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Apr 29, 2024
thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video Miami, that sensual and seductive Latin American-infused American city that has infiltrated our Collective Consciousness for so long, a place to go if one wants to pose on sun-kissed beaches while sipping pineapples laundry all day, take a look. of the rich and famous in their private mansions on their islands or spending their nights at the city's world-famous nightclub most of the time, it is a mix of those things that has kept the constant flow of tourists looking to enjoy the glitz and glamor that this tropical island paradise has long fulfilled, but what you may be surprised to discover is that Miami does not begin and end in Miami Beach, but rather it is a city made up of people from all walks of life, every one with her own story to tell. a place where


s are born and where people come to reinvent themselves this is a


Miami I am in South Beach this place is the perfect postcard image of Miami and it is even more amazing in


life seriously this beach is absolutely beautiful it is Today It's such a hot day and the sea has Caribbean colors, turquoise waters, you have all the iconic hotels behind the beach and it's so much fun because you have a lot of these Mini planes that go by and are advertising, you know all the club nights, like Liv Liv is one of the biggest club nights, all the beach clubs and pool parties.
is miami the american dream gta 6 is real
Miami Beach vibes are amazing. Everyone is here on vacation. You know, groups of girls at their bachelorette parties and you know people are having fun. at the pool parties at the beach clubs lots of imposters lots of instagrammers but this is serious Miami Vibes I'm so happy to be here I love it amazing what a perfect picture seriously where are you going from North Carolina Wiscon Okay? You're from America, yeah, what are you doing here? Vacation Girls trip Girls trip, yeah, I don't know what you're going to do in Miami, drinking a lot, drinking a lot, Beach, you have a lot of similar clubs lined up, most of them.
is miami the american dream gta 6 is real

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is miami the american dream gta 6 is real...

Schach No Sleep CL Peach I don't know, but have fun, have a good rest of the day, bye, they seem like a lot of fun and they are here for what most people who come to Miami come for, which is the clubs and the partying, so that you see so many. groups of young people on the beach having fun getting ready for the nightclubs and party scene very very classic Miami cliché but very true are you girls from Miami no where are you from Nigeria Nigeria are you here on vacation yes great great are you liking it ?
is miami the american dream gta 6 is real
I love it, yes, is this your first time here? Yeah, what are you girls going to do while you're here partying? Restaurants at the pool. Yes, they like Lov restaurants and they like fresh shopping. Yes, coconuts are amazing. A pleasure to meet you. Have fun. Health. Health. Bye bye. How nice, I mean, they've come all the way from Nigeria, there you go, the P in Miami is very global, honestly, it's so idyllic here. I'm like, wow, having such a nice day, it's hard to want to do it. anything else, but at the same time I feel like you know this is the perception that everyone has of Miami, Miami Beach, basically, and I don't really know the city either, so I really want to get under the skin of the city and really find it. the true soul of Miami, when I'm not filming videos I use the time to catch up on administrative tasks such as working on my website, my website was designed with Squarespace, the sponsor of this video, Squarespace is a service online website design and has just launched a new guided design system called Squarespace blueprint AI that allows you to create a completely custom website, even if you don't have any website building knowledge, you can choose from professionally curated designs and styling options to build your unique online presence from scratch.
is miami the american dream gta 6 is real
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The city still retains vast tracts of undeveloped land west of the Everglades, which some Native American tribes continue to Calling the Mikasuki Indians Home Miami and the Everglades still represent what they represented to their ancestors: a beautiful paradise and a delicate ecosystem that is spiritually dense and needs to be preserved. Here in the Everglades there are still examples of what they call Chiki huts and this is where the mikasuki used to live. live completely completely surrounded by nature, this was really the origin of Miami, you know a lot of swampy and swampy lands and you can imagine how connected the mikasuki people are with nature and now see what Miami is today, this huge modern city with all These tall buildings and condominiums are built.
You know, the Miami skyline has completely changed, which I find absolutely fascinating. It's something I don't think people really know about the origins of Miami. The fate of the Native American tribes in Miami is not so Unlike that of many other Native Americans throughout the American continent, the European settlers, in the case of Florida, the Spanish moved in and with them a new


for Miami was imagined. . The key turning point, however, came with the construction of the Florida East Coast Railroad, financed by an industrialist and magnate. Henry Morrison Flagler, who is largely credited with being the father of modern Florida and putting Miami on the world map.
The early development of South Florida was heavily influenced by Bahamians, especially during the construction of unflagged railroads in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as they became more white. Incoming segregation led to the displacement of many Bahamian residents to predominantly black neighborhoods such as Overtown and Liberty City, so much of the original Miami of old Miami can be found in its black communities. Until now, Liberty City has flown under the radar of developers; however, in the past it remained a vibrant epicenter of the black Caribbean community Trina, the rapper, was from Liberty City Betty R and also Muhammad I Le had a house in Liberty City, so Miami is wonderful and the city of Liberty City is historic and I am very excited to live here. and I am part of that, what fish is good to eat here?
I prefer catfish, okay, I'll understand. It comes with grits and eggs, okay, yeah, okay, so I ordered the fried catfish that comes with grits. I know a Caribbean dish, hamian dish, so I'm excited to see what it's like. What did you get? I was born and raised in Miami, yes, do you like living here? What is this neighborhood like? Liberty City. Oh, I mean, it's my home. You know, sometimes visitors watch this and people watch Prime. Reach out to whatever we don't see because we are you. We know we're here, we know the people, I mean, so culturally diverse, there's so many things about Liberty City that haven't existed, that a lot of people don't know, a lot of people come from here, you, sports, whatever, whatever. be. like a tight collar community here it is, it's changed a lot uh Liberty City it's not the uh Liberty City of yesteryear some call it uh gent catation some call it just different people moving in yeah so look around travel to the streets of Liberty City I can see that changing yeah yeah okay we have catfish and sand it's fish and sand like a very popular Caribbean dish would you say oh yeah yeah oh yeah that's definitely a Caribbean dish ?
This is a Caribbean area. You have to consider how close we are in the Caribbean. and South Florida, so it got the influx of Asians, Dominicans, Jamaicans, they have all that culture here in this area, so a lot of our food is absolutely Caribbean caravan food or absolutely Caribbean and you own it Yes, ma'am, but I've been in this PR business for about 20 years, what's your heritage? I, yes, Bahamian, yes, I guess the Bahamian had a lot to do with the building of Miami, right, yes, absolutely, the railroad, the beginning, absolutely, yes, so I mean, you have to think. in previous years I guess we were the work, you could put it that way, I hate to say it that way, but we were the work that helped Bill Miami, what do you think of Miami, where were you born in Miami, I was born in Miami, am I looking at it? change I am seeing an influx of people coming from all over the United States and what used to be the center of the city is now becoming a majority instead of a minority.
You know the American dream. You may come in. You can work hard. You can achieve it. Miami represents that it absolutely may not be as easy as people may think yes you can get here but I've seen a lot of people come here and fall flat on their face that happens too yeah that happens too what was done right , Yeah. hustle culture thank you TR thank you, thank you very much, okay, let's try these fish grits. Grits F is a very popular Southern food from Sal basically like a type of porridge, so it's like ground Ma and it's creamy, it doesn't have a strong flavor.
Well, that is. Tasty, simple, fried fish, lemon juice, really, really good, since they have me in front of the camera. I'm going to say this right here. It's crazy to go through your entire life, from the cradle to the grave, your entire life without preparing for what's going to happen. It happens one day, that's your encounter with God, regardless of what you do, smoke your lunch or whatever, you know what I'm saying, always find time to give reverence to God, they're doing something for YouTube as it comes in The history of Miami, the city and its residents continually evolved while welcoming. new visitors with new aspirations, an important wave of change occurred with the influx of Cubans that began during the Cuban Revolution of the 1960s.
In 1990, more than half of Miami's immigrant population was of Cuban origin. They opened businesses, restaurants and cafes, infusing the city with Latin culture and making it Spanish. the predominant language and Way Out West 20 miles from the airport hidden in another shopping center isas garas and you go there if you are looking for cuban coffee the real deal served just the way it should be good Mii Miami isami Miami oh great you come here every day no I come here when I'm in the neighborhood or you know I'm meeting friends, okay, oh, okay, okay, so, wow, okay, oh, one serving one, wow, okay, yeah, okay , I feel pretty. buzzed now oh well if you drink all that your blood pressure will be higher than your blood pressure yeah this is great.
I feel like you could get addicted to this very easily and quickly in the middle of the day when it's like you're sleepy, you know, you have one of those things you do, you're from Miami, no, I'm from Cuba, but I've been here for a few years, I used to live in Connecticut, what do you like about living in Miami? in Miami everything about Miami well if your favorite thing my Temperament the weather I clean it I can go as I want every day year you understand when I go to La when I go to the beach I have the air the sand the Beautiful s you know what I like I mean feel free to do whatever you want that's the main thing here wow pinoo that's the typical Cuban sandwich they put pork ah plus ham and cheese and for the pleasure of meeting you enjoy thank you very much thank you for Thea oh do you like it do you like this sandwich oh, I'm so glad, I'm glad when Cuban exiles fled to Miami in the '60s and '70s, they first settled in a neighborhood west of downtown Miami, now known as Little Havana, quite literally, the heart of Miami's Cuban diaspora, home to authentic Cuban food cigar shops and lively music venues, this is a place you come to feel the Miami la little by little in Miami for W incredible incredible doges incredible wow in Miami Every day brings a new flavor here you can Embark on a culinary journey that begins in the Caribbean, travels through Central America and then down to South America without leaving the city limits and Way Out West, in the Doral neighborhood, better known by its nickname Doral sole, you will find a thriving Venezuelan community, the latest group of dream seekers at Grace Miami's Shores, okay,This is one of the many Venezuelan restaurants in this area of ​​Doral called Sabor Venezolano, so it has the most traditional Venezuelan food dishes you can get, so I'm going to try it.
Some thanks, this is a Venezuelan Ora, so it's practically the national dish of Venezuela. Corn-based flour with shredded beef and white cheese that is very typical of Venezuela and then you have this wasakaka sauce that I love, it's like cilantro yogurt. sauce, so Venezuelan ARA is incredibly popular, wow, very tasty and that white cheese is very salty, which I love, and this is Venezuela's soft drink, frescolita, which tastes like iron beer, but very sweet, like 100 times more sugar, very addictive, Pama, oh, great, okay. Wow, super, perhaps the biggest surprise in the latest turn of events in Miami is the new wave of arrivals coming from other corners of the United States.
Miami Skyline is now characterized by a sea of ​​new condominium construction increasing every day as more Americans take advantage of the business-friendly environment and year-round sunshine that living in Miami provides. The former industrial neighborhood of Winwood stands as a prime example of the creative vision held by recent newcomers. For this city, this place has really changed in the last two decades, historically it was an industrial neighborhood, so there were a lot of factories and now it's incredibly gentrified, so you'll go to all the classic gentrified neighborhood things, artisan coffee shops. even ice cream shops, you know little independent boutiques, so there are a lot of people here who want to live here, you know a lot of Americans who are moving from places like New York, a lot of creatives and they all gravitate towards this particular neighborhood because it's very modern and very hipster, so I've come to Winwood's art walls.
This is one of the reasons why many people come to this neighborhood. It's strange because now you have to pay to see all this art, whereas before it was free and in my opinion, street art should really be for the people and should be really free. The murals are definitely cool here. I mean, you have some very, very talented artists, but I will say it feels a little more staged so you know you're going to come here and you have a lot of Instagrammers taking photos against these murals to me when I compare it to the street art I saw in Liberty City, for example, I felt like it was more for the people in the neighborhood, but that's what happens when there's gentrification, these neighborhoods change.
It's very interesting to come to a place like Windwood. You know, you can really see how the neighborhoods in the center of the city are starting to change. This is a great example and you have so many Americans that come from there. In other cities like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, they're obviously going to come to Miami and have their own American dream, and you can see that, to be honest, I think it's going to add to the dynamic of Miami, which is a Melting Pot of literally so many. different cultures, personalities and groups of people, the American dream is the dream of a land in which life should be better, richer and fuller for every man and woman, with opportunities for each according to their ability or achievement.
Miami has long been a refuge and reward for people from other places attracted by that long-standing dream the promise of some kind of peace of mind on a beach is the dream of Miami the Miami that millions of Cubans, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, Americans and many more see is the place Whether things are going well or badly, go to the place that, hopefully, will always be waiting for them.

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