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Irish Cheddar Spring Onion Biscuits - Savory Cheddar Green Onion Biscuit Recipe

May 30, 2021
Hello, I'm Chef John from with Irish Cheddar Spring Onion Cookies, that's right, I'm featuring these beautiful cookies for two very good reasons, firstly, St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner and one basket of these would surely look beautiful next to it. all that Irish food, but I've never been completely enthusiastic about what people pass off as




s, as I generally find them dense and uninteresting, so borrowing a technique from our French pastry friends, hopefully we'll remedy that situation so go ahead and start with what is basically a pretty standard cookie dough and for me that will start with a couple cups of self raising flour which is nothing more than regular flour with baking powder and ground salt and if well this is very It's easy to make yourself and I'll give you those measurements on the blog, for some reason the cookies work better if you use these things instead of making your own and then because we're going to use buttermilk, too let's add some baking soda which is alkaline and when mixed with the acidic buttermilk it creates bubbles oh yeah it's all very scientific so we'll go ahead and mix in some baking soda at which point we're ready .
irish cheddar spring onion biscuits   savory cheddar green onion biscuit recipe
As they say in the business, cut the butter, so I'm going to add exactly seven tablespoons of very cold butter, but as you can see, I sliced ​​it and then we're going to grab one of these wire dough mixers and that's it. Go ahead and cut it out and if it looks like I'm having trouble getting started, I am because I froze the butter ahead of time, that's okay when it comes to cookies and similar doughs, the colder the butter the better. What we're trying to achieve here is millions of little pieces of cold butter covered in flour and not a bunch of mashed up butter and flour, that's fine, although it will take you a little longer to start with very cold, possibly frozen butter. is the best way to do it and as you'll see once you get started it's not that bad and we'll continue working with our wire dough cutter or dough mixer some people call them until we have something that looks like this and I never know exactly how to describe it some people say do it until it looks like coarse crumbs but I'm not sure that's a good description but hey thank god for the video just do it until it looks like that and what will we do.
irish cheddar spring onion biscuits   savory cheddar green onion biscuit recipe

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irish cheddar spring onion biscuits savory cheddar green onion biscuit recipe...

Once that's accomplished, make a little well in the center and pour in our chilled buttermilk and we'll go ahead and grab our fork and mix it up. If you've made cookies with me before, you know I don't like them. mix everything really well in the bowl, okay, what we want to do is just stir until it starts to come together like this and once it starts to come together and it gets to that shaggy dough stage, what we're going to do is stop mixing flour, our job. surface and finish mixing on the table and in the initial stages here all we're doing is pressing that into a rough rectangle shape and by the way, if it looks super wet and you can't do this, add a little bit of flour. and on the other hand, if it seems too dry, we'll just sprinkle in a little bit of buttermilk until it comes together, so you'll just have to make the cookies, but anyway, we'll somehow bring that dough together and press it into a rectangle in At that point we'll take our bench scraper which, by the way, you should have and fold it into thirds and then flatten it again with your hands and like pretty much all dough operations, if it's too sticky, add a little bit of flour, so right there I determined that it was too wet and sticky, so I sprinkled it with a little bit of flour and by the time we press it back into sort of a rectangular shape, our dough should basically now be well mixed, okay?
irish cheddar spring onion biscuits   savory cheddar green onion biscuit recipe
Further into the bowl, at this point it may be too mixed, but anyway, at this point I'm going to sprinkle it with a little more flour and then I'll switch to a rolling pin because before we start applying the cheese and


we want to continue forward. and roll it out until it's about half an inch thick or maybe just a little bit thicker than that, so basically we're going to roll it out until it looks like something like this and then what we'll do once that's achieved is we'll sprinkle it over a quarter cup of freshly grated Irish


cheese and then in addition to the cheese we're also going to sprinkle on some chives which the rest of the year we call



s, but this time of year, especially in Irish


s, we call them chives and then what what we'll do once we have cheese and onion is take our bench scraper and fold it into thirds and once it's folded, we'll press it down and believe it or not, we're actually going to repeat that. process one more time so again we will sprinkle with flour if necessary and I should mention that when it comes to cookie dough you can always add the scraps back in, it's okay just press them in and they will completely disappear into the rest of the dough .
irish cheddar spring onion biscuits   savory cheddar green onion biscuit recipe
Oh my goodness, but anyway, like I said, let's unroll it again and apply the rest of our cheese and


onions, wow, chives and by the way, just because I'm using Irish cheddar cheese in a cheap attempt to convince people Since this is an Irish


, that doesn't mean you have to use it, okay, pretty much your favorite cheddar will work here, so use whatever you want as long as you promise to grate it yourself, but anyway once we have our second edition of cheese and onion, will be folded into thirds for the last time, the point of which is ready to be rolled out and cut into


s before registration.
There was absolutely no reason for me to remove that little piece of chives, but I did it anyway, sometimes you just can't help it. but anyway we're going to go ahead and roll it out to about a half inch thick and if you want taller cookies, make fewer cookies and don't roll them out as thin, but since I'm adding cheese, I don't want these to be doughy in the middle, like this I tend to roll them out a little thinner than regular cookies and then once they're ready, if you want to make life easier, just cut them into squares and bake them, but apparently I didn't want this to be the case.
Be easy and also nature prefers circles to squares. This is one of the few things we understand about the universe, so I'll go ahead and use a round cutter to punch them out, but either will work and of course that's up to you. After all, they are the Sylvester Stalone of what some call a blarney bun, but we're going to cut our cookies anyway, which will always lead to cuts and in this case probably more than I wanted and even though they won't come out. As good as the first batch, we can totally press this extra back together and eventually roll it out to a similar thickness and cut off the rest.
Yes, I rolled this piece out a little thinner so I could cut four cookies, which of course will do. make them cook a little differently, but not so different as to cause a problem, but anyway, regardless of whether they were cut from virgin dough or from a pile of flattened scraps, once our cookies are cut, we'll transfer them to a parchment lined baking sheet and then what we're going to do to finish them off before we put them in the oven is lightly brush the tops with buttermilk and finish with a couple of teaspoons of shredded cheddar cheese on the top of each one and for you fans.
From hearing super obvious things we're adding that for flavor and appearance and that's it, once we've applied our buttermilk and cheese we can go ahead and transfer them to the center of a 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until that our cookies are well cooked and they look like this man, they look good and cheesy and, as you can see, although our dough is quite thin, they really puffed up very well and we have some very visible and quite provocative layers and in this point you can play. That fun game, pick the ones we made with the leftover dough, so I'm sure some won't turn out as pretty as the others, but that's okay, a slightly imperfect cheddar cheese cracker is better than no cheddar cheese cracker at all.
I think we all agree. At that, I went ahead and transferred those beauties to a rack to cool before splitting one up to see how we fared and speaking of imperfect, let me pick the worst one and try it and if this one is good, I know all the others are. It's going to be amazing and check it out, it was good, it was light and flaky with just the right ratio of chewiness and tenderness and crunch in all the right places so I was really happy with how they turned out and I really think this layering method is superior to just Mix the cheese and onions into the dough, which is the most common way to do this.
I'm looking at your national chain of crustacean restaurants, but I still loved how they turned out, so I transferred them to a towel-lined basket. for the obligatory cookies in a basket and now ready to pair with things like corned beef and cabbage or a beautiful Irish stew or if you're one of those people who likes warm carbs, these would even be great served next to cole connon or is cull cannon not sure if i'm still trying to figure out if its celtic or celtic but anyway that's it whether you're making these for st patrick's day or just somewhere anytime you want some pretty amazing delicious cheese and cracker cheese, I really hope you try them soon, so visit for all the ingredient amounts and more information as always and as always, enjoy yourself.

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