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Is NYC's BEST BURGER the $38 BLACK LABEL BURGER at Minetta Tavern?

Mar 29, 2024
Hello guys, welcome to another episode of UAE eats. I'm UA and today we are going to eat out. From what I hear, the



in New York City and possibly the



in the entire US. We go to Minetta Tavern which has been around since 1937 and used to be a hangout for Ernest Hemingway now there are tons of great burgers in New York there is melon JG Emma squared we went to all Cheval a few episodes ago but everyone tells me that without a doubt the best burger in New York is the Black Label burger at Minetta Tavern and they say the reason is because they use a unique meat blend that uses dry-aged ribeye steak, short rib brisket, and all sorts of other meat trimmings.
is nyc s best burger the 38 black label burger at minetta tavern
I went to all Cheval last month and it was pretty good. and it's going to be pretty hard to top, but they say Minetta Tavern makes the best burger in the whole city, so let's go check it out, guys. I'm inside Minetta Tavern. This place has been around since 1937. It's pretty busy. I came here almost once it opened and right on the dot once it opened uh this place is completely full all the tables are already reserved right now it's six o'clock and they said the earliest table is at 9: 30. settled for the bar and I'm glad I did because the bar was great, the bar feels like going like a time machine to 1937, very very cool, so we actually had a little incident that Minetta Tavern didn't actually let .
is nyc s best burger the 38 black label burger at minetta tavern

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is nyc s best burger the 38 black label burger at minetta tavern...

When I filmed, it probably didn't help that these Finance Bros next to me were complaining that I was talking loudly next to them even though they were pretty loud themselves. I'm not really sure what the problem is with me. Just out loud in front of a camera versus them talking out loud to each other, but it is what it is anyway, all is not lost. I got takeout and found a nice, well-lit spot in Washington Square Park. We got our Black Label burger from Manetta Tavern so guys take off your masks and let's see what we got guys this is our Black Label burger from Minetta Tavern with fries and peanut oil and a bun that they say is made with dry aged ribeye steak brisket and rib garnishes.
is nyc s best burger the 38 black label burger at minetta tavern
It also has wonderful caramelized onions and you know, I usually don't like caramelized onions. Normally I think they're too gooey, but they look like extremely delicate caramelized onions, so I might make an exception here: the burger doesn't come with cheese, unfortunately it's $38, it comes with fries, it doesn't come with cheese, the cheese is extra and that's it. You know, they said that's how the burger usually comes, so I thought I'd buy it without cheese and they look thin, like fries, they said these. They were fried in peanut oil, so we're going to have to try them anyway, guys, it's a little cold, so Race Against Time, let's eat, wow, guys, let's take another bite, just look at that burger, just look at the inside, look what a beautiful pink color.
is nyc s best burger the 38 black label burger at minetta tavern
I ordered a medium and I don't know if you can get more medium than that, which is perfectly consistently pink throughout and when I squeeze it, just look at those juices, super juicy, super tender, amazing flavors anyway, let's take more bites, really well, really. Well remember what I said before about this having sides of ribeye steak, they supposedly source their meat from meat supplier Pat Lafreda which is meat that has been aged for at least 30 days and I must say this doesn't just taste like a burger of this type. of steak flavors and I don't mean one of those horrible steak burgers like steak and shake.
This really tastes like steak. like if they served this at any of the legendary New York steakhouses, Keens Gallaghers wolfgangs, it would fit the bill and let me show you something else too, every good steak needs a good sear and since this is steak meat, getting a good sear will really bring out the it tastes even better all the big steakhouses do it, you cook it very quickly on high heat to get a beautiful crust and this Black Label burger actually has one of those typical steakhouse crusts with that excellent sear that you get as a crispy top that combines perfectly with that juice, look at me and that amazing dry aged beef flavor, ah let's take more bites, you can eat these fries, yes you can eat these fries anyway, like I was saying, the browning they give it really makes it complete because only by testing it, I can say that it is high quality dry HP.
I want to comment a little bit, though about the caramelized onions, the flavor of the caramelized onions isn't really noticeable, if I can be honest, it's getting lost in the shuffle. of the burger, if you look really quickly, you might think it's like cheese or something, but no, it's caramelized onion. I'm not the biggest fan of caramelized onion. I feel like this is so moist, so soft, and they don't really have a strong onion flavor, it's actually like dripping and falling and almost like an onion jam. I wish they had opted for grilled onion or even raw onion.
I like grilled onions and raw onions, they have a stronger onion flavor. and they also have that crunchy touch, um, the caramelized onion, which I'm not a big fan of and to be honest I can't taste it, in fact, let's eat a little bit now, do it, it really tastes good, it might be better if we had given more if they gave us more then maybe the flavor would come out more but I guess because it's saggy and moist maybe it would just make the burger wetter and dirtier but that's okay because the burger itself is pretty good Let's get this out of the way hmm wow we're down to the last bite guys so when it's good food almost zero on the last bite of the excellent Minetta Black Label burger.
I have to say the burger was probably pretty good. one of the top 10, maybe even top five burgers I've ever had. I will say that it was a little expensive for what it cost at $38, it was a little expensive. I mean, it came with fries, but to be honest, in other places even burgers that are 20 dollars, which I already think is expensive if you add fries, are at most another seven or eight dollars, so I have never eaten A burger and fries that previously cost $38 was good, but in my opinion it was not worth the $38. I'd say I'd pay maybe $30 tops for it, maybe even $25 for the burger and fries.
I must say that the flavor of the meat was really on point, it was one of the most unique tasting burgers I have ever tasted. in the dry aged beef that they use, that dry aging process gives the meat a more intense meaty flavor, almost like a smoky flavor in a way coming from that dry aging process and it was excellent, just worth It's worth eating, but I still wouldn't put it in. above or even the Peter Luger burger. I found them much better. I don't know. I almost forgot about the prize. I gave away most of my fries, but I saved some for myself just so I could try them for you anyway, let's try.
The fries now are pretty good fries, they are cut very thin, so a lot of times when it comes to thin fries, I am often afraid that they will overcook them and become too dry, but not these fries, these fries fries are like perfectly crispy on the outside with a nice soft potato on the inside a potato consistency on the inside that's almost like mashed potatoes and the peanut oil they use to cook them gives the fries a really good flavor a lot of times best fries are made with peanut oil Cinco Chicos does it, I think Chick-fil-A does it too, but they're making it here and it's pretty good anyway, guys, I think that's going to be it for this video.
We tried the famous



burger at Manila Tavern and at least we got it. to get takeout and we were able to eat in beautiful Washington Square Park. I took a bite on a bit of a cold day, but we ate quickly and the food was still hot and fresh, so no harm or foul despite my experience. I don't want to discourage you from trying Manetta Tavern, the waiters were lovely, it was great service and they really tried to work with me, I have no complaints about the service and it was a very nice atmosphere so maybe check it out.
If you've had experiences there, let me know in the comments if you've eaten at Minetta Tavern before, if you think Minetta Tavern makes the best New York burger in the US in the world, maybe or let me know where. If you think it's the best burger, let me know in the comments because great minds eat alike. I only have one fry left, so I'll finish this. Thank you so much for watching, if you like my videos make sure you like them and subscribe that way. stay informed every time I post another video until next time see you later keep up the good work thank you very much

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