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'Is Any Of This Broadcastable?!' | Cats Does Countdown Series 25's WILDEST Moments! | Channel 4

May 22, 2024
at home let's take some LSD jump in the bathroom clear your head yes completely uh anything else just normal things put everything into bowling where do you bowl at home? I just cut Take Off a Friend's Head, polish it up a bit, stick my fingers in it, and throw it down the stairs. Do you have any strange habits? Actually, I don't go out much. Corner of open dictionary. It's Jazz emu. What do you have for us? I see there's so much pain in


world So much suffering like, uh, like the little strip of paper holding a new roll of garbage bags, how


your life end up being torn in two and swallowed by the thing you swore to protect and I've had enough?
is any of this broadcastable cats does countdown series 25 s wildest moments channel 4
I'm on my feet. against evil and suffering in


world and I am not afraid to speak truth to power to speak out against the things that make life difficult for people english language english language we have all had enough of you making it right for everyone we pronounce, pronounce, you need to pick a damn L with the sounds you're making like oh u g, what's up with that? I am so confused. English language, English, we all do it, we just take P out of terod with us, that already sounds. the first one will be extra just adding something old to the endings of the words now I'll have the fishing tokens we from Mak is the plural of mice mouse when we can't live in a semi-detached Heist if you keep laughing at me You're going to drive me to commit laughter man, don't even get me started on the place names, dude, what do you know, what the fuck, I'm M from France, oh sweet Jesus, that was fantastic, have a lot of fun, okay, next one we have.
is any of this broadcastable cats does countdown series 25 s wildest moments channel 4

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is any of this broadcastable cats does countdown series 25 s wildest moments channel 4...

A practical challenge for you. The London accent was recently voted the sexiest in the UK. Very true, let's put it to the test. I'll give you each something to read and I want to see who has the sexiest accent, Joe. you lift first, this is how to prepare a roast turkey, let's make it as sexy as possible, please loosen the skin over the breast by sliding your fingers inward at the end of the neck, spread softened butter generously over both breasts, handle the giblets Carefully stuff the handle well into the cavity for at least 90 minutes until the Geo is clean, be sure to turn halfway through, bastard, the Welsh accent, the sexiest quarter.
is any of this broadcastable cats does countdown series 25 s wildest moments channel 4
Rod four, let's see if you can improve the Hannes repair manual for a 1961 Volvo. him Remove the camshaft web. He was making me, oh, I'll tell you what Rod, there's not a dry seat in the house, he removes the one from the cam, now he removes the thrust flange and started his way grabbing a little under the two old ones on the gear. synchronization. be careful not to push the camshaft back, certainly don't shield it because the O is supposed to be sealed for life and it certainly won't be if the camshaft is shielded against it.
is any of this broadcastable cats does countdown series 25 s wildest moments channel 4
I can tell you that Jordy's accent was voted for by Sarah. the third sexiest in the country you have the side effects of a well-known medication, okay, headaches, bloating, fluid retention, over saliva production, unexpected swelling of the gland, diarrhea and erectile dysfunction, can you really say saliva another Maybe saliva? I'm as tough as an old parmeson down there Asin, you starred in the last Guardians of the Galaxy movie uh uh, so you play a cool superhero villain, what were you in the movie? No, actually I play a huge warus, so write why you're laughing, chosen guy, you did all the CGI that's why I was in, you know, those tight little ones, I look like a well-packaged kebab, it was disgusting the meat that was hanging From me, it was fun.
I'm in the Marvel Universe, it's crazy, so you had to dress up completely in the green screen thing and yeah, also for another show Sandman where I have a pet gargoyle and I got to do a lot of emotional scenes with the gargoyle and It's basically a guy in a green suit like a leotard and I'm trying to do this. emotional scene and I'm like dude, I can see your bump and he was blessed, that would have made me more emotional, it made me really sad, I'm actually jealous, I'm glad you learned that lesson before you got here today. to look down I'm furious do you have a big willie?
I think so. He has that vibe. You already know. Nerd cardigan. Funny. I seriously want to know. Yes. How about instead of a prize at the end? Whoever wins, we'll play for a Look at John's cot, now take this seriously. I have seen it. I don't want to beat John. What is the scariest thing that has happened to you? Oh, the idea of ​​showing it to Joe. Wi Rush. Have more. I do just one little thing to Jimmy. Like what he would have if he was home alone trying to relax, you know, watching a little


, what is this?
It's lovely, isn't it two spoons? I hate when they do that it's always rude isn't it if you brought a huge ice cream it's to help me relax it's in a vase you have and you don't listen so this just takes the edge off and sometimes I've taken off too much of the edge and I haven't been able to see the letters on the board um So what I've done is a double attack and I need to lick them. Yeah, the other thing I brought is the smelling salts you brought in some ice cream and the smell of SS.
Oh, I'm going to every angle to win tonight. I'm going to see Fella's Everything is called Power sniff for serious competitors looking for a psychological advantage. Wow, should I have some now? Well, let's see, I want to see what effect it really has. I'm a little scared. Are you afraid? No, okay? You're shaking oh oh I feel like I just went back in time okay I should say uh if there are kids watching don't try this at home oh Jesus what do you want to go? We don't drink juice, let's win, okay, keep the numbers clean, I'm Rachel Riley, are you the one who organized a special edition


with the England team, tell me who's better at countdown, comedians or footballers, I think that the England team was surprisingly good, who was there, James Madison against Luke Shaw. and that's why Channel 4 got some of the sports that were playing in an England match and they thought that you know, Channel 4 viewers, if you mix two shows together, they'll see any strange usage, they're actually pretty good, just Me They said doing it is all I've got, you know, those fit millionaires who are great at football, they're better than you at work, okay, letter game and let's raise the stakes by which we are playing. double points in the lightning round John and Rosen have been equipped with electric shock machines and at any moment they could receive a small injection now ask him don't you have one of these because you have a trick anus and no, you know what is it?
I don't know if you remember the last time I was on the show. Yeah, I told you I think I might be like a psychopath because no, I don't feel things. I feel like I'm not a psychopath. Well, that's the perfect person to have it, we knew, so to demonstrate the device we didn't choose you, we chose Joe Wi, who very kindly agreed to put one on at any previous stage. Now John, you love this round, don't you? I hate you and you're ready, yeah, that's rolling, I'm in the wrong hand, so I was trying to get John, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, your safe words.
I didn't know we were allowed a safe. word, I don't even know why we're doing this round, this is the fun, I'm going to my pants, Oh John, he's so good on his feet, I didn't realize he was standing with his funny, now I sniff him, he's good. and it smells good, there are double points in this round, smell that's my first hit, it's like it's like um Vick on crack, you didn't even blink, I'm telling you, I'm a psychopath, I want to feel fast, we have Follow I want the G that we have to C turn off


n't mean anything to Jimmy Do you think you can't feel welcome in my world?

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