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Is this Australia's most dangerous conman? | 60 Minutes Australia

Jun 05, 2021
Good evening and welcome to 60 Minutes I'm Tara Brown, be careful, the man you're about to meet cannot be believed or trusted. Goran Markovic is a con man and very good at being very bad. For 40 years he has been perfecting his nasty craft that travels around Australia and the world fleecing al


everyone he finds, from millionaire businessmen to unsuspecting women, no one is safe, even the investigating police. has made fun of


elusive catch me if you can bark, but tonight the tables turn when they bite the scam. by two of his victims Goran Malkovich is finally captured and everything is on camera Goran mahaki main table conspiring he is an old-fashioned scammer he exploits people's weaknesses to defraud everything they have


is Goran Markovic a man who steals for a living unsuspecting and unsuspecting you're a scammer and you're safe yes you are no I'm not a cheese tonight two strangers have been brought together by the actions of one man but Julie Maximovich and Kelly Bolter have a surprise for Goran Markovic who tricked his way into their lives just to steal their money and dignity, okay, what's your plan now?
is this australia s most dangerous conman 60 minutes australia
Johnny, do you want to run a campaign to call out Goran? expose Markovic for her lies and Kelly, who lost one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, also wants justice not only for herself but for all of her victims. Do you know how many victims you've encountered? Do you know how much money was lost with this man? I've probably been in contact with about 40 victims in this country in Europe and the UK and I think it's millions and millions of dollars now they want retaliation without suspecting that Markovic agreed to meet with Julie and hid in the hotel room right next door for the one Kelly is praying for. for her to arrive, she said she would be here at 10 a.m. m. at 10:30 Julie still has no news from Markovic.
is this australia s most dangerous conman 60 minutes australia

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is this australia s most dangerous conman 60 minutes australia...

I think fundamentally as I call him, the lex luthor of the motor industry, you know, he just couldn't lie one bit like Sydney. Businessman Ian Hymen now knows full well that Goren Markovic has been successfully scamming people for decades, but in 2000, unaware of the man's long history of fraud and forgery, he made the mistake of hiring him to buy cars for his business. of fleet sales for several months. guy like clockwork until the car stopped, he literally stopped showing up, then as a representative of his company, Markovic was seeking payment from the company coffers for the cars, it was divine, that didn't exist, so where was he going that money?
is this australia s most dangerous conman 60 minutes australia
I went into a bank account that I didn't know where that bank account was, well I couldn't look where the vehicles were and it was obvious that they burned a Ford. According to Ian, it was a devastating fraud. Markovic stole al


five hundred thousand dollars by submitting false invoices, but the real one. The cost of his scam was much higher, so you lose your business because good people lose their jobs. How much did that cost you in a total close to 1.6 1.7 million? Who are the community members you have come across who have been fleeced by this man?
is this australia s most dangerous conman 60 minutes australia
Professionals Car Dealers Thanks In 2002 Detective Bob Brisby was called in to investigate another Markovic scam, this time he had made almost $80,000 by scamming close friends Detective Brisby got his man but Markovic got bail he saw his chance and he left the country and when I went to pick him up I couldn't find him and you ran out later while I was sitting in the office I got a phone call and it was Goran st. Bob just wanted to let you know that he was too good for you. I left the country saying you'll never catch me.
I will never return. I said yeah, they caught me going well, I want to be this week, this month or this. year, but I am sure that we will meet again during the last 15 years. This tenacious cop has been following Markovic, keeping track of him while Criss crossed the world. Khan, 58, traveled with false passports. He posed as Azio army colonels and Interpol agents. He claimed to be a pilot regardless of the lie, he always came with a scam and no matter where he was, there was always time to make fun of Bob on the phone and with postcards, that made your blood boil.
Oh, I think the best way to say it is to me. who's just another job I mean, it was interesting to me is that the lawn is for a gardener it's just another job but it's a job that doesn't seem to be going away there are no days lingering on Goren's trail of deception did you think that your la life was in danger. Now I made a daring plan to catch the scammer and later in the show Charlie is delighted. Nice people get into politics for the pregnant prime minister of New Zealand, plus the real Robbie Williams, there's this whole ship that is the Titanic.
I am the. Captain and you are trying not to hit the iceberg. He's like a chameleon. He simply takes on the persona of what he thinks will help him steal money and switches from victim to victim. The most ridiculous and shamelessly created scammer Goren Malkovich is in the entire world. headlines in 2005 at a routine roadblock in Serbia Markovic tried to impersonate action hero and movie star Bruce Willis by handing over a forged Australian passport with the name of American actor Markovic was jailed not only for his stupidity but also for the car stolen that he was carrying. drive and the dozen other fake identities in his possession, I mean Bruce Willis, why would he do something like that?
No, no, and I suppose there's a slight resemblance back then with Bruce not being aware at the time of what a ridiculous Bruce Willis impersonation Kelley Bolter was. Markovic took to it immediately when they met at a youth hostel in Florence in 2014 and started telling me that he was very rich and that he had done many tasks for Asia on and off over the years. Did this rich spy explain to me why he was staying in a youth hostel? hostel yes, because his documents, credit cards and passport had been stolen, they quickly bonded as fellow Australians abroad and, as travelers often do, decided to take a road trip together.
Little did Kelly know that she was being groomed to finance this man's extravagant Odyssey, strange to say. but at first I felt very safe with him. I guess I started to see him as an older father figure. They ended up in Brussels, where things got really strange. He was investigating a killer of an American oil executive there and everything had gone terribly wrong, he said. that this international criminal gang knew about my existence and my life was in danger, so we basically left for Brussels in a hurry, so now you're on the run, yes, now we're on the run, as far-fetched as this scenario sounds. you with emails that Ryan Markovic a Kelley scam was cemented by elaborate details that convinced her they were both in danger and it also didn't have the Asia logo, it was an extraordinary trap on Markovic's part Kelley began receiving direct communication signed by Todd Brown, who claimed to be the assistant director of azo, the man Goren told him was his boss, now have more than 400 employees in more than 50 emails from Brown.
Kelley was told that she had every reason to feel terrified, so they have flagged all of her accounts. The bottom line is that the longer this goes on, the less chance you both have of coming out unscathed. Do you think Todd Brown ever emailed you or not? I think Gar and Marc Fitt wrote all the emails at that time. Kelly didn't know. she truly believed that Todd Brown was real, even as Markovic's claims became more outlandish and Wilder Markovic told Kelly that he now had to flee from his own people in Asia, who was also wanted by the US Secret Service. and don't forget the unpleasant.
International criminal gang that was out for her blood and, by default, Kelly's as well, take me to your way of thinking during these seven months. I mean, did you believe all that time that you were running away? Did you think your life was in danger? Extremely isolated I was traveling alone I didn't know anyone at all Kelly was completely at the mercy of Markovic, who had become her tormentor. He took her credit card and had begun abusing her on other occasions. He left Kelly stranded. Saying he was on another mission I feared for my life and many times he would take my passport so he just literally left me stranded.
I felt like he was being held hostage. Markovic held Kelly captive by falsely claiming that authorities would detain her indefinitely if she tried. Leaving Europe in the end, even that was a better prospect than staying with her abuser, and as she discovered that she was of course free to return home, at what point did she realize that here she was not the victim of a spy nightmare? but a complicated one? elaborate scam it was very difficult for me to accept it had been a scam why it was so difficult it was so embarrassing and embarrassing that I had fallen for such a scam and I just didn't think that someone could be as ruthless and cruel as Markovic stole 120 thousand dollars from Kelly and his family after she escaped, he turned his attention to scamming people in France who were kind enough to give him work.
The amounts were smaller, but enough for him to be deported in 2016 and eventually returned to the hands of Detective Bob Brisby. I always thought they would catch this man, no, no, but I maintained with the international authorities that he would return to the country. That's when, instead of just monitoring him and seeing him loose, we were able to act about 15 years later, yes, Markovic was finally convicted of the $80,000 fraud he committed in 2002 and last year he was sentenced to 18 months in prison, of which which he served seven months, but, as you know, even while he was incarcerated, Goran Markovic was still up to his old tricks if he knocked on his door and saying that if he is knocking, don't talk if he wants something, don't give it to him simply because if he sees an opportunity he will exploit it. so don't give me one by coming caught in the act okay, I should call you Goren no.
Could you take the chance? Who are you today? But this time there is no escape. What are you going to do now? You know, run again. You are a fake. That's next in 60


. Julie Maximovich is in the middle of Goran. Malkovich's latest scam: he owes her money and as you'll hear every day, he has another excuse for why he hasn't paid it back while she knows who she's dealing with now was a very different Julie six months ago everyone deserves a second chance . in life, let's help him, what was he offering you a sad story?
What was it that, oh yeah, convinced you that I needed a second sob story? There is nothing in the world like this person. It's so convincing, so convincing. Markovic convinced Julie to lend him $20,000. He admits that he trusted a man he had only spoken to on the phone too much and that he was in jail for fraud at the time when a fellow inmate who was related to Julie made them talk. I found the best friend by the way he spoke. how kind he was how understanding he was how understanding he was Markovic claimed that he was temporarily short on cash but that he would pay Julie back double the amount she lent him, an irresistible offer of $40,000 in return and I started sharing these stories with my daughter Susanna. so, he is a serious scammer posted as if AJ and she immediately told me mom, something is wrong mom, stay away from this man, confirming that her suspicions were online warnings about Markovic from Kelly Bolter, who had lost her entire savings his life before the scammer, it seemed that Now you had a mentality in which Markovic was your target.
I realize now that it's a pretty strange and incredible story, so I was trying to gather as much information as possible to prove it. Kelly now had an ally in Julie, who was tired of Markovic's tales. get the money today you will get the money tomorrow you will get it the day after tomorrow and it went on and on in different stories different lies hello how are you and while we film with Julie we can hear some of those lives the first lie is extraordinary Markovic tries to take advantage of Julie's sympathy and claims that his mother is in a sugar coma and if she tweets or makes any small movement it's a big sign but this is Goren's mother fragile but clearly not in a coma while she delivers plastics to the recycling bin we transfer religion because I I'd like to say flowers, what a doctor says, please, and then there's Markovic who says he's expecting a call from the National Australia Bank explaining where Julie disappeared for many years, and lo and behold, Markovic gets a call in four


. so that no one can be heard on the other line is a good act Markovic feigns anger even though liz from the bank is obviously a figment of his imagination do you ever expect to ever see your money again why haven't you gone to the police shame on you afraid shame but together julie and kelly are working to finally defeat this professional scammer.
I just want the chance to face him one last time and reinforce that I am a strong person and that he didn't hit me as part of the plan Julie has managed to convince Markovic to visit her today. Three hidden cameras placedaround the apartment they will capture your every move in the next room. Kelly will watch and wait. I feel like I'm dreaming well. I feel like she's no different than me, but. This is part of what you wanted, right, you wanted to confront him. I did it, I did it and this is something I have to do.
Arriving late, Markovic doesn't bother calling Julie, but he leaves her house and appears to be headed toward her location, okay? I've heard now that she's very close, how does that make you feel? Very anxious, yes, a little scared, how do you think she is going to react to you? Oh, he'll be very surprised, he's getting out of the car now, he's walking around the back of the car. car I'm filming it Markovic has arrived and is now just a few minutes away Kelly has been waiting for this day for over three years despite her growing anxiety Julie keeps her wits about her as she welcomes Goran.
They talk on the balcony. He tells Julie her mother. He now needs a $60,000 hip replacement, and for the money he owes Julie, he regrettably states and without further explanation that he has been detained by Odds Track, a government agency that investigates money laundering and terrorism. You are ready to go in, are you sure about this, you can still say that and the Goron Lukovitch for browser in 60 minutes, okay, you know, Kelly, obviously, I do it to you, oh my God, and I have exposed you for the liar that you are . and the criminal that you are and we want our money back yourself yourself light that I heard your cost as a hostage anything you want I owe you for the Forrester and the lie that you are and where our money is surely you want our money back You and I want an apology and I want you back in jail, it's way down there, that's right, yeah, they lied to me, Goren, let's talk about who's lying here, okay, should I call you Goren?
Oh, I have you first when I roll. I should not call you at all, you should not be corneal, I should call you a dream or Demetrius who is no longer here. Oh, or Todd or Stephanie, who are you today? You know we're not done. I think you would like to know where the money is. you go and when you return it for a scam Markovic forgot one of the first rules of engagement when he arrived he didn't take note of the nearest exit from him how can you stay here and accuse these people of lying when you are a fraud? agitator you're a thief you're straight up what I think is what all those poor people you've swindled things from do now you know run again run back to Serbia where you wanted as the records show Markovic Serbia is wanted for embezzlement and all those false identities, the only one he argues against is Bruce Willis.
You have the idea that you looked something like Bruce Willis, it wasn't really Bruce pretending to be someone you're not, but not Bruce Willis, is that what? you say no the third one we walk the more he denies and the bigger the lies why did you say work with Interpol why did you say do that if you weren't trying to scam people you have no idea and I'm telling you that you have no idea that Markovic finally sees an escape route. Oh, you have a car here. Goren, why don't you get in your car while Goren speeds away to the apartment?
Kelly and Julie are relieved that it wasn't as scary as he thought and it didn't intimidate me like he did before. Hello, but even now Markovic wants to have the last word. Within minutes he calls Julie to mock her. If only he had waited, he would have received the money from him, so he is hiding my money. you should have waited until you chose that when you said you would have had your money but she is not well you know this has been going on for six months needless to say Julie has stopped seeing her money again Kelly continues working to warn others about it unlucky enough to run into Goren Markovic, as well as the good detective Bob Brisby, who is well aware of the pain behind fasting, that is the biggest tragedy of all and if they are families of real people and they are just trying to make their way, they simply you were Being faced with this at the lowest level of trust is very sad, it's the old saying that if there are doubts, there are no doubts, if you are thinking if I should give to this person or mortgage my house for this person, don't make it simple and plainly. simple hello, I'm Tara Brown, thanks for watching to stay up to date with the latest news from 60 Minutes Australia.
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