your brain the hardware has electrodes records neural activity and stimulates specific regions of the brain what happens so your thoughts can now control your phone but before the power reaches your head, let's understand this Wireless brain chips are not new in the 2000s, monkeys were trained in this, they were doing exactly the same by moving cursors with their brains like arbo, but since then the technology has not evolved much. neuralink wants to refine that and in essence the idea is quite Awesome, this link allows you to activate anything that is digital.
It can change your life, you can search the internet with your brain or order food with just your thoughts, imagine the power that They would have your thoughts, but as they say, with great power comes great responsibility and we're not sure that's a word Elon Musk understands. wants to create a buzz around neuralink to make it seem innovative and to be fair the technology is incredulous but it has its own set of problems. The first is feasibility. Neuralink says the chip is easy to install. It's a minor surgery, but it's not clear. How this works in the long term has so far only been tested on animals.
Human trials just started and hit a roadblock within a month. Secondly, experts fear that it could damage blood vessels and that is a big challenge. Additionally, Musk's goal seems less grand. well and more similar to dark science fiction, it says that in the future neuralink will be able to store and reproduce memories almost like Harry Potter's penny, but the brain is not a hard drive, our memories are not videos, neural signals are emitted during the act of remembering. but those are not the memories themselves, you cannot upload your consciousness. Elon Musk makes it look easy, but neuroscientists are on the fence.
Would you also be okay with a big tech CEO listening to your deepest, darkest thoughts? It sounds like the beginning of every By the way, the link between the sci-fi horror film and the mural is not the only player in this field, for a change, Elon Musk is behind the curve, other startups have made more progress and less noise like Synchron, a company backed by Jeff Bezos and Bill Bill Gates. rather impl has implanted its device in 10 patients synchron has implanted its device in 10 patients researchers in Switzerland have also achieved miracles recently they helped a paralyzed man walk, so the technology is not new nor has it been proven safe , why then does the neural link make so much news that you could say it's all thanks to Musk and his hype.
There are many things that pregnant women go through, their bodies change their hormones, their lives change, most of it is acknowledged, discussed, even addressed, but one thing is often left out: their global mental health. 10% of pregnant women experience depression. The number is higher after giving birth. In some cases, it even leads to suicide, mainly because there is no timely intervention. New mothers receive physical care, but no one really pays attention to their mental health. Guess who wants to change? that the government of Nepal wants to screen pregnant mothers for mental disorders if they have problems they will be helped our next report tells you why Neal's move is commendable The Ministry of Health of Nepal has a new plan wants to screen mothers pregnant women to evaluate their mental health Health, the examination will be carried out from the first semester and will continue even after birth.
If women suffer from mental health problems, they will be offered immediate treatment. So why does kmu do this? It's because mental health is becoming one of the leading causes of maternal death. look at the figures in 1996 Napal had about 539 maternal deaths per 100,000 births. The Himalayan nation worked hard to reduce this figure in 2016 - it was 239 per 100,000 births - but they soon encountered a new obstacle each year: hundreds of women succumb to death during or after their pregnancies due to many reasons, including excessive bleeding, high blood pressure disorders related to pregnancy, all these can be prevented, but they found another cause too much self-harm, so Nepal wants to prevent and believe that timely intervention will help, that's why they want to do screening.
In this way, help can be offered to mothers and it is not only a problem in Nepal. This happens all over the world. About 10% of pregnant women experience a mental disorder. The number increases after giving birth. 133% of women who have just given birth suffer from depression. It is called postpartum depression in developing countries, the number is higher: 15.6% during pregnancy and 19.8% after childbirth, this affects the functioning of the mother, she may not eat properly, bathe or take care of yourself, as a result, the baby is also seriously affected. In some cases, the mother may even die by suicide.
Now this is easily treatable, all you need is effective intervention and that is what many countries lack. There are multiple physical tests that an expectant mother undergoes, but no one checks her mental well-being through mental integration. health intervention in general postnatal care Nepal is trying to change that and for that it needs to be mastered our next stories from Africa it is about the entire continent the youngest and fastest growing continent in the world about 40% of the population of Africa is down 15 years and that's where the future is the future Workforce and the market of the future At least one American company has realized this and is reading for an African future.
I'm talking about the global streaming giant Netflix, on which Netflix is ​​willing to bet big. Africa as a market and as a source of content, the company is expanding its line of African content, which means more African stories for both people on the continent and the rest of the world. Netflix already has some successful properties like South Africa's Blood and Water. The show has been on air for years and has consistently given returns, even reaching number one in the US at one point and another South African hit was The Hunter's Heart. the Nigerian film The Black Book was another hit.
It was made with a budget of only one million dollars and became a hit around the world. The Black Book even topped the charts in South Korea and several Latin American nations. Now we know that Netflix has a global reach and needs content that can attract to people around the world and Africa is proving to be rich in that content, a Netflix official, the company's vice president of content for Africa was in Botswana this week, he was there for a summit, he said and I quote, Africans They deserve to see their lives, their cultures, their languages ​​and their countries reflected on screen, that seems to be what Netflix is ​​going for, but it's not just about representation.
Netflix is ​​a company at the end of the day and the only thing that matters is the bottom line, as I mentioned they have had success with their African programming has seen African content on charts around the world, that is a proven success and it is which is why they are expanding their presence in 2016 Netflix invested $175 million in production in Africa across the continent 175 million by 2022 23 had allocated 63 million for South Africa alone and last year announced even larger investments in the continent, so it is definitely betting big, but will this be enough to win the streaming race?
Money and local content after all is not a revolutionary idea. Netflix is ​​not the only company that has realized Africa's potential, others have tried and it has been a mixed bag such as Amazon Video, Netflix's global rival, who are pulling out of Africa by cutting their funding. The African market has proven to be daunting for a number of reasons, from spotty internet connections to subscription plans that are too expensive for some local markets and the biggest hurdle for global companies is local competition in Africa, meaning showmax showmax is an African company based in South Africa, we've talked about it before on this show. showmax is relatively new but its parent company has been in the television business for years across the African continent so showmax understands the audience better than Netflix or Amazon or any other American company and the African company has used this knowledge to get ahead.
A few months ago, showmax surpassed Netflix in the United States. They were shoulder to shoulder. for a while, then they gained the upper hand and are openly challenging Netflix, now fighting over local content rights and clashing in key markets. Everything seems to be ready for a showdown, so who will win the American giant with Deep Pockets or the local African company? With one eye on the content, we will know for sure in the coming months and now let's turn our attention to the east, Japan, when you think of Japan, what comes to mind? The image of a high-tech country may leak. bullet trains and cute robots Japan has earned a reputation as a pristine, futuristic country, so it's sometimes shocking to hear headlines like the one making the rounds today: A bread company has ordered a massive recall;
They have recalled more than 100,000 packages. of bread why because two of them contained a nasty surprise a rat found in packages of bread Japan has been under damage control from here is our report Japan, the East Asian nation is famous for many things cherry blossoms Marchart te there are many samurai There are many things that people identify withJapan, but in recent years one thing has stood out: the cleanliness, the people of Japan impressed the world during important events such as football world cups or concerts. Japanese fans were seen cleaning up after the events were over, they made sure to pick up their own. disorder and left the stadiums and the Arena impeccable.
He charmed the world, but perhaps also created some unrealistic expectations that Japan is a hyper-clean, infallible nation that explains the shock and horror around the world. Today, headline after headline talks about the same thing as Japan's rat bread. It happened on Tuesday with one of the most famous bread brands in the country, Pasco. Pasco bread is found throughout Japan and abroad, exported around the world, so Pasco has earned a reputation, but that reputation took a hit Tuesday because two packages were contaminated with rat remains. We don't know the details, most people might not want to know anyway, but what we do understand is that a rat got into a Pasco factory, a bread factory in Japan's capital, Tokyo, the rodent ended up in the assembly line and the precise Japanese machines. did the rest the rat was found the next morning in two separate packages of bread on Tuesday itself Pasco issued a statement saying that we would like to deeply apologize for causing problems to our customers and we will strengthen our quality management system to ensure that it has not gained It won't be a recurrence, it didn't end there, the company also issued a recall for 104,000 packages, anyone who bought them will receive a refund now for any other country, people would move on, but Japan is different, they take hygiene measures.
Very seriously, food contaminations and recalls make headlines because they are so rare and there are always consequences. Take this incident from last August. It involved rice bows. Two rice bows sold at a 7-Eleven were contaminated with cockroaches. The uproar was similar. The store recalled about 2,000. Apologies were issued for the rice bows, but the stock market at least did not forgive the company that made the rice balls saw its stock prices fall by more than 4%, even the 711 distributor was not spared, its shares They plummeted by more than 1%. These figures may seem small. until you compare them to Japan's economic growth, even during the covid-19 pandemic, Japan's economy declined by 4.15% and that was devastating, so a 4% drop in Japan is brutal now that Bread Company Pasco may be facing a similar decline, it may even be worse because this is a well-known name and an export product.
Japan takes it seriously, so it may take a long time for Pasco to recover from the fiasco of this breed of rats and now it's time for the images taken that tell the story in Russia of a bus that falls off a bridge into a river killed three people and injured several others in Jordan. Divers explore the country's underwater Military Museum and thousands of drones light up the skies in South Korea. Finally, we will take you back to history on this day in 1994, Nelson Mandela was sworn in as president. from South Africa Mandela dedicated his life to the fight against apartatism he spent 27 years in prison he was the first black man to lead the country we leave you with that note thank you for watching us have a great weekend to discover an African solution and God, you can see that the president-elect is certainly having fun today, getting into the spirit of things and mingling with old friends.
I now publish reports from the world's second largest continent first. Hi, I'm Allison Mange, a very warm welcome from Durban, South Africa. you, the news and news makers of Africa. South Africa will go to the polls on May 29. I will follow the elections and bring you reports from the ground. Is this the end of the road for the African National Congress? And will former President Jacob Zummer star in a dramatic election return to climate change to Innovations and Opportunities as the world's attention shifts reporting from Africa the heart of the global South join me every weekday live on the first pose

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