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Isha Kriya - What Is Isha Kriya & How It Works (Explained by Sadhguru)

Jun 08, 2021
ayesha clear is part of a movement to offer at least a drop of spirituality to every human being on the planet do not underestimate the size of the drop a drop is an ocean in itself this is a powerful tool of empowerment we hope you allow it to touch and transform your life and share it with as many as you can, each one means


is the source of creation, career means an internal action towards that karma means external action if you perform an action with your body or your mind or your emotion or your physical energies it We call karma if you perform an internal action that does not involve any of this then we call it Kriya that is why it is a


it is an extremely simple process but a powerful tool to constantly move from lies to truth, there are more complex things. and effective processes but it needs preparation it needs a certain type of teaching it needs a lot of training for someone to teach it but this is a process in general all the processes spiritual processes that move a person in this direction also in more physiological changes physiological variable changes There are changes involved , it is extremely important that the teacher is substantially trained, otherwise you will start to generate the kind of extravagant yoga that is done everywhere and that can cause more harm than good, but those aspects are processes that do not involve any kind of yoga. of physiological change but it produces a spiritual transformation, there are very few who can teach the Mass and we can train almost anyone who at least has a little good intention in their thought and emotion to teach it, how much is there that they can teach,


will. this process right now you need to understand a little bit what is this is that everyone is breathing here right now please chicken don't take things for granted it doesn't last forever it will stop one day you know are you breathing right now? please check don't take it for granted you're really breathing you did it right this inhale exhale inhale exhale inhale exhale next inhale didn't happen you're gone look how fragile you are just if this inhale doesn't go wherever we look you won't be around at the same time so fragile human life is at the same time how robust it is how many things a human being can do in this world on one level it seems so fragile just look at it and see that it doesn't come back too fragile don't you take it for granted? you are not aware of it if you become aware and look at it it is a damn frigid life at the same time how strong it is how many things I can do this is the beauty of creation everything is tenderly balanced with so much tenderness you cannot disturb it no you easily know that all the creation is like that it is like that that shows the mastery of the creator it is so tenderly balanced that means that it shows that the mastery of the Creator is manifested that what creates is of such mastery that a food can be added to it to keep it so tender so it is the adversity of the Creator a breath if you don't inhale you leave but that is the trust in the designs that the The Creator has said that this breathing is not just about the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in yoga, we call this kulu-manali breathing and It is now known as koorma nadi, if I ask you to wash your breath, which is the most common thing people do. these days you cannot observe the breath you think you are observing the breath but you are not observing the breath you are only able to notice the sensations caused by the moment of the air if one who is sitting next to you you touch your hand you think you know the touch of the other person but you don't know it you only know the sensations that are generated with your body you don't know how the other person feels you only know what kind of sensation happens in your body yes, I understand what I'm saying is that now you don't know breathing, you only know the sensations caused by the breath, so when we say koorma nadi we are not talking about the sensations, we are talking about the breath itself.
isha kriya   what is isha kriya how it works explained by sadhguru
Koorma nadi is referred to as thread it is like a thread an unbroken thread is passing and this is the thread that binds you with this body if I take your breath away you and your body will fall apart what is your thought one will become two that is The first delusion that there are two behave as one, there is a deception, so if I take my breath out, you and your body will fall apart, we don't want it to fall apart, but if your consciousness travels with the breath, if your consciousness travels with the passage of breathing intensely. then you will see clearly that these two are not one, what is you and what is your body will separate, what is you and what is your mind will separate if you and your body-mind combination separate, then suddenly you will You will find your ability to use your body and your mind enters a phenomenal academic scale if right now if you have to count from one to ten, the highest is 10 if so if you are attached or if you are involved with this body You are less than one, that's where it is, if these two things suddenly separate, you can live it up to 10.
isha kriya   what is isha kriya how it works explained by sadhguru

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isha kriya what is isha kriya how it works explained by sadhguru...

Your ability to use your mind and body has been improved so much by us that you almost seem superhuman to another person, but I'm telling you that this is human it is not about being superhuman it is about realizing being human you super yes it is not something simple to be human now the Isha Kriya only implies this your thinking is playing a very important role in your life at this moment so come on use that and your breath is a white hole so let's use that and with that without your consciousness you wouldn't know that you are here right now if you are not conscious, you don't even know if you are alive or dead or Whether you exist or not, these three ingredients: your breath , your thinking and your consciousness in the right combination, if you use them, you will see that a small distance slowly emerges between you and your body.
isha kriya   what is isha kriya how it works explained by sadhguru
You are now moving very clearly from falsehood to truth. So what we will do is sit in a cross-legged posture and keep our hands open looking up. Sit with your face slightly up. The moment you sit this way, with your face slightly up, you will find that your attention will naturally shift between your eyebrows, so hold. This soft focus between your eyebrows and now what you do is take these two thoughts with the inhale, one thought with the exhale, another thought. I will guide you through this, whatever the duration of the thought, let that be the duration of the inhalation and whatever the duration of the other thought let that be the duration of your exhalation with inhalation we will take this I am NOT this body with exhalation you will take the other thought I am NOT even this mind I am NOT this body I am not even the mind now oh I am NOT this body, what does it mean?
isha kriya   what is isha kriya how it works explained by sadhguru
Will I lose my body? What you accumulate, you can claim is yours, but the moment you think that means you are actively heading towards madness as I sit here, if I suddenly say this is my fight, you will think. Well said, Kuru seems to have a problem, but you know there's a reputation for being wise, so you'll sit back a little more after a while. I said "this is me" and I said "let's go" because the moment I say "this is me," it seems absolute. madness there is no sign of sanity but this has happened and continues to happen the food you eat when it arrives on your plate you said this is my food you eat it and immediately said this is me madness but you are at a socially accepted level of madness, okay, They can't push you into an asylum yet because then we'll have to build a world asylum, so this is an open asylum, you do something called an open prison, like this, this is an open asylum, but it's not like that.
No matter the moment you start thinking about an object that is not yourself, you have taken the first step towards madness, it only takes life to push you harder, if difficult situations continually arise, you will head towards madness, because that there is a physical body. a mental body and an energetic body in the structure of the energetic body there are 72,000 Nadi are paths or channels in which vital energy moves these 72,000 Nadi are found and redistributed in 114 different places there are 114 important union points so these 114 unions are referred to. Like Czech herb, there are 114 chakras in the body, 112 inside the physical body, slightly outside the physical body.
Of all these 114 chakras, there is only one chakra in the entire body where all the Nadi are all the paths that meet at one point. that is known as mani pure which is physically located approximately 3/4 inch below your navel to the navel is known as poor money akka or is known as the maintenance center of the body is maintained from here because this is the only place where all the paths of prana or life energy meet and redistribute even when you are in your mother's gold, where the maintenance pond pipe was connected to you, it is in the navel, so today it has been cut, but still so the maintenance center is in the navel, so this is the manipuraka chakra, this is the only place where everything meets if you are in the ah sound, you will see that the reverberation starts about 3/4 of an inch below your navel and it goes It spreads throughout the body, just feel this and see. close your eyes keep your spine erect after the sound exhale completely into the sound you will see the vibrations starting 3/4 inch below your navel and spreading throughout the body this is the only Sun that takes the reverberations throughout the body like this remind yourself through your breathing, your talking and your awareness that you are not the body, you are not the mind, if this message has to go viral in every cell of the body, if the message has to spread, it must be take too many protocols, then alone. information goes everywhere, otherwise it is localized, so when you are in the sound, ah, if this has sunk into you, if this awareness has sunk into you that I am NOT the body and I am NOT the mind, then remind every cell of the body in case they have false notions: this emptiness carries the message through the body, so just 7 times uttering this sound 7 times will convey the message and then you just sit every day, every day , if you do this, you will see it one day when you sit here your body is here your mind is out there what you are is somewhere else and even if you open your eyes, if you become like this, there is a clear separation between you and your body , between you and your mind, this is the end of suffering because there are only two types of suffering that you have known in your life, physical and mental, once there is a small space between you and the body between you, under the mind, That is the end of suffering only when the fear of suffering completely disappears from your perception. then, as a human being, you will explore the full depth and dimension of who you are, you will dare to explore the full scope of what it means to be human only when there is no fear of suffering;
Otherwise, as long as the fear of suffering is present at all times. The step you take is only half a step and if you continue taking half steps you become half a life, if you want to become a fully flourished life it is very important that there is no fear of suffering and that is only possible when there is a There is little distance between you and the body, between you and the mind, as long as you identify with the body, as long as you identify with the mental process, fear is a natural process, so our sound carries the message through the body to each body cell.
So to establish this, we'll do this right now sitting in a similar posture and keeping our hands open looking up. Sit with your face slightly up. The moment you sit this way with your face slightly up, you will naturally see your focus shift between the eyebrows. keep this soft focus between your eyebrows while saying these two sentences with the inhalation you take this thought I am NOT this body with the exhalation I am not even this mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I I am not even the mind No I am the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am NOT even the mind I am the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am NOT here in the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even divine I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the party I am NOT here in the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even I am the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am not the party I am dirty with the mind oh I have the body I am not even the mind oh I am not the body I am not even the mind nor the body I am not even the mind nor the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I have the body I am not even mine I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even mine I am not the party I am not even mine I have the body I am not even death I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the morning I am not the body nor even the mind I am not the party I am not even the mind I am NOT the Bowery I am NOT here with the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body NorI am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind NOT I am the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I I am not even the mind, nor the body, I am not even the mind, oh, I am not the body, I am not even the mind, I am not the body, I am not even the mind, I am not even the body.
I am not even the mind that I am nor the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am like the body Nor I am not even the mind I am not even the body I am not even the mind I am NOT the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am not the body not even the mind I know what the body is I am NOT here in the mind nor the body I am not in the mind I am not the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I do not even have the mind nor the body I am not even the mind I am not the body I am not even the line in this and after me , keep your eyes closed and sit still in front of your face, turn slightly upward, it's good to go well at all, a little good Sanga Vina, yes, your Graham honey, ramaa, touch it, yes, your broom, darling, Branch, touch it. 9:13 below, nothing like that. none 13 minor t none that suits angry when a Sangha this angered Nemo Nemo nice chair close to my heart nurse joy mr.
Jeevan Mukti good jelly Jeevan Mukti another pigeon a modern rappy Puna repeat trip Jetta rasayana another modern slacker buna repeat trip Gerace do you know he him his son sorry mother years of study Sorry but substitute creeper yes sorry Himura a creeper yes Himura take it on time , take it in time slowly, very slowly, open your eyes. The daily practice of Asia Kriya will bring health, dynamism, prosperity and well-being. It is a powerful tool to cope with the hectic pace of modern life and allows people to experience their lives. at its fullest potential Ay


Foundation is a volunteer-run non-profit organization established by Satguru three decades ago.
Isha Yoga Center is situated in the foothills of the sacred Green Mountains of Bethlehem, also known as the Chi Whip of the South. It is also established in Asia. Institute of Internal Sciences in Tennessee, USA, to offer the powerful yogic sciences to the West. The main feature of Isha yoga center is the yogic temple that houses Gianna Linga, the distilled essence of yogic science that lies silently within the sphere of Gianna Linga. enough to make even those who are not aware of meditation reach deep states of meditation. Linga Bhairavi is an exuberant form of the fierce and compassionate Divine Feminine that simultaneously promotes health, prosperity and spiritual well-being.
Delta Kunti is a sacred healing food energized by a consecrated crackling gun. made of solidified mercury that prepares the body to receive the energies of the dhyanalinga. Also located in the Yoga Center is the Isha Rejuvenation Center which offers a variety of programs that restore vitality and perfect balance of life energies. He is assured that he is homeschooled in an adjacent quiet environment. Isha Yoga Center provides innovative, high-quality education in a home-like environment. The essence of the ancient science of yoga is offered to people around the world through internally engineered programs conducted globally in a variety of environments that deeply touch and transform.
To people from all economic and social backgrounds, driven by a sense of unity, love and a deep longing to reach out and share, several outreach projects have been launched. Rural rejuvenation actions have been launched that aim to uplift rural communities, promote health, well-being and social bonds beyond caste religion and economic status ayesha Vidya offers easily affordable English medium education in rural areas of Tamilnadu and aims to establish more than 200 schools across the state in the coming years. The Greenhands project is a massive statewide volunteer-driven public reforestation program with the goal of planting 114 million trees. in Tamil Nadu Guinness world record for planting 850,000 trees in a single day more than 14 million trees were planted received the periyavar award and the Indian government's Buddhist can won the sports for environment award at the beyond sports summit in Chicago Asia Foundation has a special consultation status before the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

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