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Isabella's schemes to seize power | COMPILATION | | ZORRO the Masked Hero

Mar 14, 2024
Now, get your toes out of my nose, hold still, oh, wait, wait. How do you spell that? Who doesn't catch me? Run fast. What's going on? That strawberry can't be too far away. Turn this off, idiot. Look. The thieves are coming, excuse me Captain, a letter from Governor Parasol says that I have not managed to solve multiple crimes committed in my region, what an incompetent idiot. I bet all these bastard crimes have that Zoro's signature, but not Captain Zoro. I've never stolen a Henda, which means we have plenty of other bandits in California. On second thought, you're right, Zoro is guilty.
isabella s schemes to seize power compilation zorro the masked hero
Excuse me, I have to go see the horses. H, get your hand. The meats are very cheap. Everything cheap on sale. only today this is delicious H Bernardo thank you you still don't have the vegetables what's wrong it's a scandal they stole my grandparents' old watch oh they better give it back to me Zoro rubbed our house he stole my jewelry and a family heirloom watch brought to California by Don Carlos Sánchez Batista in 1792 they also robbed my house in the middle of the night I chased a man a


man and I found a z cut outside my door Zoro that Zoro is the one who did it Captain what again the army does nothing What's the point of paying taxes, silence, show me what happened, I'll investigate it myself, the soldiers prepare themselves at your command, Captain, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, everyone, follow me out of my way, now I find out that I stole a watch from you, Doña Fernanda, who continues to steal horses, I think I'm going to go personally show that Thief a little something they were in Madrid you see it's worth a bag full of pesos now let's see what the executioners gave you something good oh we still have 'I haven't been to the executioners you're waiting for an invitation I ordered you to go with I donate to recover the cufflink engraved with my arms.
isabella s schemes to seize power compilation zorro the masked hero

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isabella s schemes to seize power compilation zorro the masked hero...

If he ever shows it to the monastery, he will know that it was me who stole the seeds and they will throw me in jail. Yes, but we also had to steal the other part. It is so that Mrs. Verdugo does not find out. Realize that you are a traitor, we were being smart with you, yes, but you could have done it all in one night and the frogs have already done it. Surely he went to alert Captain Monasterio. He won't think it was us, boss. I cut a z into each hassi. Ender, that will fool him into believing that Zoro did the robberies.
isabella s schemes to seize power compilation zorro the masked hero
What is she here for this time? Who stops, hurry up, hide all this in the basement? idiots why did he call us idiots shut up move dear Don Rodrigo good morning to you I am very in need of money but Don Verdugo your husband is much much richer than me you should just ask him no no no I always feel like telling my husband all the plans I have I have out there I would prefer to ask my good friend Don Malaena for help. We know that he would prefer not to end up in prison for his unfortunate lost wife.
isabella s schemes to seize power compilation zorro the masked hero
This is blackmail. Very well, Dono Executioner. I think. It would be very nice if my dear friend never asked me to return the money. This is the last time you give me an order. Don Verdugo, watch out men, now let's see how the monastery conducts its investigation, we will follow it so we can keep an eye on it, you are a smart boss, hey, if they catch Zoro and put this on him, I will finally get rid of him. The thief hid right there. I heard the horse near him examine the track. Sergeant sir, yes sir, move to the left while I examine the prints men don't move left I said left right but you're gone and gone now this is all that's left and that's not right so Sergeant no Captain let me try to fix the unfortunate failure of Sergeant García I have an eagle eye and I can see the footprints left by Zoro go corporal over here the bushes with broken branches one trampled by a horse good corporal I have it from here the lancers follow the footprints of the dirty thief yes sir let's see that there sergeant there help the sergeant to run Captain Do you really think that the thief stayed and had a picnic here at my ranch?
Be careful how you express things Don Pedro, I know exactly what I'm doing and I will arrest the pain, you will see that you are blameless, these fools are useless, come on. We have to go back to Henda to make it look like I was robbed too I demand answers we have to get to the bottom of this my house was robbed too well what about your monastery? He has to be the champion of bad investigations I wonder how this is going to turn out now silence please I asked you to come because it is outrageous my house was robbed while I was observing the investigation my Henda was looted in broad daylight that horrible Zoro I don't know He stops at nothing it's true, we have to stop him none of this Adds that Zoro is certainly not a thief, so who carved a z on my door?
Wait a second, your Hender wasn't assaulted nor were many others, in fact I don't think you're the one accusing me of using me, you have no right to what you are. I'm not even able to arrest the thieves and you dare to accuse us, silence, wait. I asked you to come here to listen to my plan to thwart these robberies by Zoro. I will place guards in Henda in the area. If Zoro shows up, we'll catch him. Sergeant García and Corporal González will go to the delas, all the other aneros will also get two soldiers okay D Diego dinner call duty call yes Duty a woman of my position deserves more than two simple soldiers Don Verdugo allow me to protect your Henda I have some excellent men who kind Don Rodrigo, thank you two, go accompany the executioners to their Henda and protect them from the thieves, wait, we thieves, shut up, dodo head, you two, you better find my lost twin while you're there, wait, right?
I'll be busy robbing multiple henders at the same time to confuse people. I'll make sure you two go get my cufflinks. Mhm, so, Yuma, we have a deal tonight. You and your men will break into the DEA Vegas henders and I'll watch them long, no. The last time I did a job for you, my men ended up locked up and it was hard for them to figure out how to escape. Well, here's something that will make it worth it and you'll be able to keep everything you steal. The Henders, why don't we go into the executioner's house, they are the richest, forget it, you manage the DEA.
You are lazy and I saw them for a long time. I'm in charge of the Executioner. Henda, it's clear what all this is. , the thief is here now. Ya, oh my god, maybe we should all hide in the woods and let you deal with this on your own, uh, oh my god, Maria, you hurt me, take this and catch it. Surrender. You thief, be careful, father, it may be bad. Oops, sorry, go away, it can't be Zoro, it can't be either. Which one of you is Zoro? None, uh, what are you doing here quick? Those people are crazy and dangerous, shame. try the vi longas time for Zoro tornado safe and calm father is that you will not make a sound and you will be fine that is nice I would like my now help help the thieves thieves ladies on guard take this help help you called here I am sorry, finally this It's my chance to teach you a good lesson and a nice, tidy sum that you inherited there my pesos is what you're looking for come and take it attack, take it, come this way, this way, there it is, help, help. you're at the house quickly hurry up hurry up my pesos come on Yuma we have to go we should have gone to the executioners that malpensa is probably filling his pockets tornado Zoro oh for you miss a gift from the thieves use it to help the poor people of Los Angeles H It's a shame to look for a twin in a house as big as this is like looking for a sardine in the ocean, it's not here, what are you doing, don't give me that closure, give me that closure, Isabella, give it back to me right now or you'll regret it, seriously, now do what the lady says. here now, don't worry honey, we'll buy a new one.
Hello, no, he, no, we can do it alone. Sorry, I just came to see if you were okay, I guess okay. night, oh where are they? Well, during the fight, your twin no longer joins and it doesn't look much like a bracelet, but I swept away all the pieces, boss, here, here you go free, I feel free, we couldn't steal anything in those hias. so we're here now to take what's ours, what to stop them now you two fight like real men yeah aha H the clock uh those bandits took everything come back here, I'll bring you all, it's not lost boss, the barrel in the basement has all the loot we took, you mean this loot? it's not nice to steal people's belongings don malpensa wonderful oh w ah my dear daa Isabella the evidence has vanished with my twin destroyed you no longer have anything with me and you will never give me another Order, you will regret this very soon Don Rodrigo, a Once my dear husband becomes governor of California, he will bitterly miss my friendship.
Governor, why stop there? How about the king of Spain? Zoro was afraid of me, he preferred to give me what he didn't, Mr. Captain. the thieves were yakis actually I saw them it wasn't Sor García eh dung Duty sir yes sir sir Sergeant you bravely defended our dinner so to thank you let me invite you to lunch at oh Don Diego what am I to congratulate you he was knocked out all the time Now that I think about it, the corporal sacrificed himself to test the traps that Bernardo set. He also deserves a free lunch.
I, first, he is mine, how much do they cost? Hey, are you waiting for someone, Don Diego, oh hello, Sergeant, I'm waiting for the stagecoach. I asked for an original edition of Don kyot to a book collector in Mexico City, it is a very old book, it is more than 200 years old, I can't wait to get it in my hands ah Don Diego, I have bad news, the coach, those arriving from Baja California will not come today if it is terrible let's go in and drown our sorrows in a cup of hot chocolate I wish I could tell you when the stagecoach Don Diego will arrive but it's a real secret sergeant come on Sergeant, you can trust me to keep a secret.
H I am not allowed. Orders from Captain Don Diego, my dear friend Don Rodrigo Don Verdugo, the servants did not open the door, so I entered sir, I know you, this is not just a friendly visit. so spit it out, what do you want? I need your help, Don Rodrigo, to attack the stagecoach coming from Baja California and why would I do that because, according to my sources, it carries tons of cash, the convoy should arrive in Los Angeles tonight or maybe tomorrow you and your men will do the work in which you are experts then you and I will divide the loot how did you find out about all this oh, it's simple part of the money that is transported belongs to my husband Don Louise da is a Bella that you would steal from your own husband listen, I need this money to finance his career in politics Los Angeles needs a mayor a man capable of managing the city but my poor Louise is too naive and that's why we need some money to help him, I applaud your audacity donor Isabella, of true, but I'm not interested in what Lana dentist, yes boss, take Don Verdugo to the door and don't let him hit his ass on the way out, oh God, how dare you?
Nobody has ever spoken. to me that way catch this your OU what is this reward for the pirate rodrigo malavita to malavita I see that you were once a pirate give it back to me now it must be a very old story if captain monastery doesn't know it maybe it should be 1 2 three keep the step and the troops left 1 2 three quarters of a turn right left right left right left ow my fo eh Gonzales your incompetence is completely incompetent you have a lot to learn look at this and pay attention company Soups in H H oh wait that's my sword thank you Bernardo Captain Last night a ranero saw a stagecoach from Baja California making a stop in Fuo San Cristal.
Well, if they have stopped to spend the night that means that the chest of pesos will arrive tomorrow, chest full of pesos. Uh, now I understand perfectly why Sergeant García doesn't He told me nothing. I know that the driver sometimes changes horses to be able to arrive in good time, in which case the stagecoach could arrive in Los Angeles tonight. I'll offer to escort you. We all know that money tends to attract bandits, don't you think, Bernardo Antonio, what are you doing here that you want your hand? Oh, how could I marry you? You already forgot how your father, Don Rodrigo, tried to get rid of my brother Diego.
You have my word. I had no part in the plot. What did you plan? You're going to have a long wait. I'll forgive you. The day it snows in the Sands of Death Valley. father used to be a pirate the authorities knew him as malavita no this is simply not possible it is your dad and if you don't do it you want me to hand over your father to the authorities you will attack the stagecoach for me I will do the dirty work for you never as a father As a son, were you once a pirate?
Were you a dad? What is this all about? and our last name is really malpensa or malavita precious lies and rumors father don't lie to me Don Isabella showed me that wanted poster ah it's okay you found out why you are complaining I raised you like a prince you never lacked anything you have ruined everything with your lies including me commitment to Oh, that's all in the past, this is now and right now we have to go, since Donio Verdugo will surely turn me in, we will collect all the money, we can do one last big heist and then we will disappear with the good life like real pirates .
This is too much, oh yeah, we get it boss, our name is mud in this region, so before we leave here, we might as well fill our money bags. Mhm, exactly, we will attack thestagecoach on the outskirts of Los Angeles, the guards. They'll be tired and they'll feel safe It's the perfect time to bounce uh, are we doing this job for da Verdugo, of course he ain't dumb, we're working for Mo, like the good old pirate, uhoh, my time flies, do I need to get it? Ready to escort the stagecoach that knows there might be a robbery by some nasty bandits, wouldn't that be fun?
Let's go along no, no, out of the question, it's dangerous, what if there are a dozen thieves, huh , but if we are with you, you can trick the bandits by changing the chest, eh, okay, little sister, you can help me, but only this? once you are too much Diego Zoro fast tornado yooo wow that safe is loaded with pesos it must carry a large fortune this is alert silky calm down I'm not here to rob you faster driver faster this is exhausting so many explanations I'm here to protect you H more Faster, faster, yes, hurry up, oh God, it's that horrible Zoro.
I'm warning you Mr. Zoro, if you attack us you will regret it, oh please look, someone is coming, they are behind us now, but they are traveling fast, oh dear, probably highway bandits. uh, I know you're transporting money, if those men are bandits, that's what they're after, you better give it to me, oh right, so you can run away with it, don't pay any attention to him, you can put the money in our carriage and then travel safely to Los Angeles uh I have orders I'm prohibited from trusting anyone with our cargo do as she says and let me drive the stagecoach to the city I'll take them for their money uh oh uh okay foster phaser we fooled them that was close that Sor that sneaky thief stealing our money pain aha now two of you, well if it's not my old friend the dentist, of course you noticed, I've already seen his face, oh, move on, buddy.
Are you moving oh hello boss idiots nothing they have taken the money I know how they tricked us sorry sorry jent I was just passing through gentlemen thank you well done tornado goodbye safe trip don't just lie there like crushed pancakes go catch him nights well boss you have to accept life as it is, we failed, you're done, so you'll just get out of here nothing personal, boss, we like you a lot, even if you're cheap and even if you hit us over the head. Okay, run, then without me you are nothing, don't come back whining to me, I will never accept you again, friends, maybe Zoro is not such a scoundrel, they say he is, thanks to him we still have the safe, yes, my turn now uh oh Bernard stupid brute I'll teach you to keep your hands off my friend on guard I realize it's going to be hard to forgive me but I want you to know I'm so sorry uh don't try to get it I'm all confused oh my head what's empty , miss, you fight as bravely as a lion, how dare you try to compliment me, thief, how do we live on that?
It's not possible, listen to me, the stagecoach that was transporting cash has been attacked. everything he owed was there everything everything disappeared if the dentist was involved then that mysterious Mass Rider must also work for alens I will go to his Henda with a little luck I will stumble upon the stolen money the riter was


he said it would be difficult to forgive him oh so Antonio was the one who attacked us oh he will have his At last I am proud of you my boy all my S veners from my pirate days we have to go now The money you took will come in handy.
I had a small sum of money on that errand, but it must be even worse for people who have lost their life savings. That Convoy was a secret. Don Lis. Someone had to have warned the thieves. It was not. I didn't but I had to when I found out in malens that I was a pirate he threatened me to prevent me from revealing his secret oh to save my life I gave him information about the Convoy oh Louise I'm sorry if melap thought he was a pirate there would be a court order on his head and I would know, but it was a long, long time ago and in some other region, take a look García sir, yes sir, oh, fall, that's your order, sir, good morning, gentlemen, oh it's the rats.
Leaving the ship, go ahead, father, I'll take care of him, I'll join you later, what an impressive swordsman, Hal, I say, that's mapenza, stop him, sir, yes, attack, catch him, a little gift, honey, it's all For me, soldiers chase. that fugitive, good job sir, but I'm sorry, a malpensa down and a malpensa to go, goodbye sir, what's this payday, get that man or I'll send him to the jungles of Mexico? Zoro Zoro Zoro there's still enough for everyone, oh headache, wow, call in the heavy artillery God, do you think you're up to the challenge old friend Zoro ah finally, what took you so long, gentlemen? pirate thief thief and again with don malpensa you can never tell that you might be planning to swim to the Caribbean Soro, fire him sir, arrest him now hello, that's because of what you did last night Antonio, I know you're still mad at me and if Can you listen to me, could I explain, leave him alone, the great demon Brutus doesn't give, Maria, no, please, I'll come back another time when you're not so angry, goodbye, now it wasn't that Antonio, map Think why not, don't you call us, hey?

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