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Inventing New Snacks! Candy Science Experiment (FV Family: Will It Freeze Dry?)

Jun 02, 2024
but you're no good with all that


, let me show you that we just got this new machine that creates crazy and wild


. We're pushing the boundaries of the sweet


, but if we're not careful, we could take it too far, no. look at the beauty thank you this here is a


dryer peanut butter cups I hope this works no ok guys I got it thanks for your help Cali it smells delicious but it


take all the moisture out of all these sweets oh not that. Creepy reply now, now it's the waiting game, okay let's see how sweet these balloons should be oh hell, everyone's boxing, okay, I'm just trying to make a Vlog here, y'all just boxing on me name, they smell like Chipotle.
inventing new snacks candy science experiment fv family will it freeze dry
I know you're not I'm not just trying to smell Chase It Ain't Me girl, there are literally eight guys boxing here and you're confused about where the slightly swollen Chipotle comes from, they look good,




dry? Oh my God, no. I don't know if the jets work, the jelly is completely gone, the sharks, that's weird, oh, it's like a marshmallow, the outer layer of a marshmallow, I like it though, yeah, look at the AirHeads, oh, they feel good, oh my god, they feel good. I don't think they work well, that didn't work 27 hours later on the microphone and it tastes exactly the same.
inventing new snacks candy science experiment fv family will it freeze dry

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inventing new snacks candy science experiment fv family will it freeze dry...

Let's add some new things in the second round. We're testing things with low humidity, almost dry, so let's see how they freeze dry. AirHeads Airhead Pockets yeah, pretend like you've never had it before, okay this is great, oh you want to try a bite, she's like, oh you don't know what I'm sweet, I'll eat it, what's up, you guys want to see the Skittles Skittle Time Boom, these kids are working, look at this one, what the hell, oh, oh, okay, it's like a zip pop, hey, it's so delicious and so pretty. Skittle I thought maybe Captain Crunch berries were dragon's breath, but they're not Marty's.
inventing new snacks candy science experiment fv family will it freeze dry
It doesn't work bro so far the Airheads the bottom of the gummy rubber sharks and oh lifesaver oh I did it you tried don't say it I gave you one wow what's your first fake reaction? That's mine, bro, you like the Olympics, okay? candy oh poop Jolly oh my god oh look at the smoke oh my candy M MS foreigner oh my god that's so good do you like Eminem oh my god wait for someone to take my gum okay and the count of three go see him bye I have two Damn, there's nothing foreign about you.
inventing new snacks candy science experiment fv family will it freeze dry
I'm a German phone and when adults see most people they say okay I didn't touch it bro let me let me let me educate you all humans bro no one cares no if it's a dog . come up again snitch right here they project their germs like eight feet oh that's good we're all claiming a sink okay wait I need to claim a sink wait well they picked the first foreign pop rock sink didn't they Well? here we go oh yeah ice cream sandwiches astronaut food baby honest answers just how many old people saw the video when it first came out of Lex eating these it's like a real cookies and cream sandwich honest answers just here we go Freezing us, oh my foreign Chase is in VR he doesn't even know it oh no, oh my god I love them more I'm sorry, I'm sorry, how many ice creams are out, healthy


this time and some in 28 hours, it will be better They are bomb strawberries, they are peach rings, they are a normal peach ring. little Beetra oh my god, oh my god, why does the peach ring look like a peach underneath like a cut?
Peach booty oh the bottom has a different texture than the top yeah yeah this breaks really easy the top is hard guys listen to my new superpower. I can make a sound oh hello chew this it's going to break your teeth it's like Mars Capone what's that thing called marsupial meringue there it's okay I like to laugh I like Laffy Taffy but I don't like regular Taffy ow ow I heard it tastes good freeze dried I'm liking it no, if you don't like soft tap water, you won't like this either.

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